As a child, many would like to have their own microscope. Not all students are lucky to work in the classroom with good technology. Many school instruments had poor quality focusing. It was necessary to constantly adjust the light, and it was problematic to see the image in detail. Modern children are more fortunate - now there are a sufficient number of models of high-quality microscopes in stores. You just need to choose the right one, using the rating of the best microscopes for schoolchildren and students.
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Most toy microscopes, while expensive, are of poor quality. The quality of the picture in such a device is so low that the child quickly loses interest in it. And in some models it is impossible to see anything at all. Therefore, you need to choose a high-quality microscope from school or professional models.
A microscope is useful for a school-age child if he is seriously engaged in the study of biology or chemistry and plans to further connect his life with these sciences. For future doctors, chemists and biologists, it is necessary to have a microscope at home. In this case, the high costs of assembling the entire set of necessary equipment will be fully justified.
When choosing a microscope, it is necessary to take into account many factors, and not focus solely on the price of the device. At the same time, it makes sense to study thematic forums on the Internet and visit several stores selling optical equipment.
The microscope may have digital or optical magnification.At the same time, you need to pay attention to the latter, since digital simply increases the size of the picture, but does not add any new details. A child who is seriously engaged in science needs a microscope with a magnification of 1000 times.
If a schoolboy or student has poor eyesight, then it would be preferable to buy a model that includes diopter adjustment. Such microscopes can correct the image for vision from -5 to +5. This feature makes working with the microscope much more convenient - you do not need to use glasses.
Not all microscopes are fine-tuned. But in order to get a really good and high-quality device, it is worth looking for a microscope with fine tuning on sale.
Even if the description of two microscopes is very similar, but the price is significantly different, you need to choose a more expensive model. This is due to the fact that more expensive devices have high-quality lenses with the ability to adjust the diopter. In addition, expensive microscopes are usually binocular, that is, you can look into them with two eyes. This greatly reduces eye strain.
Cheap microscopes are usually equipped with low-quality optics. Therefore, you need to buy the most expensive model possible.
Modern optical devices are equipped with LED-backlight or halogen:
Although LEDs are a little more expensive, it is better to buy a microscope with this illumination option.
In modern conditions, it is important not only to see the image yourself through a microscope, but also to be able to transfer the image to a computer. This will make it possible to supply reports and other scientific papers with unique images. In addition, it is much more convenient to view the image on the screen.
Microscopes equipped with eyepieces allow you to display the image on the monitor in real time. To do this, the video eyepiece is installed instead of the usual eyepiece in the tube. The camera can be purchased separately, but some microscopes already come with it. Such devices will cost several thousand rubles more.
Observation through a microscope can be carried out in a bright or dark field. To do this, you need special lenses. Usually dark lenses are not required. Therefore, you need to buy them only if special experiments are carried out.
When buying the most inexpensive microscope of good quality, you can meet the amount of up to 10,000 rubles. At the same time, several color filters, a dust cover and immersion oil are included with the device itself.
Everything else must be purchased separately. You will also need a set for micropreparations. They can be ready-made, different topics.
You will also need to buy a microtome to make thin sections. It eliminates the need to do the work with improvised means.
You will also need coverslips and glass slides. You need to choose sets of glasses of good quality, they best match the wavelength of light.
This microscope is suitable for the youngest connoisseurs of natural sciences, but it cannot be used for serious research.It has a good quality body, a comfortable monocular, LED illumination and a three-lens revolving device, which makes it possible to comfortably hold the device in your hands.
The device comes with safe plastic coverslips and object imitations of glasses, tweezers, and several preparations. There is also a microtome, which allows the child to make their own preparations for observations. There is also a special stand for a smartphone, which allows you to create high-quality observation photos.
The price of a microscope is an average of 3600 rubles.
This device is suitable as a first microscope for a first grader. It has double-sided illumination of LEDs from below and from above. This makes it possible to consider both slices of small thickness and larger objects. Also in the set are preparations for experiments, including several interesting samples for observation.
The average price of such a device is 3500 rubles.
A high-quality simple microscope is suitable for school work. A revolving device is used to adjust the magnification. There is a double-sided backlight and an iris for better image quality. The body is made of metal alloy.The microscope comes with various preparations for observation and a manual on how to use the device.
The cost of such a model is 6500 rubles.
This device is quite simple, but of excellent quality. It can be used to get acquainted with the microworld for a schoolchild. The light source is a special mirror with a disk with diaphragms for adjusting the luminous flux. The highest magnification is 200x. The lens is achromatic, which minimizes distortion. The body is made of metal alloy.
The cost of such a device is 3700 rubles.
The classic version of the educational device that allows you to carry out scientific research work. The device gives an excellent magnification from 400 to 1600 times, which makes it possible to see the cellular structure and observe bacteria. The microscope is equipped with high-quality optics, a metal body and classic mirror illumination.
The cost of such a model is 6000 rubles.
This classic device makes it possible to observe preparations using the bright field method. With this educational model, students learn how to properly handle a microscope and how to set up the best illumination with mirrors.The highest magnification is 800x, which is sufficient to examine the structure of cells and microbiological preparations.
The cost of such a microscope is 4300 rubles.
This stereoscopic device does not require the manufacture of special transparent preparations for studying objects using a bright field. With its help, you can view fairly large objects in one piece. The lens has a double magnification and eyepieces with 20x magnification, which makes it possible to thoroughly study objects. To obtain a clearer picture, LED backlighting is used.
The cost of this model is 3700 rubles.
This device can work like a traditional monocular microscope, but if desired, you can use the camera that comes with the kit and create photos of preparations. There is a backlight operating from the mains or from batteries. Among the components are several accessories in a special bag. The microscope gives a strong increase, which guarantees the possibility of using it not only for schoolchildren, but also for students.
The average cost of such a microscope is 15,500 rubles.
A high-quality digital device that allows you to create pictures and videos of the drug in question and send them to a computer. With a significant increase to work with the drug on the stage, it is possible to use the preparation driver. The backlight can be either a classic mirror or a built-in lamp.
To focus, coarse adjustment screws are used. The device works both from a network, and from batteries. Optical magnification is 400x, but in digital format this parameter reaches 1600x.
The microscope comes with a storage case, flasks, a brochure with explanations, slides, tweezers, prepared slides, microtome.
The average price of the device is 23,000 rubles.
This model is designed for school students, as well as learning at home. In addition, it is used as an auxiliary tool in specialized schools, medical and biological circles for children and adolescents.
Features of the tool - the light source used (mirror), which does not require the use of electricity, which is especially important when in the field. With it, you can observe preparations in transmitted light in a bright field, study stained and unstained biological objects in the form of smears and sections.
Description of the microscope: the device is designed for a tube length of 16 cm, RMS standard objectives with a perifocal height of 3.3 cm.a simple optical design and achromatic optics together provide decent quality at a low cost. On both sides of the tripod there are coarse and fine focusing knobs that provide precise adjustment of image sharpness at high magnification.
The mirror has two reflective surfaces: one of them is concave (used in some cases to increase the illumination of the object), the other is flat.
The stop and spring frame at the 40x lens protect the front lens of the lens and the object from mechanical damage.
The greatest concentration with the object allows you to achieve a disk with a set of diaphragms. Due to the high-precision manufacturing of parts and high-quality assembly of the unit, it is possible to examine the sections of the preparation that are of interest to the student and not lose it from the field of view when changing the lens.
The average price is 4470 rubles.
Design features: inverted unit type; built-in illuminator on 3 AA batteries, the ability to use a camera (video eyepiece) to display an image on a personal computer screen (purchased separately).
Inverted models have an inverted optical system. The observed sample is illuminated from above, and the objective is located at this time under the table, the observation of the sample is carried out from below.
The design allows you to explore living biological objects that are in a Petri dish or flask. The lighting system is designed to work with laboratory glassware 5 cm high. The lenses are endowed with an increased working distance, which allows viewing the material in special dishes, in which a bottom thickness of up to 1.1 cm is allowed. Biological objects fixed on a glass slide can also be studied.
Sphere of use: schools, lyceums, preschool educational institutions, home conditions, universities.
The main advantages of the microscope:
The average cost of the device is 5340 rubles.
Design features: 5.0 MP camera, USB, LED backlight, table with markings, ergonomic shape.
This 10-300x digital device is a professional type microscope, which is suitable for hobby, teaching, surface inspection in production. It is equipped with a tripod, adjustable holder-stand, detachable camera, LED backlight with adjustable brightness.Thanks to the supplied software, the user can take photographs of objects under study, shoot videos and make high-precision measurements of angles, radii and linear dimensions of objects of interest with an accuracy of 0.01 mm.
The device can be useful for detecting defects, when carrying out small and precise repairs, for example, soldering or cutting tracks on printed circuit boards.
The microscope works on the principle of a digital camera, connected to a computer via USB 2.0. It is compatible with operating systems such as Win7, Win8, Win10, Mac. All recorded recordings (photos, videos) remain in the computer, in the future they can be edited, archived, sent via e-mail and "apply other operations in relation to them."
Design specifications include:
Note! The parameters of the field of view depend on the magnification, which is achieved by changing the distance from the lens to the object under test. Sharpness is induced using the focusing ring on the body.
The average price segment is 6190 rubles.
This digital device does not at all resemble a familiar microscope.It has an LED backlight and a special screw for adjusting the sharpness. There is a camera with which you can take photos and videos and transfer the image to the monitor.
The average cost of this microscope is 1700 rubles.
An optical microscope for children 8-16 years old with a monocular head will become an indispensable tool in studying the detail of the world of living organisms and chemicals. The device operates in 3 magnification modes: 100/300/600 times, can illuminate the instrument table using a mirror or its own backlight, which operates offline from AAA batteries (2 pcs.) and is located at the bottom of the structure. Thanks to special clips, the design is easily and firmly attached to the desk and home table.
The frame is made of metal, glass and plastic, the optics are made of special plastic, the focus is coarse, the research method is a light field.
The delivery set includes: the device itself, instructions, a magnifying glass, 12 coverslips and labels, respectively, 4 slides, two bottles for reagents, a prepared slide and a slide for preparation.
The price of this device is from 1100 rubles.
This microscope is recommended for inquisitive children as the first device that will help develop their scientific talents, show the mysterious and exciting microcosm.It is intended for studying transparent images (observation of ready-made slides is recommended).
The device does not cause difficulties in conducting research, does not require special skills. The package already includes a couple of samples that you can immediately examine; slides, coverslips, specimen preparations and pipette.
Experimental observations can be carried out in good (daylight) and poor lighting, as the design provides for built-in illumination. A mirror and an incandescent lamp (battery operated) act as a light source.
The revolving device is already equipped with three lenses that magnify the object of study 100/200/300 times. Sharpness adjustment is adjusted using the focus wheel.
The body is made of durable plastic, the object table has special metal clamps for fixing micropreparations. The nozzle is a monocular, the optics are made of optical plastic.
Important! The unit is not compatible with Levenhuk digital cameras as the eyepiece tube diameter is 17mm.
The cost of goods from 960 rubles.
A new generation microscope for high school students and digital type with a USB connection with a swivel head, top-mounted LED illumination and a magnification of 50-500x. A bright field is used as a research method.
The body of the product is made of plastic, equipped with optical plastic optics, has small dimensions - 3.5 / 11 / 3.5 cm. Working distance - 20 centimeters.
The camera has a resolution of 2 minix, a photo of 480 by 640 pixels. The kit includes a microscope, a metal stand, a calibration plate, a disk with software, drivers and instructions.
The average cost of the product is 2490 rubles.
Among the range of optical instruments, new items are constantly appearing. Therefore, choosing the right microscope is not difficult. Younger students will enjoy simple models with many accessories. High school students and students will need devices with high-quality optics, which make it possible to examine the drug in detail.