
  1. Appearance
  2. The screen you dream of
  3. camera with two eyes
  4. Characteristics, functionality and filling
  5. Equipment
  6. Sounds of music
  7. Disadvantages vs Advantages
  8. conclusions

Smartphone Samsung Galaxy Note8 - advantages and disadvantages

Smartphone Samsung Galaxy Note8 - advantages and disadvantages

A smartphone of which company will be a true friend and the best assistant in business and entertainment? How to choose the best device manufacturers in 2018, if there are a huge number of popular models of the most diverse functionality and attractive prices on the market? This article will discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of the Samsung Galaxy Note 8, a worthy flagship of a large company from South Korea.


What is the first thing that catches your eye and is evaluated instantly? Smartphone design.

Thought out to the smallest detail. With strict sharp corners.He literally betrays in his master a man of business and loving order. Resembling outwardly its predecessor Samsung Galaxy s 8+, the “little brother” is a lot different. First of all, the lack of screen roundness, which is present in both models of the "eights" of the S series.

Particularly picky users complained about the “slipperiness” of the device, which should be handled very carefully. For the safety of your smartphone and your own nerves, it is better to immediately purchase a protective case. It's calmer with him.

S Pen

Buying a model from the Note line, if you are not interested in their proprietary stylus, is pointless.

Many Note8 fans admitted that it is the presence of a stylus-pen that determines their preference and the popularity of the model in their personal rating.

Now a little about the capabilities of the famous S Pen.

The pen reads as many as 4096 levels of pressure, and slides across the screen without any problems. There will be no unpleasant feeling, as if a solid object is scratching on the glass. Samsung engineers thought about this and took into account the preferences of consumers. Now the stylus moves very smoothly and naturally. As soon as the stylus is removed from the slot, a list of applications for it appears on the screen. There are even coloring pages.

With the S Pen, it's easy to let your inner artist out, because drawing with it is pure pleasure.

The Google Play Store has a large number of apps built for the pen. With their help, you can literally make beautiful and bright sketches right on the phone screen in just a few minutes, imagining it with an easel. The stylus will appeal to those who have always dreamed of drawing, but various circumstances prevented this. Now there are no barriers to creativity.

The stylus will also help out when you urgently need to write down important information, but there was neither a diary nor a pen at hand. With the Note8, you can write notes even when the screen is off. Remembered that the cat was not bought food? Write on the screen. The pet will be full, and the treasury of Note8 advantages will be replenished. This is a real digital notebook, the pages of which are endless. When the screen is off, only 100 patterns can be saved. Then the display will have to turn on.

Feather - translator

The smart stylus can recognize handwriting. To get the translation of the phrase or word you are interested in, you just need to hold it down on the screen. If the site is in English, we point to the unfamiliar word “magic pen” and get an instant translation. This works not only with plain text, it will work great with a sign or any picture. First, you just need to take a photo.

The S Pen is hard to lose and impossible to forget.

Losing the stylus is almost impossible. If you have gone somewhere with your phone, and the stylus is left alone on the table, it doesn’t matter. The smart S Pen sends a notification to the phone that the stylus has been removed from the smartphone. Therefore, you can not be afraid of the loss of the pen.

By the way, under water the stylus also works reliably. If inspiration came during the swim, that's even good.

The screen you dream of

In 2018, it is no longer possible to say that the screens of the Samsung Galaxy s8 Plus and Note 8 are equal. Display Mate specialists have released a statement that the Note model has a 22% brighter screen, better color reproduction, and better viewing angles.

Whatever the ambient light, the picture on the display will remain clear. The frameless screen and richness of colors are present in full. It will be comfortable to both type text and take pictures with one hand.Note8 lies in the hand much more comfortably than s 8 Plus, despite a solid 6.3-inch diagonal. Added support for HDR 10.

The disadvantages of the screen are also present. The display does not respond at all to the touch of a finger under water. sPen handles this. Therefore, is it worth considering this feature as a disadvantage?

always on display

The Always on display feature, beloved by many users, has not bypassed Note 8. When the time is visible on the lock screen, the icons of missed notifications and calls are Always on Display. It is very convenient that you do not need to constantly unlock your phone so as not to miss important things.

Especially helpful in meetings. The only negative is that it reduces the battery level by about 10%. It's best to turn it off to save battery.

camera with two eyes

The most important advantage of Samsung flagships is the main camera. Both Galaxy Note 8 camera modules now have optical stabilization.

The world's first smartphone with optical stabilization on two lenses. The rear camera has "2 eyes" of 12 megapixels, the first (f1.7) and the second (f 2.4).

The good thing is that Sloumo slow and smooth videos that have gained popularity can now be shot with zoom, and not lose quality.

Speaking of sloumo. The disadvantage is that in this mode, you can not save the entire video, but only a small fragment by moving the slider with your finger. Again, if this feature is used infrequently, then this minus will not even be felt.

When a video is being recorded, you can safely enlarge the image, and the image quality will not be lost. The maximum size in which the video is shot is 4K. The second module is used for optical zoom.

Autofocus on the Note 8 is lightning fast.Using the "dynamic focus" function, you can blur the background in the photo, or individual fragments of the frame.

Front camera

We live in the age of selfies. Therefore, lovers of this type of shooting will like the Note 8 front camera, which has 8 MP, and in terms of aperture it is not inferior to the main one (f 1.7). Selfies are of very high quality, even against the light. Poor lighting is generally not a problem for the Samsung Note 8 camera. There is also the possibility of shooting video, 1440 -p, 30 fps.

Photos taken on a smartphone Note8

  1. How the rear camera takes pictures in the sun:

  1. How to photograph at night:

  1. Photo at dusk:

Wide-angle main camera, and the second narrow (distance 26 mm and 52 mm). Sharpness and lack of blurring is seen perfectly.

Characteristics, functionality and filling

Each user has their own selection criteria. Some look at reviews, others listen to the ratings of the highest quality smartphones. But the point that worries everyone is how much memory the manufacturer offers.


The Note8 smartphone has 64 gigabytes of internal memory.

There are models with 128 and 256 GB to choose from. It is possible to put a memory card up to 256 GB in micro SD format (it is better to choose a branded one from Samsung). The phone is equipped with dual sim, which means “two SIM cards”. There are only two card slots. You will have to choose what is more important - the second SIM card or the ability to expand the memory of the smartphone.

If the 64 gb version is selected, then only 53 will be available to the user, the rest will be occupied by the system.


RAM in Note 8 - 6 GB. System processes will almost always fill about 3.1 gigabytes. Despite the increased amount of memory (compared to the Galaxy s8 +, which has 4 GB of RAM), there is almost no difference.This can not be called a disadvantage, but it is also not attributed to the advantages.

The processors that are installed in the eighth Note model are of two types: Exynos 8895 and Snapdragon 835. Snapdragon equipment is not supplied to Russia. It is only for China and the USA. Russian users can only be content with Exynos 8895. Octa CORE: 4x core - 2.3GHZ and 4x core - 2.3GHZ. Exynos is pretty good, but the US version with Snapdragon is faster.

For fun

Galaxy Note 8 is good for games - it heats up slightly, toys do not slow down, they do not fly out. The device has support for the game mode, which, when selected, improves graphics, sound and performance for more fun from the game. The smartphone slowed down only when testing GTA San Andreas. And then, this is more of a GTA problem, not a device. So, tired of business and fuss, you can go through a couple of levels in your favorite toy with great comfort.


With the battery in Note 8, everything is sad. The battery capacity is only 3300 MAH, with such a screen diagonal it is not enough. Manufacturers can also be understood - after cases of overheating and mass failure of the Note 7 model, they are reinsured. But even the earlier Galaxy s 8+ has 3500 MAH.

Taking the phone off charge in the morning, at 6 o’clock, and with average use, you have to charge it already at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. For comparison, with the same use, s 8 + survived until the evening. The autonomy of Note 8, unfortunately, is not particularly encouraging.

The fast charging function is supported and quietly charged from the supplied charger in one hour and thirty minutes.

Operating system

In 2018, the old version of the Android 7.1.1 Nougat operating system was replaced by the brand new Android 8 Oreo, and even received several important updates.The firmware works smoothly and without freezes. But there is a small drawback - not all applications are optimized for the 18:9 aspect ratio. Lets hope they fix it.

Samsung's proprietary shell may not appeal to fans of "pure" Android, but there are other popular models for them. Everyone else will be able to enjoy a nice-looking shell that is very functional. You can customize almost everything, the interface is beautiful and neat. More is not needed.

Bixby button

The Bixby assistant button gets in the way for most users, and that's it. Because it has not yet been Russified, and there is no benefit from it - it is only pressed at the wrong time.

When Bixby starts to understand Russian, the benefits will increase significantly, but for now, you can reassign the button to another function. For example, transfer the inclusion of the camera there. Or Google Assistant.


In Samsung Galaxy Note 8, there are several ways to unlock:

  1. Using the face of the owner - users claim that it works most effectively.
  2. According to the retina - there are problems with recognition, especially in the sun.
  3. By fingerprint - you can add several fingerprints, it works well. Minus in the location of the scanner itself. Located in an inconvenient location, many users have abandoned this unlock method. With the impressive dimensions of the phone, not everyone can reach the scanner.
  4. Graphic drawing - the degree of protection is low, it is not recommended to use it.
  5. Without a way to protect - just swipe your finger across the screen. Anyone can access the data. It is better to choose at least the minimum protection.

Moisture protection

Note 8 is ready to withstand immersion in water for no more than 30 minutes, and even shoot a video or take a photo there. IP68 moisture protection guarantees this.


Together with the smartphone itself, the package includes:

  1. OTG - adapter to connect a flash card;
  2. Cable for connecting to a computer and charging;
  3. Charger supporting fast charging function;
  4. Tweezers for replacing tips for S PEN and the tips themselves;
  5. Adapter from MICRO usb to Type -s;
  6. Headphones from AKG;
  7. Interchangeable ear pads (three sizes).

Sounds of music

Samsung manufacturers and engineers did their best and, without succumbing to the provocations of competitors, left the beloved 3.5mm jack in the Galaxy Note 8.

Wireless headphones for this model can be purchased separately, for about 13,990 rubles for 2018.

Complete headphones from AKG sound no worse, the sound is at a very high level. Who likes bass, or wants to increase the lower frequencies - please. There is a built-in equalizer, which is configured in accordance with the wishes of the user.

You can download tracks to the media library even from your own computer, even from Google Play, which is preinstalled by default. The choice is huge, there would be a desire.

True, there is only one speaker. It's hard for him, but he manages. Manufacturers decided not to install dual stereo speakers. The sound is loud and clear, but no different from the s 8 +.

Samsung Galaxy Note8

Disadvantages vs Advantages

After a capacious review of the flagship Samsung Galaxy Note 8, all its pros and cons became visible. Let's list them.

  1. Screen. Diagonal 6.3; 2960 to 1440, 521PPi;
  2. Design and assembly;
  3. Ergonomics;
  4. Display;
  5. Memory and card slot;
  6. Iron;
  7. Heat;
  8. Games fly;
  9. Communication (no problems with signal interruption);
  10. cameras;
  11. Stylus;
  12. Interface;
  13. IP68 case protection.
  1. Slippery hull;
  2. Case material glass (dropped and broken);
  3. Autonomy of work;
  4. Sound;
  5. Unlock;
  6. Price.


The main competitor of the Note 8 remains the Samsung Galaxy s 8 Plus. An identical set of characteristics, only there is no stylus and there is no dual camera.

And if you can't see the difference, it's up to the consumer to decide. The price of Galaxy Note 8 for the fall of 2018 is 59,990 thousand rubles. On s 8 Plus 49990 thousand rubles.

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