
  1. Forms of classes in the pool
  2. Swimming pools at medical institutions
  3. Baby pools

Choosing a pool for children in Samara in 2022

Choosing a pool for children in Samara in 2022

Swimming is the most accessible sport. What can give water procedures to a child:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal system;
  • teach how to breathe correctly, because breathing is the main thing when learning to swim;
  • increase immunity, endurance.

Forms of classes in the pool

For most children, swimming in the pool is a pleasant pastime. There are various forms of obtaining water procedures. Individual lessons are conducted with an experienced children's instructor. Here are the parents, which inspires peace of mind for the baby. Of course, it takes some time to adapt to contact with a stranger.

You can choose water activities in a group when the mother is with the baby in the pool and participates in the process. The trainer advises and controls the entire process. This method of training has a positive effect on the psyche of the child, because the mother is always there.

In the children's pool, in contrast to the adult, the water is warmer, the depth is small and gentle water purification. There are specialized pools for kids, as well as groups, in the usual ones, for teaching swimming of all ages. There are several such establishments in Samara.

Swimming pools at medical institutions

Regional Clinic Hospital
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At the children's department of the rehabilitation SKOB them. Seredavina has the opportunity to visit three types of pools:

Age categoryLesson descriptionPrice
Babies up to a yearWellness treatments take place in a warm, comfortable bath. The instructor conducts the lesson in the presence of parents.The required course is 10-15 procedures, the price of one is 550 rubles.
children from six months to 3.5 yearstogether with one of the parents are engaged in the section "Mother and Child". At the same time, 2-3 couples are in the water, under the supervision of an lesson 420 rubles, subscription - 350 rubles.
children from 4 to 12 years oldare trained in a group of 6-7 people by experienced trainers.A single visit costs 420 rubles. subscription: for children under 7 years old - 280 rubles, for schoolchildren - 220 rubles.

Water procedures help the body recover after a serious illness, with insufficient physical development. Swimming has a positive effect on the condition of the spine, all muscles and joints.

What certificates children and parents need to visit the pool, you can check with the administration.

Address: st. Tashkentskaya, 159 tel. (846)956-12-60, (846)959-19-10

  • sessions under the supervision of an instructor;
  • classes for children from 1 month;
  • pediatrician consultation.
  • high price of a one-time visit

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ACC "Utyonok" (MSCh No. 5)

At the medical unit No. 5 in the children's center, babies aged from 1 month to 7 years old will be able to receive the necessary water procedures under the supervision of a pediatrician and learn to swim. There are two baths for babies: from 1.5 to 3 months and from 3 months to a year and a half. The water in the bath is comfortable +36 and is completely replaced after each patient. The center's specialists conduct classes according to a methodology that allows you to learn to swim at an early age, which helps to relieve psychological and muscle tension.

There is a gradual addiction to water, a massaging and restorative effect on the entire body. Within 9-12 months of classes, the child will learn:

  • stay on the water;
  • dive shallow;
  • swim under water for 7-8 seconds;
  • getting used to the decrease in water temperature.

2-3 individual lessons for 20 minutes are held per week. Children 1.5 to 3 years old are engaged in a group of 4 people for half an hour. For water procedures, permission from a pediatrician and testing are required. Before each session, the doctor examines the child. One lesson costs 345 rubles.

Children from 3 to 7 years old are engaged in two pools. Training is provided in the skills of immersion in water, jumping, controlled breathing. In a group of 6 people, the duration of the lesson is 30 minutes, the cost is 360 rubles. The price of procedures can be specified in detail by phone: 8 (846) 250-54-51

Center address: pr. Metallurgov, 56

  • teaching babies the initial skills of immersion in water;
  • supervision of a pediatrician;
  • not found

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Water center "Malysh" (MSCh No. 14)

Here much attention is paid to the filtration of water in the pool, which is carried out after 12 hours, by the method of filtration and disinfection. When cleaning, a water vacuum cleaner is used. In the center, they work with babies, both healthy and with various physical disabilities. In this case, the pediatrician recommends water temperature, duration and necessary exercises.

Early water procedures, swimming help to form the correct posture. Classes are conducted by a trainer individually with each child. The duration of the session is 30 minutes. One lesson costs 580 rubles. You can purchase a subscription.

Address: street, Novo-Sadovaya, 200A tel. +7(846) 234-08-33, +7(846) 994-80-90

  • pediatrician consultation;
  • quality water treatment.
  • high price.

Baby pools

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Family Center "Obereg"

The pool is 6x10 m in size and up to 1.2 m deep. Classes are conducted by qualified instructors in the presence of parents. The child will learn to be under water, dive, swim. A complete water exchange occurs every 7 hours. Cleaning is carried out using quartz sand and gravel. Water temperature +30, air +29.

In the locker room, parents can use the changing table, there is an arena. There are groups for children from six months to 6 years. The cost of one session is 400 rubles. You need a pediatrician's permission and test results.

Address: st. Lukacheva, 29 Tel. (846) 972-24-68

  • pediatrician control;
  • quality water treatment.
  • the presence in the pool of several pairs of parents with a baby.

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Children's pool

In the team of workers, only specialists with higher pedagogical or medical education, the coach has a swimming category.The pool team invites babies for water procedures, starting from 2 weeks of age. Infant swimming for babies up to six months begins with a warming massage. In a comfortable bath, a child is taught to breathe correctly, dive, work with arms and legs.

A baby under the age of one year is alone in the pool (without other children). Next to the instructor, mom. You can choose to be in the water with the child only the coach or mother. Group sessions available:

Age categoryLesson descriptionPrice
From 10 months of agethe child will be able to practice in the pool with a multi-level water filtration system.subscription 5 - 2500 rubles.
the first lesson - 300 rubles.
one-time - 600 rubles.
group: 2 children - 800 rubles, 3 kids - 1200.
children under 4 years oldmothers with children and a coach in the waterThe cost of a subscription for 5 lessons is 2500 rubles, the first lesson is 300 rubles, a one-time lesson is 600 rubles.
children from 4 to 7 years oldkids with instructorThe cost of a subscription for 5 lessons is 2500 rubles, the first lesson is 300 rubles, a one-time lesson is 600 rubles.

You can choose individual lessons with an instructor or group lessons. After swimming, kids can play in the children's room, where toys for all ages are collected. The staff offers tea for parents. Free Wi-Fi is available in the pool area.

Address: st. Tukhachevsky, 50A Tel. 231-29-31

  • water procedures for babies from 2 weeks of age;
  • qualified specialists, trainers;
  • price.

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Children's pool "OLE"

Here everything is provided for a pleasant pastime. There is a special room with toys in which the child will wait for his session in the game. The dressing room has underfloor heating, lockers and a bathroom.With a baby up to 3 years old, a mother can be present in the pool along with a coach. Children like to splash around in the water among the colorful toys.

With children aged 3-7 years, group classes are held with a trainer. The session lasts 30 minutes. The cost is 800 rubles. A nice bonus: in the period from 14.30 to 16.00 a discount is provided. You can save money by subscribing.

For classes in the pool for children, a pediatrician's certificate and test results are required. Adults bring the conclusion of a dermatologist.

  • cozy atmosphere, friendliness of the staff;
  • professional specialists;
  • cleanliness in the room, in the pool.
  • high price

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Children's Swimming Center

The center conducts group swimming lessons with babies, which include: massage, gymnastics, aqua gymnastics with diving. Before water procedures, the child is recommended to sleep and feed an hour before the session. After class, the baby will be able to relax and eat, there is a special room for this. Bathing is carried out in individual baths with an instructor.

The duration of the session is 50 minutes. The cost of a single visit in a group (max - 4 children) - 800 rubles. When buying a subscription, depending on the number of sessions, the amount varies.

The center provides classes in the pool, which include: massage, gymnastics, swimming. A one-time visit for 50 minutes costs 1200 rubles, lasting 30 minutes - 800 rubles. The center provides different types of pool visits:

  • two mothers and two children;
  • mother with two children, one is an instructor;
  • mom, dad, children lesson 1 hour;
  • mother with a baby without an instructor, surcharge for a trainer 250 rubles.

Children are cared for by workers with medical education and relevant certificates.A multi-level system is used for water purification: a quartz-sand filter, ultraviolet treatment and ozonation. The level of chlorine does not exceed 0.3 mg.

Address: st. Lukacheva, 10 tel. 8(927)731 06 77

  • qualified specialists;
  • a large selection of types of visits;
  • flexible payment system.
  • not found.

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Swimming pool "Lokomotiv"

The Lokomotiv pool has 6 lanes of 25 m each, with a depth of 1.2 to 5 m. Water is purified using hypochlorite.

For kids there is a small pool 3x3 m. From 8 months to 3 years the child swims next to his mother under the supervision of an instructor for half an hour. For children aged 5-7 years, swimming is taught only with a coach.

The cost of one session is 250 rubles. When buying a subscription, the cost of one lesson is 190 rubles.

Address: st. Agibalova, d. 7 Phone: (846) 303-24-01, 303-25-69

  • baby activities with mom.
  • there are negative reviews about the staff.

Almost in all the city's pools there are groups for teaching swimming to children of preschool and school age. To visit, you usually need only a certificate from a pediatrician. Here is a list of some:

  • Sports and recreation complex "Chaika" SSEU. The pool has 8 lanes of 25 meters. Among the services: recreational swimming, group swimming lessons, aqua aerobics. The cost of a single visit is 300 rubles. Address st. Soviet Army, 141 t.: (846) 933 88 88
  • There are two swimming pools in the CSK VVS complex - outdoor and indoor. There are 8 tracks in the covered area, 10 tracks in the open area, the length is 50 meters. There are swimming classes for children under 14 years old. All trainers are qualified professionals. One-time visit for children 200-300 rubles, subscription 150-250 rubles. Tel. 375-93-23, 375-93-36

Classes with water procedures have a positive effect on the nervous system of a child at any age.Older children are happy to visit the pool on their own. Samara has a large selection of such establishments. For recreational swimming, there are specialized pools at medical institutions, groups with qualified instructors in sports facilities. Choose and enjoy a pleasant pastime.

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