
  1. Why you need diaper cream
  2. Rating of the best ointments and creams for a diaper - 2019

Does the baby have a poppy butt? Choosing a special diaper cream

Does the baby have a poppy butt? Choosing a special diaper cream

Attention! The current ranking of the best diaper creams for 2022 is posted here.

Why you need diaper cream

A newborn baby is practically not protected from external influences. Its bones are fragile, the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract are just learning to digest food, and the skin is tender, tender, which is why it so often suffers even from seemingly insignificant things.

Some of the most common troubles that can happen to a baby's skin are redness, chafing, inflammation, and diaper rash in the diaper area.No matter how hard diaper manufacturers try to make diapers super absorbent and as comfortable as possible, none of them has yet managed to create completely safe models that would 100% protect the baby's skin from irritation.

Irritations on the skin of a child are of two types:

  • from the friction of the diaper itself on the skin. There may be a purely mechanical irritation or a reaction to the material of the diaper;
  • from exposure to urine or feces.

The consequences of irritation are very deplorable: the child is in pain, uncomfortable, he cries and sleeps poorly, tries to take off his diaper. The baby suffers, his parents, as well as the neighbors, who are pestered by the eternal cry of the child. Obviously the problem needs to be addressed.

And such a solution is a special diaper cream. It is designed taking into account the characteristics of children's skin, is the safest for it. Usually, such creams dry out the skin due to the content of zinc oxide.

According to their action, all diaper creams are divided into:

  • preventive. They are suitable for frequent use and are intended more to prevent skin problems than to eliminate the consequences. Can treat small chafing, small diaper rash;
  • medical. They can not be used constantly, but only in cases where problems with children's skin become serious.

There are quite a few manufacturers of such creams, and the question arises: which cream to choose? You still have to choose the right cream empirically - the child may have various allergic reactions to the components of the creams. The most important criterion is that the cream must fulfill its purpose. However, the experience of users of diaper products and their rating will help you make the right choice.

Rating of the best ointments and creams for a diaper - 2019

NameActionAverage price, rub
Tushi CreamTreatment1400
MustelaTreatment + prevention450
Dr. SantePrevention130
eared babysitterPrevention125
Johnson's babyPrevention125
Sanosan with panthenolTreatment + prevention375



This cream is designed not only for delicate children's skin, but also for adults. It heals wounds and inflammations, removes irritations, eliminates itching and discomfort in the skin. Nursing mothers can use the drug to lubricate the nipples if cracks or chafing appear on them. The action of the cream is aimed more at combating the consequences than at preventing ailments. The main active substance is dexpanthenol, and this is also the name of Bepanthen's generic, a cheaper analogue.

Average price: 250 rubles.

  • a wide range of applications: both for babies and adults. Such a cream is generally useful to have in the house;
  • there is a cheaper generic;
  • the cream is non-greasy, well absorbed, does not leave greasy spots;
  • fights infections and bacteria in places of irritation.
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Tushi Cream


Natural phytocream from the Israeli company Baby Teva. Jar, volume 50 ml. It has a complex effect on the baby's skin: it protects against wet irritants, soothes and heals chafing and diaper rash, eliminates inflammation, pimples and irritation. It fights bacteria, infections, prevents the penetration of excess moisture into the skin, has a pleasant, non-obtrusive smell. The cream is applied to clean, dried skin. In the composition - zinc oxide, lavender oils, medicinal chamomile and fragrant almonds, vitamin E.

Average price: 1400 rubles.

diaper cream Tushi Cream
  • Israeli quality;
  • exclusively natural ingredients;
  • complex action;
  • removal of excess moisture from the skin;
  • non-greasy, well absorbed, moisturizes dry or flaky skin.
  • high price.



A gentle cream with an extract of calendula and healing chamomile heals irritations and itchy diaper rash, heals small wounds and chafing, while not drying the skin.

Average price: 430 rubles.

diaper cream Weleda
  • the possibility of use from the first days of a baby's life;
  • natural ingredients;
  • no fragrances, and the natural aroma is pleasant;
  • soft and good healing effect;
  • can also be used to heal chafing on other parts of the body.
  • the tube of the cream is metal (aluminum), so it is not very convenient to use the cream;
  • not suitable for frequent daily use.

An overview of this and other care products from Weleda in the video:


The cream is very effective in eliminating the first signs of skin irritation. The composition is not completely natural - 19% are various chemical compounds, but they usually do not cause a negative skin reaction, but are intended to treat skin problems. The composition contains vitamin F, which maintains the necessary level of moisture in the skin, and shea butter, which perfectly regenerates the skin.


Average price: 450 rubles.

Mustela diaper cream
  • effective protection against diaper rash, prickly heat and chafing;
  • application from the first day of life;
  • the tube is plastic, the lid is convenient;
  • very good, balanced composition: both treats and prevents.

Even more advantages of the product - in the video:

  • high consumption of cream;
  • the shelf life is short;
  • The cream is very dense, it is difficult to apply it evenly.



The German company Bubchen produces very high quality cosmetics for babies. Young mothers choose the creams of this company for the real effects that they bring. The cream itself is quite thick, after application it creates a protective film on the surface of the child's skin and prevents the occurrence of various kinds of irritations. In case of already existing skin problems, it treats them quickly and effectively.

Average price: 250 rubles.

Bubchen diaper cream
  • completely natural composition, safe even for a newborn baby;
  • natural pleasant aroma;
  • very ergonomic release form: jar;
  • can be both a remedy and a preventive measure against irritations.
  • quite thick consistency - for uniform application you have to make an effort;
  • the cream is slowly absorbed.



This cream is more of an antiseptic and is aimed at restoring the skin in a short time with irritations, diaper dermatitis, burns, the formation of small wounds and scratches, rashes. Suitable for kids with sensitive skin. A noticeable result appears within 24 hours after application.

Average price: 360 rubles.

diaper cream Drapolene
  • high efficiency for healing and regeneration of the epidermis. Works even when other creams fail
  • pleasant consistency of medium density, delicate pink color of the cream;
  • handy plastic tube.
  • quite a lot of chemical compounds that can provoke allergic reactions.

Dr. Sante Baby

dr sante

It is noteworthy that the cream comes without any name, and on the packaging it is called “protective diaper cream”. This cream is rather prophylactic: it is recommended to use it every time you change a diaper - lubricate the inguinal and gluteal areas of the baby. The main active ingredient is zinc oxide, which removes excess moisture from the skin, which can lead to diaper rash. Production: Ukraine.

Average price: 130 rubles.

diaper cream Dr. Sante Baby
  • convenient form of release - a wide jar;
  • very affordable price;
  • contains no harmful fragrances, parabens, sulfates;
  • the consistency allows you to easily and quickly apply the cream;
  • absorbs well.
  • it is recommended to use for prevention purposes: in the treatment of severe diaper rash, the cream does not show itself in the best way - more effective healing agents are required;
  • the consistency of the cream is such that if it is in excess on the skin, it can roll down and cause trouble for the baby.



An excellent healing cream that heals various damage to the skin caused by wearing a diaper: diaper rash, irritation, chafing, calluses. Also, the cream can be used in the treatment of chicken pox, eczema, dermatitis, even bedsores. The action of the cream is aimed at the regeneration of the epidermis and epithelium. It is often not recommended to use, however, in case of serious skin problems, it is recommended to apply to the affected areas at least once a day.

Average price: 360 rubles.

diaper cream Sudocrem
  • convenient release form;
  • high efficiency in the treatment of skin lesions;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • eliminates itching and burning in the affected areas;
  • promotes rapid regeneration and restoration of the skin.
  • contains many artificial chemical components, including benzyl benzoate and paraffins. May cause allergies and skin redness;
  • thick consistency makes the cream absorb for a long time;
  • not suitable for frequent use - for example, for preventive purposes.

Video review on the use of the tool:

eared babysitter

eared babysitter

The domestic manufacturer, so recognizable by mothers by its bright yellow color, produces a huge line of products aimed at use in homes and institutions where small children are present. Products are divided into main (directly cosmetics for children) and auxiliary (hypoallergenic washing powders, dishwashing detergents).

The company did not bypass newborn babies, releasing a natural diaper cream. In the composition - zinc oxide and oils of natural plants - peach and calendula. The cream is more suitable as a preventive measure against diaper rash and chafing than for their treatment. Especially if the damage is very strong.

Average price: 125 rubles.

diaper cream eared babysitter
  • very affordable price;
  • convenient plastic tube;
  • easy to apply, well absorbed;
  • has a pleasant natural smell.
  • it is ineffective if the baby sweats strongly and abundantly - here you need to supplement the cream with another one, with a great therapeutic effect.

Johnson's baby

Johnson's baby

A popular foreign manufacturer of baby cosmetics produces a very high-quality diaper cream. Many years of experience of Jonson & Jonson, their focus on children's products inspire the confidence of young mothers. The cream applied to the baby's skin creates a protective film for the penetration of excess moisture and external irritants.At the same time, the cream has an average density, it is very easy to apply and spread over the skin. A distinctive feature is the reputation of the company and its prosperity: after all, the kits for young mothers given out as a gift in maternity hospitals include diaper cream from this particular company - the company can afford it.

Average price: 125 rubles.

Jonson's baby diaper cream
  • very affordable price;
  • comfortable consistency: the cream is not too liquid and not too thick;
  • suitable for frequent use;
  • effective protection against chafing and irritation;
  • high quality, perfectly matched composition, long-term experience of the company in the production of children's cosmetics.
  • the composition contains unnatural chemical compounds (including fragrance) that can cause a negative skin reaction;
  • not suitable for the treatment of severe diaper dermatitis.

Sanosan with panthenol


Another native of German production. Please note: the company has several diaper creams. Now we are considering the most effective one - with a healing effect (with panthenol). Perhaps, this cream can be called ideal in terms of functionality: it is suitable for both frequent use and for the treatment of skin problems. Panthenol and vitamin E, which are part of the composition, quickly eliminate the problems of inflammation and diaper rash, and talc and zinc oxide are able to create a protective film on the skin that prevents damage to it.

Average price: 375 rubles.

Sanosan diaper cream with panthenol
  • the cream is suitable for frequent use, while being effective in the treatment of existing skin troubles;
  • promotes rapid regeneration of the skin;
  • almost completely hypoallergenic.
  • a lot of cream.

In order for the baby to feel good, and the mother to be calm, it is recommended to purchase two types of creams at once: one has more preventive action, the other has more healing action (see the table at the beginning of the rating). If the baby is not prone to diaper rash at all, you can do without a cream.

Curious! In many regions of Russia, at the birth of a child, a young mother in the maternity hospital is given a gift set containing a small tube of diaper cream so that she can evaluate its effect if the baby is prone to diaper rash.

And, finally, about how to quickly eliminate diaper rash without the use of creams:

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