
  1. The best remedies for male potency 2022
  2. What means to increase potency are taken on their own?
  3. Folk remedies to increase potency.
  4. How to prepare safe herbal preparations?
  5. What improves potency or treatment without medication.
  6. Conclusion.

TOP rating of the best male potency products in 2022 with a description

TOP rating of the best male potency products in 2022 with a description

Age over 50 and in intimate life a complete calm? Do not despair! The best remedies for male potency will come to the rescue and strengthen men's health.

In the article, get acquainted with the top rating of the best remedies for male potency with a description of the components of the drugs, composition, advantages and contraindications.

According to statistics, 50% of the male population aged 45 to 65 suffer from erectile dysfunction and other sexual disorders. What does a man feel when there is a delicate problem? Failures of a sexual nature cause insecurity and panic, affect family relationships and work, and become the cause of an inferiority complex. What can be done to improve sexual health? Most men do not know how to behave correctly in this situation, which doctor to contact. According to surveys, less than 5% of respondents come to see a urologist or andrologist.Taking care of potency is taking care of health.


The best remedies for male potency 2022

At what age should the drug be used? It depends on the state of the body and is determined by the doctor.
How to choose the most effective remedy and how to take it correctly? Only the attending physician will advise.

The top ranking of the best remedies for potency includes both medicines and herbal preparations. The list will help determine the most effective, popular and inexpensive means.


Release form - capsules. They guarantee an erection, prolonged sexual contact, normalize testosterone. Biologically active additive. Recommended for men over 50.

potency booster Lovelace
  • in the composition of natural components;
  • enhance orgasm;
  • used in the treatment of prostatitis and chronic urethritis.
  • regular use of the course.


  • hypertension;
  • heart diseases;
  • insomnia;
  • taking the drug in the evening.

The average price is 1,150 rubles.

Cream "Health"

This is a natural drug. Increases sexual desire, helps erection, improves the quality of intimate relationships.

means to increase potency Cream "Health"
  • local application.
  • causes allergic reactions;
  • requires a course of treatment.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to bee products.

The average cost is 990 rubles.

Solomon vector

Herbal preparation. Release form - drops. Restore potency, prevent prostatitis.

potency enhancer Solomon's Vector
  • compatible with other medications;
  • does not affect the speed of reaction when working with dangerous mechanisms.
  • allergic reactions;
  • overdose causes a disorder of the central nervous system.


  • uncontrolled hypertension;
  • poor blood clotting.

The cost of the goods is 990 rubles.


Produced in capsules and drops based on vitamins and herbal ingredients. Stimulator of blood circulation, sexual sphere. It is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Erogan potency enhancer
  • safe drug;
  • prolonged action;
  • has a positive effect on the body as a whole.
  • Not identified.

Has no contraindications.
The average price of the goods is 990 rubles.


Medicinal product. The action is based on the PDE-5 inhibitor or sildenafil. An erection occurs half an hour after ingestion.

potency enhancer Vizarsin
  • use for impotence;
  • persistent erection.
  • to achieve a lasting effect, take at least 2 weeks;
  • has a side effect.


  • heart diseases;
  • with caution to men after 60 years;
  • age up to 18 years.


The same name inhibitor in the basis of the drug. Stimulation of blood supply to the penis, prolongation of erection. Efficiency - up to 6 hours.

potency enhancer sildenafil
  • erection stability;
  • good reviews from patients and doctors.
  • side effects from the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • negative impact on the organs of vision and the respiratory system.


  • individual intolerance;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Based on vardenafil. Promotes blood circulation in the pelvis and in the genitals. Action - up to 6 hours. It is taken by patients with diabetes mellitus.Safe drug in the treatment of impotence, minimizing side effects. The best drug from the pharmacy for potency. Efficiency is shown immediately. 6 hours is the duration of the effect.

levitra potency enhancer
  • fast-acting (within 15-20 minutes);
  • compatible with alcohol and food;
  • used by men of any age group;
  • does not negatively affect blood vessels, reproductive and nervous systems.
  • overdose - the cause of lower back pain;
  • incompatibility of the drug with other drugs for potency;
  • the possibility of arterial hypotension.

There are no contraindications.

The average price is 1968 rubles per tablet.

3rd place. Spray M-16

The composition includes extracts of guarani and L-arginine, which cause an erection and improve potency. It is applied externally, without side effects on the digestive tract and circulatory system. The effect is achieved within 5-10 minutes. The tool is suitable for all men.

potency increasing agent Spray M-16
  • enhances sexual desire;
  • affects the severity of feelings during sexual contact;
  • improves sperm quality;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • gently affects the prostate gland;
  • reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer.
  • allergic reactions and itching;
  • one-time effect;
  • difficult to buy at a pharmacy;
  • conflicting reviews about the drug.


  • hypersensitivity to the agent;
  • penis injury;
  • the presence of ulcers on the penis.

The cost is 399 rubles.

2nd place. Viagra

Advertised brand. Sildenafil analogue. Released by prescription.

How to take it correctly: inside, regardless of food, half an hour or an hour before sexual contact, drink water without chewing.Daily dose - 1 tablet. Action - within 40 minutes after application, duration - 4-5 hours.

potency booster viagra
  • prolonged erection;
  • use when there are signs of impotence.
  • reception is not compatible with the use of alcohol;
  • achievement of a one-time effect;
  • causes insomnia, headache, tachycardia.


  • high blood pressure, kidney disease;
  • chronic diseases;
  • deformed penis;
  • taking other drugs to enhance potency;
  • taking medications: erythromycin, ketonazole, cimetidine, beta-blockers, hypoglycemic drugs.

The average price is 654 rubles per tablet.

1 place. Cialis

Contains tadalafil. Used to treat sexual dysfunction. Increases sexual desire and erection up to 36 hours. Men respond positively about the drug.

Cialis potency booster
  • increases erection;
  • does not affect the composition of the ejaculate;
  • not addictive;
  • does not harm the health of a man;
  • works only when excited.
  • feeling of weakness;
  • increased sexual dysfunction;
  • negative effect of Cialis - up to 12 hours.


  • individual intolerance;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • risk of priapism.

The course of taking the medicine is up to 1 year, if necessary - 1 time per week. It costs 1139 rubles per tablet. The country of origin is India.

What means to increase potency are taken on their own?

For self-medication, natural preparations are used. Herbal preparations to increase the potency of men:

  • M 16 and Solomon's Vector;
  • Hammer of Thor and cream "Healthy";
  • Peruvian Maca and Alicaps;
  • Yohimbine and Erogan.

Chinese herbal remedies

To restore potency are trusted. Developed on the basis of ancient recipes and achievements of medicine. Safe. Improve potency, develop stamina, allow you to repeat sexual intercourse. Sold without a prescription, used at home as needed. Compatible with alcohol. Minimal side effects, no contraindications.

  • Tablets Tonify Yang

A quality product for the normal health of a man. Natural biocomplex for solving sexual problems: weak erection, premature ejaculation.

  • chongcao

Natural drug. The capsules are based on natural ingredients of plant and animal origin. It is used to increase libido, restore sexual activity and improve men's health. Solves the problem of premature ejaculation and urination. No contraindications. Used for hypertension and diabetes.

The best dietary supplements for male potency 2022

The list of means for stabilizing the potency of men includes dietary supplements. They are not medicinal products. Contains natural ingredients. Used for medical treatment.

Rating of the best dietary supplements:

  1. Yohimbine;
  2. Hammer of Thor;
  3. Tongakat ali Platinum;
  4. The strength of the deer;
  5. Alicaps;
  6. Vuka Vuka;
  7. Red root;
  8. Golden horse;
  9. Orgasex;
  10. Parity.

Dietary supplements strengthen the tone of the body, promote the production of testosterone.

  • as part of natural products of plant or animal origin;
  • practically without side effects and contraindications;
  • improve the condition of the body, the genitourinary system in particular;
  • undergo certification;
  • purchase at a pharmacy or on the Internet, dispensed without a prescription.
  • Not identified.


Contains natural herbal ingredients. Used to enhance male sexuality, normalize sexual activity. Applied with a decrease in potency caused by overwork, overstrain, depression.

yohimbine potency booster
  • absorbed by the body
  • burns fats;
  • sedative for the nervous system.
  • causes tremor, high blood pressure, headache;
  • a single dose does not give the desired effect. Take the course.


  • increased prostate dysplasia;
  • in diabetes mellitus interferes with the action of insulin, lowers blood sugar levels;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • depression.

Price - from 233 rubles.

Hammer of Thor

Drops for the potency of men on a vegetable basis. Favorably affect the pelvic organs, kidneys, relieve fatigue, increase libido. The composition of the drug includes an extract of marine invertebrates (littorins), an extract of northern moss and Antarctic krill, monkfish liver.

means to increase the potency Hammer of Thor
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • prolongation of sexual intercourse.
  • headache;
  • increase in pressure.


  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The average price is 700 rubles.

tongkat ali platinum

Based on extracts of ginseng and Tongkat roots. Increases the production of testosterone. Improves libido and stimulates blood supply to the pelvic organs. Increases sexual activity, improves sperm quality.

tongkat ali platinum potency enhancer
  • increase in male fertility;
  • use with a small dose of alcohol;
  • prevention of problems of the genitourinary sphere;
  • safe at any age.
    • individual intolerance;
    • use in a course (10 capsules).

Has no contraindications.
The cost is 1290 rubles.

The strength of the deer

A natural preparation based on the extract of deer horns and blood. Available in capsules. Favorably affects the body and sexual potency. Applied at the first sign of a decrease in erection.

a means to increase the potency Power deer
  • increased immunity;
  • cleansing of cholesterol plaques;
  • strengthening the endurance of the body;
  • positive effect on male power.
  • sale only through the Internet;
  • taking the drug for up to 2 months.


  • individual intolerance;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • admission by persons under 18 years of age.

It costs 900 rudders.


Includes components from Tribulus terrestris. The remedy is used in India and China to increase libido in women and men. Bodybuilders use the drug to increase sex hormones. Recommended for use in erectile dysfunction.

The preparation contains natural ingredients: extract of eurycoma, Domiana leaf and creeping palm. The dietary supplement enhances sexual desire, fights infections of the genitourinary system, improves the quality of seminal fluid.

It is used 1 capsule per day, in the morning, washed down with water. Duration of admission - up to 1 month. One-time use is possible. A single dose of two tablets is allowed for weakness and fatigue.

Alicapse potency booster
  • beneficial effect on the whole body;
  • the quality of sexual contact.

Disadvantage: allergic reactions.

  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart problems;
  • hypertension;
  • nervous excitability;
  • insomnia.

Price - 1775 rubles.

Wuka Wuka

Based on plant components (geeria retina, edible carissa, securinega virosa roots, tree heteromorphs, velvich triumphette). Stimulates hormonal processes, increases sexual desire, increases the duration of intercourse. Recommended for men over 60.

means to increase the potency of Vuka Vuka
  • not addictive;
  • treatment of prostatitis;
  • prevention of sexual disorders.
  • drowsiness;
  • allergic reactions.

Contraindication: individual intolerance.
Price - 1290 rubles.

red root

Natural remedy. Tincture. Contains components of the roots of the forgotten kopek. Known as a drug to reduce fatigue. It is used to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

potency enhancer Red Root
  • normalization of the urinary system;
  • erection strengthening.
  • allergic reactions;
  • headache;
  • redness of the face;
  • hypertension;
  • liver disease;
  • individual intolerance.

The average price of the goods is 270 rubles for 20 pcs.

golden horse

The constituent components are ginseng root, thistle leaves, seahorse, cat's whisker. An effective tool in the fight against male impotence.

means to increase the potency of the golden horse
  • stimulates the cardiovascular and central nervous systems;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • supports physical and mental performance.
  • diuretic action;
  • change in urine color.


  • atherosclerosis;
  • mental disorders;
  • increased blood pressure.

Price - 350 rubles for 20 pieces.


Complex of 8 medicinal plants. The tool restores erection and increases sensation during sexual contact.

means for increasing the potency of Orgazeks
  • increased sexual activity;
  • non toxic.
  • allergic reactions;
  • short-term action;
  • overexcitation;
  • insomnia.


  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • hypertension.

Price - 650 rubles.


Available in capsules and concentrate form. At the heart of the capsules is Eurycoma, the concentrate is Goryanka large-calyx. The composition of the drug includes ginger, pantocrine and yohimbe.

remedy for potency Parity
  • one of the best dietary supplements to increase potency;
  • improvement of reproductive function.
  • allergic reactions;
  • strong heartbeat;
  • ineffectiveness of one course.


  • individual intolerance;
  • hypertension.

Price - 507 rubles.

Medicines from a pharmacy.

How to increase potency and how to treat sexual disorders, only the doctor decides, choosing the most effective medications or herbal remedies. If there is not enough time to visit a doctor, choose the drug carefully, weighing the pros and cons: does the drug affect the work of other organs, how quickly it acts to increase potency.

The pharmacy offers drugs for potency.

  • Alprostadil injections

Recommended for complete impotence. The remedy awakens an erection. The medicine is given as an injection into the penis. It is used only as directed by a doctor.

  • affects metabolism;
  • stimulates the work of the intestines and bladder;
  • vasodilating action.
  • hypotension;
  • formation of hematomas at the injection site;
  • violation of the reaction rate;
  • swelling of the head of the penis.


  • allergy to the active ingredient;
  • allergic reactions to medicines, preservatives, dyes;
  • taking biologically active additives;
  • pathology of the penis;
  • priapism;
  • sexually transmitted infections.

Expensive drug. Price - from 340 euros.

  • generic dapoxetine

Used when there is a problem with premature ejaculation. The action of the remedy is to slow down the process of ejaculation.

Available in tablets. How to take the drug: food intake does not affect the medicine. Dosage: half or whole tablet 1-2 hours before sexual intercourse.

  • prolonged action of the drug - up to 12 hours;
  • It is allowed to take together with drugs, which include vardenafil, tadalafil and sildenafil.
  • body dehydration;
  • causes drowsiness;
  • affects the concentration of attention and the speed of psychomotor reactions.


  • heart diseases;
  • kidney failure.

The average price is from 99 rubles per tablet.

Generics - cheap analogues of expensive drugs

  • Viagra (850 rubles) - Generic Viagra, Gold, Suhagra, Kamagra, Sildigr (average price - 69 rubles)
  • Cialis (850 rubles) - Apcalis, Megalis, Tadadel, Tadalis (average price - 89 rubles)
  • Levitra (700 rubles) - Zhewitra, Lovevitra, Vilitra, Joyvitr (average price - 89 rubles).

Folk remedies to increase potency.

Bad habits, adverse external factors (environment, stress, depression, problems in personal life) are the reasons for the weakening of men's health. Having reached the age of 50, many men take folk remedies to increase potency, consider herbal treatments harmless compared to drugs. Before treatment with folk remedies, reconsider the lifestyle and eliminate the factors that gave impetus to the disease. Lead to a decrease in potency:

  • alcohol and its negative impact on men's health;
  • smoking.The chemical components that make up the cigarette adversely affect the production of testosterone.
  • Improper nutrition (excessive consumption of fatty and fried foods) reduces potency.
  • Stress, personal problems do not add to men's health.

Problems with potency occur in the presence of diseases:

  • diabetes,
  • epilepsy,
  • atherosclerosis and vascular disease,
  • inflammatory infections of the genitourinary system.

More about the causes of erectile dysfunction in the video:

The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of potency.

In the ranking of drugs for potency in men, there are ten popular folk remedies:

10. Eleutherococcus

It is rich in useful substances that enhance male potency. Central nervous system sedative. Inclusion in the diet for every day - prevention of male diseases, cheerful mood.

9. St. John's wort

Means for strengthening immunity, improving the potency of men. Decoction is recommended to use half a glass three times a day. St. John's wort is a fastening agent, so laxatives will be required.

8. Nettle

Used to increase potency. Helps restore erectile function, enhances libido. Used in the form of decoctions, infusions, added to salads. Nettle decoction improves metabolism and stimulates sexual function. Herbal infusion is used three times a day before meals, the recommended dose is one third of a glass. Contraindication - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A tincture of natural honey, nettle seeds, red wine (the proportions of the components are the same) is taken before sexual intercourse. The infusion improves erection, increases the duration of sexual contact.

7. Ginkgo Biloba

The plant is native to China.The components included in the composition improve blood circulation, treat inflammatory processes. The course of treatment is three months.

A tincture is prepared from the leaves of the culture. 50 g of Ginko Biloba leaves are poured into a bottle of vodka and insisted in a dark place for 14 days. Take before meals three times a day, 20 drops.

6. Thyme

Helps fight impotence. Selenium, which is part of the composition, produces testosterone, molybdenum - a stimulant of the sexual function of men.

5. Honey

Rich in zinc, vitamins B, E, necessary for the prostate gland. After drinking honey, drink a glass of warm milk for best results.

4. Ginseng

Stimulates potency. Helps support libido. Normalizes testosterone and erection.

3. Hop tea

An alternative to pills to improve potency. 1 tablespoon of hop cones is chopped, poured with boiling water, kept on low heat for five minutes. Consume three times a day for half a glass.


Pistachios, walnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds stimulate libido. In the presence of iron and zinc, which man's strength needs.

1. Ginger

Passion herb. Reception of means promotes improvement of blood circulation, expansion of blood vessels. Restrains the accumulation of cortisol, which causes problems with erection, tones the immune system.

Folk remedies to enhance potency are a great way to restore men's health.

The list of "grandmother's methods" for increasing male potential is wider, the most popular ones are mentioned.

How to prepare safe herbal preparations?

10 recipes to increase potency

Recipe number 1. Based on aralia

Grind dried roots by pouring 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. Store in a closed container in the dark. Shake from time to time. Strain after 10 days. Take twice a day before meals for a tablespoon, adding water.The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Recipe number 2. Based on ginseng

Pour 1 part of crushed ginseng root with 2 parts of vodka. In a closed container, keep in the dark for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Method of application: inside, before meals three times a day, 20 drops with water.

We take the tincture for a month.

Recipe number 3. Based on nuts

Mix chopped walnuts with honey in the same ratio. How to use: 30 minutes after eating, 2 teaspoons three times a day, washed down with milk. Taking medication for about a month.

Recipe number 4. Based on greens

Mix parsley and coriander in equal proportions. Grind.

Mix a tablespoon of herbs with food. Consume constantly.

Recipe number 5. Based on garlic

A kilogram of chopped garlic is poured with warm water in a three-liter jar. The closed container is stored in the dark for about a month, shaking every day. Dilute 1 teaspoon of infusion in a glass of milk. Take daily.

Recipe number 6. Based on onions

Pour 1 tablespoon of onion gruel with a glass of boiling water, incubate in a water bath for 15 minutes. Filter. Reception: 2-3 times 20 minutes before meals for half a glass.

Recipe number 7. Based on thyme

Tea is prepared using 3 pieces of dried inflorescences of the plant and 1 tablespoon of black tea. Pour boiling water, insist 7 minutes.

Filter. Add honey if desired.

Recipe number 8. Based on honey and aloe.

Prepare the balm. Take 500 g of honey and red wine (16-17 °). The leaves of 3-5 year old aloe are crushed, which is not watered until cut for 5 days. The ingredients are mixed, stored in the refrigerator for 5 days. Strain before use.

Take 1 hour before meals three times a day, 1 teaspoon.After a week, gradually increase the dose to 1 tablespoon. The course of treatment is a month. Break in treatment - 10 days. Repeat treatment.

Recipe number 9. Based on calamus

Grind 2 tablespoons of calamus root, pour vodka (150 ml). Insist for 3 days. Take 10 drops three times a day. Recommended after 50, 60 years.

Recipe number 10. Based on pumpkin

Grind pumpkin seeds. Add honey. Equal proportions of products. Reception: 5-6 times 1 tablespoon.


To stabilize potency and strengthen male potential, traditional medicine recommends baths:

  • With bay leaf

In a liter of boiling water insist 50 g of leaves. Pour into the bath. Add a decoction of chamomile. Take half an hour before bedtime.

  • With bay leaf (option 2)

The leaves are poured with cold water, insisted for half a day.

  • With a decoction of pine needles

Prepared from pine branches or cones. Pour in water and boil for half an hour over low heat. Insist 12 hours. Add to bath.

  • Contrast baths

Pour alternately hot and cold water around the pelvic area. The procedure takes 10 minutes.

  • With geranium and cumin oils

20 drops are mixed with 2 tablespoons of honey. Add a glass of milk or 5 tablespoons of cream and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. The suspension is poured into the bath. Aromatherapy increases potency, affects the active life of a man.

What improves potency or treatment without medication.

To increase potency, not only drugs are used, but also drug-free therapy. Rational nutrition, vitamins, outdoor activities and physical education have a positive effect on sexual health.

Nutrition in potency increase

Treatment of potency without drugs is combined with a diet.In the diet, there are products that contribute to the health of men. They are divided into harmful and useful. Coffee belongs to the first group. Replace with cocoa.

Protect potency from potatoes and pasta, muffins. Extra calories will not enhance male capabilities, but will hang like extra pounds on the hips and stomach. Sausages with E-additives will not improve sexual performance. The use of carbonated, energy drinks is the cause of the development of diabetes, heart problems, and obesity. Alcohol addiction leads to erectile dysfunction.

Available on the menu:

  • nuts, vegetable oils, oilseeds;
  • greens;
  • berries, vegetables, fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • fish and seafood, meat;
  • egg.

White mushrooms are used for sexual disorders. Recipe: grind 500 g of dry porcini mushrooms into powder, pour in 2 tablespoons of vodka, add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Add water to make a thick paste. Take twice a day for 1 tbsp. l. The prescription is for a course of treatment.

Let's not forget about water. We drink 1.5 liters of purified water per day. Remember: juices, soda, sugary drinks are not water.
Attention! To accomplish a sexual feat by a man, prepare a cocktail: pour peppers (red, black, chili, white) into a glass of tomato juice, add garlic, horseradish, mustard. Stir. The cocktail works for sure.

Important! We eat right all the time to increase sexual potential.

Vitamins for male power

Vitamins and minerals help strengthen the body and improve the functioning of individual organs. Contribute to the normalization of male sexuality, restore erection. Vitamin A - to strengthen the immune system, the resumption of intimate life.Source - pumpkin seeds and chicken yolk, cod liver and carrots.

Vitamin B1 - to stimulate cerebral circulation, endurance, normalize sleep. Found in pork, beans, bran and potatoes. Vitamin B6 - a stabilizer of the nervous system, produces serotonin - the hormone of happiness. Found in eggs and bananas, seafood and carrots, sunflower seeds. Vitamin B3 affects the activity of the brain, blood circulation. Beets, peanuts, sea fish are rich. Vitamin B9 is responsible for a normal sex life. Source - citrus fruits, hard cheese, parsley and celery.

Vitamin C saturates the genitals with blood, strengthens the libido. They use greens and tomatoes, cabbage and citrus fruits, rose hips and black currants, bell peppers. Vitamin D helps produce testosterone, which is responsible for erections and sperm quality. High content in dairy products, eggs and fish oil.

Vitamin E improves sexual health. Provides testosterone production and sperm maturation. It is obtained from wholemeal flour and bran, milk and meat, spinach and vegetable oils, nuts and seeds. Minerals: calcium and magnesium, selenium and zinc - contribute to the solution of male problems.

Physical education is a means to activate potency

Physical exercise helps to improve or restore potency. They normalize the blood supply to the small pelvis, improve the production of sex hormones, reduce the possibility of developing atherosclerosis, and improve male potency. Suitable for swimming, running, yoga, walking. Exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles. Not hard exercises. Perform circular rotations of the pelvis, tilts to the sides are within the power of every man.

There are specially designed complexes, one of these in the following video:

Rest is a means to stabilize potency.

If a man is tired or under stress, you can forget about sex. A decrease in sexual desire will negatively affect potency, so remember to get a good rest. Sauna and fishing, a trip to the sea or on an excursion, a trip to the forest for mushrooms and berries, recovery in a sanatorium. Not a complete list of how to relax and gain strength.


So, the article presented the top rating of the best remedies for male potency with a description. The choice of an effective drug to increase potency is strictly individual. Remember that the normalization of men's health is carried out in a complex way:

  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • regular sexual intercourse (an increase in hormones is the key to sexual longevity);
  • physical education and sports (regulation of blood circulation - a direct relationship with potency);
  • weight normalization;
  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • folk remedies;
  • proper nutrition;
  • drug therapy;
  • relaxation.

Be healthy!

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