
  1. Purpose of serum
  2. Proven Facial Serums
  3. What to choose anyway?

The best face serums in 2022

The best face serums in 2022

The environment sometimes has an extremely negative effect on the skin of the face, it ceases to be elastic and attractive when exposed to sunlight and ultraviolet radiation, it is also worth paying attention to bad habits and lifestyle. That is why it is necessary to properly and carefully care for the face of every woman. Serum for the face is a truly unique tool in the field of cosmetology, because it contains useful and nutritious substances. It has a beneficial effect on the skin and makes the face younger and more attractive.

Purpose of serum

The difference between a face serum and a regular cream is as follows:

  • high concentration of nutrients;
  • economical use;
  • for one time you need only a couple of drops of the product;
  • there are no fats;
  • air texture;
  • able to penetrate deep into the skin.

It is necessary to use the serum for the skin correctly, and you should be guided by some rules:

  • be sure to read the instructions and specifications before use;
  • apply only to clean skin;
  • the product is applied before applying the cream;
  • apply with massage and light movements;
  • it is not recommended to rub the cosmetic product too hard;
  • Serum can only be used as a course, you should not use it daily.

Proven Facial Serums

Aqua Mineral Optima Plus

Girls with problematic and sagging skin will definitely like the serum from the Israeli manufacturer Aqua Mineral Optima Plus. The cosmetic product has passed numerous researches in the field of medicine, as well as clinical trials. It contains ginseng extract and minerals from the Dead Sea, algae, lavender and other medicinal plants of natural origin. After applying the serum, the skin begins to shine and glow from the inside, its appearance is full of health. After using the product for several days, you can see a good result. After applying the serum with natural oils, the skin becomes moisturized and very pleasant. The texture of whey is a bit like a soufflé.

face serum Aqua Mineral Optima Plus
  • attractive packaging;
  • delicate texture;
  • excellent hydration;
  • even skin tone;
  • healthy face;
  • moisturizing;
  • unique components.
  • great cost.

The approximate cost is 6000 rubles.

Christina Bio Phyto

Serum from an Israeli manufacturer has a detox effect, so the skin is actively moisturized and does not face dehydration. The skin is nourished, all irregularities are corrected, the tone of the face improves and elasticity increases. The serum contains only the highest quality components, for example, caffeine, deionized water, minerals and vitamins, plankton extract.

The serum comes in a bottle with a pipette, so you can use the product economically. The liquid is very pleasant to the touch, it is light and slightly resembles a helium consistency. Consumers claim that you can see the effect of using a cosmetic product after a few days. Professionals also prefer to use cosmetics from this manufacturer. Serum is ideal to apply on the skin before going to bed.

face serum Christina Bio Phyto
  • economical consumption;
  • convenient application;
  • delicate texture;
  • excellent hydration;
  • detox effect;
  • elimination of the negative impact of the external environment.
  • great cost.

The approximate price is 2500 rubles.

Video story about this series of tools:

Ciracle Pore Control

Ciracle's premium cosmetic product is designed to get rid of acne. It penetrates deep into the pores and significantly cleanses and narrows them. The volume of the bottle is 30 milliliters and contains a dispenser. You need to use only one drop of serum, so it is practically not consumed. The composition includes only useful substances and components, laurel, willow bark, witch hazel and chamomile.They have anti-inflammatory properties, perfectly narrow the pores and cleanse them.

face serum Ciracle Pore Control
  • attractive design;
  • nice smell;
  • the sebaceous glands begin to work optimally;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • elimination of redness;
  • even skin tone.
  • high cost;
  • not sold in all stores;
  • It contains ingredients that are not of natural origin.

The approximate cost is 1300 rubles.


Spray from the manufacturer Evinal is considered universal. Serum can be applied directly to makeup or clean skin. The tool is very convenient to use, because it can be sprayed on the face at any time. The skin immediately changes, becomes more radiant and attractive. Serum has only positive reviews, everyone claims that it has an instant effect.

face serum Evinal
  • convenient packaging;
  • removal of traces of fatigue;
  • moisturizing;
  • profitability;
  • application at any time;
  • affordable cost.
  • only external action without deep penetration.

The approximate cost is 250 rubles.

Eveline Cosmetics Diamonds and Gold

Serum from the company Eveline Cosmetics has a rather unusual consistency. The manufacturer claims that the composition contains 24 carats of gold placers. The gel-like consistency actually includes shiny particles. During the use of the product, the skin begins to shine, it is moisturized and becomes softer. Consumers claim that with the help of serum you can get rid of dry skin. Perfect for use in the winter season. The package is designed for one season.

face serums Eveline Cosmetics Diamonds and Gold
  • can be used for any type of skin;
  • relieves peeling;
  • high-quality hydration;
  • shine;
  • delicate texture;
  • profitability;
  • affordable cost;
  • nice smell.
  • Contains ingredients that are not of natural origin.

The approximate cost is 250 rubles.

Vitex Ideal Whitening

The Belarusian cosmetic product is specially designed to remove freckles and pigment. It perfectly whitens the skin, makes the tone even. Also, the serum provides high-quality hydration, the skin becomes soft. The composition includes bearberry extract, which makes the tone even and radiant. After some time after application, the result becomes obvious, age spots disappear, the skin acquires a healthy color, there are no inflammatory processes.

face serum Vitex Ideal Whitening
  • whitening effect;
  • good smell;
  • delicate texture;
  • high-quality hydration;
  • radiance of the skin.
  • quickly consumed;
  • Contains non-natural ingredients.

The approximate cost is 150 rubles.

The result of using this series of tools is in the video:

Natura Siberica Absolute

Serum from Natura Siberica contains black caviar extract, therefore it is able to fill the skin with useful substances and minerals. The composition includes hyaluronic acid, which provides moisture and protection to the skin. Domestic serum rejuvenates the skin and removes mimic wrinkles. There are no harmful substances and components. The bottle contains a special dispenser, which makes the use of the product convenient. The serum has a lifting effect.

face serum Natura Siberica Absolut
  • attractive design;
  • economical use;
  • effective hydration;
  • natural ingredients in the composition;
  • beneficial features;
  • lifting effect;
  • acceptable cost.
  • difficult to acquire.

The approximate cost is 600 rubles.

beauty style

Cosmetic Beauty Style effectively fights aging, has a rejuvenating effect, improves elasticity, the skin becomes toned and attractive. Consumption: one drop during application. The effect can be seen in a month. The serum contains hyaluronic acid, which penetrates deep into the skin and moisturizes it, and also eliminates mimic wrinkles. Another notable advantage of the serum is that it does not clog pores.

face serum Beauty Style
  • profitability;
  • stylish packaging;
  • suitable for especially sensitive skin;
  • the presence of a dispenser;
  • skin restoration;
  • excellent composition;
  • moisturizing;
  • efficiency.
  • great cost.

The approximate cost is 1750 rubles.

Evalar Laura

Serum actively fights against wrinkles and skin defects. The composition of the product includes only useful substances and components that eliminate pigmentation, make the tone even and give elasticity. Hyaluronic acid actively nourishes and moisturizes the face. The package includes a mezozoller, which allows you to achieve the effect in a short period of time. The tool also allows you to do mesotherapy at home. The package is designed for five weeks.

face serum Evalar Lora
  • the presence of a mesoscooter;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • excellent composition;
  • positive reviews;
  • efficiency;
  • fighting pigmentation.

About the advantages of the tool in more detail - in the video:

  • great cost.

The price of the product is 1300 rubles.

Nonicare Rehydrating Serum

The cosmetic product from the manufacturer from Germany Nonicare contains useful noni juice and medicinal plants of natural origin. That is why the skin, when using the serum, is actively moisturized, the face is smoothed, the cells are saturated with oxygen and useful minerals. The product is ideal for extremely dry skin.

The serum is quite liquid, slippery and a little sticky. You should use it for two weeks, then take a break. Not suitable for permanent use.

face serums Nonicare Rehydrating Serum
  • there are no harmful substances;
  • acceptable cost;
  • pleasant texture;
  • the package includes a dispenser;
  • profitability;
  • cumulative effect.
  • small size;
  • stickiness.

The approximate cost is 650 rubles.

What to choose anyway?

Cosmetic serums are great for any age category, you just need to choose the most suitable one and follow the instructions when using it. The product cannot bring the effect instantly, so it is worth using it for a certain time. There is no need to purchase unknown funds so that the effect does not turn out the opposite.

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