
  1. Well-established pharmacy remedies for wound healing.
  2. What is the means to choose?
Top ranking of the best wound healing products in 2022

Top ranking of the best wound healing products in 2022

It often happens that when a wound appears, you want it to disappear as soon as possible. On the Internet, they write about many ways to heal wounds in a short amount of time, but often such advice is based either on the experience of traditional medicine, or on guesswork and prejudice. Wounds are healed really quickly and effectively by special medical preparations intended exclusively for this purpose.

Well-established pharmacy remedies for wound healing.

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The active substance of this drug is the B vitamin dexpanthenol (hence the name D-Panthenol), which, when interacting with the skin, is converted into pantothenic acid.

This chemical compound is one of the participants in the regenerative processes, as it activates the growth of cells that contribute to the rapid healing of the wound.

One of the main advantages is the form of release of the drug. Sometimes creams and gels can be inconvenient to apply to the wound, because touching it causes pain.

D-Panthenol is available in the form of an aerosol, spraying which is painless.

  • the preparation D-Panthenol really perfectly heals various skin injuries, such as wounds, abrasions, mild burns;
  • issued in an aerosol, enclosed in a vial;
  • spraying the medicine occurs evenly and painlessly;
  • when applying the drug, there is no direct contact of the skin of the hands with the damaged area, which prevents the infection from entering the wound;
  • D-Panthenol is great for children, as it does not cause discomfort;
  • It is not forbidden to use during pregnancy and lactation.
  • the high price of the drug, but it is justified by its medicinal properties.

Average price: 600 rubles.

votes 10

This famous wound healing ointment comes from the Soviet Union. It has been known for decades as a drug that can heal most wounds.

The active ingredient in Levomekol ointment is chloramphenicol. This antibiotic has a strong bactericidal effect. The drug should be used for a variety of skin lesions, whether bedsores or lacerations.However, there are caveats here: the ointment will not have the desired effect on contact with infected wounds, and also if the infection came from fish or meat.

The drug kills the most common pathogens: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli, as well as other pathogenic microorganisms.

The ointment will be useful for people with a weakened immune system that reacts poorly to emerging skin damage, because the active substances in its composition do an excellent job with this task.

  • Levomekol will be useful for people with weakened immune systems;
  • a wide spectrum of action, eliminates the vital activity of such microorganisms as Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus;
  • The compact size of the produced tube, you can carry it with you.
  • Levomekol will not be effective if the infection has passed through infection or direct contact with fish or meat.

Average price: 150 rubles.

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Damage can appear not only on the skin, but also on the organs of vision. Accidental injuries to the eyelids when cooking in boiling oil, while practicing some traumatic sports, inaccurate use of contact lenses can lead to serious consequences if you do not see a doctor in time.

Oftalmoferon is not a drug that has a direct effect on wound healing. After all, the organs of vision have their own patterns of wound healing.

These eye drops have a strong antiviral and bactericidal effect and relieve pain.The latter property plays a significant role in eye injuries, because it is equally important to get to the doctor on time, and with pain it is very difficult.

Ophthalmoferon is available in the form of eye drops. Children and some adults may not tolerate the procedure of instillation of something in the eye, but this is not a significant drawback.

  • the drug neutralizes bacteria, preventing the development of inflammatory processes;
  • starts the process of tissue regeneration;
  • relieves pain, so a person will be able to get to the nearest emergency room or an ophthalmologist in a normal state.
  • some people, especially children, are painfully endure the procedure of instillation of drugs in the eyes.

Average price: 250 rubles.

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This drug is used to get rid of scars of various origins and types. It is necessary that the scars are formed, but fresh, because old scars are difficult to remove. Dermatix is ​​also used to prevent the occurrence of these formations on the skin, for example, after surgery or with lacerations.

The active substance in the gel are silicon compounds of both inorganic and organic origin. They prevent the growth of tissues that form scars and keep the skin hydrated.

But the drug does not have a bactericidal or antiseptic effect: the use is recommended in conjunction with other drugs of similar action, if there is a risk of infection.

It is worth applying the gel with the thinnest layer, because when clothes touch the drug, noticeable stains remain that are difficult to remove.

  • neutralizes fresh scars;
  • prevention of scarring after postoperative sutures or lacerations;
  • inorganic and organic silicon compounds contained in the preparation maintain the water-lipid balance of the skin and slow down the growth of tissue that forms scars.
  • Dermatix leaves stubborn stains on clothes;
  • high price justified by efficiency;
  • It does not have any antiseptic or anti-inflammatory effect, so it should be used in combination with other drugs.

Average price: 2800 rubles.

votes 3

This wound healing drug is a real panacea. It has a regenerating, antiseptic, antiviral, protective and softening effect.

Eplan is used for various types of damage to the skin, including chemical, sunburn and acne.

A special property of the medicinal product is the possibility of using it for protective purposes in production. For example, when working in a chemical industry factory, you can treat open areas of the skin with Eplan, and then you won’t have to worry about getting dangerous compounds on it.

  • wide spectrum of action, universal healing properties;
  • low price;
  • compact package.
  • not available in every pharmacy.

Average price: 120 rubles.

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The composition of this wound healing gel includes the blood of healthy calves, purified from impurities and proteins unnecessary for a person.

Since calf blood is purified from proteins, the human immune system perceives the substance that has penetrated the skin as neutral, not posing a threat to the body. Thus, there is no need to send antibodies to fight it, and the healing process is many times faster.

The drug has a wide spectrum of action: it is used on many types of skin lesions, from bedsores to deep wounds.

It stimulates regeneration processes, has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, and also prevents the formation of exudate. It is this fluid that makes the wound wet.

  • a wide range of activities;
  • the absence of the possibility of an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • compact tube size.
  • clinical properties have not yet been tested in Russia.

Average price: 300 rubles.

votes 4

This drug is available in the form of a powder or ointment. Baneocin is used in the presence of pustular rashes, bedsores, wet and lacerated wounds. It has a bactericidal, healing and protective effect, prevents the formation of scars at the site of wounds. It can also be used for diabetes.

A feature of this drug is that it can be used to treat umbilical infections in newborns without harm to them.

It is not recommended to use Baneocin for large skin lesions.

  • has a good bactericidal effect;
  • can be used for newborns;
  • stops the inflammatory process;
  • promotes tissue regeneration.
  • possible individual intolerance to the components of the drugs.

Average price: 300 rubles.

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This is a unique drug with active ingredients such as silver and sulfathiazole. The drug is suitable for healing open wounds, scratches, abrasions, purulent formations, trophic and weeping ulcers.This cream contains silver ions, due to which it has a pronounced bactericidal effect. Argosulfan is suitable for the treatment of mucosal lesions.

Scope of application: legs, arms, face.

The drug is not recommended for use by women during pregnancy and lactation. When applied, various kinds of allergic reactions are possible.

  • silver ions present in the preparation have a pronounced bactericidal effect;
  • Argosulfan can be used for wounds, abrasions, ulcers and purulent abscesses and for damage to the mucous membrane.
  • not recommended for pregnant women and during lactation;
  • after application, allergic reactions on the skin are not excluded.

Average price: 300 rubles.

Get on with it.
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This is a children's cream designed to heal wounds and eliminate various types of hematomas. However, it is not suitable for large, deep and weeping skin lesions.

The cream is made from natural ingredients: sage, sea buckthorn and mint oils, as well as a complex of vitamins.

The drug relieves pain, and also moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

A feature of the drug is that it has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components.

heal up
  • the drug is suitable for children;
  • there are no contraindications (except for individual intolerance to the components of the drug);
  • natural composition;
  • not only heals, but also moisturizes the skin, relieves pain.
  • not suitable for too large and deep damage to the skin.

Average price: 70 rubles.

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A drug called Bepanthen is available in the form of a cream and spray.The composition of the drug contains dexpanthenol, which is also the active substance (as in the above D-Panthenol). As you know, dexpanthenol is a vitamin of group B, which has a regenerating effect.

Bepanthen is used to heal various kinds of skin lesions, to combat dry skin, as well as for preventive purposes.

  • suitable for women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • starts the process of tissue regeneration;
  • fights well with dry skin;
  • quickly heals minor wounds, abrasions;
  • also available in spray form.
  • high price, but it is justified by medicinal properties.

Average price: 500 rubles.

Vishnevsky ointment.
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Vishnevsky's ointment was known back in the Soviet Union and was used to treat burns, pustules and various kinds of ulcers. It has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

The drug penetrates deep into the skin, has an irritating effect, thereby healing the wound by luring out pathogenic microorganisms.

Also, this medicine is used to treat diseases of the anus.

Vishnevsky ointment
  • a tool that has stood the test of time;
  • has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and healing effect;
  • starts the process of tissue regeneration;
  • penetrates deep into the skin.
  • somewhat unpleasant smell.

Average price: 80 rubles.

Zinc ointment.
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This is a universal remedy for the treatment of various skin lesions, known since the days of the Soviet Union.

Zinc ointment is used to eliminate acne and acne, in addition, other bactericidal preparations are several times more expensive.

This drug has a pronounced bactericidal, disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect. Zinc ointment can also be applied to pustular rashes, even to psoriasis.

The only major downside to this time-honored product is that it dries out the skin too much. Therefore, it should be applied locally.

Zinc ointment
  • has a strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • many times cheaper than other drugs of the same spectrum of action;
  • can be used for acne or acne;
  • can be applied to pustular, lacerated wounds, abrasions.
  • greatly dries the skin;
  • somewhat unpleasant smell.

Average price: 70 rubles.

Radevit Active.
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This wound healing preparation combines both regenerating, bactericidal properties and a complex of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E (hence the name).

Radevit Active stimulates damaged skin to renew itself and at the same time disinfects them. Also, the ointment nourishes the skin, fights dryness and flaking.

The spectrum of action of the drug is very wide: it is used for various types of dermatitis, wounds and ulcers that have not been infected, burns and even psoriasis.
However, there are contraindications here: pregnancy and lactation, as well as individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Radevit Active
  • contains a complex of vitamins that nourish and moisturize the skin (A, D, E);
  • has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and regenerating effect;
  • used for psoriasis, cracks, burns, wounds and ulcers without infection.
  • high price, but it is justified by the medicinal properties of the drug;
  • should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Average price: 500 rubles.

What is the means to choose?

You should look at the state of your own health and the composition of the drug.

Every truly good medicine contains antibiotics to some extent. In addition, there may be allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the components of the drug, so you need to choose a wound healing agent after consulting your doctor.

Properly selected medicine will quickly help get rid of skin lesions without harm to health.

An alternative to pharmaceutical products can be an ointment prepared at home:


