
  1. How to choose the right pillow
  2. Pillow filler
  3. How to get used to an orthopedic pillow
  4. Top rating of the best orthopedic pillows
  5. Conclusion.

Top ranking of the best orthopedic pillows in 2022

Top ranking of the best orthopedic pillows in 2022

Sleep is an integral and important part of our life. Sleep problems can be detrimental to your health, so it's important to ensure that you fall asleep comfortably. An important role in this is played by the choice of pillow, because if it turns out to be wrong, complications with the spine may appear. The right choice of pillow, not only allows you to keep your back in order, but also makes it possible to enjoy a sound sleep, gaining strength in a dream.

A high-quality orthopedic pillow has one or more rollers, is made of elastic and safe material and is able to maintain its shape.

How to choose the right pillow

Thinking about which pillow is better to buy, you should give preference to one that will serve not only for sleeping, but will also be as useful as possible, that is, the pillow should be orthopedic. What does it mean? This is such a pillow that allows you to maintain the neck in the correct condition, which means that it will be possible to avoid the unnatural position of the spine.

From ordinary pillows, the development of such an unpleasant disease as osteochondrosis is easily accelerated, or muscle spasm can occur. Types of pillows can be divided in shape and content. The shape can be in the form of a wave or a familiar rectangle. But the shape of the pillow does not play a big role, the filling of the pillow is much more important, and it can be different: buckwheat, latex, polyester, viscoelastic foam.

Selection criteria should include characteristics. For example, if a person has broad shoulders, then a higher pillow will be needed, as a rule, the width of the shoulders should match the height of the pillow. Also important is the position in which a person is used to sleeping. If you are more accustomed to basking on your side, then you can calculate the parameters of the necessary pillow.How to measure the shoulder length for an orthopedic pillow? To the distance from the beginning of the neck to the end of the shoulders, you need to add a couple of centimeters, the resulting number will become the ideal height of the pillow.

Pay attention to the firmness of the pillow. For the same sleep on the side, a firmer pillow is recommended to keep the neck and head comfortable. If your favorite sleeping position is on your back, then you can pay attention to pillows of medium hardness. Well, a soft pillow can be purchased for those who like to rest on their stomach.

There are also memory foam pillows. Such a name, because the pillow correctly repeats the shape of your head and neck, remembers any position of sleep and adjusts. What are these pillows made from? They are made from high quality soft polyurethane foam.

Pillow filler

Pillows are filled with synthetic materials, natural materials of animal origin and natural fillers of plant origin. The choice of fillers is great and the variety confuses the question: "How to choose the right filler?". In the manufacture of orthopedic pillows, synthetic fillers or combined materials are usually used.

The main condition of these fillers is that they must hold their shape with high quality, be durable and not crumble. Pillows made of polyurethane foam perfectly distribute the load on the cervical spine. The shape, degree of rigidity and density of these pillows may be different, but one thing is unshakable - this is their service life, which reaches seven years.

  • Latex pillows are characterized by increased elasticity, in addition, they are elastic and remarkably take the desired shape. The structure of this filler is spongy, due to the pillow is perfectly ventilated. Sleeping on a latex pillow is pleasant, as sleep is deep on it.
  • Pillows made of buckwheat husks have a pronounced orthopedic effect. The natural filler of such a pillow provides an invisible acupressure of the cervical region and this is great for scoliosis, problems with the cervical spine and muscle strain. Thanks to sleep on such a healing pillow, pain and insomnia disappear.
  • Memorix pillows are one of the most popular purchases among buyers. Love for them is due to the amazing material, because memorix is ​​such an unusual polyurethane foam. The structure of the material is porous, has thermal sensitivity and is hypoallergenic. When the head is lowered onto such a pillow, under the influence of weight and heat, the pillow is pressed in, thereby adjusting to the size of the head and neck. The spine, while sleeping on a memory foam pillow, is in a relaxed state and sleep is sound.
  • Bamboo pillows will be a wonderful addition for both men and women and children. Bamboo material provides a comfortable microclimate, ideal humidity and excellent air exchange.
  • The silicone pillow is also in demand among buyers, and that's all, because its characteristics satisfy the needs. This pillow has excellent resilience, suitable for allergy sufferers and durable in quality. Such a pillow can, without any difficulties, be washed in a washing machine.

How to get used to an orthopedic pillow

At first, an orthopedic pillow can cause a feeling of disappointment, and this is absolutely normal, because over the years of sleeping on a soft regular pillow, addiction occurs, and the transition to a new pillow causes discomfort.

After about a couple of weeks of sleep, and sometimes even after a few days, a new addiction appears and with it, at the same time, a feeling of benefit from its acquisition begins. After it has become comfortable to sleep on an orthopedic pillow, and having noticed positive changes in the state of one's health, a person is unlikely to want to return to the old pillow.

Details on the criteria for choosing a suitable pillow - in the video:

Top rating of the best orthopedic pillows

12. Magniflex memoform comfort pillow

In tenth place in the ranking of quality orthopedic pillows is Magniflex memoform comfort. The filler of such a pillow is memoform, which is a microporous structure with a memory effect. The pillow is suitable for allergy sufferers.

Thanks to this filler, there is precise protection against dust mites and other pathogens. The pillowcase of this pillow is made from premium 100% cotton and has a zipper, so it can be easily removed and washed when it gets dirty. The average price is 8000 rubles.

Magniflex memoform comfort pillow
  • Ideal for allergy sufferers and asthmatics;
  • memory effect;
  • Relaxes muscles during sleep.
  • High price.

11. Orthopedic pillow with Fosta memory effect for a child

Taking care of the health of your child, you should pay attention to the pillow, which will provide him with a calm and deep sleep. The Fosta pillow is perfect for growing bodies. Its shape is anatomically thought out, it consists of two rollers, which allows you to support the head and protect the cervical spine. Filler - flexible polyurethane foam. The average price of a pillow is 1600 rubles.

Orthopedic pillow with memory Fosta for a child
  • The presence of a memory effect;
  • Caring for the health of the child;
  • Normalizes muscle tone.
  • Small size.

10. Orthopedic pillow Liomma Lum F-510 for travel

An excellent option for motorists and travel enthusiasts will be this pillow, which carefully supports the spine. Inflatable pillow. It is shown as a prophylaxis when cervical osteochondrosis is tormented. The average price is 370 rubles.

Orthopedic pillow Liomma Lum F-510 for travel
  • budget;
  • With anti-pressure effect;
  • Hypoallergenic.

May deflate quickly.

9. Orthopedic head pillow for newborns, Lum F-505

It is not necessary for newborn babies to have an orthopedic pillow, but there are cases when doctors, for example, a neurologist, prescribe such a pillow for a newborn. For this purpose, the orthopedic head pillow for newborns, Lum F-505, is wonderfully suitable. Its size is 23x25 cm. There is a memory effect. In the center of the pillow there is a miniature dimple for the baby's head. The filler is 100% polyurethane. The average price is about 1000 rubles.

Orthopedic head pillow for newborns, Lum F-505
  • Prevention of diseases of the spine;
  • The absence of any smell;
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Takes a long time to dry after washing.

Before purchasing an orthopedic pillow for a newborn, be sure to consult a doctor.

8. Orthopedic pillow Light from the company "Ormatek"

When studying budget options in the ranking of quality pillows, you should pay attention to the products of the Ormatek company.Their orthopedic pillow Light with dimensions of 37 x 50 cm has medium firmness, is compact and has a comfortable ergonomic shape. The filler of such a pillow is Ortofoam, it is created from various polyesters by foaming. The pillow comes with a satin cover. The average price of a product is 1400 rubles.

Orthopedic pillow Light from the company "Ormatek"
  • Thanks to the different heights of the rollers, you can choose a more comfortable sleeping position;
  • The pillow does not lose its shape, elastic and without "failures";
  • There is support for the cervical spine.
  • The product takes some getting used to.

7. Trives TOP-208 orthopedic latex cushion ring

For women who have recently given birth, the Trives TOP-208 latex orthopedic ring pillow for the seat is perfect. It is made from natural latex, has antiseptic properties and can reduce the risk of diseases such as colds and allergies.

The pillow material is breathable. The pillow is placed on a chair and sit on it. In addition to women who have given birth, it is recommended for people suffering from hemorrhoids and for those who need postoperative rehabilitation of the pelvic organs. The average price of the product is 1700 rubles.

Trives TOP-208 orthopedic cushion-ring for seat made of latex
  • When used, it does not deform;
  • Breathable.
  • May take a long time to get used to;
  • It may seem too soft.

6. Orthopedic pillow under the back TRELAX PO4 SPECTRA

For those who often sit at a computer or spend time driving a car, the TRELAX PO4 SPECTRA orthopedic back pillow will come in handy. Its purpose is to increase comfort and provide orthopedic support during long periods of sitting.Its filler is polyurethane foam. The pillow perfectly relieves the tension that occurs during prolonged sitting. The average price is 2300 rubles.

Orthopedic pillow under the back TRELAX PO4 SPECTRA
  • Suitable for both travel and computer;
  • Prevention of osteochondrosis;
  • Holds its shape, doesn't shrink.
  • Dust particles stick.

5. Orthopedic pillow Tempur Sonata

One of the most comfortable pillows to sleep on is the Tempur Sonata. Its filler is an incredibly soft viscoelastic material that is excellent at providing head support. This pillow is suitable for people who like to sleep, both on their side and on their back. The average price is 10,000 rubles.

Orthopedic pillow Tempur Sonata
  • Convenient form;
  • There is a removable cover;
  • Gives complete relaxation during sleep.
  • High price.

3rd place: Orthopedic pillow Trives premium class TOP-111

This pillow is characterized by amazing functionality. It includes a memory effect, a comfortable microclimate and normalization of blood supply, eliminating fatigue and relieving exhausting headaches. Filler - viscoelastic polyurethane foam. Form with large and small roller. The average price is about 2000 rubles.

Orthopedic pillow Trives premium class TOP-111
  • Soft enough;
  • No foreign odors;
  • Helps to eliminate health problems associated with poor sleep.
  • The pillow takes some getting used to.

2nd place: Orthopedic pillow TRELAX Respecta

The first place is rightfully occupied by the TRELAX Respecta memory foam pillow. It is made of viscoelastic polyurethane foam and can perfectly adapt to the head of a sleeping person.It takes 5 seconds to hold the contour of the head. The pillow is wide enough and soft to the touch, plastic. Over time, eliminates health problems associated with sleep. The average price is 5500 rubles.

Orthopedic pillow TRELAX Respecta
  • Prevention of osteochondrosis;
  • Improves the quality of sleep;
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • High price;
  • Habituation can be about two weeks.

1st place: Anti-Age pillow LoliDream

A detailed review of this pillow can be read here!

LOLIDREAM is an ergonomic memory foam pillow that minimizes the risk of facial creases while you sleep. it will not be subjected to additional pressure due to the special design features of the pillow. All this eliminates the appearance of morning puffiness, pillow marks on the face and, most importantly, wrinkles, because if a person prefers to sleep on his stomach or side, then wrinkles will not take long. With each month, the indentations will become more noticeable. Pillow LOLIDREAM will avoid this.

Before use, it is recommended to remove the pillowcase and ventilate the pillow itself. Branded pillowcase can be washed in automatic mode at a temperature of +30°C.

The pillow is not recommended to be washed. As a maintenance, regular wiping of its surface with a damp cloth is allowed.

The pillow is based on Memory Foam filler, which may yellow over time, like other polyurethane foam pillows. This is due to the fact that the material does not tolerate direct exposure to ultraviolet bulbs and daylight.

Yellowing does not affect the quality of the pillow and its functional features.

Average price: 4290 rubles.

Anti-Age Pillow LoliDream
  • guarantees sound and healthy sleep;
  • improves and normalizes blood circulation;
  • prevents puffiness and wrinkles;
  • memory foam pillow;
  • made of hypoallergenic materials;
  • eliminates the risk of facial deformation;
  • keeps skin youthful;
  • excellent support of the vertebral and cervical regions;
  • branded pillowcase included;
  • contributes to the formation of the correct position of the body during sleep;
  • eliminates the risk of skin breaks.
  • not identified.


The most valuable thing in our life is health, and in order to increase it, it is important to ensure proper sleep. Orthopedic pillows allow you to perform this task.

A variety of models allows you to choose an orthopedic pillow for sleeping, for spending time at the computer, for traveling, for women, for newborns, for those suffering from diseases of the cervical spine and for other needs. The shelf life of pillows is from five to ten years, and after reading the top rating of the best orthopedic pillows, you can choose a comfortable model that will please you for more than one year.

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