
  1. What are emulators? Features of choice.
  2. Computer Requirements
  3. Best Android Emulators for Windows
  4. Brief conclusion

TOP Android emulators for Windows in 2022

TOP Android emulators for Windows in 2022

Many users of smartphones and tablets with the Android operating system would like to run familiar mobile applications and games on the large screen of a personal computer. In order to realize this possibility, a special virtual environment is needed, the creation of which is the responsibility of specialized utilities - emulators.

What are emulators? Features of choice.

An emulator is a special program that imitates the software functionality of a smartphone or tablet on a regular computer monitor. Recently, more and more original and interesting applications have been released.To date, there are dozens of different utilities for emulating the Android operating system. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The selection of an emulator that will definitely not disappoint the user should be approached as responsibly as possible. Mistakes in the selection may lead to the need to purchase and install another option. What to look for when choosing the right program:

  • purpose of further use;
  • support for the required versions of smartphone and computer operating systems;
  • convenience of the interface;
  • performance and speed capabilities;
  • practical functionality;
  • language support and accessibility;
  • minimum system requirements.

All available emulation utilities can be divided by purpose:

  • programs for ordinary users;
  • emulators for gamers;
  • software for professional Android application developers.

Simple user programs are easy to operate and only designed to play Android apps quickly and stably. Emulators for mobile game lovers are distinguished by high-quality graphics and high performance. In addition, they are characterized by the ability to use additional devices - joysticks, gamepads, etc. Tools for advanced users and developers involve the creation of several virtual devices and have additional options for testing.

Before installing the emulation shell, you need to make sure that it supports the required OS versions of the computer. Some programs do not work on outdated versions of Windows, and some do not have updates to work with the latest versions of Android firmware.

Of particular importance is the convenience of the emulator interface - some of them are quite difficult to understand not only for beginners, but also for experienced users, as well as the performance and speed of loading applications. It is important that games and applications do not slow down during use, and after launching them, you do not have to wait long for them to load.

Among the necessary functionality of programs for emulating the Android OS, the following should be highlighted:

  • setting display options;
  • adjust screen resolution, orientation, etc.;
  • setting up control keys and additional devices;
  • built-in Internet browser and file manager;
  • availability of special tools for testing and development;
  • the ability to work in full screen mode;
  • sound and video recording;
  • the possibility of replacing GPS;
  • installing applications from the content store and by downloading apk files.

Computer Requirements

For high-quality and reliable operation of any emulator, it is necessary to ensure minimum system requirements. You need to know that most of these utilities are very demanding on the computer's RAM. As a rule, the minimum amount of RAM is limited to 2 gigabytes. However, for stable emulation without “freezing” and “braking”, at least 4 gigabytes of RAM is required. Fewer numbers may result in unexpected shutdowns or errors.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the computer's graphics adapter. In addition to its technical capabilities, it is necessary to update all video card drivers to the latest versions published on the official website of the manufacturer.

Special requirements are placed on the computer processor. In addition to its high clock speed, it needs to be able to support virtualization technology.For Intel processors - the VT-x function, for competitors from AMD - AMD-V. Be sure to check that virtualization is enabled in the BIOS or UEFI shells. You should also be aware that some emulators do not support specific processor models.

Best Android Emulators for Windows

Developers offer a huge number of programs to emulate the Android operating system on a personal computer or laptop. The presented rating of the best and most popular utilities, indicating their advantages and disadvantages, will help determine the choice of the best emulator for use for the required purposes.

 Blue StacksNox PlayerMemu App PlayerAndy AndroidGenymotionDroid4XWindroyRemix OSLeapdroid
Supported Windows Versions7,8,10, XP, Vista7,8,10, XP, Vista7,8,10, XP, Vista7,8,107,8,107,8,107,8,10, XP, Vista7,8,107,8,10
PC RAM Requirements2 GB512 MB1 GB2 GB2 GB2 GB2 GB2 GB4 GB
PC processor requirementsIntel/AMDIntel/AMDIntel/AMDIntel/AMDIntelIntel/AMDIntel/AMDIntel/AMDIntel/AMD
OS interface emulationYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
File managerNotYesYesYesNotYesYesNotYes
Create multiple virtual machinesNotYesYesNotYesNotYesNotYes
Developer ToolsYesYesYesYesYesNotNotNotNot
Installation from Google MarketYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
fullscreen modeYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Key customizationYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes

Blue Stacks
votes 161

A multifunctional program with the ability to access games and Android applications. Easy installation and affordable interface, instant application launch.One of the features is the ability to work in several tabs at the same time. The utility is compatible with most mobile games and applications. The emulator can sync contacts and text messages. There is a free trial version, and the full one has an inexpensive monthly fee.

  • ultra-fast speed (up to 10 times faster than advanced smartphones);
  • support for a large number of applications, as well as access to the content store;
  • high application launch speed;
  • control with a joystick or gamepad;
  • the presence of root-rights and its own game currency Pika Points;
  • support for 3D games;
  • takes up little space on the HDD;
  • simple and understandable multilingual interface;
  • backup capability.
  • the need for a relatively large amount of PC RAM - over 2 GB;
  • frequent crashes when playing with a vertical screen;
  • the need for a permanent connection to the network.

Nox Player
votes 109

Minimalistic design, ease of use, diverse functionality - all this makes Nox one of the most popular emulators among users. The program has maximum performance compared to analogues. It is possible to connect in the so-called "multi-mode" - the use of several devices at the same time. Quick export and import of applications through a convenient file manager. The program is perfect for gamers, because it supports work with joysticks, gamepads, the assignment of "hot keys". The installation package includes several popular applications and games. Among the advantages, it is necessary to highlight the fact of the complete absence of a subscription fee.

  • unique performance;
  • the ability to adjust performance, RAM size, CPU frequency, etc.d.;
  • the ability to change orientation and resolution;
  • instant file transfer;
  • separate control setting using keyboard, mouse, etc.;
  • rather low PC requirements;
  • sound transmission with the ability to adjust the volume;
  • support for Direct X and Open GL;
  • a variety of built-in options and additional features.
  • it is not possible to work in older versions of Windows (XP and Vista);
  • weak graphics on computers with low settings.

MEMu App Player
votes 55

A fairly high-quality emulator used mainly by gamers. Contains all the necessary functionality for toy lovers. It is possible to download applications from the official and alternative store, as well as files with the .apk extension. Works with both "lightweight" and heavy games. The installation kit includes standard content like the Play Market, Facebook and other applications.

  • ideal for game emulation;
  • support for using a joystick, gamepad, hot keys, etc.;
  • binding the keyboard to certain areas of the gadget screen;
  • low system requirements;
  • available for all versions of Windows;
  • Full HD resolution in full screen mode;
  • nice and comfortable desktop.
  • weak integrated application catalog.

Andy Android
votes 30

Another utility that will appeal to fans of games. A true veteran of the genre. It has a very practical gamepad control function, while graphics performance suffers a little. Of the minuses, it is also worth noting the constant promotional offers for installing other programs during use. Although in general the emulator is quite simple and suitable for use by beginners.

  • instant installation of applications;
  • the ability to adjust resolution, as well as orientation;
  • compatible with Intel and AMD processors;
  • constant official updates;
  • the ability to access the camera and microphone, recording streaming video on the air;
  • the ability to control the game using a gamepad or smartphone.
  • frequent freezes when working with applications with heavy graphics;
  • promotional content.

votes 24

A quality application testing tool. The principle of operation of this program in the virtualization of the Android system on a PC or laptop. Not at all useful for "professional" gamers. The utility is aimed primarily at developers to test new products. Supports most old and new smartphone models. There is a function to create screenshots and record video files. The emulator is compatible with Windows 8 and 10, including 64-bit versions.

  • high speed of work;
  • the ability to test a virtual machine for application compatibility;
  • low PC requirements;
  • imitation of calls, text messages, GPRS, 3G communication features, etc.;
  • emulation of WiFi module and camera;
  • full screen mode.
  • only English is used;
  • mandatory registration is required before installation;
  • no support for Adobe Air applications;
  • does not work with XP and Vista, and also with AMD processors.

votes 24

Pretty good product for demanding gamers. The utility with a bright design and a clear interface has good performance, as well as the ability to finely bind to the keyboard or connect to a tablet or phone as a gamepad. It has an English menu, 3 desktops in the interface and the ability to receive GPS data.

  • excellent graphics and high performance;
  • fast loading applications;
  • official updates;
  • support for most processors and operating systems;
  • convenient control and connection with gadgets.
  • no Russification.

votes 25

A solid Chinese emulator for not particularly demanding users. Not suitable for developers and fans of games with a heavy graphical component. The standard feature set is an app store, a file system manager, and a number of other essential add-ons. Everything starts quickly enough and without any special "glitches".


  • high speed of work;
  • support for many applications and games;
  • does not require high computer requirements.
  • low graphics performance;
  • difficulties with updating;
  • minimum functions.

Remix OS
votes 28

Another utility from Chinese developers. True, the opportunities for gamers are wider here - the emulator even supports 3D games with excellent graphics. The Remix OS interface resembles an operating system like Mac or Windows. Supports the ability to work with the Google Market or upload apk files on your own. It is also possible to play media, run applications in multiple windows, and save games to the PC's hard drive.


  • low requirements for computer hardware;
  • full-fledged application store;
  • excellent performance;
  • support for USB, Ethernet, WiFi, etc.;
  • the ability to minimize running applications to tray.
  • lack of mouse control;
  • takes up a lot of space on the HDD.

votes 29

The program supports almost all applications from the Play Market, Open GL, the ability to create several virtual machines at once, contains a variety of additional functionality.At the same time, it has a very significant disadvantage - extremely complex management, which crosses out all possible advantages.


  • good performance and graphics rendering;
  • the presence of a full-screen mode;
  • OpenGL support;
  • the ability to adjust the resolution;
  • fixing the location using GPS.
  • inconvenient and difficult management;
  • lack of updates;
  • high system requirements for the PC.

Brief conclusion

How to choose the right emulator? First of all, it is worth deciding what it is for. For regular users, any of the most popular ones will do: Blue Stacks, Nox Player, Andy or Memu. They are distinguished by accessibility and simplicity - even a beginner can figure it out, as well as stability. The Chinese Windroy has low requirements for computer hardware, and its fellow Droid4X is perfect for the most demanding gamers. Among the utilities that are suitable for professional developers, it is necessary to highlight Genymotion and Leapdroid. In this case, the latter option will allow you to customize the program to your requirements and attract the attention of experienced and advanced testers of Android applications.


