
  1. Types of burns
  2. Degrees of burns
  3. First aid
  4. Indications for Seeking Medical Care
  5. Recommendations for choosing an effective remedy for burns
  6. Ranking the best burn remedies in 2022
  7. Prevention

Top 10 Best Burn Remedies in 2022

Top 10 Best Burn Remedies in 2022

A burn is one of the most common types of injury. It is characterized by a violation of the integrity of the skin and is accompanied by severe pain. In the absence of appropriate treatment, serious complications can develop. Burn therapy depends on the type and severity of the injury.

Types of burns

There are several types depending on the cause of occurrence and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage.

By type of impact

Depending on the source of exposure, burns are of the following types.

  • Thermal. Occur under the influence of high temperatures in contact with hot objects, boiling liquids, steam, fire.
  • Chemical. They cause caustic alkalis, acids, salts of heavy metals.
  • Electrical. The cause is lightning or electric shock.
  • Radiation. Formed from infrared, ultraviolet or ionizing radiation.

Most often in everyday life, we are faced with thermal and radiation, or rather, solar, burns.

According to the affected area

To determine the area of ​​damage, the so-called “rule of the palm” is used. It means that the area of ​​the palm is equal to 1% of the entire surface of the human skin. Determining the affected area by this method, burns are divided into two types:

  • Extensive, when the affected area is more than 10%;
  • Not extensive, in which the total area of ​​all affected areas is less than 10-15%.

Degrees of burns

The degree is determined by the depth of damage to the skin and surrounding tissues. For I degree, reddening of the burnt area is characteristic. Recovery occurs in 2-3 days. At the II degree bubbles with transparent contents are formed. Treatment takes about 2 weeks.

Superficial radiation burn II degree

And the most severe degrees are III and IV, in which there is a deep tissue damage up to the bones.

In place of the burnt area, crusts from brown to black are formed. Treatment is carried out in medical institutions. It takes several months to recover.

Thermal burn III degree with damage to the integrity of the skin

According to the classification, such burns are deep, and I and II degrees are superficial.

First aid

In case of a burn without violating the integrity of the skin, the affected area should be cooled by holding it under cold running water for about 15-20 minutes. Then dry with a clean cloth with blotting movements. Do not rub the burned area. All actions must be gentle so as not to injure the wound even more and not cause additional pain to the victim. Next, you should apply a healing agent and give an analgesic.

First aid for a burn with a violation of the integrity of the skin is to apply an aseptic dressing. It is forbidden to cool the affected area and apply medicinal preparations. Give the victim an anesthetic, ensure plenty of fluids and rest. Then solve the issue of transportation to the nearest medical facility.

Indications for Seeking Medical Care

You should immediately consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • With a large area of ​​​​damage;
  • If the mucous membranes, perineum or face are affected;
  • If particles of clothing are found in the wound;
  • If there is blood or pus in the contents of the blisters;
  • With a deterioration in the general condition (fever, vomiting, confusion);
  • If a child or an elderly person is injured.

Recommendations for choosing an effective remedy for burns

In the home first aid kit, there must be a remedy for burn injuries, especially if there are children in the family. What drug is better to buy? How to choose the most effective, but at the same time inexpensive and safe medicine? You can use the following selection criteria:

  • Versatility. The drug should help with various burns, and also be suitable for the treatment of other skin lesions. The combination of analgesic, healing and antibacterial effect will be an ideal option.Thus, one tool will allow you to replace several drugs, which will significantly save both the budget and space in the first-aid kit.
  • Safety. The composition should include only environmentally friendly and safe components. Then it can be used even for children. Therefore, it is better to choose a remedy from a trusted manufacturer and purchase it at a pharmacy in order to avoid the risk of running into a fake.
  • Ease of use. Easy application is a definite plus. In this regard, sprays and aerosols are good. They can be used anywhere as they do not require any additional application tools. It is also convenient to use dressings and plasters impregnated with a medicinal composition. But such funds are much more expensive than ointments and creams.
  • Efficiency. After reading reviews on the Internet, you can find out how many were satisfied with the therapeutic effect of the drug. You should also consult a doctor or pharmacist at a pharmacy.

Ranking the best burn remedies in 2022

Given the above selection criteria, we offer the Top 10 most popular and high-quality products in 2022 from the best manufacturers at an affordable price.

Sea buckthorn oil

The average price of a bottle of 50 ml is 200 rubles.

The most popular natural remedy. Stimulates wound healing, moisturizes, has an antiseptic effect.

  • Helps with all types of burns;
  • High efficiency;
  • Low cost;
  • Protects against infection;
  • Safe to treat children, pregnant and lactating women.
  • Hypersensitivity to components;
  • Inconvenience of application;
  • Stains on clothes.

Ointment bandage "Branolind"

Average price of 1 pc. size 7.5 * 10 cm - 70 rubles.

It is a cotton material impregnated with an ointment based on Peruvian balsam. Superimposed on the lesion and changed every 2-3 days.

Ointment bandage "Branolind"
  • Well heals wounds without forming scars and scars;
  • Convenient application;
  • Painless dressing change;
  • Suitable for treating children.
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Not suitable for the treatment of extensive burns.

Balm "Rescuer"

The average price of a tube of 30 g is 150 rubles.

The natural composition has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

Balm "Rescuer"
  • Wide scope;
  • Budget price;
  • Contains only natural ingredients;
  • Very efficient.
  • Leaves no marks on clothes.
  • An allergic reaction to the components is possible.

Balm "Keeper"

The average price of a tube of 30 g is 130 rubles.

The healing balm contains unique natural ingredients that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, moisturizing and softening effects.

Balm "Keeper"
  • Suitable for the treatment of lesions of any degree;
  • Environmentally friendly product;
  • Inexpensive price.
  • Forms a greasy film on the skin, which is absorbed for a long time;
  • An allergic reaction to individual components is possible.

Spray "Ambulance"

The average price of a 50 g balloon is 400 rubles.

Soothing herbal spray. Easy to apply. Quickly relieves pain and burning.

Spray "Ambulance"
  • Convenient application without contact with the damaged skin surface;
  • Rapid healing without scarring;
  • Safe natural composition;
  • It absorbs well without leaving stains on clothes.
  • Expensive price;
  • Individual intolerance is possible.

Ointment "Levomekol"

The average price of a tube of 40 g is 130 rubles.

Healing ointment with antibacterial action. It is used for burns of 2-3 degrees.

Ointment "Levomekol"
  • Accelerates the recovery of affected skin;
  • Has no contraindications for age;
  • Prevents infection of the damaged area;
  • Affordable price.
  • There is a risk of a local allergic reaction.

Ointment "Radevit"

The average price of a tube of 35 g is 350 rubles.

The composition contains vitamins A, D and E, which act on the metabolism in tissues, thereby accelerating skin regeneration. Thanks to its moisturizing effect, it prevents secondary infection of healing wounds.

Ointment "Radevit"
  • High efficiency;
  • Versatility;
  • Can be used in children under one year old, during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Cools, eliminating pain and itching.
  • Oily in consistency, poorly absorbed, leaving marks on clothes;
  • Do not use for a long time, as it can lead to hypervitaminosis;
  • High price.

Aerosol "Olazol"

The average price of a can of 80 g is 250 rubles.

Contains chloramphenicol (antibacterial effect), benzocaine (analgesic effect), sea buckthorn oil (promotes healing). The aerosol provides a uniform distribution of the agent on the surface of the wound.

Aerosol "Olazol"
  • High efficiency in the treatment of complex burns;
  • The complex action of the drug;
  • Ease of use.
  • Individual intolerance;
  • There is a risk of allergy to the antibacterial component;
  • Contraindicated in pregnancy, during breastfeeding and children under 2 years of age.

Cream "Bepanten plus"

The average cost of a tube of 30 g is 250 rubles.

Contains dexpanthenol and chlorhexidine, which is an excellent antiseptic. Apply with a cotton swab or spatula.

Cream "Bepanten plus"
  • High efficiency;
  • Cooling effect;
  • Versatility;
  • Prevents infection;
  • Safe. It is used in children under one year old, during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Individual intolerance to the components;
  • High price;
  • The inconvenience of applying and causing discomfort.

Spray "Panthenol"

The average price of a bottle of 130 ml is 300 rubles.

The main component of the spray is dexpanthenol. It has a high regenerative ability. Light foam is painlessly applied to the burnt area and turns into a thin film.

Spray "Panthenol"
  • High efficiency;
  • Ease of use;
  • Does not leave stains on clothes;
  • The indication is any kind of burn;
  • Relieves pain by cooling the skin;
  • Suitable for any age;
  • Prevents scarring;
  • Can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Individual intolerance to the components;
  • Higher cost than similar drugs with dexpanthenol.
Which burn remedy has worked for you?


Often burn injuries occur through our fault due to violation of safety rules or inattention. The risk group is made up of small children who are injured due to an oversight of adults. Here are some tips for preventing household burns.

  1. Observe safety precautions when operating household electrical appliances.
  2. Take care of the fire alarm or at least keep a fire extinguisher in working order in case of fire.
  3. Talk to children about safety rules. Such communication can be carried out in a playful way.
  4. Do not leave young children unattended.
  5. Keep dangerous items, such as matches, vinegar essence, out of the reach of the child.
  6. Monitor the condition of the wiring. If necessary, make timely replacement.
  7. Sunscreen is recommended to prevent sunburn.
  8. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.
  9. Do not abuse the solarium.

Burns cause a lot of discomfort and pain. Therefore, it is better to make every effort to prevent such troubles. And if the injury did occur, now you know how to help yourself and your loved ones.

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