
  1. The benefits of porridge
  2. Rating
  3. Is it possible to eat instant porridge
  4. With water or milk?

The most useful cereals for breakfast: choose cereals and manufacturer

The most useful cereals for breakfast: choose cereals and manufacturer

Breakfast should never be skipped. And do not allow it to consist only of coffee and sandwiches. Porridge is a delicious and healthy breakfast that is easy to prepare. It contains vitamins and microelements. There are many valuable grains that are ideal for this nutritious meal.

The benefits of porridge

This dish is a simple food, while it includes many macro- and microelements. She has her pros and cons. It allows you to quickly eliminate the feeling of hunger. Cereals contain slow carbohydrates, so satiety is felt within 3-4 hours. Having breakfast with this dish, you can get strength until dinner.

The human body needs slow carbohydrates. With a lack of nutrients, a person feels tired, impaired memory. In addition to carbohydrates, many cereals also contain protein - a building and valuable component for the body.

Variety is another advantage of cereals.There are many cereals that can be used to make a delicious breakfast. This can be done with milk or water, with sugar or salt. The dish has no serious flaws, additives have a negative impact. For example, sugar in the composition is harmful for diabetics.

How useful is porridge? Its value lies in the following:

  • A large amount of starch and protein, vitamins, trace elements;
  • Positive effect on hair, legs, skin;
  • Improving the condition of the digestive tract;
  • The presence of a large number of nutrients;
  • Reduced anxiety and relief from depression;
  • Removal of cholesterol;
  • Benefits for weight loss: the dish contains fiber, which provides a long feeling of satiety.

Porridges can be dairy and dairy-free. In the first case, there is a possibility of an allergy, since in some people the milk protein is not able to break down. This is lactose intolerance. At the same time, other people perfectly tolerate dairy dishes.

Calories give the body energy. Therefore, for breakfast, it is advisable to consume them as much as possible. There is no specific rule. It is determined individually: by gender, age, physical activity.

The desired amount for an adult is 1800-2500 calories. Breakfast is about 25%. Therefore, the calorie content can be 450-625 kcal. Children's rate depends on age.


What kind of porridge is the most useful? There is no single answer to this question, since each cereal has its own value. You can alternate them, making your diet varied.


This is a hearty and nutritious porridge that is loved everywhere. It is made from whole oats, which is rich in B vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, which is considered its main value.

Such a product has many unique properties.Lowers blood pressure, suppresses inflammation, serves to prevent atherosclerosis. It also provides rapid weight loss, and also regulates sugar, helps with constipation, and strengthens the immune system.

Dessert is prepared very quickly and simply. It cooks for about 15 minutes. After cooking, it is advisable to let the product brew. It harmonizes perfectly with dried apricots, prunes, apples, bananas, honey, dried fruits.

Which company is better to buy cereals?

oat flakes Fair

Products from the brands Yarmarka (33 rubles), Russian Product (50 rubles), National (45 rubles) are excellent. The package contains 400 g. You can buy the product in every grocery store and supermarket.

oat flakes Russian product
  • fast cooking;
  • nutritional value;
  • Benefit for health;
  • improving well-being;
  • variety of choices.
  • not detected.
oat flakes National


A pea dish is prepared from healthy beans. It is a dietary product rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, folic acid, iron, phosphorus and manganese. Peas contain a lot of protein.

Beans have an antioxidant effect. The benefit of being overweight is the accelerated breakdown of fats. At the same time, the product increases muscle mass, strengthens bones and immunity.

Since this dish is prepared without sugar, it is very healthy for everyone. It takes approximately 40-50 minutes to cook. This porridge is perfect if people do not have breakfast very early.

peas National

The best producers are National (52 rubles), Mistral (102 rubles), Agro-Alliance (69 rubles). The package can contain 800-1000 g. You can find yellow and green peas in stores.

peas Mistral
  • hearty meal;
  • dietary product;
  • the presence of protein;
  • weight loss.
  • no.
peas Agro-Alliance


This is a great option for breakfast. Corn is high in fiber, so it improves bowel health. It has a lot of carbohydrates, so it suppresses the feeling of hunger. Because corn is gluten-free, it's great for kids and dieters.

Cereals contain potassium and magnesium, vitamins of the PP group. Corn porridge helps lower sugar levels. She also has a rejuvenating effect. The boron present in the composition has a calming effect, and the B vitamins serve as antidepressants.

corn grits Makfa

Many packages tell you how to cook the dish. Usually cooking lasts 35-45 minutes. During cooking, you need to constantly stir the corn.

The best manufacturers are Makfa (132 rubles), Fair (156 rubles), Mistral (127 rubles). In one package there can be 700-1000 g.

grain corn Fair
  • rapid suppression of hunger;
  • lack of gluten;
  • B vitamins;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • improving digestion.
  • not detected.
corn grits Mistral


Many people love the dish. Athletes eat it to gain muscle mass, and women to lose weight. Buckwheat is also useful for lowering sugar and restoring the work of the heart and blood vessels.

This dish gives vivacity and energy for the whole day. It is rich in magnesium, potassium, vitamin PP, which is required for normal heart function. And since buckwheat is low in sugar, it is also useful for diabetes. Thanks to a large number of recipes, your menu can be made much more diverse.

The porridge is cooked for about 10 minutes.

buckwheat Agro-Alliance

Which company's product is better to choose? Buyers demand brands such as Agro-Alliance (114 rubles), National (103 rubles), Mistral (116 rubles).

buckwheat National
  • saturation with energy;
  • few sugars;
  • nutritional value;
  • enrichment with vitamins;
  • fast cooking.
  • missing.
buckwheat mistral


Rice dishes are especially in demand in eastern countries. But in Russia they are also loved. Cereals contain complex carbohydrates and starch, which quickly saturate the body. Its proteins are like animals, so rice desserts are great for vegetarian diets and fasting.

Rice porridge removes toxins, has an antiseptic effect. It is used for weight loss, and is also used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines. Iodine, present in cereals, has a positive effect on the thyroid gland. Potassium, magnesium and iron are involved in tissue repair. And brown rice improves the condition of hair, skin and nails.

Dessert is prepared in about 10-15 minutes. It is equally good in water and milk. But in the second case, the calorie content of the dish increases significantly. Delicious rice porridge with pumpkin.

rice Agro-Alliance

Which brand is better to choose? Rice is in demand from companies such as Agro-Alliance (61 rubles), Mistral (87 rubles), National (138 rubles). On sale you can find not only white rice, but also brown. Mixed cereals are also sold.

rice Mistral
  • the presence of complex carbohydrates and starch;
  • slag removal;
  • antiseptic action;
  • help to the stomach and intestines;
  • fast cooking.
  • no.
rice National


The groats are made from millet. Due to the low fat content and rich vitamin composition, the product is excellent for diets.In addition, the dessert looks attractive.

Thanks to millet porridge, metabolism improves. Potassium has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and heart function. Zinc, copper and vitamins provide support for the nervous system.

millet National

The dish is prepared in 10-15 minutes. It is made with milk and water. Porridge can be made sweet or salty. Manufacturers' goods are in demand - "National" (58 rubles), "Mistral" (70 rubles), "Makfa" (84 rubles).

millet Mistral
  • vitamin product;
  • suitable for diet
  • improved metabolism;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • fast cooking.
  • not detected.
millet Makfa


Such porridge was prepared in ancient times. It is a pity that now it is losing popularity. Wheat porridge is useful for breakfast for weakened people, after illnesses and hard physical labor.

Such a dessert gives energy for the whole day, restores strength. Vitamin C, which is present in cereals, strengthens the immune system, vitality. Potassium and magnesium have a positive effect on the circulatory system. Vitamin E, phosphorus, zinc transform the skin, hair and nails.

wheat Agro-Alliance

The wheat product is good with milk and water. It is prepared with sugar and salt. Previously, they liked to eat such a dish with meat, gravy, cracklings. In any form, it is nutritious and tasty.

Cooked wheat groats for 15-20 minutes.
The best manufacturers include Agro-Alliance (75 rubles), Makfa (63 rubles), Yarmarka (52 rubles). Item weight may vary. The packaging is also different.

wheat Makfa
  • restoration of strength and energy;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • good combination with milk and water;
  • fast cooking.
  • missing.
wheat fair


The dish is prepared from whole barley groats. This dessert is ideal for athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle. The cell has a lot of fiber, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, phosphorus. Porridge is great for weight loss and muscle building.

Dessert improves bowel movements, protects against gallstones, reduces the risk of heart and vascular pathologies, and restores the glycemic background. Yachka is considered the most high-calorie porridge.

Cooking takes 15 minutes. The dish turns out much tastier if it is infused for about 30 minutes.

barley Uvelka

Buyers demand groats Uvelka (52 rubles), Agro-Alliance (50 rubles), Kuban Matushka (60 rubles).

barley Agro-Alliance
  • recuperation;
  • saturation with vitamins;
  • increase in muscle mass;
  • restoration of the glycemic background;
  • fast cooking.
  • missing.
barley Kuban Matushka


This cereal is indispensable for children, but it is also useful for adults. It has a lot of vitamins - E, B1, B6, B9, as well as minerals - calcium, magnesium, potassium. Promotes weight loss.

Semolina is rich in dietary fiber and protein, which suppress the feeling of hunger. Another product lowers cholesterol, prevents the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques. Semolina normalizes the digestive system, protects against anemia.

Dessert is ready in 5 minutes. Semolina must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn.

semolina Mistral

In stores you can find products from different manufacturers. Buyers demand such brands as Mistral (50 rubles), Shchebekinskaya (52 rubles), Goodwill (54 rubles).

semolina Shchebekinskaya
  • nutritious porridge;
  • many vitamins;
  • lowering cholesterol;
  • normalization of the digestive system;
  • fast cooking.
  • not identified.
semolina Goodwill

Pearl barley

The product is great for people who are engaged in complex physical labor. It is also ideal for athletes. Porridge provides a long feeling of fullness. It also relieves fatigue, allows you to recover from stress.

Barley has a rejuvenating effect. The lysine present in the cereal has an antibacterial and strengthening effect. Barley is best eaten with vegetables.

Groats are cooked for 40-90 minutes, depending on the variety and soaking time.

barley mistral

Such manufacturers as "Goodwill" (58 rubles), "Mistral" (57 rubles), "Fair" (48 rubles) are in demand.

barley Goodwill
  • restores strength;
  • gives a feeling of satiety;
  • has a rejuvenating effect;
  • goes well with vegetables.
  • missing.
pearl fair

All presented cereals are useful for the body, but in moderation. They are great for breakfast for adults and children. Such a variety of cereals allows you to diversify your diet.

Many people have very little time in the morning. At the same time, you need to have time to prepare a healthy and tasty breakfast. Which cereal cooks the fastest? Oatmeal, buckwheat and rice are cooked in minutes. These are the fastest cooking cereals. Others take much longer.

What cereals saturate the body better? In order to exclude frequent snacks after breakfast, it is advisable to make porridge saturated with slow carbohydrates. These are corn, wheat groats and millet. The amount of carbohydrates increases due to the addition of foods rich in fiber.

Even one cereal has many recipes.Depending on this, additional ingredients may be added. Thanks to this, various tasty and nutritious dishes are obtained.

Is it possible to eat instant porridge

Of course, instant cereals are great for busy people. You do not need to spend a lot of time preparing them - just pour the contents of the bag into a plate. Pour in boiling water. This completes the preparation. The dish should brew a little, after which it is ready to eat.

But there are some nuances here. When creating such cereals, the grains are usually crushed, and sometimes steamed. This reduces the cooking time, but also reduces the nutritional value - they contain a small amount of vitamins and trace elements, and there is a lot of starch. The result is high-calorie foods that lead to weight gain.

Instant cereals usually contain sugar, chemical components, flavor enhancers, and flavorings. All this is harmful to the human body. That is why the best porridge is considered to be the one that was cooked on its own. To diversify the diet, you can add fruits and berries to the dishes.

With water or milk?

Many are accustomed to eating porridge with milk. You can also add a piece of butter if you like. In this case, the nutritional value of the product increases. Milk variani is useful for adults and children.

Groats can be boiled in water if a diet is followed. To make the finished dish tastier, you can add fresh fruits, berries, a little honey.

Porridge for breakfast is the best solution. It gives strength and vivacity for the whole day. You just need to choose the most suitable recipes, and you can experiment, creating something new. Such products saturate the body with valuable vitamins and minerals.

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