The lightest single boats for fishing in 2022

A boat for fishing should be chosen almost as carefully as a car. And this means that it is also not recommended to rush here, since all types and parameters of each boat should be considered in more detail. In this article, the rating is based on single-seat fishing "vessels".

What to look for when choosing?

  • Material - first of all, fabrics must be protected from exposure to sunlight, mechanical damage. It is necessary to pay attention to nylon, polyester, PVC and neoprene. The most durable is such a surface fabric, for the manufacture of which the materials are combined. For example, the inner surface is made of neoprene, but in combination with it, it is customary to use either polyester or nylon.
  • Bottom - safety and strength is extremely important for fishermen. The design is rack, inflatable, soft and solid collapsible. For example, if the bottom is soft, then it is dangerous to stand in the middle of the reservoir, but the inflatable payol is the safest in this case. Rails also provide easy transportation. However, a solid collapsible bottom not only weighs a lot, it also takes a long time to assemble it.
  • Fishing legislation - the legislator has no complaints about light boats, and therefore they are not listed in regulatory legal acts. However, it is worth remembering that floating craft only up to 200 kg are not subject to state registration (clause 1.1, article 16 of the Code of Inland Water Transport).
  • Coloring - basically there are two standard shades (dark, light), as well as camouflage.If we talk about the dark, then on such a surface dirt and mud will not be visible. On the bright one, it is comfortable to fish in sunny weather, since the boat does not heat up so much. Camouflage colors make the "vessel" more invisible to fish.

We bring to your attention the rating of the best single boats, according to fishermen.

The lightest single row boats for fishing at a small cost in 2022

Seahawk 2

1 place

Dimensions: 2360x1140x410 (hereinafter in mm)

Options Characteristic
Material reinforced PVC
The weight 9 kg
Bottom inflatable
Manufacturer China
Color dark green
load capacity 200 kg
average price 3945 rub.
Seahawk 2
  • price;
  • quality;
  • strength;
  • appearance;
  • equipment;
  • many mounts on the sides;
  • security (three air compartments that are independent of each other).
  • nose sags if two or more people are fishing;
  • no seat;
  • can not be used at temperatures below 10 degrees;
  • nowhere to put things.

Versatile watercraft, as it can be sailed even in salt water, and the quality does not decrease even in the most unsuitable conditions.

Aqua-Optima 190

2nd place

Dimensions: 1900x1000

Material PVC
The weight 8 kg
Bottom soft
Manufacturer Russia
Color green, graphite
load capacity 120 kg
average price 6530 rub.
boat Aqua-Optima 190
  • durability;
  • compactness;
  • universal valves (the boat can be blown off in a small amount of time);
  • onboard cylinder with two compartments with automatic valves for each;
  • withstands collision with snags and reeds;
  • good bead protection against abrasion;
  • comfortable bag - backpack.
  • rowing impracticality.

Operation in coastal parts of a reservoir with stagnant water is recommended. It is important to remember that the seat should be installed before it is fully inflated.

Jilong Fishman 300set JL007208-1N

3rd place

Dimensions: 2520x1250x400

Material reinforced PVC
The weight 9.2 kg
Bottom inflatable
Manufacturer China
Color green
load capacity 265 kg
average price 3945 rub.
boat Jilong Fishman 300set JL007208-1N
  • price;
  • two-level seats;
  • there are holders for oars, fishing rods;
  • equipment (there is even a patch with which you can urgently repair the vessel);
  • walks well on water;
  • double chamber design for increased safety.
  • bottom tank valve design;
  • if desired, you can hang an electric motor.

The vessel behaves well both in salt water, and in lakes and rivers with a strong current.


4th place

Dimensions: 1700x900

Material PVC
The weight 7 kg
Bottom soft
Manufacturer Russia
Color marsh
load capacity 120 kg
average price 6990 rub.
boat Murena-170
  • maneuverability;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • you can easily carry it into a hand folded boat in a bag - a backpack;
  • pumps up quickly;
  • quality;
  • resistance to external damage.
  • you will have to buy normal oars in order to better control the ship on the water and swim faster.

It is recommended to use only on lakes and rivers, where there is a small current.

Fishing boats are not cheap pleasure. Even if desired, it is extremely difficult to find a vessel for less than 3,000 rubles.

Top 5 lightest rowboats for premium fishing in 2022


1 place

Dimensions: 2200x1100

Material PVC
The weight 9 kg
Bottom inflatable
Manufacturer Russia
Color dark grey, light grey, green
load capacity 170 kg
average price 10500 rub.
boat Tuzik-1
  • compactness;
  • simple operation;
  • deflates quickly;
  • quality.
  • overpriced.

A good option for those who need a simple, but at the same time “working” boat that is not afraid of external influences, sunlight, or the quality and type of water.

Dolphin - M

2nd place

Dimensions: 2700x1300

Material reinforced PVC
The weight 19.5 kg
Bottom inflatable
Manufacturer Russia
Color light gray
load capacity 220 kg
average price 13960 rub.
boat Dolphin - M
  • increased security;
  • passes well through reeds and overgrown reeds;
  • reliable fittings made of moisture-resistant plywood;
  • hard bottom;
  • movable fastening of cans;
  • upturned nose;
  • board height.
  • Not detected.

Although the boat is double, only one person can fit in it, since during active fishing in this vessel it is difficult for the second to turn around.

Leader Compact 220

3rd place

Dimensions: 2180x1010x300

Material reinforced PVC
The weight 9.6 kg
Bottom inflatable (low pressure)
Manufacturer Russia
Color dark green, camouflage
load capacity 150 kg
average price 10038 rub.
boat Leader Compact 220
  • oarlocks are able to withstand over 130 kg;
  • strong seams (connected using "hot welding");
  • not afraid of frost;
  • a tight bag into which the boat is going in a deflated state;
  • serves for a long time;
  • can be used in hard to reach places.
  • Not detected.

The boat is also suitable for use on a river with a large current, and in ponds, where there are a lot of snags and reeds, as well as on rapids.


4th place

Dimensions: 2200x1100x410

Material reinforced PVC
The weight 10 kg
Bottom soft
Manufacturer China
Color black and white
load capacity 170 kg
average price 9800 rub.
boat Bronya-220
  • enhanced protection;
  • you can still take the required amount of cargo and do not have to lay out something “less unnecessary” due to lack of space;
  • high-quality gluing of seams;
  • the stern is wide;
  • appearance;
  • textured fabric.
  • Not detected.

The vessel is completely ready for operation even in the most unsafe places (for example, a swamp).

St. John's Wort 3-2 GY

5th place

Dimensions: 2400x1210

Material reinforced five-layer PVC
The weight 12 kg
Bottom soft
Manufacturer Russia
Color dark green
load capacity 190 kg
average price 14750 rub.
boat St. John's wort 3-2 GY
  • comfortable armchair;
  • unusual appearance;
  • minimum shipping dimensions;
  • inflatable pillow, which gives additional buoyancy;
  • unusual seat - a hammock relieves the load from the back;
  • easy to manage;
  • the chair provides protection from wind and splashes.
  • Not detected.

The manufacturer recommends using the vessel in waters with a moderate current or none at all.

Premium-class rowing boats are equipped to the maximum, and inside they are quite spacious, so all the necessary (and unnecessary) luggage can easily fit. The cost is not very different from the budget ones, but the difference is in quality, fittings and amount of space.

Top 5 light motor single boats for fishing at a low price in 2022

Boat Master 250

1 place

Dimensions: 2500x1360

Material reinforced PVC
The weight 20 kg
Bottom solid - plywood
Manufacturer Russia
Color grey, olive
load capacity 220 kg
average price 14690 rub.
boat BoatMaster 250
  • protection with a fender;
  • overlapping seam gluing with additional PVC strips on both sides;
  • anti-slip coating;
  • splash protection.
  • Not detected.

According to the fishermen, the boat is versatile and unpretentious.

Mnev & K TUZ-240

2nd place

Dimensions: 2350x1180

Material reinforced PVC
The weight 13.6 kg
Bottom inflatable
Manufacturer Russia
Color grey
load capacity 220 kg
average price 10587 rub.
boat Mnev and K TUZ-240
  • simple transportation;
  • during assembly there are no problems;
  • seams are reinforced by welding;
  • protection against mechanical impact of fuel, oil, sunlight.
  • the hinged transom must be installed separately.

Suitable for ponds without current, small forest lakes. Moreover, it is extremely important that the vessel fits compactly in a backpack.


3rd place

Dimensions: 2200x1300

Material reinforced five-layer PVC
The weight 18 kg
Bottom rack payol
Manufacturer Ukraine
Color dark green
load capacity 160 kg
average price 13300 rub.
boat NEPTUNE K-220T
  • ease of storage;
  • good stability due to the displaced center of gravity and large width;
  • inflates quickly.
  • Not detected.

According to fishermen, this is one of the best cheap options.The base of the fittings consists of a highly adhesive composition, which proves its strength. It is also extremely important for every fishing enthusiast that the boat does not take up too much storage space.

Sonata 240

4th place

Dimensions: 2400x1300

Material reinforced five-layer PVC
The weight 15.3 kg
Bottom soft
Manufacturer China
Color grey
load capacity 200 kg
average price 12650 rub.
boat Sonata 240
  • the seat can be adjusted to suit you;
  • the seams are sealed with glue (cold welding effect);
  • gluing the surface on both sides;
  • the safety of passengers, which is ensured by handrails;
  • collapsible oars;
  • compartments independent of each other (if one of them is damaged, the boat will not sink);
  • rotary oarlocks (facilitated rowing process);
  • good protection against fuels and lubricants.
  • Not detected.

The interesting design of the bow of the vessel allows the fisherman to calmly enter the wave without worrying that the boat may capsize.

Gladiator A220

5th place

Dimensions: 2200x1300

Material reinforced PVC
The weight 11 kg
Bottom soft
Manufacturer China
Color green, gray
load capacity 160 kg
average price 13100 rub.
boat Gladiator A220
  • price;
  • ease of use;
  • compactness;
  • maximum protection against accidental punctures;
  • fits easily into a backpack.
  • Not detected.

At the discretion of the fisherman, the seating position can always be changed for even greater convenience.

As you can see, for budget motor boats, in most cases, you need to buy an additional mounted transom, but in general, all models are good, of high quality.

Top 5 Lightest Premium Single Seat Boats in 2022


1 place

Dimensions: 3000x1520

Material reinforced PVC
The weight 52 kg
Bottom prefabricated floorboard with aluminum notches
Manufacturer China
Color dark green, blue, white
load capacity 510 kg
average price 54000 rub.
boat HDX OXYGEN 300
  • in the bow of the anchor eye (convenient when carrying);
  • there is a drain valve;
  • relief valve, which, in the event of an impact or overheating, lowers the air pressure in the cylinders.
  • Not detected.

Stable vessel with good draft and classic layout.


2nd place

Dimensions: 2000x1400

Material reinforced PVC
The weight 9 kg
Bottom plywood rack payol
Manufacturer Ukraine
Color dark green
load capacity 250 kg
average price 19209 rub.
boat NEPTUNE KM-200
  • the seat is made of moisture resistant plywood;
  • appearance;
  • compactness;
  • maneuverability;
  • there are special pads on the motor mount (much less wear).
  • Not detected.

This model is suitable for those who need a full-fledged multifunctional lightweight boat.

Admiral 200

3rd place

Dimensions: 2000x1360

Material reinforced PVC
The weight 24 kg
Bottom waterproof plywood
Manufacturer Russia
Color grey
load capacity 290 kg
average price 19305 rub.
boat Admiral 200
  • design;
  • capacity;
  • transom made of laminated moisture-resistant plywood;
  • fender;
  • aluminum oars.
  • Not detected.

Small but spacious boat. It just looks too small and awkward.In fact, you can put a lot of things in it, while the fisherman will not have any embarrassment.

Hunter 240

4th place

Dimensions: 2400x1400

Material reinforced PVC
The weight 15 kg
Bottom soft
Manufacturer Russia
Color dark green
load capacity 200 kg
average price 15645 rub.
boat hunter 240
  • protection against mechanical impact;
  • holders for oars;
  • the presence of a fender.
  • Not detected.

This product has everything that fishermen need for comfortable fishing.

Compass CD230LT

5th place

Dimensions: 2300x1151

Material reinforced PVC
The weight 36 kg
Bottom rack payol
Manufacturer China
Color green
load capacity 350 kg
average price 16564 rub.
boat Compass CD230LT
  • airtight surface (due to multi-layer, where the first layer is soft and provides proper tightness, but the top one protects from mechanical influences from the outside);
  • splash guards;
  • carrying handles;
  • anti-slip floor covering;
  • reliability.
  • Not detected.

A universal model that will not cause problems when using.

Of course, the vessels of the last category look more advantageous than the others. Appearance and functionality amazes every fishing enthusiast, as well as professional fishermen. But each model is universal, has its own individual advantages. Even the most picky fisherman will find among all the offered goods "the one" that will serve him "faithfully" for a long time.

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