One of the most popular drugs purchased in pharmacies is absorbents. This class of drugs cleanses the intestines of harmful substances, removes gases that poison the body, and neutralizes the effects of poisons and toxins. Very often, such drugs are prescribed in combination with antibiotics to prevent negative effects on the intestines and restore microflora. Therefore, absorbents must be in the first aid kit in every home.
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Absorbents are called medicinal substances from synthetic or natural components. They attract harmful substances and naturally expel them from the body through the intestines. Such medicines are used to get rid of the consequences of poisoning with chemicals, products, for the treatment of allergies.They support normal liver function, improve digestion and help kidney function. A similar effect is shown by natural substances: fiber and pectins, which are found in all vegetables and fruits. They are useful for removing toxins, but they are not able to eliminate the consequences of severe poisoning.
According to their action, all sorbents are divided into several groups:
In addition to cleansing, absorbents also envelop the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. This prevents irritation of the walls and prevents harmful substances from penetrating back into the tissues.
The list of diseases and conditions for which it is recommended to take absorbent drugs is very wide and does not have a specific list. Typically, drugs of this kind are prescribed for such conditions:
Some absorbent drugs are recommended to stop a hangover or withdrawal symptoms. Despite the general positive effect on the body of these medicines, they can not be used by everyone and not always. There are a number of contraindications to the use of absorbents:
Sometimes absorbent drugs cause a negative reaction of the body. With prolonged use or intake of absorbents without a prescription from the attending physician, there is a lack of valuable nutrients in the body, malfunctions in digestion, and blood clotting is disturbed.
If the patient took activated charcoal as an absorbent, the feces become black. Preparations containing anion-exchange resins provoke dyspeptic failures.
If absorbents are prescribed simultaneously with other drugs, it is not recommended to take them together. They can cancel each other out. In this case, taking drugs becomes meaningless. For the effectiveness of treatment, it is advisable to make the interval between medications should be at least two hours.
The attending physician should prescribe medications after carefully collecting information about the state of health and the reasons for its deterioration.Self-administration of such drugs is recommended only in exceptional cases for the relief of a serious condition. Any of the proposed drugs has its effect and is recommended to be taken to eliminate a specific problem.
This is the most famous and widely used drug from the category of absorbents. It is of animal or vegetable origin. The substance undergoes several stages of purification from harmful impurities during production. Its main active ingredient is coal. It attracts and absorbs hydrocyanic acid, alkaloids, sulfonamides, toxins of natural or chemical origin. With it, you can remove salts of heavy metals, alkali, acid, traces of sleeping pills from the body.
Activated charcoal is recommended for dyspeptic disorders, dysentery, salmonellosis, diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Due to its high efficiency in removing gases, this drug is often prescribed to prepare the patient for an endoscopic examination.
Activated charcoal is commercially available in tablet or granular form. Sometimes found in paste or powder form. It is very cheap, but for the effectiveness of treatment, it must be taken at a time, several tablets. The dose is calculated according to the patient's weight and is 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight.
The cost of the drug: from 5 rubles.
This drug is also of natural origin. It has an absorbent effect and eliminates the signs of diarrhea. Dioctahedral smectite is used here as the main active component. Additionally, auxiliary ingredients in the form of sweeteners and flavors are included in the composition.
The drug is sold in powder form. The product has a yellow-gray tint and is packaged in portion packs. Before use, the contents of one sachet are poured into a glass of water and stirred to obtain a homogeneous suspension.
Smecta is used to eliminate intestinal disorders, get rid of diarrhea of a chronic, infectious or acute nature. This drug treats dyspeptic syndrome, which is accompanied by bloating, relieves heartburn and heaviness.
The average price of the drug: from 135 rubles.
This drug is a means of antitoxic action. In it, colloidal silicon dioxide acts as the main active ingredient. The drug in the form of a white powder is sold in pharmacies, packaged in sealed disposable sachets or in plastic jars. Before use, the required portion of the drug is stirred in clean water.
Polysorb has its restorative effect in case of intoxication with various toxic substances, alcoholic beverages, poor-quality food. It is useful in acute infectious diseases, which are characterized by diarrhea. The use of polysorb will be effective to eliminate the consequences of allergy attacks, in the treatment of dysbacteriosis, kidney or liver diseases.
Polysorb as an absorbent is suitable for the treatment of children and pregnant women. In this case, the required dose is determined by the body weight of the person.
The average price of the drug is 600 rubles.
This drug belongs to the category of enterosorbent drugs. Among its active components is lignin. This substance is extracted from coniferous wood by hydrolysis.
Polyphepan performs effective bowel cleansing. It eliminates almost all toxic substances that have entered the intestines. Additionally, it reduces the amount of bad cholesterol, lowers bilirubin and urea, cleanses the body of ammonia, allergenic components and radioactive isotopes. The drug restores the intestinal microflora, enhances the immune defense at the local level.
On sale this drug is found in powder form, in tablets or in granules. It is recommended to take it one hour before meals. According to studies, this drug performs the task of eliminating the consequences of intoxication 5-10 times better than activated charcoal. However, it does not have a toxic effect on the patient's body.
The average cost of a drug is 145 rubles.
This drug is a molecular sponge with a gel or paste structure. The drug quickly absorbs and attracts toxic substances and antigens, and thereby eliminates their negative impact on the health of the victim. Among the components of this enterosorbent, polymethyloxane polyhydrate and purified water were used as an auxiliary agent.
The drug Enterosgel relieves the body of an excess of bilirubin, improves the condition of a person with intoxication with drugs or low-quality food, with infectious diseases of the intestine. It contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive organs, improves the condition of the kidneys and liver, and normalizes the state of immunity.
Enterosgel is often recommended for workers employed in hazardous industries or people living in regions with unfavorable ecology. It helps to prevent intoxication with harmful substances.
The average cost of the drug in a pharmacy is 520 rubles.
Another drug made from natural plant ingredients. This drug normalizes the function of the digestive system. The composition includes lignin used in many absorbents. By pressing this substance is converted into a convenient form of tablets for use. For children, there is also a form of Filtrum release - in the form of lozenges.
As a medicine, this absorbent is used during the treatment of dysentery, salmonellosis. It helps with intoxication with drugs or alcohol-containing products. Often it is prescribed to patients during the treatment of bacterial or viral diseases with purulent-inflammatory processes.
It is better to take the drug, previously crushed and washed down with water. The dosage depends on the age of the patient, the severity of his condition and is determined by the attending physician.
The average cost in the pharmacy of this drug is 90 rubles.
This drug belongs to the combined drugs. It successfully combines the qualities of an absorbent and a prebiotic. Thanks to absorbent substances, the drug attracts toxic compounds and slags and binds on its surface.The prebiotic lactulose improves the condition of the intestines, stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora. Such action in different directions allows using Laktofiltrum to improve the state of the immune system, cleanse cells, tissues and organs from toxic substances. The drug is often prescribed to treat allergic reactions. It improves the condition with dysbacteriosis.
Laktofiltrum is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets of an intense brown tint. It is prescribed as a treatment for adult patients and children.
The average cost of the drug is 530 rubles.
No. p / p | Name | Release form | Is it possible to give to children | Price |
1 | Activated carbon | tablets, granules, paste, powder | not desirable | 5 |
2 | Smecta | powder | can | 135 |
3 | Polysorb | powder | can | 600 |
4 | Polyphepan | powder, tablets, granules | not desirable | 145 |
5 | Enterosgel | gel or paste | can | 520 |
6 | Filtrum | tablets or lozenges | can | 90 |
7 | Lactofiltrum | tablets | can | 530 |
Modern absorbents are medicines of the newest generation. They help to qualitatively cleanse the body at the cellular level, strengthen the immune system, and organize the proper functioning of the intestines. Before starting treatment with these drugs, it is important to consult with your doctor, since the unauthorized prescription of a particular drug is unacceptable. The specialist will take into account the severity and nature of the disease, as well as the age of the victim.It is necessary to use any medicines in compliance with all precautions so as not to aggravate the problem.