Rating of the best blood pressure monitors 2019

Rating of the best blood pressure monitors 2019

Due to severe overwork or the weather, a large number of people repeatedly had bouts of poor health, up to calling an ambulance. Then there is a completely standard procedure, which begins with the measurement of blood pressure. In the article we will talk about the best blood pressure monitors for 2019. And the current rating of the best automatic blood pressure monitors for 2022 can be here.

All medical schools teach that under no circumstances should any procedure be performed on a patient without being 100% sure that the blood pressure is normal. This is due to the fact that the body's response to external stimuli can change dramatically due to a sharp drop or jump in blood pressure.

The meaning of blood pressure in human life

It is known that the optimal blood pressure for an average person is 120/80 mm, any other indicators that differ by more than 10 points in numbers can already be considered a violation. Millions of people around the world suffer from this. The most common reasons are:

  • Lifestyle. If nutrition is disturbed, the diet is poor, then frequent increases in blood pressure should be expected. Also, normal values ​​\u200b\u200bmay increase due to the use of alcoholic beverages in especially large doses, smoking and drugs. Hard and stressful work will also not bring any benefit.
  • Floor. It is known that men have higher mean arterial pressure than women or children. This is due to the great psychological burden as the head of the family. That is, all obstacles and problems are directly solved by a man. This can be supplemented with work and sex life. In total, the body of a man because of this is several times more susceptible to stress.
  • Age.It is possible that the problem with pressure in the vessels can be at a young age, but most often it affects people over forty. This is due to the simple cause of the loss of elasticity of the arteries. With age, the arteries lose their elasticity, which leads to constant drops in blood pressure.

There are two types of blood pressure disorders in the world, which over time have acquired full-fledged names and the title of diseases. If the blood pressure is constantly above normal, the doctor will talk about hypertension. Most often, people are prone to this disease due to a strong narrowing of blood vessels, that is, atherosclerosis. This process is especially dangerous in the region of the kidneys, where the renal artery passes.

Read more about what the pressure numbers mean in the video:

If you do not engage in your physical activity and nutrition, then this can lead to complications and serious problems than normal high blood pressure. Hypotension is a disease opposite to hypertension, that is, the vessels do not narrow, but expand, while creating small gaps. Lead to hypotension, first of all, a sudden decrease in fluid in the body or the so-called sepsis, which provokes the appearance of gaps.


The horror of this disease is that it may well be transmitted from mother to child. If a daughter or son asks their mother about this and receives a positive answer, then it is quite possible to say that in the future, at the age of forty, they will also face this problem. Low blood pressure is accompanied by pale skin, weakness, lower body temperature, a significant increase in sleep duration.

If you do not start to deal with this problem in time, then in the future a person will be able to face serious diseases, such as Addison's disease, heart failure, arrhythmia, hypothyroidism, pericardia, etc.

The main symptoms of low blood pressure need to be known, since in the event of an ambulance call, this information will significantly increase the chance of a quick restoration of normalized pressure in the victim. First of all, this is a deterioration in physical strength, sleep more than 12 hours a day, apathy, depression, insomnia, loss of strength, an imaginary loss of balance and concentration, sensitivity to cold.


An increase in blood pressure, where the readings are much higher than the standard, for example 160/120, are called hypertension. A dangerous disease associated with high blood pressure. Due to the strong blood flow to the heart, high blood pressure can appear both in a professional basketball player and in an office worker.

The strange thing is that to determine the cause of high blood pressure is obtained once out of twenty. It may be that some actions or external stimuli in one case can cause an increase in blood pressure, while in other cases they do not affect in any way. Neither science nor medicine could explain these phenomena. And all this is tied not only with the characteristics of each organism, but also with a variety of reactions to various foreign organisms in the body, blood.

Tonometers and their types

A mandatory medical item that should always be with a doctor is a tonometer or sphygmomanometer. These are small devices that measure blood pressure. For quite a long time, only a mechanical tonometer existed on the market.However, the rapid development of medical technology at the end of the 20th century led to the emergence of several more species.

The most common device, of course, is considered a mechanical tonometer. Due to the fact that he spent the longest time on the market and did not lose his reputation. Many people, and even doctors, say that a mechanical tonometer can safely be considered the most plausible and accurate. It works according to the Korotkov method.

In order to obtain the desired result, namely, to measure the pressure, the intervention of an outsider is required. It is unlikely that you will be able to measure your pressure with this type of tonometer alone. At any stage of this process, human efforts must be applied.

How to measure your pressure with a mechanical tonometer - in the video:

The exact numbers of this device are always compared to the professionalism of the person who took the measurement. There is also the possibility of performance deterioration due to prolonged use. Therefore, it is sometimes recommended to check them in special laboratories or buy a new one. Due to the low price, such devices have gained great popularity.

The second type is a semi-automatic tonometer. He managed to combine all the necessary features. Due to its autonomy, people can measure pressure readings on their own. The device has a small display on the pneumatic cuff. There are no special rules, the main thing is to correctly fix the pneumatic cuff and, using a medical bulb, create the necessary pressure to read the pulse, the amount of air taken in, and so on.

Everything works based on the oscillometric method, that is, human factors cannot affect the result.That is, there is no need to use other instruments or listen to the pulsation with a stethoscope, as it is necessary to do when using a mechanical apparatus. Absolutely all indicators will be displayed on the screen.

However, after many experiments, several shortcomings were found in such devices. First of all, the inability to measure blood pressure in people with arrhythmias. Due to the strong expansion of blood vessels, the device is not able to read all the necessary data and display everything correctly. Doctors do not recommend using an electronic blood pressure monitor for people over 65 years old, because beyond this age, it may show incorrect data or not work at all. All this is due to the same reasons: vasodilation, weak heartbeat, and so on.

Third view - Automatic blood pressure monitor.

An automatic tonometer is practically no different from a semi-automatic one, except for the measurement process itself. Automatic medical device eliminates the use of a pear. To start the cuff inflation process, you only need to press the button. After the device has created the necessary additional pressure on the hand, it reads all the necessary information using the same oscillometric method.

Due to the fact that the difference in price between the first type and the latter is quite large, their popularity in the market varies. On average, the price level of tonometers depends on the type of device. That is, you can buy yourself a mechanical apparatus, paying about 550 rubles, or a modern device with various functions for 2,000 rubles.

In order to choose the right blood pressure monitor for home use, you need to understand all the subtleties of its work. The main criteria are:

  • Features of the human body, the presence of various diseases;
  • How often is the device used?
  • Ease of use;
  • Price.

We managed to pick up several excellent models of different types of blood pressure monitors that can satisfy the buyer, both in price and in quality of work.

How and what to choose a tonometer for home use

Among the three types presented, the least suitable for a home non-professional device is a mechanical unit, for all its accuracy. There are several reasons for this:

Why you should not buy a mechanical blood pressure monitor for home measurement

  1. An untrained person incorrectly determines the pressure with all the accuracy of a mechanical device;
  2. With non-100% hearing or vision, the probability of a definition error increases;
  3. The error also increases the incorrect position of the pressure gauge;
  4. It is important not to unnecessarily inflate the cuff, as well as not to accelerate the rate of its bleeding, both of these points will also lead to a distortion of the result.
  5. It has been scientifically proven that when a person measures his own pressure with a mechanical device, which requires a certain effort, the pressure rises by 10-15 mm Hg;
  6. If the filling of the pulse tones is weak, they are simply not audible.

And, as we noted above, mechanical devices require annual calibration at a specialized service center; without it, the result cannot be trusted.

Criteria for choosing an automatic type tonometer

Before buying a measuring device, you need to answer a number of questions:

  1. Who is buying the device? For a young or middle-aged person, you can choose both a shoulder and wrist device. For an elderly patient - only the option with a cuff on the shoulder.
  2. Is the arrhythmia diagnosed?If there are heartbeat disorders, or a person is not sure of their absence, then it is better to choose a device with an intelligent measurement function.
  3. Is it a full hand? If it is possible to accurately determine the girth, then we select the appropriate cuff diameter, if not, then the right choice is a universal cuff.
  4. How many people will measure pressure with this device? If not one, then you should choose a device with a memory function for several users.
  5. Where will the device be used and stored? But this question is relevant only for young people and middle-aged people, since different options for tonometers are suitable for them. If compactness is important, then the carpal version is more convenient, otherwise, the shoulder version.
  6. Is remembering the measurement date important? If yes, then you should choose among devices with this function.

After receiving the necessary parameters, you can proceed to the choice, the compiled selection will help you navigate the variety of offers. Mechanical blood pressure monitors are also included in this review due to their accuracy, subject to professional use, and affordability. Semi-automatic and automatic devices are grouped separately.

Rating of the best mechanical blood pressure monitors for measuring pressure


One of the best mechanical blood pressure monitors on the market today. Easily used at home. High-quality materials guarantee long-term operation of the device with a minimum error in the results of +/- 4 mm.

Despite the average weight of 340 grams, it is quite well made. The kit includes a metal stethoscope, an air valve (pear), a pneumatic cuff made of high-quality material. On average, on the market you can buy this device for yourself for 630 rubles.

tonometer LD-71A

Overview of the device - in the video:

  • Easy to use;
  • There is a fixing ring;
  • Inexpensive.
  • Basically, the operation of the device is focused on an adult.

Little Doctor LD-81

The device has a standard design for mechanical blood pressure monitors. The cuff can be placed on the shoulder, while it can be worn on the right or left hand. This will not change the error. Permissible variation in shoulder volume is 25 - 36 cm.

The information is displayed on a pointer type pressure gauge. Accuracy: 3 mmHg

The tonometer weighs 296 gr.

The average cost of LD-81 is 900 rubles.

Little Doctor LD-81
  • Adapted cuff for both hands;
  • Measurement accuracy even during long-term (over a year) operation.
  • The main one concerns the case of the tonometer, which is sewn poorly and quickly becomes unusable.

Video demonstration of the device:

ARMED 3.02.008 (black head)

This blood pressure monitor is suitable for people with a dense physique with a large shoulder volume. The fact is that this mechanical tonometer has a large cuff, its size is 46 cm.

The device weighs more than similar rating models - 360 gr.

Otherwise, it has a standard assembly, the cuff must be put on the shoulder, and the result is shown using the arrow on the pressure gauge.

The ARMED 3.02.008 tonometer will cost 1000 rubles on average.

ARMED 3.02.008
  • Large cuff.
  • The device is heavy.

The best semi-automatic blood pressure monitors

Omron S1

A semi-automatic device, the cuff of which is worn on the shoulder, in addition to its main function, is capable of measuring the patient's pulse.

In this case, the accuracy in fixing the pulse is 5%, and the error in measuring pressure is 3 mm Hg. Art., which is no different from other semi- and fully automatic devices.

The standard cuff has a size of 22-32 cm, while it is possible to equip the device with cuffs for children (17-22 cm) or a large accessory (32-42 cm).

The measurement results are displayed on the LCD. There is a memory function, while the last measurement is saved automatically, in total you can see 14 results at the same time, that is how many memory cells the tonometer has.

The device is powered by batteries, you need 2 pieces, size AAA.

The price of Omron S1 is 1340 rubles on average.

Omron S1
  • Possibility to fix cuffs of various sizes;
  • Presence of memory cells.
  • There is no possibility of network operation.

Video about Omron S1:

AND UA-604

The semi-automatic blood pressure monitor has a fairly light design with a standard cuff, its size is 22-32 cm, weight 76 g. The cuff is equipped with an internal rubber chamber, which has the shape of a cylinder and allows you to evenly distribute pressure on the arm at the time of inflation.

The indicators displayed on the LCD display have standard errors: 3 mm Hg. Art. - when measuring pressure, 5% - when monitoring the pulse.

The device automatically remembers the last readings.

Battery operated, tedious 1 piece, size AA.

The average cost of AND UA-604 is 1250 rubles.

AND UA-604
  • The presence of a one-button control function;
  • Painless cuff;
  • Compactness, light weight.
  • Only the last indicators are remembered;
  • Runs on batteries only, no mains.

Video demonstration of the device:

Omron M1 Compact

This device, at first glance, has quite standard characteristics, the cuff is worn on the shoulder, its size is 22-32 cm, the data is displayed on the LCD.However, this tonometer has a number of additional functions, including 30 memory cells, arrhythmia indication, the possibility of attaching a child and a large cuff.

At the same time, the error indicators are standard: 3 mm Hg. Art. (pressure), 5% - pulse.

The device, whose dimensions are 86x75x109 mm and weight - 126 g, is powered by AAA batteries, 4 of them are needed.

The average cost of Omron M1 Compact is 1750 rubles.

Omron M1 Compact
  • Arrhythmia indicator;
  • Possibility of fastening different-sized cuffs;
  • Saving measurements (up to 30 at the same time).
  • It does not work from the mains, which means that in the absence of batteries it cannot be used.

Video demonstration of the device:

The best automatic blood pressure monitors

This group is the most popular, despite the higher cost compared to the two previous groups. Therefore, the choice of such devices on the market is the widest.


This device can be safely called the leader in terms of "price-functionality" ratio. The automatic blood pressure monitor comes with a painless cuff worn on the shoulder, its size is standard: 22-32 cm.

Among the indicators that can be measured are: blood pressure (error - 3 mm Hg. Art.), pulse (accuracy 5%), the presence of arrhythmia.

The tonometer automatically remembers the latest data, and can simultaneously store 30 measurements and calculate the average value. Equipped with a WHO school, which allows you to determine the rate of pressure, and a one-button control function.

Powered by batteries, 4 pieces of AA size, it is possible to measure from the mains, but the adapter will have to be purchased separately.

The average cost of AND UA-888E with a cuff of 22-32 cm is 1700 rubles.

  • Wide functionality at an affordable price;
  • 30 memory cells, average calculation;
  • Button control;
  • Ability to work from the network.
  • No adapter;
  • No storage case included;
  • Sensitive to changes in ambient temperature.

Video about the tonometer:

Omron M2 Classic (HEM 7122-ALRU)

A truly classic sphygmomanometer, which makes it possible to measure pressure for people with different shoulder volumes, for autonomous operation from batteries or from the mains, for which an adapter is included in the kit.

It should be noted that automatic blood pressure monitors from Omron with a similar name may have different configurations and functionality, for example, there is Omron M2 Classic (HEM 7122-LRU), there is no letter A in the name, in the box to which you will not find an adapter, and there will be only 30 memory cells, however, and the price will be excellent.

The cuff of the device, the size of which is 22-42 cm, is worn on the shoulder, and the measurement results are displayed on the LCD, while the errors are standard. The device will remember the latest data automatically, and can simultaneously store up to 60 measurements.

In addition to measuring pressure, you can monitor the pulse and arrhythmia.

The device can operate on mains power or on 4 AA batteries.

The price of Omron M2 Classic (HEM 7122-ALRU) is 3100 rubles on average.

Omron M2 Classic (HEM 7122-ALRU)
  • Universal cuff;
  • 60 memory cells;
  • The presence of an adapter;
  • There is a storage case.
  • No WHO scale;
  • There is no averaging function.

Video review of the device:


A lovely automatic blood pressure monitor that can provide complete information about the state of blood pressure in a second, and at the same time also show the numerical value of the pulse rate.The elastic cuff is connected to a small LCD display that quickly displays all the necessary information on the screens.

The device is quite light and will not hinder its use, even with one hand. There is SlimFit technology, which remembers about 90 last uses of the device. On the display, you can see not only the pulse rate, and blood pressure readings, there are also arrhythmia indicators, the degree of fullness of the cuff. Such a wonderful device will cost 3000 rubles.

tonometer AND UA-777 AC

Video tips for using the device:

  • Portable, lightweight and handy;
  • Function of storing the last measurements;
  • All work of the tonometer is automated and activated by pressing only one button.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to measure the pressure several times, since an overly sensitive signal receiving system may show incorrect data;
  • Can be used by people with small hand circumference.


Stylish automatic blood pressure monitor that easily shows all readings in a fraction of a second. There is a sensor that reads all the pulses and determines whether they are regular or not. During operation, you do not need to constantly look at the LCD screen and wait for the latest readings. It has a small indicator light that lights up when accurate data is displayed. The function is useful for people over 45 years old.

Easy to use without extra help. Due to the high quality of materials - the cuff is made of durable nylon fabric, and all metal parts are made of medical alloy.This allows us to assert that OMRON M3 EXPERT will be able to work for many years, and at the same time the quality will not suffer.

OMRON M3 EXPERT blood pressure monitor

Overview of the tonometer in the video:

  • Really smart device;
  • It has a memory system, it is capable of storing up to a hundred measurements;
  • The pneumatic manual cuff inflates itself and senses the air level for comfortable blood pressure measurement.
  • An expensive device, for which you will have to pay an average of 3600 rubles;
  • For full use requires reading the instructions.

A tonometer is an indispensable thing that should be present not only in every home or transport, but also at hand in most people. It is known that blood pressure jokes never lead to a happy ending.

The list shows that mechanical blood pressure monitors are gradually becoming a thing of the past, and they are being replaced by perfect and high-quality devices, in the use of which you do not have to resort to certain skills.

Which tonometer did you choose?
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