
  1. What is a thermal curtain for?
  2. Types of thermal curtains
  3. Air curtain parameters
  4. How to choose a thermal curtain
  5. Rating of the best thermal curtains for 2022

Overview of the best air curtains for 2022

Overview of the best air curtains for 2022

A thermal curtain is a device that is placed in a window or doorway. Thanks to him, a barrier is created between the cold air from the street and the warm air that is inside the room. Consider the types of thermal curtains and find out which of the abundance to choose the best for yourself.

What is a thermal curtain for?

Thanks to the thermal curtain, there will never be drafts in the room. On hot summer days, the device can serve as a fan to cool the room, and in winter it can act as an additional heater.In addition, the curtain, which is created by a structure of air alone, well protects the room from the penetration of dust or insects into it.

Such a curtain also does not allow cold air flows to penetrate into the room. The most important advantage of the air curtain is the energy saving function. Due to the fact that the curtain serves as a barrier to the exit of warm air to the outside and the penetration of a cold stream into the inside, the consumption of resources used for heating the room is reduced.

Types of thermal curtains

All thermal curtains are divided into different categories according to the mode of operation, type of heater, mounting method. Depending on the mode of operation, thermal curtains are of periodic and continuous action:

  1. A device with a periodic mode of action is installed in window openings. The frequency of their work is set depending on how quickly the room is cooled.
  2. A device with a constant principle of operation is installed in apartments as the main heater or air conditioner in the summer.

Classification according to the type of heater that can operate on water, electric, steam, gas heating or without it:

  1. The most economical device is a thermal curtain with water heating. In this case, the machine uses power only for fan operation.
  2. Devices whose heater is powered by the mains are the easiest to install and connect.
  3. With heating from steam or gas, they are used in most cases in enterprises.

According to the type of installation, the air curtains are located vertically or horizontally and hidden:

  1. Most often, thermal curtains are installed horizontally. They are placed directly above the door.
  2. Vertical fastening is used in cases where the doors are large and the horizontal fastening curtains are not enough to ensure the flow rate for the entire opening. But you should take into account the fact that the air curtains with a horizontal mount should never be installed vertically, because the bearings in the fan will wear out in this way. The same caution applies to vertical curtains.
  3. A hidden type thermal curtain fits best into the interior of the room, since it is installed when the apartment has a false ceiling and at the same time hides all its details. Only a grate remains on the surface through which air is supplied.

According to the design method, thermal curtains can be divided into diametrical, channel, axial or centrifugal.

Structures can also be divided according to the place where they are installed. Namely, on wall, ceiling or floor:

  1. Wall thermal curtains, in turn, can be either horizontal or vertical.
  2. Ceiling is divided into horizontal and hidden.
  3. The floor-mounted ones have only a vertical position and, thanks to a special stable mount, are attached to the floor covering.

Air curtain parameters

First of all, you should consider what the thermal curtain consists of. The design elements are:

  • fan for air supply and circulation;
  • heating element;
  • temperature controller, which controls how warm the room is, prevents overheating of the heating element and melting of the structure;
  • a filter through which air passes into the room;
  • blinds;
  • Remote Control;
  • metal case (there are a large number of types of design, so you can choose the best option that is ideal for the interior of the room).

You should choose a design for yourself, based on the following parameters:

  • Dimensions that must match the openings;
  • The amount of air passed through the device;
  • What temperature can the device pump;
  • Noise that is created during the operation of the structure;
  • Control method.

The size

The dimensions of the thermal curtain are determined based on the width of the doorway. It is best to choose a device that will be placed across the entire width of the opening or slightly exceed it. There are models ranging in size from 60 centimeters to 2 meters. Most often, thermal curtains with sizes from 80 centimeters to 1 meter are popular. These models are considered standard. If the room has a doorway height of no more than 3.54 meters, then in this case it is possible to choose a thermal curtain in size. For openings, the width of which significantly exceeds two meters, several devices are installed at once, while they are attached tightly to each other.


Air curtain performance is a parameter that shows how much air is pumped by the device in a certain time.

The power of the structure indicates the speed of the air flow that comes out of it. It depends on this indicator at what height you need to install the device. The most optimal speed is considered to be 2 meters per second directly at the floor itself. If this condition is not met, then a gap is formed between the floor and the curtain, which will allow the circulation of cold and warm air flows from room to room.Thus, it will not fully warm up.

The power of the heater depends on the purpose of using the thermal curtain. In order to heat a room of 10 square meters, which is not heated, it is necessary to spend at least 1 kilowatt per hour. But it should be taken into account that in most cases the air curtain is not used as the main source of heat. If you put the device for this purpose, you will need high power, this will lead to a large waste of energy and, accordingly, will affect the budget.

Noise level

It is very important for each consumer to know the noise level of the structure installed in the room. The same indicator is important when installing a thermal curtain. The most optimal for offices and residential premises is the emitted noise of 60 dB. Models of a thermal veil work almost silently. The level they emit barely reaches 44 dB. To understand how loud it sounds, you should compare it with ordinary human speech. The noise level in this case reaches 45 dB.

Control methods

You can control the structure using a remote or built-in remote control. The curtain itself is activated by two elements. In the first case, the fan turns on and off, in the second case, the heater.

The built-in remote control is most often used in small air curtains that meet the standards. Remote - used only on structures that are installed in production. In this case, it is installed where there will be the most convenient access to it.

Connection methods

Connect thermal curtains, depending on the power of the device. Small installations with low power can be powered from a conventional single-phase outlet.More powerful curtains need to be powered from a three-phase network. Therefore, when buying a product, you need to specify how exactly you need to connect the device.

How to choose a thermal curtain

When buying a curtain, you first need to study the market and determine which of the manufacturers is more popular. There are two groups of producers in Russia: domestic and foreign. It should be taken into account that both groups have their own leading producers. Naturally, many prefer foreign products, but it should also be taken into account that domestic companies also produce air curtains that can compete with imported goods.

Leaders of foreign firms

The first place in the rating of production of thermal curtains is occupied by the Swedish company Frico. Goods of very high quality production, but at the same time their cost is very high, and not everyone is able to purchase a purchase.

In second place is the Greek company Olefini. They are also known for their high quality and power of thermal curtains.

Leaders of domestic production

The first place rightfully belongs to the Teplomash company. Their products are valued in the CIS, Canada and the USA. Among the advantages of the designs of this company should be noted:

  • A large number of different models that are suitable for both large and small rooms;
  • Produce the most powerful designs in the world;
  • Artfully crafted in a modern style, the designs fit perfectly into any interior;
  • The device is not at all expensive when compared with similar designs that were made abroad;
  • The kit includes additional elements: a control panel, displacement blocks and communication nodes.
  • The device has the longest warranty.

Tropic is in second place. It produces a wide range of models of thermal curtains for large industrial premises, as well as for small residential and office premises.

The third place in the rating is confidently held by the company IZTT. Their curtains are developed jointly with the German company Punker. On the market, the products of these manufacturers are known under the name Ballu. Compared to other thermal curtains, these are sold at low prices and are available to the average consumer.

Rating of the best thermal curtains for 2022

We figured out the design of thermal curtains, and now let's look at which of them were recognized as the best when tested by expert specialists, and also evaluated by real buyers. Among the many thermal curtains, the consumer preferred three companies:

  • Timberk;
  • ballu;
  • Tropic.

And so we go directly to the product.

Timberk THC WS8 3M

The curtain costs 5,520 r with a power of up to 3000 watts. An excellent solution to the problem of cooling in the autumn, when the main heating is not turned on. It perfectly copes with the heating of the apartment and fully provides air circulation.

Timberk THC WS8 3M
  • Neatly crafted stylish design with glossy front panel. The device is made of stainless steel and fits perfectly into the interior of an apartment or office.
  • Thanks to the AERODYNAMIC CONTROL technology, the heater works safely, the thermal regime is controlled, which prolongs the life of the product.
  • The air flow is evenly distributed, the speed of which is 7.9 m/s. 390 cubic meters pass through the curtain. m. per hour.
  • The stitch element quickly reaches the desired operating temperature. Just 15 seconds is enough.
  • The system of protection against an overheat and short circuit is built in.
  • No.

Ballu BHC-3.000SB (BHC-3SB)

The cost of the goods is 3,990 r with a power of up to 3000 watts. Well maintains air temperature within 22 degrees in an unheated small room.

Ballu BHC-3.000SB (BHC-3SB)
  • The presence of an engine with an impeller provides a uniform air flow, being at a height of two and a half meters;
  • There are two modes of operation: heating and economical, which allow you to adjust the temperature regime depending on weather conditions;
  • In the summer, you can provide the room with good air circulation, thanks to the idle blowing function;
  • Allows you to heat a room up to 30 square meters;
  • 300 cubic meters pass through the curtain. m. per hour;
  • It connects to the network using a remote plug. Required network 220 volts;
  • Thanks to air filtration, insects and dust do not penetrate into the room.
  • No.


The cost of the device is 3,965 r with a power of up to 3,000 watts. This device will be enough to heat a small room. It can quickly bring the temperature up to 31 degrees.

  • Thanks to its design and the way all elements are placed, it pumps an air flow at a speed of 390 m³ / h, which no competitor has;
  • STIC-element is equipped with a needle structure, which allows you to reach the highest temperature in a few seconds;
  • Thanks to the material from which the device is made, it copes well with moisture. This allows you to maintain the microclimate in the room;
  • Mechanical regulators allow you to customize the operation of the device;
  • The thermostat protects the curtain from overheating.
  • No.

Tropic A-3

This design costs 2,982 r with a power of up to 3,000. This device does an excellent job with heat loss in the room, as it serves as an excellent barrier between cold air from outside and warm air from inside the room.

Tropic A-3
  • Thanks to the STICH panel as a heater, the device has the ability to heat the room up to the set temperature;
  • The air flow is forced by a fan with an aluminum impeller, which passes through itself 280 cubic meters of air per hour;
  • The device operates in three modes: as an air conditioner, economical with a power of up to 15,000 W and maximum mode with a power of up to 3,000 W;
  • A thermostat that controls heating and warns against overheating and melting of the elements;
  • For the effective operation of the device, it must be hung to a height of up to 220 centimeters, with a doorway width of 50 or 60 centimeters;
  • It is powered by a 220 W power supply;
  • Mounted in a horizontal position. At the same time, installation is very easy and simple.
  • No.

Timberk THC WS8 5M

This device costs 8,040 r, while its power exceeds 3,000 watts. In the summer, the curtain does an excellent job of air conditioning. Serves as a heater in autumn and winter.

Timberk THC WS8 5M
  • Needle type heater allows you to raise the temperature and heat the room, which exceeds an area of ​​​​30 square meters;
  • Works continuously throughout the day, with a two-hour break;
  • It is installed indoors, 220 meters high and with a doorway of 60 centimeters;
  • Through itself, the device passes 500 cubic meters. m/h;
  • Thanks to the glossy surface, the device is suitable for any interior, both in a personal apartment and in the office;
  • This device with its work allows you to significantly save on heaters and fuel resources.
  • No.

The article describes the best thermal curtains for 2022, which will significantly save the budget during the winter cold. In addition, they will help out in hot weather by working as an air conditioner. Your home will always be warm and dry, and you will not be disturbed by insects.

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