Rating of the best tick remedies for humans in 2022

Rating of the best tick remedies for humans in 2022

On our planet, there are more than 47 thousand names of arachnid arthropod blood-sucking acarids that live on every continent and under any climatic conditions. Ticks, which are part of the acari suborder, are a large family that differ both in appearance and in their lifestyle.

Conventionally, zoologists divide all existing acarids into two types:

  1. Scavengers - These species feed only on organic decay products.
  2. Hematophagous - Parasitic predators that feed on the blood of mammals and are carriers of especially dangerous diseases.

All kinds of these blood-sucking parasites can easily live on every person, as well as in residential premises, causing such terrible diseases as: Lyme borreliosis, scochitosis, demodicosis, fever, typhoid, damage to the nervous and cardiovascular systems, allergies and even distemper.

Ways to deal with ticks

To date, there are not so many orthodox and tested methods of dealing with hematophagous parasites. Of course, it would be more reliable to entrust the work of removing ticks to specialists by contacting the appropriate service for help. However, this method is quite expensive, and, in addition, tick attacks can happen on vacation far from civilization, and the help of a specialized specialist may be belated.Existing methods of struggle are based on the use of physical or chemical methods of removing the bloodsucker.


This method includes raising the temperature in the rooms where the parasite has been seen, scalding the exterior with boiling water, treating it with ultraviolet lamps, and installing ultrasonic devices.


The most effective methods in the fight against ticks are all kinds of synthetic drugs, presented in the form of chemicals created using modern technologies and containing a combination of elements that destroy or repel the parasite. Manufacturing companies that produce such products do not stand still in their development, offering the consumer their expanding range of complex acaricides, constantly improving their characteristics. How to choose the best remedy and protect yourself and your loved ones from the bite of the acarid parasite of their effective drugs offered on the domestic market, thus providing reliable protection?

Types of chemicals against acarid parasites

Existing antiparasitic aerosols and creams are divided into three types:

  • a synthesized repellent element that drives away predatory parasites with its odious aroma;
  • a sulfur-based chemical acaricide that causes a nerve-paralytic effect in the sucker, followed by complete destruction;
  • blended substances acting on the tick in parallel and synchronously.

On each container of the purchased product, the manufacturer is obliged to indicate what type it is according to the method of exposure, as well as the main chemical elements that make up its composition. For high-quality sprays, the main substances that make up its basis should be the reagents diethyltoluamide and alphamethrin.When using these drugs, you need to be aware of the limitations of use for some people. First of all it is:

  • children under 3 years of age;
  • individuals suffering from allergies;
  • preparing to become a mother and breastfeeding.

The best manufacturers of drugs for tick control

Picking up a fairly effective spray or ointment to protect against parasites is an essential thing during a hike or outdoor recreation with the whole family. Fans of fishing, hunting and mushroom picking cannot do without such protection. And here it is necessary to take into account the fact that the purchased remedy should help both adults and children without compromising their health. The ranking of popular manufacturers, whose products you should pay special attention to, will help you make the right choice.


The name of the company, which has existed on the domestic market for more than a decade, comes from the English guard, which literally means “to repel an attack”, “to protect”. This fully reflects the essence of the work of the chemical industrial concern, whose range includes protective preparations from blood-sucking parasites and children's protective equipment. All products of the company undergo the strictest quality control, and the company itself is in constant development, offering the consumer more and more advanced drugs.


All brand products are developed using innovative technologies and in compliance with all necessary international quality and safety standards. According to surveys, more than 70% of consumers become regular customers of Moskitol, evaluating the quality of the company's goods as very worthy.The preparations produced by the brand are remarkably used for parasites both on the street or in the forest, and inside the existing residential premises, as they have not only a high performance indicator, but also sufficient safety when used.

Biopharm LTD

Possessing extensive medical knowledge with a combination of innovative technologies, the Polish Biopharm Limited Liability Company creates and releases on the world market chemical protective drugs, confirmed by all European standards, proving to the consumer their complete safety and sufficient effectiveness.

Review of budgetary acaricidal and repellent preparations for tick control

The number of insecticidal and acaricidal tick protectors presented on the modern market of chemical products puts the consumer at a loss as to which drug is better to buy in order to protect yourself and your family from the attack of the parasite. According to a customer survey, the most effective means at a low price are:

Anti-mite "Deadly Force" 3 in 1
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An effective killer of all types of ticks and other blood-sucking parasites. The increased concentration of its active substance guarantees a protective effect against the attack of predatory insects for up to 15 days. It is used to process wardrobe items with their subsequent drying. It is unacceptable to wear clothes until completely dry. Average price: from 100 rubles.

Anti-mite "Deadly Force" 3 in 1
  • lethal effect on all types of acarids;
  • very minimal price;
  • extended time of drug exposure.
  • there is some dose of toxicity;
  • flammable.

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The formula for the composition of this high-quality and inexpensive product was developed by disenfectologists for more than 10 years, until finally the formulation of this repellent became perfect, providing reliable protection against all types of blood-sucking parasites. Contains a selection of essential substances that enhance the repellent effect on ticks. The period of the protective function works up to 25 days. Average price: from 135 rubles.

  • a long period of protective action;
  • low price for the product;
  • pleasant smell of the substance.
  • unacceptable use for children and women who are preparing to become a mother, breastfeeding.

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The formula of this insectoacaricide, available in the form of an aerosol, balm, gel and chemical pencil, has a deterrent effect, effectively protecting against the bites of bloodsucking acarids. The method of application is external to existing clothing, avoiding the drug getting on the inner layer of the walls of the hollow organs of the digestive, respiratory and genitourinary systems. Average price: from 175 rubles.

  • effective action;
  • budget price.
  • the possibility of manifestation of resonance in the form of an allergic rash;
  • Strong smell.

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The protective accident of this drug lasts up to five days, forcing ticks to crawl in the opposite direction. Apply it to open areas of the body and existing clothing, avoiding contact with mucous membranes. Average price: from 160 rubles.

  • affordable price;
  • long-term deterrent effect.
  • allergic manifestations;
  • slight toxicity of the drug.

Reftamid Maximum
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Repellent spray formula designed to repel bloodsucking acarids of the forest, steppe, taiga types, with a protective effect cycle of up to 5 hours when applied to the skin and up to 4 days when covering wardrobe items with the chemical. Average price: from 150 rubles.

Reftamid Maximum
  • long impact;
  • affordable prices for products.
  • slight toxicity;
  • possibility of insect allergy.

Tick ​​Caput
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Repellent-acaricidal drug, acting quite effectively against all varieties of ticks. Processing occurs only on garments, preventing the substance from getting on the skin. The processed wardrobe is dried within 1-3 hours. Etching on the person himself and putting on until it is not completely dry is not allowed. Average price: from 135 rubles.

Tick ​​Caput
  • maintaining the effectiveness of exposure up to 8 days;
  • scaring away other bloodsuckers;
  • small price.
  • very toxic;
  • flammable.

Argus "Anticlesh"
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100 ml bottle type insecticide, repellent, designed for the whole family. It protects a person from various insects, such as mosquitoes, mosquitoes, midges, ticks and fleas, thereby ensuring a comfortable stay in the country, outdoor recreation, hunting or fishing.

The tool is simply applied to clothing, does not stain and is harmless to humans, however, precautions should be studied before application (instruction).

Average price: from 140 rubles.

Argus "Anticlesh"
  • suitable for children and adults;
  • universal;
  • highly efficient;
  • safe;
  • inexpensive.
  • not identified.

Picnic Extreme
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Repellent in the form of an aerosol with the active substance DEET with a concentration of 35%. The drug protects a person from various insects, including ticks.It is applied both on clothing and on bare skin. The composition of the substance includes eucalyptus oil, which cares for the skin.

The volume of the bottle is 75 ml - this is enough to process yourself and equipment several times. Despite the small volume, the spray is consumed slowly, since its effect lasts about 12 hours.

Average price: from 170 rubles.

Picnic Extreme
  • economical consumption;
  • generic drug;
  • effective;
  • smells good;
  • with skin care effect.
  • not identified.

The best drugs for combating ticks in the middle price category

All kinds of tick protectors, being modern external preparations for protection against all types of ticks, are available to every consumer, because they can be found on the shelves of pharmacies and in specialized outlets. Innovative products are produced by both Russian and foreign manufacturers. Referring to the opinions of experts and surveys of consumers who already have experience in the use of acaricidal and repellent preparations, potential leaders that are popular with the average buyer are located.

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Aerosols from Mosquitol prove that innovative chemical preparations for combating insect parasites are not only highly effective, but also quite safe when applied. Mosquito repellents have protective properties even for delicate and sensitive children's skin, are allowed for use by pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. The product is applied to the skin and has an effective tick repellent effect up to 3 hours. Average price: from 200 rubles.

  • safe use for children and pregnant women;
  • ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties;
  • neutral closer to a pleasant smell.
  • In some cases, insect allergy is possible.

Gardex Extreme
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The presented tool provides reliable protection against all types of active predatory mites. The product is applied by spraying on existing wardrobe items and equipment, after creating protection for the respiratory system and eyes. Disinfected things are dried for further use. It is forbidden to process things on the human body! Average price: from 250 rubles.

Gardex Extreme
  • wide temporary protective period;
  • ergonomics of the balloon;
  • lethal power of the drug.
  • unpleasant chemical smell;
  • a ban on the use of funds for children and women who are preparing to become a mother.

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A wonderful drug with an active element permethrin, which copes with the protective function against attacks of all kinds of acarids. The application is available for both adults and children. The active substance of this anti-feeding not only repels the tick, but, by creating a nerve-paralytic effect for the parasite, destroys the predator. It is applied to things and equipment, bringing them to complete drying. Average price: from 245 rubles.

  • long protective effect;
  • the possibility of using for babies;
  • nice smell.
  • the possibility of manifestations in the form of allergic rashes.

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An excellent acaricide aerosol for those who want to protect themselves and their families from attacks of predatory mites. It has the largest number of positive reviews from the consumer. Unlike its counterparts, Breeze-Antiklesh destroys ticks even when they simply get on processed things, which should be put on only after they are completely dry after pickling. Average price: from 400 rubles.

  • destruction of acarids before contact with human skin;
  • high degree of protection;
  • long waiting period.
  • quite an unpleasant smell that does not disappear for a long time.

Reftamid Antiklesh Taiga
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A super-effective complex preparation, applied only to clothes and uniforms made of fabric. The processed things are dried and put on underwear. The period of the protective function of the drug lasts about 15 days. Pickled wardrobe items are stored in plastic bags. Average price: from 200 rubles.

Reftamid Antiklesh Taiga
  • lethal protective action;
  • long waiting period;
  • quality assurance.
  • toxicity;
  • flammability.

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Reliable repellent spray that repels all types of existing parasitic mites from humans. The purpose of this drug is one hundred percent protection against blood-sucking predators. It is applied to the skin or existing wardrobe items of a person. Experiments with the application of this agent showed that after a few minutes of contact with the processed things, the acarids fell off, losing their ability to suck. Average price: from 205 rubles.

  • amazing tick-repelling effect;
  • long waiting period.
  • some of the substances present in the preparation are toxic;
  • cases of acquiring fakes.

Mr. Volt
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Domestic acaricidal-repellent preparation against mosquitoes, ticks and flies in the form of an aerosol is applied to clothes, provides comfort when working at a summer cottage, picnic or going to the forest. Protects the user from various blood-sucking insects (repels).

Average price: from 200 rubles.

Mr. Volt from mosquitoes
  • universal;
  • large volume;
  • does not require contact with the skin;
  • efficient.
  • not identified.

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Polish-made aerosol in a large bottle - 90 ml is intended for the treatment of clothing and skin, has a repellent effect on blood-sucking insects: mosquitoes, mosquitoes, midges, forest mites. Type of product - repellent.

How to properly handle equipment and exposed skin is detailed in the instructions. Time of action of the drug:

  • up to 8 hours - when applied to the skin;
  • 30 days - from insects when applied to clothing;
  • up to 5 days - from ticks, if the clothes are stored in a plastic bag.

Average price: from 250 rubles.

  • active protection against mosquito and tick bites;
  • keeps the effect for a long time;
  • economical consumption;
  • large volume;
  • democratic price;
  • simple application.
  • not identified.

Ultra-acoustic devices for tick control

The existing variety of sprays, ointments and creams that help repel and kill ticks are still not very safe for human health. A rather original substitute for such agents are ultrasonic devices, which in their application differ significantly from acaricidal preparations. In such units, an ultrasonic maser with a floating frequency is mounted, which provides a depressing effect on all types of ticks, having the same primary selection criteria, since:

  • have no contraindications;
  • safe to use for children, pregnant women, the elderly, animals;
  • emit ultraacoustic waves that pose a threat only to insect predators and parasites;
  • do not contain negative and toxic substances;
  • ergonomic and easy to operate.

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An ultra-acoustic repeller that you can take with you on hiking, hunting and fishing trips. It is successfully operated both for protection of adults, and kids. It has a wide radius of action to drive off parasites, which is about 3 meters. Average price: from 3000 rubles.

  • decent range of action;
  • water resistance;
  • compactness.
  • non-replaceable battery after the expiration of its service life.

Antiklesch M
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Domestic ultrasonic unit with an increased radius of the effective process of scaring away acarids up to 4 meters. It has waterproof function and anti-shock effect. Average price: from 2200 rubles.

Antiklesch M
  • wide range of impact on the pest;
  • wetting protection.
  • noise during operation.

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The camouflage keychain device is made of polycarbonate and anti-allergic synthetic resin. The device repels not only ticks, but also fleas with the help of an ultrasonic wave, the radius of which reaches 3 meters. The case is waterproof, but not waterproof. The device works from the built-in battery which lasts for 10-12 months.

Average price: from 2500 rubles.

  • comfortable;
  • large range;
  • value for money;
  • moisture protection;
  • the product is safe for humans;
  • small size.
  • the battery cannot be replaced.

Skudo Human
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An ultrasonic accessory in the form of a keychain is designed to protect humans and animals during the tick season. The case is rectangular in shape with rounded corners and lugs for attaching to the hand, a strap, an animal collar, and is protected from dripping moisture.

The emission of ultrasonic pulses of a certain range, which are not carried by parasites, effectively protect the user from ticks and reinfection. What happens when a tick gets on human skin or animal fur: the device suppresses the activity of the insect, a barrier is established that prevents the development of parasite eggs. At the same time, the frequencies of ultrasound (range of action of 3 meters) are harmful to blood-sucking parasites, but not to the pet and its owner.

The device is powered by a built-in battery, has a special tab that should be pulled out to activate the device. The complete readiness of it is reported by the indicator light - it flashes 10 times. If you bring it to your ear, you can hear a faint ticking. Battery life is about 10 months.

Average price: from 1550 rubles.

Skudo Human
  • suitable for animals and people;
  • repels and prevents infection;
  • safe;
  • the case is resistant to splashes and rain;
  • universal mount;
  • long service life;
  • radius of action.
  • non-removable battery.

For every lover of outdoor activities in the forest or on the river, one simply cannot do without reliable protection against a tick, because even a small bite of it can lead to terrible consequences in the form of all kinds of infectious diseases that can lead to disability and even death. In order to prevent this from happening, you need to take care of your health and purchase a suitable remedy for yourself and your family.


