
  1. Types and characteristics of carpets
  2. Types of carpet cleaning
  3. The most popular and high-quality carpet cleaners

Ranking the best carpet cleaners for your home in 2019

Ranking the best carpet cleaners for your home in 2019

Even the best expensive carpets are subject to time and inevitably wear out, lose their rich color, acquire stains, and eventually their appearance is no longer pleasing to the eye. Modern household chemicals will help revive the carpet, restore its cleanliness, freshness, bright color, eliminate unsightly stains and unpleasant odors. The most important thing in this business is to choose the right high-quality and optimally priced carpet cleaner.

Attention! For a more up-to-date ranking of the best carpet and upholstery cleaners, see separate article.

Types and characteristics of carpets

To choose a detergent, it is necessary to determine the type of carpet you have, since the material from which the carpet is made has its own characteristics and needs an individual approach.

  1. Wool. Wool carpet requires careful care. It is able to repel water and dirt, thanks to which it retains its appearance for a long time, it is soft and elastic, but the colors become paler over time. General cleaning is carried out with a vacuum cleaner, and twice a year it is useful to carry out wet cleaning. Wool carpet should not be dried directly in the sun or on weight, it is better to leave it to dry directly on the floor. It is also not recommended to expose the carpet to dry cleaning, to clean it against the pile. When cleaning with household products at home, you should not use salt - it corrodes the base. It is better to use special soap, shampoo, and products that do not contain bleach, dyes.
  2. Silk. Such carpets are very capricious, it is necessary to shake them from dust from time to time, and to carry out major cleaning either in dry cleaning or using special care products for silk carpets. At home, you can clean the carpet from dirt with a piece of suede and non-concentrated vinegar. Silk carpets are not vacuumed, rubbed with coarse brushes or beaten out. They do not tolerate wet cleaning and exposure to strong chemicals, so it is better to stop at dry cleaning.
  3. Viscose. It also has a capricious disposition. This material cannot be subjected to rough cleaning, so it is better to forget about washing, rough brushes, caustic agents based on alkali and chlorine. However, careful wet cleaning is allowed with the help of neutral and gentle means.
  4. Linen and cotton.Carpets made from these natural materials cannot be washed in a washing machine and wet cleaned, therefore, in order to maintain the appearance of the coating and clean it from dirt, it is recommended to use dry cleaning products.
  5. Synthetics. It includes polyester, polypropylene, acrylic, polyamide and terclon. Such carpets are inexpensive, do not fade, durable and resistant to dirt. The carpet, which does not have an adhesive backing, can be safely washed and subjected to wet cleaning. The polyester covering must not be left to dry in the sun.
  6. Semi-synthetics. These are carpets that are 20 or 30 percent synthetic. Wear-resistant, affordable, in terms of quality and appearance, they are almost as good as carpets made from natural materials. They are distinguished by durability and strength.
  7. Knitwear. What can be said about this type of carpet is that they are afraid of wet cleaning and water in general, so only dry cleaning is allowed.
  8. Jute. It also does not tolerate a humid environment, especially if the carpet has a long pile. Responds poorly to household chemicals and steam cleaning. It must be cleaned carefully, without the use of hard brushes, so as not to deform the base.
  9. Fur. Quite capricious - afraid of water, so it can not be washed. Also, a fur carpet does not tolerate rough exposure, so it cannot be rubbed, but you can only get wet from moisture.
  10. Tufting. Carpets of this type are also called needle-punched and are often passed off as handmade products. They do not like water and wet cleaning, including snow cleaning.
  11. Handmade carpets. The most expensive type of carpet, made from natural materials of very high quality. Cleaning should be careful and accurate.In no case should you give the carpet to dry cleaning, washing and washing. Cleaning with foam, steam and caustic agents is also prohibited. For handmade carpets, only specialized cleaning products are used.

Types of carpet cleaning

One of the easiest ways is dry cleaning, but not every carpet can be treated this way, as the use of caustic chemicals can damage the warp. Cleaning in car washes is even rougher and will not spare any type of carpet. Therefore, the expression “if you want to do something well, do it yourself” is very appropriate here. Cleaning the carpet yourself is much safer and more reliable, you just need to figure out what types of cleaning exist.

Dry cleaning

It is produced in professional carpet cleaning factories, in specialized machines where the use of water and liquid cleaners is not allowed.

Wet dry cleaning

It is also called aqua cleaning, and it is wet cleaning using professional chemicals. Wet dry cleaning also includes: cleaning with steam, foam, detergents, washing, washing with shampoos and stain removers. At the same time, shampoos do not cope very well with strong pollution, this type of product is more suitable for regular, regular cleaning.


It is produced in car washes, but if the carpet has an adhesive base, this type of cleaning will not work for him. Since cheap cleaning products are used, the carpet may discolor or shed, and the long pile may become deformed during the drying process. Viscose carpets from such cleaning immediately deteriorate.


Wet cleaning with a neutral shampoo is the safest and easiest way to clean, as long as the type of carpet is not afraid of wet cleaning.


Foam cleaner is the best way to effectively remove dust and dirt. It has a low water content, and cleaning with it is quick and easy enough.


Powder cleaning is best done on lint-free carpets.

Stain removers

When choosing a chemical stain remover, you need to pay attention to its hypoallergenicity, the absence of a pungent odor, and when using it, be sure to follow the precautions described in the instructions for use. Do not forget about protective gloves.

The most popular and high-quality carpet cleaners

When choosing a remedy, you should also trust the reviews of those who have already used it in practice, as well as compare the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular and common drugs from the best manufacturers. Among the criteria for choosing a tool, it is also worth noting the cost - there are high-quality and inexpensive, budget options.

Drop Vox

This Russian-made product is suitable not only for cleaning carpets, but also for caring for upholstered furniture. It is inexpensive, is a liquid that foams very well when dissolved in water. The method of application is quite simple - this foam should be applied to the surface to be cleaned, allowed to dry completely, and then removed with a conventional vacuum cleaner. The average price is 179 rubles.

Drop Vox

  • dissolves stains and dirt well;
  • does not require the use of brushes;
  • has a pleasant aroma;
  • inexpensive;
  • economical;
  • leaves no traces.
  • not detected.

Shampoo 5+

An affordable, affordable carpet cleaner that can be used diluted as a foam and undiluted as a stain remover. According to numerous positive reviews, this Russian-made product is able to effectively remove the most difficult stains. The average price is 105 rubles.

Shampoo 5+

  • effective;
  • no pungent odor;
  • well removes static electricity;
  • can be used with a washing vacuum cleaner;
  • economical.
  • not detected.

Selena Kovrol

Inexpensive spray that copes well with complex and old stains. When diluted, it gives a lush foam, but rubbing with a sponge and brush cannot be avoided. Selena Carpet is designed to deal with each stain individually, so it is not recommended to apply it to the entire surface of the carpet. It does not wash off quickly, but it copes with stains from ink, wine or brilliant green. This tool can only be used with gloves. The average price is 31 rubles.

Selena Kovrol

  • low price;
  • ease of use of the spray;
  • effectively removes light and complex old stains;
  • the smell of the product is weak, light
  • the need to make an effort to rub stains;
  • difficult to wash off.


Inexpensive spray for quick removal of difficult stains from carpets and furniture. It is used as a stain remover, so it is sprayed directly onto the stained area of ​​the carpet and then wiped with a sponge. This is a fairly strong chemical, so be sure to work with protective gloves, and after applying thoroughly vacuum the surface of the carpet and ventilate the room well. The average price is 71 rubles.

Help floor cleaner

  • convenient sprayer;
  • low price;
  • removes not only stains, but also unpleasant odors;
  • efficiency;
  • foams well;
  • easily removed from carpet.
  • it is not possible to use for general cleaning of the carpet;
  • some stains are not completely removed;
  • has a strong pungent odor.

Vanish Shampoo

A very popular all-purpose cleaner for quick removal of light to medium stains as well as general, regular cleaning. The method of application is simple - the shampoo should be dissolved in water, lathered and the carpet treated with the resulting foam using a sponge or brush. Vanish Shampoo does an excellent job of removing unpleasant odors, dust, refreshes colors, restoring the carpet to its original appearance. But with old complex stains, he copes not immediately. The average price is 280 rubles.

Vanish Shampoo

  • effective removal of simple stains;
  • giving a pleasant aroma to the carpet;
  • the product is easily removed with a vacuum cleaner;
  • fights bad odors.
  • high price;
  • sometimes leaves stains after application;
  • does not cope with complex or old stains;
  • the smell of the product is sharp.

Vanish "in action":

Udalix Ultra

This powder is also used for general cleaning of carpets and upholstery, it cleans well long pile carpets, thanks to active additives. It copes with dirt, dust and problems such as coffee and tea stains, grease, greens, but it does not remove especially difficult stains the first time. Method of application - the powder must be dissolved in water until a foam is formed, which is used to treat the contaminated surface. Can be used as a stain remover, add a little water to the powder until a paste-like mass is obtained. The average price is 31 rubles.

Udalix Ultra

  • has a pleasant aroma;
  • low price;
  • economy.
  • insufficiently effective means;
  • not very soluble in water;
  • does not cope with complex stains.


An effective stain remover soap that can tackle tough, stubborn and stubborn stains from all types of fabrics. This soap can be called a universal stain remover, it easily removes stains from iodine, brilliant green, greenery, cosmetics, ink and felt-tip pens. The method of application is more than simple - the contaminated surface is rubbed with a damp soap and left for a short time, after which it is washed off with water. This is not the most modern tool, but effective. The average price is 39 rubles.


  • low price;
  • profitability;
  • ease of use;
  • compactness.
  • leaves a soapy smell
  • washed off for a long time.


Active foam for cleaning medium and high pile carpets and upholstered furniture. It is able to penetrate deep into the carpet and at the same time is easily removed with a vacuum cleaner from a high pile. It cleans and illuminates the carpet well, in addition, this product is 90 percent biodegradable, does not cause allergies, and returns an attractive look to the carpet. However, it is not able to cope with complex spots. The average price is 353 rubles.


  • good for general dry cleaning;
  • easy way to use;
  • removes dust, dirt and unpleasant odors;
  • smoothes the pile, gives a well-groomed appearance.
  • expensive in price;
  • not economical;
  • copes only with simple stains;
  • leaves streaks on thin coatings or furniture upholstery.

About the features of the use of foam - in the video:

This rating presents effective and inexpensive means by most of the Russian manufacturing companies.They are affordable, functional and easy to use, suitable for almost every type of carpet and type of soiling.

What is the remedy for you?

And finally, about how you can make your own carpet cleaner:

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