
  1. How to choose putty for drywall
  2. Rating putties for drywall
  3. How to properly putty drywall

Rating of the best putties for drywall in 2022

Rating of the best putties for drywall in 2022

When it comes to remodeling your home, there are always a lot of questions. For example, how to install drywall correctly, whether it can be done on your own, whether it needs to be primed and what kind of putty to buy. Drywall itself is smooth and even, but it comes in a certain size, so it is impossible to avoid joints between them. These irregularities, as well as peeking screw heads, must be repaired with putty.

This work is not difficult, but it takes a lot of time. First you need to decide on putty. Putty is a white powdery substance that is used in construction. With the help of this material, smooth walls, floors and ceilings are created. On top of the dried putty, you can apply paint or glue wallpaper.

How to choose putty for drywall

In large hardware stores, there is usually a huge selection of everything - not only putties, but also other repair tools. Therefore, it is very easy to make a mistake and buy not quite what you need. How to choose the right putty? First you need to understand what it is.

Firstly, among the many types of putties, you will immediately understand that not all are suitable for your purposes. There are putties for ceilings and floors, there are for covering cracks and chips, and there are generally purely decorative ones that will not fulfill either the first or second task by 100%.

Secondly, based on the material that is contained in the base of the putty, gypsum, acrylic and cement mixtures are isolated.

  • Cement is used in rooms with a high moisture content - bathroom, toilet, as well as on the street. It is difficult to work with such material, since in the dried state they are difficult to mechanical impact. Grinding occurs almost immediately after application, without waiting for the moment of drying. But it is rarely produced, since the cement mixture is more convenient to use in cases where it will not be visible - for example, when laying tiles. The advantage of such putty is its strength.
  • Gypsum is used in dry rooms. Prolonged exposure to moisture can destroy it. Gypsum putty looks neater and easier to work with when applying thin-layer decorative coatings.
  • Polymer putty combines the best qualities of cement and gypsum putties, that is, it can be used in any room. It provides an ideal result, is easy to apply, does not consume much, but is very expensive.Among polymers, acrylic and latex putties are distinguished. Acrylic is used both in internal and external works. It is used only to bring the surface to an ideal state. Therefore, it is applied very thinly - about 1 mm. This putty is ideal for finishing the ceiling, as it can make it mirror. Latex putty is easily applied with a layer of about 3 mm, it is great for drywall sheets. Such putty should dry in a room without drafts.

Putties are sold in dry and liquid form. Dry mixtures must be diluted with water according to the instructions. Diluted putty should be used immediately, but dry putty can be stored for a long time, which is its advantage. Putties in buckets do not require any additional manipulations, they are completely ready for use. They are stored longer than diluted dry mixes, but, nevertheless, they cannot compete in terms of storage time with dry mixes.

There are also starting, finishing and universal putties. The starting one is used for preliminary alignment of the walls. It perfectly copes with its task, but its appearance is rather rough, so it is necessary to use finishing putty - an additional element that makes the wall or ceiling smooth and uniform. Universal putty can be used as a substitute for starting and finishing with slight surface irregularities.

For drywall, gypsum plaster is best. Polymer has also proven itself well. If you can afford it for the price range, then you can take it.

Rating putties for drywall

Sheetrock APJC

This is a high quality finish.Together with Vetonit, it is one of the best putties. With the help of putty of this brand, you can get the highest quality surface. Sold ready-made. For 28 kg the price is 1400 rubles.

Sheetrock APJC

  • Easy to use, no need to knead anything;
  • Ideal surface quality;
  • Durability;
  • A durable container that can be used after puttying for other repairs.
  • High price.

Weber Vetonit JS

Putty for drywall is one of the best companies that can be found in Russian stores. Good quality and a pleasure to work with. This putty belongs to the finishing polymer, it perfectly seals the seams of gypsum boards, is suitable for continuous application to gypsum board and for further use of the surface for wallpapering or painting. The price is about 500 rubles for 20 kg.

Weber Vetonit JS

  • White color that does not turn yellow over time;
  • Easy to apply, pleasant to work with;
  • Does not crack when dry.
  • For dry rooms only.

Ceresit ST 127

Polymer putty with good quality and reasonable price. Packed in bags of 25 kg. The average price is 560 rubles per pack. Designed for finishing.

Ceresit ST 127

  • Easy to apply;
  • Convenient to use;
  • Environmentally friendly;
  • White, perfect for wallpapering.
  • Does not level deep cracks, holes, do not level seams and fasteners;
  • Cannot be used in wet areas.

Knauf Fugen

Known to many under the name Fugenfüller. It is used for sealing drywall joints, cracks, thin-layer puttying of plastered surfaces, gluing drywall sheets.It is a versatile blend. Produced in dry form.

To knead the mixture, slowly pour it into the water until a small hill of powder forms on top. Then the mixture needs a little time to swell, and only then it can be kneaded, and by hand. In a few minutes, she will be ready to go. For a package of 25 kg you need to pay 400 rubles.

Knauf Fugen

  • durable;
  • Low consumption;
  • A quality surface for painting or wallpapering.
  • Dries quickly, although for some this is a plus;
  • Hard to sand;
  • The maximum layer of application is 3 mm;
  • Lies in spots, there may be dark spots when gluing thin wallpaper.

Sniezka Acryl-Putz Start "2 in 1"

It is a universal mixture for puttying. Made from high quality gypsum. Great for sealing drywall joints, for leveling uneven walls and ceilings. The price for 20 kg of dry mix is ​​365 rubles.

Sniezka Acryl-Putz Start "2 in 1"

  • Easy to apply and sand;
  • Dries quickly;
  • Well levels and at the same time creates a flat plane for staining.
  • According to customer reviews, this putty did not declare itself well when painting, because it immediately falls off.
What putty did you like?

How to properly putty drywall

To perform quality work, you need to prepare the tools. Be prepared that you will need two spatulas - wide and narrow, roller, brush, knife, sandpaper. To seal the seams, you will need a special mesh, popularly referred to as "sickle". You also need the putty mixture itself.

Before puttying, the surface must be treated with a primer. The seams are treated with a primer, and then filled with putty. While the putty has not yet dried, you must immediately lay the reinforcing tape. Sealing ends with additional application of leveling material.

It is necessary to completely fill the seams of gypsum boards, but at the same time level the putty so that a layer of the minimum thickness is obtained. When everything dries well, the areas with putty are treated with sandpaper to level the surface.

Wall corners require special attention. The inner corner is glued with a reinforcing network, while its half is located literally at the junction of the walls. If an ordinary sickle is used, then PVA glue is applied to its plane with a brush, then it is attached and the reverse side is smeared with glue.

After the glue has dried, a starting putty is applied to both sides of the corner with a simple spatula. The layer must not be very thick, but sufficient to cover the mesh. The applied putty is leveled with an angular spatula. When the surface dries, it is necessary to process it with sandpaper in order to remove all bulges and sagging.

Finishing the outer corners of the plasterboard walls also has its own specifics.

A layer of starting putty is applied to both sides of the joint. The layer thickness should not be large. The perforated corner is superimposed over the machined corner and pressed down so that the putty comes out through the holes. Next, you need to level the putty, for which you will most likely need to apply more mixtures. At the end, it is necessary to remove excess putty that has not yet hardened.

After drying, the surface is also treated with sandpaper. The final stage of finishing the corners is carried out in the process of final puttying of the walls. When finishing the outer corner with a plastic corner, it is applied to the corner and fastened with a construction stapler. Putty is applied to both sides of the corner and leveled with a narrow spatula. All excess putty at the end of the corner must be removed before it dries. At the end, when the mixture dries, you need to check the surface for irregularities and, if necessary, level with sandpaper.

When all the seams and corners are sealed, they proceed to puttying the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bgypsum plasterboard. This is done so that the entire area is absolutely flat, the drywall sheets do not bend anywhere. This is especially important if wallpaper or paint is applied to drywall. To finish the wall or ceiling, all irregularities are carefully rubbed with sandpaper.

To make it easier to apply the mixture over a large area, a wide spatula is used. The putty layer should be thin and even. If wallpaper is glued to the walls, then there will be three layers of putty in total: two for the drywall joints and one for the entire surface. For painting, a more thorough study of the entire surface is needed, so here you need to do more for one layer - re-treat the entire drywall area.

Typically, the consumption of putty depends on the scale of the work and on the number of defects that need to be repaired. Often, workers are guided by such an indicator: 1 kg of dry gypsum putty per 1 square meter. Of course, it is better to take with a small margin. And be sure to follow the application technique.

It is necessary to dilute the dry mixture in such an amount that it lasts for less than half an hour. If more time passes, then the putty will simply dry out and there will be some sense from it. It is also not recommended to redo the work already done, since you can make the surface even more uneven, as well as reduce the durability of the putty.

Helpful Tips

  1. Professionals advise even at the stage of installation of drywall to cut off the edges of the sheets, making chamfers. This will increase the gap in order to fill it more densely with putty. If the chamfer has not been made, then it can be obtained with a knife on a ready-made drywall construction. Some masters generally ignore this moment.
  2. You can use both sickle tape and reinforcing cardboard tape.
  3. In the event that the surface will be covered with ceramic tiles, then the puttying of plasterboard sheets is not necessary. But it is imperative to prime the surface and putty the seams.

Step-by-step video instruction from a professional:

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