Of course, every woman knows what cosmetics are and knows how to use them in an elementary way, but it is always interesting to listen to an opinion from the outside, to see yourself in a new image, trusting professionals. But whether a person working in a beauty salon is always a professional, able to emphasize the natural beauty of the model so that the makeup does not look like an alien mask, it largely depends on which school the master studied at, whether he has the appropriate certificates, whether he attends master classes of his colleagues.
A make-up artist needs to constantly work on improving their skills and keep abreast of the latest innovations in the field of decorative cosmetics and skin care products in order to keep up with the fashion that is rapidly flying forward. To learn how to do makeup correctly, having studied the basic application techniques, any person who has vision and does not suffer from color blindness is capable of. It is possible to become a good make-up artist in Volgograd, learn how to work with different clients, if you choose the right make-up school, which will be discussed in this review.
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When choosing courses that teach the art of makeup, you should give preference to masters and teachers with a good reputation, a rich portfolio of works. Definitely, you should not rush into the choice, it is better to study in detail the reviews of students from various schools on extensive platforms on the Internet.
It is also worth paying attention not only to the professionalism of the master in his work, but also to the ability to communicate with the client kindly, to what extent the master is interested in teaching everyone, paying attention and time. If the training takes place in a hurry, with a large flow, with a lack of materials and models for training, most likely the money for the courses will be wasted.
Students are not required to look for a model for their education, the selection of models and advertising should be handled by school managers. It is good if, after completing the course, the student is issued not only a certificate of successful completion of training, but also addresses of beauty salons where a novice makeup artist can get practice and the possibility of subsequent employment.
The directions of the courses teaching the technique of applying makeup differ in the level of preparation, depending on what goals the student is pursuing and what knowledge he already has. If a person plans to work in the beauty industry, then it makes sense to start studying the art of makeup from the first steps in order to gradually improve their skills with the help of additional courses with an in-depth study of individual makeup techniques.
There is an opinion that you can learn the art of makeup on your own, there is a lot of information available on the Internet, which is really reliable and can help a girl understand the features of her face type and adopt some techniques to do good makeup on her own, distinguishing between day and evening palettes. However, in addition to real knowledge and personal experience, makeup artists pour out a lot of promotional materials on the Internet, presenting cosmetics that they do not use in real life, or exaggerating with accents that are not always appropriate. Personal makeup differs from working with a client in that it is always more difficult to paint another person, without a certain knowledge base.
Professional make-up courses offer training in make-up: stylistic, permanent, classic, bridal style, eyebrow correction and eyelash extensions. The group being trained should not be very large, since the master will not have time to pay due attention to everyone. The optimal group size for interesting communication, exchange of experience and training is no more than four people.
Now there are a lot of express training courses. Promising mastery in seven lessons, but in fact, applying make-up is a skill that takes a certain amount of time to master, so after seven days you can leave the course with information that you will have to repeatedly apply in experience in order to deeply comprehend it yourself. Quick courses are suitable for people who come to study from other cities, because it is not always possible to stay with friends and you have to spend extra money on a hotel.
It is best to choose a calm course, lasting from one to several months.It is often possible to agree with the teacher on a free schedule for conducting classes, then they can be combined with the main work or study.
The training models are provided by the school and are not professional models with perfect faces. It is best to learn from different types of appearance with special strengths and weaknesses, since the makeup artist has to work with different people.
It must be borne in mind that it is difficult for a non-professional to choose the right cosmetics for the course, so you should not rush, it is better to consult with the course master what brands you will work with. You can often use cosmetics for free at courses, but as is often the case, if a thing has several owners, it quickly becomes unusable, as for palettes, they have a depressing look with mixed shades, from which it is difficult to choose the right one, and not very pleasant.
To purchase personal cosmetics, you will have to prepare in advance financially and morally. Sometimes the school offers cosmetics from its range, or gives the address of the store with the numbers of the basic shades.
The Valentino Makeup School in Volgograd provides comprehensive training in the art of applying make-up, and you can also learn how to create great hairstyles at the school. The school ranks first in the ranking due to the numerous positive reviews on the Internet from grateful students. Detailed information about the courses can be found by phone +7(919) 980-63-36, or write to the contact group https://vk.com/valentino_com
The school is located at the address: Volgograd, Mira street 8.
The Light_mua school trains salon makeup artists. The founder of the school, Svetlana Goloven, is an active salon and individual make-up artist, detailed information is available on Instagram @svetlanagoloven, @light_mua, as well as on the official website www.makeup-volga.ru
The school-studio is open from 8.00 to 20.00, for information, call 89064028585, address: Volgograd, st. 7th Guards, 11 B.
The school is open every day from 10.00 to 18.00. Geographically, Angel Studio can be found at Volgograd, Novorossiyskaya 67, office 13. Contact number 8 (927) 512 01 92. Additional information about new offers and courses can be found on the website http://www.sokolovastudio.ru
The studio has been operating in Volgograd for eight years already, and is guaranteed to train high-class masters capable of working in our country and even abroad.
The courses are located in Volgograd at the address: Nevskaya street, 18. Contact number: 8 (902) 09-84-777, 8 (8442) 390-390. Here you can choose an educational course in any modern direction regarding management, finance, creativity, creativity, design and beauty. The center offers a solid approach to learning without haste.
It will be difficult for a person who decides to connect his life with the beautiful to stop taking numerous courses at the Beauty Art center. The variety of beauty courses in one school is so tangible that the eyes run wide, which direction to choose.
The school is located at the address: Volgograd, st. Dnestrovska, 12. Contact number: +7(988)017-66-18, +7(904)775-92-72. Detailed information www.beautyart134.ru and in the group in contact https://vk.com/club171647946
The work of a makeup artist should be chosen by people with a good sense of proportion and an understanding of beauty. A make-up artist works with different people, characters, images, he creates a mood, an ideal that you want to imitate and match.
A master make-up artist is a person whose success largely depends on how he looks, talks, treats people and, excuse me, smells, since the work takes place in very close contact between people, you need to watch yourself intensely.
Unfortunately, the client will not always meet the expectations of the master, so you will need to learn how to cope with irritation, disgust and rejection of the final result of the work.
A make-up artist always has to spend part of his hard-earned funds on cosmetics that he uses for his clients, so you need to learn how to distribute funds correctly and understand that the work of a master makeup artist is not only creativity, but also a business that must be properly organized.
When working on the road, at any events, you need to be prepared for problems associated with the human factor and the subsequent unwillingness of the client to pay for the work. Therefore, it makes sense to conclude a service agreement before starting work.
If the inevitable difficulties do not frighten the novice master, and the desire to realize his creative potential in this area is great enough, it makes sense to try your hand and invest in training, which will certainly pay off.