Ranking of the best makeup schools and courses in Samara in 2022

Ranking of the best makeup schools and courses in Samara in 2022

The profession of a make-up artist is one of the most demanded today, however, success in this area will be possible after studying at specialized courses or at make-up schools, the best similar training centers in Samara will be discussed below.

Criteria for choosing a school or makeup courses

When choosing training in makeup techniques, the goal is important, for which it is needed:

  • learn how to properly take care of yourself;
  • to create your own business.

The first option involves attending courses or a master class, lasting up to 4 days. To obtain a profession, deeper, high-quality training is needed, which is carried out over several months.

What you need to know when choosing courses or schools for makeup artists? First of all, you need to study reviews about different educational institutions. Read discussions on the forums. It is useful to attend a training course as a model, to see the master "in action" or to listen to a master class. You don't have to pay for it, and the impression about the teacher will be created.

It is important to know before starting classes:

  • training program;
  • what is the emphasis on (make-up model or for yourself);
  • how many hours are devoted to different directions.

All questions must be clarified before the money is paid:

  • The cost of the courses matters a lot. It is necessary to clarify whether the price of training includes the use of tools that each student should have. You may have to buy something extra;
  • how to resolve the issue of skipping classes for a good reason;
  • who invites models, perhaps students do it;
  • what document is issued at the end of training. At the beginning of the professional path, this is of great importance, as is the portfolio.

When choosing a teacher, you need to study not only his work, but also learn about completed advanced training courses. Of great importance is the ability of the teacher to convey their knowledge, so the work of the students can be judged on the skill of the teacher. Many schools post the work of teachers and students in the public domain.

Beauty and health center "Golden Age"

An elite make-up school operates here, which is the official representative of the international make-up school Make-Up Atelier Paris. Training takes place according to programs developed by French specialists and licensed. When teaching, an individual approach is used, demonstration on "live" models. All tools and an equipped workplace are provided by the school for the duration of the study.

Teachers are practicing experts in the field of make-up and visage techniques. They prove their skills in practical exercises. Learning features:

  • no more than 9 people are present at the lesson;
  • each student is provided with a separate place with tools and lighting;
  • for work, premium cosmetics Make-Up Atelier Paris are used;
  • practical classes are held on invited models - this helps the teacher to see mistakes and make comments;
  • the work of the teacher is broadcast on the big screen;
  • All students receive a school leaving certificate.

List of courses

The study is conducted according to licensed programs created by the masters of the Make-Up Atelier Paris school. The following training system is proposed:

  1. The basic course was developed by French specialists and specially adapted for Russia. The program is designed for 30 days. For theory, 24 hours are allotted for 4 days, the rest is practical training. The exam is taken by a master trainer and a commission of professional make-up artists. After successful completion, the graduate receives a certificate. The cost of study is 35,000 rubles.
  2. The express course allows you to get a basic education in 68 hours within 9 days. Within 2 days, students receive theoretical knowledge, 2 days - theory with practice, and the rest of the days - practice. Upon completion, students take an exam and receive a certificate. Price - 30,000 rubles.
  3. "Three-day block" - refresher courses, designed for 12 hours of training in three days. The main condition for enrollment is the presence of a document confirming the receipt of basic education in the specialty makeup artist. The course is designed for masters who follow the latest and fashion trends in the field of make-up. The program provides for the study of different techniques for applying makeup, creating an image in the face-art technique, in the nude style and many other secrets of mastery. The price of the course is 10500 rubles.
  4. For those who want to refresh their knowledge or learn new things in a narrow area, a one-day course of 6 hours costs 6,000 rubles, 3 hours - 3,000 rubles.
  5. The course "Your own make-up artist" is conducted by a teacher with a student alone. You can ask any questions regarding your appearance, how to hide flaws with the right makeup. The master will teach you how to choose the right cosmetics, color palette. The cost of training is only 6,000 rubles, and this allows you to save money on visiting a makeup artist in the future. The teacher will teach you how to correctly choose decorative cosmetics, show how to care for the skin of the face.
  6. Eyebrow architecture. Coloring of eyebrows and eyelashes ”- in the course of training, the teacher will teach you how to make the correct shape of the eyebrows, taking into account the peculiarities of appearance. The training course is held in two stages, including theory and practice, the cost is 6000 rubles, the duration is 6 hours. Upon completion, a certificate is awarded.

  • official representative of the French make-up school;
  • small groups for classes;
  • practice on models;
  • certificate upon completion.
  • not marked

Salon "Red beard"

Make-up school teachers offer training in the following areas: basic course, advanced training, make-up for yourself. Training programs allow masters to transfer their skills to students as much as possible.You can preview the work of teachers and students. The school offers one class for free. About conducting studies:

  • in a group of 4-5 people;
  • individual approach to each student, hand positioning;
  • practice takes place on cosmetics Make up Atelier, MAC, Inglot and others;
  • all equipment, tools are provided free of charge;
  • creating a portfolio with the help of a professional photographer.

Course "For yourself"

The teacher works with each student individually. The training program consists of two stages:

  1. Recommendations for the contents of your cosmetic bag. What base set do you need? How to store and use decorative cosmetics. Brief description of luxury cosmetics, professional and mass market. Makeup brush set.
  2. Determining the shape of the face and the condition of the skin. Tips for correcting minor flaws. Practical recommendations for applying make-up removal. Technique for creating an evening look.

Training takes two hours, the cost is 2000 rubles.

"I don't need a makeup artist, I'm my own makeup artist."

This course provides a more intense make-up training program for yourself.

The first hour of classes includes all the points of the basic course.

Day 2 "Working with the eyes" (2 hours):

In the lesson, the teacher will help determine the shape of the eyes and choose the perfect shape of the eyebrows. The student will receive recommendations on how to properly create beautiful eyebrows, learn why eyebrow lipstick is needed.

Day 3 "Disclosure of your sexuality" (2 hours)

At the lesson, the teacher will introduce the following concepts: "Smoky eyes", "Arrows and red lips", teach the transformation of makeup, the student will try to apply a color experiment. The cost of training is 5000 rubles.

Basic course

Designed for 15 lessons, the thesis is included.In the first 3 days of training, students will be introduced to the theoretical foundations of makeup, which include:

  • Description of professional cosmetics and brushes;
  • step-by-step makeup technique;
  • the art of choosing a color palette;
  • professional face modeling.

The rest of the classes are conducted according to the system: theory with application in practice. The program includes the following topics:

  • face modeling;
  • how to correctly highlight the eyes, the shape of the eyebrows (how to choose, highlight, the secrets of drawing, etc.);
  • choice of day and evening make-up;
  • creating an evening look with the help of Watercolor;
  • familiarity with the Smokey-Eyes technique;
  • correct makeup for "Perfect arrows";
  • secrets of the wedding image;
  • careful choice of decorative cosmetics for aging skin;
  • pencil technique for applying cosmetics;
  • creating a fashion image, photo makeup;

Then one day is given to work out the thesis. Upon successful completion, a diploma is issued the next day. The duration of study is 1.5 months, the cost is 19,500 rubles.

For masters who want to improve their professional level, get acquainted with the latest in the field of visage, the school recommends advanced training courses in several areas.

Eyebrow art

Teachers will teach how to correct the shape of the face with the help of eyebrows, as well as teach the technique of "appearing" eyebrows where they do not exist. Part of the time is devoted to the technology of henna staining, the secrets of pricing, the psychology of communication and the search for clients. Classes are held for 2 days for 3 hours. The cost is 5000 rubles.

Specialists who own pencil technique will be able to improve their skills by visiting several lessons. Here they will get acquainted with some secrets of the jewelry technique of working with a pencil.

A separate course is taught to improve the skill of watercolor technique. Classes will help to apply face painting correctly.

  • individual training;
  • affordable price;
  • a large selection of destinations;
  • one day free training.
  • no comments

Salon Arcade

The makeup school offers three training blocks, after which the student will learn the technique of applying professional makeup, the latest fashion trends in colors. During practical classes, the student will be able to independently create an image of evening and everyday makeup. To start learning:

  • the school enters into an agreement with the student;
  • prepayment is required;
  • initial tuition can be paid monthly in equal installments.

Basic course

The duration of training is 11 days. During theoretical classes (2 days), the teacher talks about makeup tools, reveals the secrets of correcting the shape of the face with the help of decorative cosmetics. A separate lesson is devoted to the style of the eyebrows. In a practical lesson, the teacher shows the technique of applying permanent makeup for any occasion.

This block of the course takes place in the mode: master class + testing on the model. At the end of the course, you must successfully pass the exam in order to receive a certificate. During the training period, all materials are provided free of charge, brushes are bought by students. The cost of training is 16,000 rubles.

Eyebrow shaping

On the first day of training, mistakes in eyebrow correction are sorted out. The teacher conducts a master class and shows on models. The second day is completely devoted to working with models. The price of the course is 6000 rubles.

Makeup for yourself

Anyone who wants to learn how to understand the intricacies of applying makeup, learn how to properly shape eyebrows and other details of make-up, this course is intended. Training takes place within 6 days of 4 academic hours. In the classroom, the teacher will reveal the secret of how to do makeup for yourself with farsightedness, show different options for lip makeup, creating the effect of “wet eyes”.

Classes are held in the mode: master class + practice. The price of training is 9900 rubles.

  • short-term classes;
  • obtaining a diploma;
  • installment tuition.
  • additional expenses (buying brushes);
  • no refresher course.

Make-up courses at the St. Petersburg School of Television

Training consists of 3 stages, each consists of 6 lessons of 2.5 hours. For training, all materials and tools are issued by the school. The class schedule is flexible and offers a choice of classes in different groups. Every week, classes start in a new group - this allows you to join the training on any day.

Stage 1 consists of the following items:

  • features of the make-up artist;
  • familiarity with the tools;
  • proper skin care;
  • novelties of the beauty industry;
  • subtleties of pencil technique;
  • proper tone.

2nd stage includes:

  • learning different makeup techniques;
  • the correct "age" make-up;
  • how to always look perfect.

The last part of the training will teach you the right makeup for a photo shoot. The teacher will tell:

  • features of a male face, correction of imperfections;
  • choice of tools for male make-up;
  • features of fashion-makeup, oriental and other techniques;
  • performing one of their types of makeup and summing up.

The cost of each stage is 3600 rubles.Upon completion of the course, students receive a certificate.

  • professional masters;
  • convenient learning system;
  • affordable price.
  • no training in the narrow direction of visage

Beauty Studio LILIYA

Professional masters offer a 2-step makeup course. Basic consists of 10 lessons, lasting 3 hours. Groups consist of 2-4 people. Within 3 days, acquaintance with the profession takes place, the study of tools and materials for work. Also, students will learn the secrets of makeup techniques, color theory, types of decorative cosmetics.

On the other days, training is carried out in combination with practical tasks. At the last lesson - the thesis, certification by the teacher and obtaining a certificate. The cost is 14800 rubles.

"Advanced make-up artist" - the course of the 2nd stage also consists of 10 lessons of 3 hours. All learning takes place in practice. The teacher will show the techniques of pencil technique, how to apply face painting, techniques for working with different textures. On the course, the master talks about the methods of contact with clients. On the last day, the student performs independent work and after the offset receives a diploma. The price of training is 14800 rubles.

The self-made makeup course will teach you how to choose the right makeup for your face type. The master will show how to correctly emphasize the dignity and hide the flaws of the face. The student will learn the technique of applying different types of makeup. The duration of training is 2 days for 3 hours, the cost is 5800 rubles.

  • small groups;
  • rich program;
  • certificate.
  • high price.

In Samara, there are a sufficient number of schools and courses offering various makeup artist training programs, the task of the future student is to make the right choice, based on the goals of applying makeup skills in the future.

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