
  1. How to choose a make-up school?
  2. The best makeup schools and courses

Ranking of the best makeup schools and courses in Nizhny Novgorod in 2022

Ranking of the best makeup schools and courses in Nizhny Novgorod in 2022

Are you obsessed with your dream and want to work in the fashion industry? Or maybe you just want to try something new or hone your skills? Regardless of the option chosen, for this it is worth contacting exclusively professional teachers. It is useless to watch videos on the topic "Visage", they contain only general information.

In addition, it is not a fact that a person who gives advice on makeup has achieved success in the beauty industry. It is also pointless to re-read many articles on this topic, because no one will share their secrets of mastery with a million readers. The surest option is to choose the best school or makeup courses that are available in many cities, including Nizhny Novgorod.

It is necessary to undergo makeup training only under the guidance of an experienced master. This is the only way to learn the skill and learn all the subtleties of the work.

The make-up artist creates not only an image, he focuses on the merits, while completely removing the flaws. A makeup artist is a specialist who paints on the face and body. They can also be called "make-up artist", which means "cosmetics artist".

Finding the best makeup school in Nizhny Novgorod is not at all easy, given the number of establishments of this type. No one will send you letters with an invitation to the course. If you really want to study at the best school in this city, you, at a minimum, need to send applications there. Those schools that value their reputation will quickly consider the application and advise you on all issues of interest.

How to choose a make-up school?

Choosing a school or course is very difficult nowadays: it requires a lot of personal time and energy. Asking this question, many girls experience a certain feeling of confusion. Many begin to intensively study reviews on the Internet. But no one knows what to do next, what to choose.

Below are the selection criteria that you first need to pay attention to:

  • Location

If you are limited in time, you need to consider this point. Because if the school is not located in the nearest area, it will take a long time to get there and back.

  • Schedule

Each school has its own hours of operation. Find the best time for you to study.

  • Website packaging

Schools set up for a long and serious work always have their own website.As a rule, this is not a one-page, but a full-fledged site where you can find out about the location, phones, prices and teachers. It contains all the information that may be of interest to the client.

  • Price

Prices do not include "additional" costs. That is, only the cost of the course is voiced, the average price of which is within 12,000 rubles. Each person must understand that training involves the acquisition of certain materials. As a rule, to learn makeup you will need:

  1. Brushes (maybe not expensive);
  2. A basic set of cosmetics from a reputable manufacturer;
  3. Other accessories.
  • Studying time

Considering the previous points, you will save your time and effort, since about 40% of schools simply will not fall into the list of your consideration.

What to do after making a list?

  1. Carefully study the information about the people teaching there. Learn about work experience in this field, view portfolio. After all, this is the skill that this person will teach you.
  2. Call schools. Evaluate the friendliness of the staff, their competence. For example, what training courses are available at the moment, their cost, availability of discounts and promotions.
  3. visual assessment. The overall situation can be assessed as follows:
  • Talk to the administrator at the reception;
  • Look at the cabinets and feel their atmosphere;
  • Chat with the faculty and students there.

In one school, you will be able to complete the program at least 100%, in another - a couple of points, and in the third, five minutes is enough to understand that this is not your option.


The main thing in choosing a school and courses is not to rush and not consider only budget options. This is a business that does not like haste. First of all, you choose a school for yourself, this is your future.If you really "burn with the idea", then your desire is already half the success. Otherwise, our article will help you.

When compiling this rating, the following factors were taken into account:

  • Cost of education;
  • Period of work in the educational market;
  • Reviews of people who have been trained;
  • Customer reviews;
  • The period of study time;
  • High qualifications of employees;
  • The quality of the interaction of the site with its users;
  • The popularity of the educational center;
  • Modernity and relevance of the training programs used;
  • Modern interior design.

In fact, the rating is influenced by more factors: for example, it takes into account the number of people in the school database, the number of incoming applications processed, the number of views of training programs developed by the school, publications on social networks, company websites, the number of users who subscribed to the mailing list that interested them companies and many other characteristics that are not so important for learning.

The best makeup schools and courses

Academy of Natalia Vlasova

Contact Information:
Address: Pochainskaya street, 17.
Phone: 89107908545.

This academy has been associated as a leader in the field of education for 20 years. It has 5 branches located in different cities of Russia. The head office is located in Nizhny Novgorod.

They were among the first to see the desire of women to become part of the beauty industry. Only specialists with the highest level of training and skill teach here. The director of the academy is a stylist of the International level and a doctor of art history.

Currently, the school has seven faculties, one of which is the faculty of makeup. You can choose from the following directions:

  • "Makeup artist stylist";
  • "Makeup for yourself";
  • Improving the skill of "make-up artist stylist".

If you want to visit this place yourself and see the work "from the inside", then you can sign up for services. All beginners do their work for free. For example: haircut, hair styling, nail extensions. So no one will suspect that you want to know more information about this place.

  • It is possible to pay in installments;
  • One teacher per student;
  • Holding promotions;
  • Modern design of study rooms;
  • Great training program.
  • Overpriced in some areas;
  • The absence of course prices on the website.

St. Petersburg School of Beauty

Contact Information:
Address: st. Piskunova d. 59/8.
Phone: 8314206332.

The school is a whole network in the beauty industry. In the field of education, the school is not the first year. The programs are planned in such a way: in the shortest possible time, you learn all the intricacies of the profession, while receiving the maximum of useful and relevant information.

Graduates of this school never have problems with employment. This is explained by the fact that specialists with diplomas who graduated from the St. Petersburg Beauty School are very much appreciated.

To qualify as a makeup artist, you need to pay for the program for 14,790 rubles. In fact, this is a ridiculous price, since professional makeup artists earn 4 times more. This school provides an opportunity to get a decent income, while being creative and making new acquaintances with interesting people.

  • Employment;
  • Availability of free consumables;
  • Competent and attentive staff;
  • Intensive programs;
  • Each teacher has an individual approach to the student;
  • Optionally, you can ask for an international diploma, which will testify to your skills abroad.
  • None.

Beauty Academy "Fleur de Soleil"

Contact Information:
Address: st. Vishnevaya, 18.
Phone: 89040430303.

This academy trains: hairdressers, cosmetologists, makeup artists, massage therapists. For each type of training, a specially equipped class is allocated. During the training, highly qualified teachers introduce you to professional cosmetics and equipment of famous world brands. Each teacher is interested in his student being the best and successful in the industry.

The basic course of "Visage" costs 10,000 rubles. In addition to a lot of new and interesting information, experts always share their "chips". In addition to learning how to do chic makeup, you will comprehend the science of communicating with your clients. After all, as for any other profession, this is a very important component.

  • The main direction of the school is the training of business professionals for various beauty salons;
  • Sale of products of well-known manufacturers;
  • Acceptable prices;
  • Availability of private lessons;
  • Availability of a website indicating the cost of services.
  • Location - a long distance from the bus stop.

School Studio Sauri

Contact Information:
Address: st. Belinsky, 32.
Phone: 88314108748.

Today, the modern economy is developing in such a way that an additional profession is not superfluous. Sometimes a “second profession” helps to reveal oneself better, to bring confidence in the future.

The school has been on the market of educational services for 12 years. For them, this is not just a business: sold - bought. The specialists of this institution call their work giving inspiration to people.

A distinctive feature of the school is that all training programs are progressive and not standard. The list of training programs is constantly updated, supplemented with new and relevant courses. Some of the most popular practicing educators work here. Professionals give students everything they need to start successfully.

  • Teachers with many years of experience;
  • Developed author's programs;
  • Holding promotions;
  • Friendly atmosphere in the teaching staff;
  • Floating work schedule for students;
  • Great training program.
  • The high cost of training in some areas.

New Image

Contact Information:
Address: st. Komsomolskaya, 4.
Phone: 88312915800.

This school has been a real epitome of beauty for 8 years. In addition to makeup courses, they teach nail art, hairdressing, eyebrow architecture techniques, and eyelash extensions. After completing any of their courses, students do not experience problems with employment, as they are highly qualified specialists, respectively, the doors for them are always and everywhere open.

The cost of the course "Visage" - 18900 rubles. If you want to study "for yourself", and not with the goal of becoming a pro, it will cost you 4900 rubles. A distinctive feature of the school is that the school provides the necessary materials and tools for work absolutely free of charge. When training in work, only high-quality and proven cosmetic products are used.

In addition to education, the school offers advanced training. Master students do not look for models for themselves, since the school provides this base completely free of charge. Teachers share their secrets of success and teach to understand any minor details.

  • About 30 types of training courses;
  • Availability of discounts for training;
  • Friendly staff;
  • Acceptable prices;
  • Competent and attentive staff;
  • Convenient location.
  • Absence of a website;
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules during the internship;
  • The overpriced cost of the course "Visage".


Contact Information:
Address: Postal congress, 3a.
Phone: 88312128454.

The training center has been operating since 2003. Currently, he has his own developed teaching methods that have been tested over the years. Pupils who have passed the courses win prizes in professional competitions of the city and international level.

The school conducts training in 4 programs, one of which is make-up, hairdresser. Pupils are taught only by those teachers who have a long work experience in their field. For greater professionalism, specialists constantly improve and prove their qualifications.

Each teacher has his own individual approach to the student and the client. They instill this attitude in their students. It depends on communication with customers whether you will be recommended or not.

  • Conducting classes in 3 shifts;
  • Each student is assigned their own workplace;
  • Materials are provided free of charge;
  • Provide a client base for internships.
  • High cost of education;
  • The absence of the cost of some courses on the site;
  • Lack of air conditioners and sterilizers in the premises.


Contact Information:
Address: Highway Moscow 17/1.
Phone: 89107905057.

School "Paris" began to develop the market on a par with the previous school - since 2003.During this time, they have trained and graduated a large number of professionals, developed their own unique methods of programs. It is thanks to the special teaching methodology that you can get trained in a fairly short time.

Unlike other centers, the emphasis is on the practical part, because this is the only way to achieve success. Under the supervision of practitioners, the students of the school practice their skills on clients.

Each client is dear to the institution - in the process of constant market analysis, they offer the most comfortable prices in the city. Only here you can first get an internship, and then officially find a job.

  • Possibility of accelerated training;
  • Providing discounts and promotions for services;
  • Drawing up an individual schedule of classes;
  • After graduation, students are issued certificates and state certificates. sample.
  • The high cost of courses "for beginners".

Training Center "Professional"

Contact Information:
Address: st. 50th Anniversary of Victory, 3.
Phone: 88312703343.

This center is a great opportunity for personal development. Here they are engaged in: organizing computer courses, teaching modern specialties in the field of beauty. For example, you can take a course in nail art, become an eyebrow specialist, make-up artist, cosmetologist, tattoo artist, and more.

It is not scary if you are personally familiar with these professions, and even more so if you have worked in this area. Having completed training in this center, you will learn a lot of new and useful information for yourself. If you are only considering the option of learning a craft at this school, then taking courses here will be a good ground for a great start.

In addition to the fact that beginners are taught here, you can also improve your existing skills here. In developing each program for retraining, the emphasis here is on practical experience. It is the experience in the field of this professional activity, which has been accumulated over the years, that plays a big role for the center. The main task of the school is to expand competencies for clients.

  • Holding promotions;
  • Small group size;
  • Modern design of study rooms.
  • Overpriced in some areas;
  • The absence of course prices on the website.

Time is the most valuable resource today. In order to achieve the desired goals as accurately and quickly as possible, it is necessary to plan it correctly. This applies not only to training in makeup, but also to other planned cases.

Aspiration, creativity, practice and systematization of work will quickly help you become a specialist in the beauty industry. By following the tips listed here, you will become a sought-after makeup artist.

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