The miracle of childbearing is not only the joy of the first cry of a baby or the touch of his fingers on the mother's breast, but also a long process of preparation for an important event. All the best in the world is not easy for a person, the birth of a child is one of those things. It is extremely important not only to buy everything for a new family member, but also to take care of choosing a place where the baby will be helped to come into this world. This rating will help future mothers of Voronezh choose the best maternity hospital.
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When choosing a maternity hospital, expectant mothers should worry about a lot. You should not rely only on the experience of neighbors and relatives, thanks to the Internet and forums, it is quite easy to collect all the necessary information.After spending a couple of hours of time, you can find a hospital that suits your criteria.
The main questions to ask when choosing a maternity hospital:
If the answers to the main questions meet the requirements of the expectant mother, the maternity hospital can be considered approved and carry documents for registration there.
One of the most important criteria when choosing a maternity hospital is the attending physician: this person will have to support the woman for the most important 9 months and help with childbirth. Choosing the right process will make this important step comfortable and enjoyable. After choosing an institution, it is worth looking through the profiles of all its specialists, collecting a kind of dossier. Then book your first appointment.
When meeting in person, it is important to come in a positive mood, openly ask questions, do not hesitate to talk about all the problems. You should not count on excessive manifestations of care, however, if the doctor does not ask clarifying questions, this is an alarming “bell”.Listen to yourself: is it comfortable for you to be near this person, do his touches cause discomfort? If something goes wrong, it is better to change the doctor, in the future the discomfort will only multiply.
You can come to the doctor's appointment with a relative or husband - they will also be able to help make the right decision. Do not chase the most popular clinic specialist or someone who has many scientific titles. as a rule, these are very busy people, they cannot pay maximum attention to each of their patients.
Since 2006, the practice of issuing birth certificates has been introduced in Russia. According to the certificate, which is issued in the antenatal clinic at the 30th week, a pregnant woman is observed by doctors for free, receives outpatient treatment and can count on medical care in any hospital in the city during childbirth.
The certificate does not cover paid delivery.
When choosing a clinic for childbirth in Voronezh, one important feature should be taken into account: it is practically useless to negotiate with a doctor in advance. The specificity of the city lies in the fact that doctors for childbirth are forbidden to come outside of their shift. In this way, the city administration is trying to fight the corruption of doctors. For generations, women have given their desired specialists money in envelopes to make them feel better at the maternity hospital. Now it's practically useless.
Where will the ambulance take the woman in labor? In the maternity hospital, where there are free places, of course, at the request of the woman herself. At the same time, the schedule for closing maternity hospitals for cleaning should also be taken into account: as a rule, the schedule is formed at the beginning of the year, but no one has canceled unscheduled closures.
In Russia, the practice of childbirth in private hospitals is not very common due to the huge cost of this type of service - the average price is about 300 thousand rubles. taking into account the observation during pregnancy. Obstetrics and gynecology clinics in Voronezh do not offer such a service at all due to unprofitability.
In order for the childbirth and the postpartum period to proceed smoothly, it is worth taking care to collect some things that are not provided even in first-class clinics. By the 32nd week, it is desirable to have an “emergency set”, and always carry documents with you. Sometimes pregnancy is unpredictable. You need to take with you:
You should also take care of the baby:
Of course, the list is incomplete, but it lists all the basic things, the rest of the list of necessary things is formed based on personal needs.
Based on the feedback from patients, a rating of the best maternity hospitals in Voronezh was formed. All of them are available for every owner of the CHI policy and birth certificate. If for some reason it is absent, it will be issued right on the spot, but for this, in addition to the passport, you will need SNILS.
Founded back in 1947, the maternity hospital continues to delight its patients with quality medical care and constantly updated modern equipment. At the same time, 215 babies are ready to “meet” here, admission is free of charge or under the VHI policy. The clinic operates around the clock, hospitalization is possible both planned and emergency.
The only miscarriage department in Voronezh operates in the Maternity Hospital No. 3, here it is possible to save the life of even babies whose weight does not reach even 1 kg! Such medical miracles are possible thanks to cutting-edge equipment for intensive care, resuscitation and nursing of crumbs. All staff are highly qualified and constantly improve their skills and abilities, which is facilitated by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology based here.
The department of pathologies during pregnancy can accept up to 45 patients at the same time, 2 rooms for 2 places each are equipped for childbirth. In almost all wards there are conditions for not separating the mother and the baby, however, at will or for medical reasons, children can be taken away for the night. Maternity Hospital No. 3 has its own diagnostic laboratory, physiotherapy room, and operating room. Here we are ready for any difficulties during childbirth. Women in labor can use anesthesia for medical reasons or for a fee. Postpartum care includes a thorough examination and suture correction.
Address: Kominternovsky district, Labor Avenue, 38.
Phone: (473) 246-12-10.
The perinatal center is the base for the regional family planning center and can accommodate 175 patients at a time. The main specialization of the institution is the support of childbirth in women with extragenital or obstetric pathology. The center accepts free of charge when providing a compulsory medical insurance policy, and paid services can be obtained under a VHI policy.
The center covers almost all types of services that a woman in labor may need, thanks to the availability of the most modern laboratories and equipment: an obstetric department of pathology during pregnancy, 2 intensive care and intensive care units, DAKC and much more. A unique feature of the center is the presence of an IVF (in vitro fertilization) laboratory, this method of fertilization is suitable for couples with limited opportunities in the field of childbearing.
Despite the impressive capacity for accommodating patients, there is only 1 delivery room in the center, designed for 2 people. During childbirth, you can use anesthesia, if it was previously agreed, you can also conclude an agreement on partnership childbirth, which is so popular today. All wards work in mother-and-child mode, but after a caesarean section, the baby is not shown to the mother for another day.
The perinatal center is the most modern and well-equipped medical institution in Voronezh, but it is extremely difficult to get here with a city registration. Receptions are not denied here, but it may not be possible to enjoy the benefits of civilization during childbirth, since there are much fewer places than those who wish.
Address: Kominternovsky district, Moskovsky prospect, 151.
Phone: (473) 241-35-50.
One of the oldest maternity hospitals in Voronezh was founded in 1933. Despite not the most modern interior, the building, designed for 245 beds, will surprise women in labor with the attentive attitude of the staff and modern equipment. The maternity hospital has earned its fame thanks to the skillful management of pregnancies with Rh-conflict of mother and child, as well as the technical nursing of infants with diseases of a different spectrum, especially with hemolytic disease. All services are provided free of charge under the CHI policy, and the VHI agreement contains a complete list of additional options that will be affordable and qualitatively executed on time.
2 delivery rooms of the clinic are equipped for simultaneous delivery of 2 women and are equipped with everything necessary for cardiac monitoring of the baby. Maternity hospital No. 2 also has a pathology department, diagnostic rooms, and an ultrasound machine. There are conditions for partner births - but this must be agreed in advance, since there are only 6 places. In this maternity hospital, they try not to resort to caesarean section, they wait as long as possible for a woman to give birth naturally.
Address: Levoberezhny district, st. Leningradskaya, 57.
Phone: (473) 249-70-42
This maternity hospital is also known to Voronezh women as Elektronik. It can accommodate 195 pregnant women at the same time, the maternity hospital is the base for the departments of obstetrics and gynecology, neonatology of the Medical University. The staff is constantly improving their skills. Not so long ago, major and cosmetic repairs were carried out in the building, so the conditions for women in labor have improved significantly.
Maternity Hospital No. 4 is trying to keep up with the course of life, constantly updating equipment and adding new positions to the price list of services: today partner births are allowed here, babies are in the wards with their mothers if there are no contraindications to this. The main specialization of the institution is assistance in childbirth to women with extragenital pathologies.
Address: Zheleznodorozhny district, st. Minsk, 9.
Phone: (473) 296-18-08
A child is a long-awaited miracle, a light that illuminates the entire family with its radiance. So that not a single black cloud overshadows joy, you should take care in advance about choosing a maternity hospital and a doctor who will help you come into this world of a new life.