
  1. Some types of aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries
  2. The best plastic surgeons in Varonezh

Rating of the best plastic surgeons in Voronezh in 2022

Rating of the best plastic surgeons in Voronezh in 2022

People want to have an attractive appearance, stay young and sexy as long as possible, but whatever you say, the years go by, and old age comes with quick steps, not giving a chance to stop time. The skin begins to sag, wrinkles appear, bags under the eyes. For some people, this situation is taken for granted, but others cannot come to terms with this and begin to actively fight against the coming old age.

Currently, one of the most popular methods of rejuvenation is considered to be plastic surgery, which is resorted to by those who want to be young and beautiful. For people with certain defects, such operations are assigned to lead a full life in the future. Human life is fragile, unforeseen circumstances happen when an accident can happen to a person (car accident, fire, etc.). In such situations, it is necessary to carry out plastic surgery for recovery.

Some types of aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries

In the modern world, plastic surgery is performed on any part of the body. They can be divided into two main types:

  1. Reconstructive operations - work on the elimination of congenital and acquired defects. Such procedures are carried out for medical reasons.
  2. Aesthetic surgery - getting rid of imperfections on the body to improve the figure or face.

In the modern world, plastic surgery has been brought to almost perfection. There is a constant work to find new methods of conducting operations in order to facilitate them and obtain better results. To know on which parts of the body surgical interventions are possible, you can familiarize yourself with their types below:

  1. Hair transplantation. Used when other methods have failed.
  2. Pregnancy, breastfeeding make this part of the body far from attractive. And mammoplasty will correct the situation and return the woman to her former charm and sexuality.
  3. Abdominoplasty (abdominoplasty, liposuction) involves the removal of excess fat and skin on the abdomen. For such an operation, an incision is made in the form of a circle near the navel, as well as in the bikini area.
  4. Change of the buttocks (gluteoplasty). This operation consists in increasing the volume and shape of the buttocks with the help of silicone implants.
  5. The skin on the arms from the shoulder to the elbow has become flabby? Brachioplasty will help.The operation will make beautiful and give activity to the forearms.
  6. Problems with the legs are solved by cruroplasty - perfection of the shins and femoroplasty - improvement of the condition of the inner side of the thigh.
  7. Now widespread plastic surgery in intimate areas. For example, the correction of the labia minora (labioplasty) will correct the flaws and give them the desired shape. There was a need to return the hymen? Hymenoplasty will come to the rescue. Very often, after childbirth, women experience a change in the size of the vagina. Vaginoplasty will restore attractiveness, restore the intensity and brightness of sexual sensations.
  8. A breakthrough in plastic surgery was rhytidectomy. This operation will remove deep wrinkles, nasolabial folds, crow's feet.
  9. Eyebrow drooping has begun, is there a large amount of skin on the upper eyelid? You can use frontlifting (eyebrow and forehead lift).
  10. The area around the eyes is the most vulnerable and changes faster with age, not for the better. Blepharoplasty will remove excess skin, bags under the eyes and tidy up the area around the eyes.
  11. Frequent operations to correct the nose. Rhinoplasty will improve the appearance, restore the performance of this organ, if any.
  12. Cheiloplasty will help to correct the shape of the lips, adjust their range. Surgeons with experience will make lips charming and sexy.
  13. Mentoplasty will eliminate the shortcomings of the chin - correction of the shape of this part of the face.
  14. For the cheekbones, there is also a procedure that changes their shape (malaroplasty).

Non-invasive procedures are now common: injections, polishing, peeling, etc., which are actively used to rejuvenate and prevent human skin aging.

How to choose a doctor

There are categories of people who cannot do such operations.First of all, these are people with an unstable psyche, constantly striving to perform operations, unable to stop. Such patients need to consult a psychologist, because their eternal dissatisfaction aggravates the condition, no matter what operations are performed on them.

Decision is made? Then it is important to find a competent specialist. Where to do the operation, which doctor to contact, so as not to make a mistake and not fall into the hands of charlatans and scammers? This issue will be the focus of this publication.

Before choosing a clinic and a doctor, you need to contact several medical institutions where plastic surgeries are performed, be sure to communicate with the operated patients, listen carefully to their feedback. It is desirable to know the education, practice, degree of authority, scholarship of a doctor. At the reception, you should pay attention to the professional qualities and competence of the surgeon.

Before the operation, the doctor must inform the patient about the details, the possible consequences of the procedure. Plastic surgery is not cheap "pleasure", so you need to weigh the pros and cons to make the right decision.

The best plastic surgeons in Varonezh

Plastic surgeries performed by experienced surgeons in well-known medical institutions will help preserve youth, attractiveness and even restore health. The best plastic surgeons of the city of Voronezh, presented below, will cope with any situation and will always come to the rescue.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Incertov
votes 7

Specializes in correcting parts of the face with threads. He has been working in medicine for over twenty years, ten of which he has been practicing plastic surgery. Constantly improves himself, being a participant in various events to improve professional retraining.

Address: Koltsovskaya street, 9, Ippodromnaya, 2v.

Price: from 300 rubles (reception).

  • high professionalism;
  • great practice;
  • excellent results;
  • a huge number of grateful patients.
  • no.

Oleg Yurievich Terezanov
votes 0

An excellent connoisseur of his profession. He is a candidate of medical sciences. Practitioner with fifteen years of experience in medicine, seven of which are given to plastic surgery. Every year he successfully performs operations on parts of the face, body, scars, intimate areas. At the reception, he knows how to create an atmosphere of trust, openness, which has a positive effect on making the right decision. Continuously improves professional skills at courses, seminars, master classes in plastic medicine. He was a participant of the XIV International Congress on Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery (Germany).

Address: Revolution Avenue, 29-A.

Price: initial appointment from 500 rubles.

  • great practical activity;
  • highly qualified;
  • individual approach;
  • actionable results.
  • no.

Igor Leonidovich Nikolaenko
votes 3

Experienced plastic surgeon. Having twenty years of experience in this medical field, he actively implements and uses the latest technologies in plastic surgery. Performs facelift, mammoplasty, otoplasty, rhinoplasty, liposuction and other types of aesthetic surgery. He constantly improves his medical experience in courses, participates in all-Russian and international conferences and congresses.

Address: Victory Boulevard, 13.

Price: 150-1500 rubles

  • experienced practitioner;
  • competent specialist.
  • No

Konstantin Olegovich Lakatosh
votes 0

Doctor with thirty-five years of experience in medicine.He is one of the active members of the team for the development of microsurgery in the Central Chernozem District. Active participant in international congresses and symposiums. Author of more than thirty scientific papers that reveal the essence and problems of microsurgery, reconstructive procedures.

Address: Vareikis street, 70

Price: 1200 - first visit.

  • the richest professional experience;
  • application of modern methods;
  • excellent results;
  • many positive reviews.
  • no.

Samir Rumenovich Chavdarov
votes 1

Graduate of the Kursk State Medical University. Has been performing plastic surgery for 15 years. He was awarded the prize "Giftedness -2005" for the active implementation and use of innovative technologies. Currently, he is the head of the plastic surgery department at the Ardamed clinic. Seventeen years of experience in plastic surgery allows us to perform highly professional operations such as endoscopic breast augmentation, closed dynamic rhinoplasty, laser otoplasty, blepharoplasty, endoscopic facelift, abdominoplasty, liposuction, intimate plastic surgery and others.

Address: Pobedy boulevard, 42

Price: from 500 rubles

  • a professional in his field;
  • tactful, attentive;
  • adherent of innovative approaches.
  • no.

Artem Alexandrovich Nikulin
votes 0

One of the leading doctors in plastic surgery in the city of Voronezh. Highly professional medical worker. She deals not only with adults, but also with children. Performs pediatric maxillofacial and plastic surgery. Also uses injection technologies, threads APTOS, SiluetLift.

Address: Revolution Avenue, 29-A

Price: from 500 rubles per session.

  • competent professional;
  • individual approach;
  • Lots of professional reviews.
  • no.

Yuri Mikhailovich Kharitonov
votes 5

A certified, competent specialist with considerable experience, who will give comprehensive advice on determining the necessary treatment. His main focus is maxillofacial and plastic surgery.

Address: Moskovsky prospect, 151

Price: 1000 rubles initial consultation.

  • experienced surgeon;
  • excellent aesthetic taste.
  • no.

Sergei Mikhailovich Voitenkov
votes 0

Master of his craft. Trained in microsurgery. He specializes in the areas of laser plastic surgery. Actively engaged in improving medical experience in Europe and the USA. Practices operations on the correction of the auricles, breast reconstruction, rhinoplasty.

He is a member of the Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons.

Address: Pobedy boulevard, 42

Price: 550-1000 rubles for face-to-face consultation

  • competent specialist;
  • attentive;
  • knows how to create the right atmosphere for a confidential conversation with the patient.
  • no.

Andrey Petrovich Sokolov
votes 2

He has knowledge in many areas of medicine, an experienced specialist of the highest category - medical experience for more than 27 years. The main activity is plastic surgery, oncology. He is a candidate of medical sciences. Author of 14 scientific articles, one invention patent.

Address pereulok Zdorovya, 2

Price: from 1000 rubles for a single visit

  • doctor with extensive practice;
  • has many positive patient reviews.
  • no.

Sergey Valerievich Matsaev
votes 0

Top notch professional.He is fluent in the methods of aesthetic surgery, as well as limpofilling (transplantation of the patient's adipose tissue). This operation is popular both in Russia and abroad. She regularly improves her medical skills by attending conferences, seminars, congresses, master classes at national and international levels. He received the qualification of a plastic surgeon at the Russian State Medical University named after Pirogov.

Address: Koltsovskaya street, 9-A

Price: 500-1000 rubles first appointment

  • a professional in his field;
  • knows how to find an approach to patients;
  • has positive feedback from patients for difficult cases in medical practice.
  • no.

Many celebrities, for the sake of their profession, are ready to put their body parts under the surgeon's knife in order to continue their career. And people who are not public, probably, should think carefully before deciding on an operation.

And if you have already decided, then after reading the rating, you can safely go to an appointment with the chosen doctor.


