
  1. What is ophthalmology
  2. How to choose an ophthalmology clinic
  3. The best ophthalmological clinics in Novosibirsk

Best ophthalmological clinics in Novosibirsk 2022

Best ophthalmological clinics in Novosibirsk 2022

Health is important for every person. And in case of any disease, it is important to receive high-quality medical services. The same applies to such an important organ as the eyes. The most difficult diseases are treated in scientific institutes and more serious medical institutions. The best ophthalmological clinics in Novosibirsk will be discussed below.

What is ophthalmology

The eyes are called the mirror of the soul, but in addition, they also show the general state of human health. Most eye diseases are a sign of other pathologies, such as:

  • rheumatism;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hypertension;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • obesity.

In the modern world, a person strains his eyes the most.From school, children begin to lose sight. But no one thinks about it in a timely manner and they turn to the doctor only when something irreparable has happened. To avoid such problems, you need to visit an ophthalmologist regularly, at least once a year.

At the first symptoms of vision loss, you need to contact an ophthalmologist - a specialist who diagnoses eye diseases, determines eye pathologies and prescribes treatment. Visual acuity is checked by ophthalmologists using a table.

Ophthalmology is a science that studies the eye block, its components:

  • eyeball;
  • eyelids;
  • lacrimal organs;
  • conjunctiva;
  • eye sockets.

The ophthalmologist is obliged first of all to listen to the patient, and then to make a diagnosis. First, visual acuity is checked, and then the pressure inside the eye is measured, the fundus is examined. If necessary, the patient is referred to other specialists:

  • therapist
  • neuropathologist;
  • endocrinologist.

And only after a complete study, treatment is prescribed - glasses are selected or medications are prescribed. In diseases such as trauma to the eyeball, glaucoma, cataracts, myopia or hyperopia of a high degree, surgical treatment is prescribed.

Not only the eyeball, but also other parts of the organs of vision are exposed to diseases, and in this case, it is necessary for the specialist to correctly diagnose and treat.

The most common eye diseases

Most often, human eyes are exposed to diseases that only an ophthalmologist can determine and at the same time prescribe a course of treatment.

Blepharitis - occurs as a result of infection in the eye. It is expressed by inflammatory processes in the eyelids. Main symptoms:

  • burning;
  • itching;
  • redness;
  • swelling of the eyelids.

The disease is treated with the help of compresses and drugs.

contact dermatitis occurs as a result of the use of cosmetics or detergents that cause an allergic reaction. In this case, the eyelids turn red, inflamed, itching and burning appear. You can fix the problem by stopping the use of the irritant. And also the ophthalmologist prescribes compresses, ointment and drops.

Thermal burn occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to scorching sunlight. If after an injury during the day the pain does not go away, you should immediately contact a specialist. With a high degree burn, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

Conjunctivitis - This is an infectious disease, as a result of which the conjunctiva becomes inflamed. As a result of this disease, the vessels dilate, which leads to redness. The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • itching;
  • sticking of the eyelids;
  • the appearance of pus in the corners of the eyes.

Treatment of the disease is carried out with the help of ointments and drops.

The most common disease of our time remains dry eyes. The disease appears as a result of heavy loads due to watching TV, personal computers and other gadgets. Despite the fact that there are a large number of remedies for dry eyes in pharmacies, it is best if the treatment is prescribed by a specialist.

Barley is an acute inflammatory process of the sebaceous gland. The first sign of the disease is a seal on the eyelid. It is treated by applying a compress.

How to choose an ophthalmology clinic

Severe cases are treated in ophthalmological institutes, but here you often have to wait in line. If there are opportunities and the disease is not too severe, then you can contact a private clinic.But among dozens of similar institutions, how to choose the one where they really will help?

The history of the clinic is of great importance. Many ophthalmological organizations work only for profit and open their clinics in one city or another. Such institutions exist until complaints of complications after treatment in such clinics begin to arrive. Then the work is curtailed and would-be doctors move to another place. Therefore, it is important to study work experience in order to be sure that the clinic works for clients and is not going to move anywhere. And this guarantees high-quality treatment of eye ailments.

In second place in determining the quality of the clinic is its equipment. Eye diseases require equipment and many tools, without which diagnosis is impossible. At the same time, new items appear on the medical equipment market every year, which only individual clinics can afford.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the staff of the medical staff. The qualifications of doctors, surgeons, nurses are evidenced by their certificates, diplomas and permits to practice. It is important if doctors conduct research and attend seminars and conferences.

It is important to compare the cost of the services offered by the clinic. But at the same time, you need to take into account that prices are not an indicator of quality. The cost of treatment includes an examination by a specialist, the cost of prescribed medications, care, a hospital, procedures prescribed in the postoperative period.

And since in our time it is available to get reviews and additional information via the Internet, you should not be lazy, but visit special forums and ask what people write about the clinic.

In large clinics, during the operation, filming is carried out on video cameras that are built into surgical instruments. The records are stored in the patient's medical history, so that, if necessary, you can pick up the material and get acquainted with the course of treatment. There must be a department in which diseases such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism will be treated.

In order for the treatment to be comprehensive and effective, there must be other specialists in the clinic, such as an ENT specialist, an endocrinologist, a therapist, a neuropathologist, a dentist.

Disposable materials, intraocular lenses, artificial implants must be used. All this must be made by manufacturers who have earned the credibility and trust of consumers.

Due to the fact that there are separate areas in the clinics, the waiting time in line is minimized. On the official website of the selected institution, you can ask your question, which will be answered immediately.

The best ophthalmological clinics in Novosibirsk

There are about twenty clinics in Novosibirsk, where 120 specialists work. Which one to visit is the choice of the patient. And we, in turn, offer the top of the best of them, based on the reviews of people who have already visited the clinics.

Clinic Puzyrevsky

Located at st. Uritskogo, d. 21, phone (383) 247-99-14. Full name of the institution: OOO Ophthalmological Clinic DOK. The clinic is headed by Puzyrevsky Konstantin Gennadievich. The establishment was founded in 1994.

Specialists accept for consultation not only adult patients, but also children. Any eye disease is treated here. There are also surgical interventions.The clinic is equipped with modern equipment that allows the use of advanced technologies for the treatment and correction of diseases.

The clinic diagnoses and treats the following diseases:

  • myopia;
  • strabismus and nystagmus;
  • amblyopia;
  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • atrophy of the optic nerve;
  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • age-related macular degeneration.

To eliminate the disease, the following treatment programs are used:

  • pleoptics;
  • diploptics;
  • orthoptics;
  • treatment on the synoptophore;
  • antimyopic treatment;
  • optical treatment;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrical ophthalmic stimulation;
  • laser therapy;
  • treatment on makulotester;
  • computer treatment for strabismus;
  • laser surgery of the retina and secondary cataract.

The cost of treatment in the clinic ranges from 2,000 to 60,000 rubles.

  • The professionalism of doctors;
  • Affordable cost of treatment;
  • The latest treatment technologies.
  • No.

Clinic "Excimer" on Shamshins

The clinic is located on the street. Family Shamshin, 58, phone (383) 388-44-76. Officially, the clinic is called EXCIMER Ophthalmological Clinic LLC. It is headed by Kashnikov Vladimir Vasilyevich. The clinic began its work in 1998. From the first days it was a center for laser vision correction, but over the years, modern methods of treating myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism have been used here.

Today it is a multidisciplinary clinic for treatment and accepts all residents of the city within its walls. In 2016, a department for the treatment of children was opened. Over the entire period of the clinic's existence, 3,000 operations to eliminate diseases and 15,000 vision corrections have been performed. In addition, doctors perform complex surgical interventions without hospitalizing patients.

The clinic provides services:

  • diagnostics;
  • refractive surgery;
  • laser therapy;
  • microsurgery.

Nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism are treated here. Lens replacement surgery and lens implantation are performed. Eliminate cataracts, glaucoma and other diseases. Engaged in the treatment of the retina.

The cost of services in the clinic ranges from 1,800 to 42,500 rubles.

  • Qualified specialists;
  • The latest equipment;
  • Operations without hospitalization;
  • Vision correction.
  • No.

Excimer Children's Clinic on Frunze

This clinic is located at St. Frunze, 57A, telephone (383) 388-44-76. The clinic has the official name LLC Children's Ophthalmological Clinic Excimer. Here, a staff of experienced specialists has been recruited, who have extensive experience and qualifications in the treatment of eye diseases in children.

Even the smallest patients, who are no more than one or two days old after birth, are accepted here. Each small client is treated individually and finds special methods of treatment. Some diseases are treated even in a playful way. There is always a friendly atmosphere, thanks to which the children are happy to go to see specialists.

For diagnostics, the latest technologies and equipment are used, which allows you to accurately diagnose vision problems in children. To restore health, modern methods are used, digital treatment of such diseases as strabismus, abliopia, myopia, hyperopia, glaucoma, accommodation spasm.

Using gentle therapy, children are prepared here for the stresses of the school curriculum. Relieve stress, eye fatigue, create the strength of the visual system.

The cost of treatment in the clinic is from 1,800 to 42,500 rubles.

  • Leading experts work;
  • The latest equipment is used;
  • Friendly atmosphere in the clinic.
  • No.

Eye Microsurgery Clinic "I See"

Located at st. Arbuzova, d. 1/1, bldg. 4, telephone (383) 249-70-07. The clinic is headed by Dmitrieva Elena Igorevna. The clinic began its existence in 2009. The clinic diagnoses and treats a large number of diseases of varying degrees of difficulty. Here, not only lenses are selected for vision correction, but also surgical intervention is successfully carried out.

The medical institution employs specialists with the highest qualifications. Treat diseases such as:

  • astigmatism;
  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • glaucoma;
  • age farsightedness;
  • retinal disease;
  • children's eye diseases;
  • cataract.

After the disease is diagnosed, the course of treatment is prescribed together with the patient. It can be surgical, therapeutic, cosmetic or optical treatment. Diseases such as:

  • myopia;
  • retinal pathology;
  • farsightedness;
  • astigmatism.

To correct these diseases, glasses, lenses, hardware vision correction are used. In addition, surgical intervention is used, which includes laser correction, lens replacement, implantation, scleroplasty, laser coagulation.

The clinic also treats small patients, eliminating such pathologies as:

  • amblyopia;
  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • astigmatism;
  • strabismus;
  • congenital cataract.

The method of phacoemulsification allows treating cataracts for people of any age category and eliminates the disease of any degree of complexity. The cost of treatment in such a clinic is from 1,500 to 22,000 rubles.

  • High professionalism of doctors;
  • Availability of new equipment;
  • Discussing the treatment method with the patient;
  • A special approach to the treatment of children.
  • No.

Center for Children's Vision "Ilaria"

Located on st. Linear, d. 51, phone (383) 249-70-07. Officially, the institution is called the Center for Children's Vision "Ilaria" LLC and is headed by Igor Leonidovich Plisov. The clinic diagnoses a wide range of eye diseases using the latest modern equipment. Specialists in the course of treatment resort to non-standard methods, which allows them to effectively cope with the disease.

It treats progressive myopia, impaired binocular vision, injuries and other eye diseases. Doctors select glasses, lenses. In addition, there is a service for the repair of glasses.

The cost of treatment in this clinic is from 3,000 rubles.

  • High professionalism of specialists;
  • Low cost of treatment;
  • Availability of new equipment;
  • Individual approach to patients.
  • No.

Eyes are an important organ in the body, and their health significantly affects a person’s activity, his capabilities, as well as his condition in general. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to contact the specialists of the best eye clinic in Novosibirsk.

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