
  1. How to cut and when
  2. How to choose a machine?
  3. Popular models and their characteristics
  4. How to cut a pet with a clipper
  5. Features of caring for a clipper

Best Sheep Clippers in 2022

Best Sheep Clippers in 2022

Sheep care consists of many aspects, one of them is the care of the animal's wool. If you do not cut the wool in time, then it becomes dirty and falls off. In addition, all kinds of parasites and harmful bacteria are formed in it, which are subsequently not so easy to deal with. If the lamb gets wet in the rain, then its generous coat of wool will dry out for a long time, and the animal is able to get hypothermia and get sick. In this regard, sheep shearing is a must, so scissors and clippers are a necessary attribute of every sheep breeder. To make it easier to choose a shearer, this article lists the best sheep shearers in 2022.

How to cut and when

Pets need to be trimmed twice a year. The farmer personally chooses the time of the procedure, guided by the weather and temperature values. Sheep are sheared if the weather conditions are stable and there are no sudden temperature changes. In simple terms, when it's warm and clear all day, it's often:

  • Spring or early summer;
  • End of summer - beginning of autumn.

Sheep are sheared in two ways:

  1. Manual - specialized shears are used for shearing sheep. This option is perfect for those who have a small number of heads. The manual method requires certain skills, experience and endurance of the farmer, because this procedure is not an easy one. The fact is that a sheep is a very timid and anxious animal. Therefore, it is very important not to cause accidental injury to the animal.
  2. Mechanical - the farmer uses a sheep clipper. This device makes it possible to significantly increase the speed of the shearing process, reduce the potential risk of causing accidental injuries to the animal. In addition, the quality of the fleece is increased, because there is almost no damage to the wool fibers.

With the improvement of automation in farming and sheep breeding in particular, electric shearing devices are beginning to gain immense popularity. The fact is that an automatic machine significantly saves time and effort, however, manual devices should not be deprived of demand, since such devices also have some advantages.

manual machine

The essence of the operation of such devices is comparable to ordinary scissors, but there are many similar elements in a handheld device.If we compare this device with typical scissors, then it has only one drawback - you need to constantly work with your hand. It will be much more difficult to injure the skin with shearing knives in such a situation. Knives must be both cleaned and sharpened exclusively by professionals, however, blunt elements can always be replaced with additional ones and work can continue. By the way, scissors do not have such an opportunity. Another advantage of manual machines is that they do not require electricity to work.

Automatic machine

The main advantages of such devices for cutting animals are quality and increased productivity. The key disadvantage of most electrical devices is the rapid overheating of the motor. The second disadvantage of these devices is the very high cost of really good devices. Inexpensive Chinese-made machines, the quality is far from always good. When choosing a typewriter, due attention should be paid to this parameter, since there are a large number of Chinese analogues of high-quality and expensive devices on the market today.

Preparing for a haircut

The specifics of the process are as follows. The procedure is divided into a number of steps, in many respects it all depends on the choice of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body that is planned to be cut. It is very important to remember that the key requirement for successful sheep shearing is the farmer's restraint.

If a person is anxious and worried, then it is best not to approach animals during this period. The fact is that the animal will very quickly become imbued with the emotions of the owner and will initiatively interfere with the whole procedure. This promises an accidental injury to the animal.

For the shearing process, a dry room is chosen, which is fully protected from drafts and rain.The sheep must have dry wool, then the procedure will be successful and fleeting. For the period of the haircut, it is recommended to call a couple of assistants: the first will assist in fixing the animal, and the second will start sorting and cleaning the wool.

How to choose a machine?

During the shearing procedure, the sheep experiences tremendous stress. To reduce the duration of such an uncomfortable process, shearing machines are used. Beginners in the farming industry are constantly looking for an answer to the question of how to choose a sheep clipper and what selection criteria exist.


Depending on the number of livestock heads, they are determined with the choice of device power. If there are few sheep (10-20), then high power is not needed at all, because the price of the machine depends on it, which is unlikely to pay off quickly. It must be remembered that the higher the power, the higher the price of the device, but the better the speed and efficiency of work.

In the event that a farmer wants to increase the number of livestock in the near future, it is worth stopping at a device with a power reserve. In the manual for clippers, they often indicate the number of heads that can be cut with a clipper in one season.


Every spare part can break sooner or later, and knives are no exception. When choosing a device for shearing sheep, you need to take care in advance about how much it costs to buy spare knives and the method of sharpening them.


Today, in addition to the domestic manufacturer, devices made in Germany, the USA, Switzerland and England are very popular. All these are the best producing countries, noteworthy, first-class, persistent, but not everyone can afford to buy such a machine.In addition to the price, another drawback of imported devices is the lack of additional knives and other spare parts on the Russian market.

Ease of operation and repair

The ease of repair of the apparatus is an important criterion. It is good if the maintenance process is able to be carried out by the shearer himself, without seeking the help of professionals. Any device needs systematic lubrication, as well as cleaning the elements from contamination.

Popular models and their characteristics

When shearing sheep, almost the most important factor is how accurately the farmer has chosen the clipper. In today's market there is a very large range of devices with different parameters that differ in price.


The Kayson 500 animal clipper is a device from the USA that deserves attention due to its high power motor and the possibility of speed control, with a dual cooling system. The air filter, which is located in the device, is a barrier to various kinds of contaminants, the possibility of ingress of other debris and wear of the internal elements of the device.

Cleaning and care are easy, the machine as a whole is very resistant. High precision bearings significantly reduce vibration, and therefore there is very little noise from it, and this, in turn, is a very valuable parameter for working with sheep. One this device can cut 400-500 heads of cattle.

The average price is 12,000 rubles.

sheep clipper KAISON – 500
  • High power;
  • An excellent option for a large flock;
  • Suitable for any type of wool;
  • Not detected


The SC0903b shearing machine for sheep guarantees a highly professional shearing.The original system of dual cooling of the rotary motor increases the durability of the device. The pressure between the cutting blades is adjustable.

The average price is 6000 rubles.

sheep clipper SC0903b
  • High power;
  • Compact;
  • Inexpensive cost.
  • Not detected.


An animal clipper from a German manufacturer is distinguished by high wear resistance and comfort. The design of the device is covered with specialized rubber, which significantly softens any physical impact and shock. The device has an anatomical comfortable shape, which allows the hands not to get tired during the cutting process. Such a machine would be ideal for farmers who have sheep of various breeds in their flock.

The average price is 15,000 rubles.

sheep clipper BERGER F6-SA
  • Removable knives made of stainless high-strength forged steel;
  • Productivity - about 200 goals / season;
  • Included are a large number of nozzles.
  • There are many Chinese lower quality analogues on the market.

MSU 200

One of the most popular sheep shearing machines in Russia. With the help of a special device, it is very comfortable to work with this machine. The asynchronous motor of the device does not heat up and makes it possible to work without additional interruptions. The owner of the MSU 200 can work with it even 10-12 hours a day.

The average price is 9000 rubles.

sheep clipper MSU 200
  • Does not heat up due to the asynchronous motor;
  • Very reliable;
  • Comfortable to use and allows you to work up to 12 hours without a break.
  • One speed;
  • Low power.


Shearing machine for cutting animals from a Chinese manufacturer. The device is suitable for shearing sheep and differs from other tools in good power. It is possible to adjust the speed. Due to the special design, the air grille is made of two elements, which allows the machine to cool perfectly. The handle of the device is made as comfortable as possible, which allows you to work comfortably for a long time.

The average price is 8000 rubles.

Sheep clipper "Hurricane"
  • budget;
  • The structure is made of metal elements;
  • It is possible to adjust the number of turns.
  • Made in China;
  • There is no weight listed anywhere in the specs.

How to cut a pet with a clipper

Before you start the process of shearing animals, you need to check the necessary tools, clean the elements of the machine and sharpen the knives. The clipping procedure should begin before the animal drinks or eats. Wool must be dry. There are the following rules for this process, sequence:

  1. Shearing ewes who have winter lambing;
  2. Lambs that were born in the previous year;
  3. Walukhi;
  4. Ewes that lamb in the spring;
  5. Sheep-producers.

It is important to remember that during the cutting process, you must be very careful not to accidentally cut in the same place twice. The fact is that because of this, future wool will become much worse.

Shearing should start from the stomach, gradually moving to any of the sides and at the same time shearing the hair from the hind legs. Next, you need to cut the chest and neck, then go over to the back and the other side, while not forgetting to collect wool from the front and remaining hind legs.Sheep, which have thin fleeces, should be sheared only once a year, other breeds are often sheared twice.

The animal is sheared fully close to the skin, but you should try not to accidentally cause injury. Due attention is paid to places where the skin is delicate, sensitive and thin: the udder, belly and scrotum.

Features of caring for a clipper

No matter how durable and reliable the device may seem, it will break after a short period of time if you do not provide it with proper care. In particular, the clipper deserves due attention after the end of the work process. In order for the machine to serve the farmer for a long time, you need to follow the following tips:

  1. After use, the knives are properly cleaned from dirt and residues of wool. To do this, it is practical to use the brush that is included with the device.
  2. The apparatus is wiped with a soft cloth, if necessary, the main elements are lubricated and packed for proper preservation.
  3. The knives must be lubricated. In the event that they are a little dull, then before packing them for later storage, they should be sharpened well.

A sheep shearer is a must-have tool for a sheep breeder in 2022, which greatly simplifies the work of the shearer and the care of animals. When choosing which model is better to buy, it is important to remember that sheep shearing must be carried out on time and in accordance with certain rules.

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