
  1. What food is suitable for small dogs
  2. List of the best food for small breed dogs

Rating of the best food for dogs of small breeds in terms of composition and quality

Rating of the best food for dogs of small breeds in terms of composition and quality

Our four-legged friends are in dire need of quality food. At the same time, it is important that the food is suitable for the dog, because for large dogs and for babies, different nutrition is needed. A good owner must know the rating of the best small breed dog food in terms of composition and quality so that the baby gets the best nutrition.

What food is suitable for small dogs

Small dogs differ from large ones in increased excitability of the nervous system. They are much more likely to form tartar, often have problems with bones and joints. Toddlers are often prone to head and limb injuries.And if your pet is neutered, then over time he may develop obesity. You can avoid these problems, if not all, then most of them, if you think about how to choose food, given the breed of the dog and its weight.

Serious manufacturers specifically distinguish among the total mass of food what is suitable for small dogs. Such canned food takes into account the peculiarities of the nutrition of small dogs. In such feeds, the content of vitamins included in group B and linoleic acid is specially increased. These substances help small dogs stay energetic. They help them cope with the threat of gaining excess weight, protect their teeth and prevent the development of allergic reactions.

Food grades for small dogs

All food for dogs is conventionally divided into classes. The cheapest and poor-quality canned food belongs to economy class food. The comparison shows that low-grade raw materials are among the components of the food of such a budget class: soy, offal and food industry waste. There are no vitamins on the ingredient list. This means that if you feed your dog with such food, you will have to give him additional vitamin complexes. Such a composition is very poorly absorbed by dogs, they may have allergies or indigestion.

Somewhat better quality varieties are distinguished by premium food varieties. Very often, preservatives, flavor enhancers and artificial flavors are added to such food in order to improve the taste. Compared to economy feeds, premium food has an increased content of proteins and fats of animal origin. But even the presence of animal protein does not guarantee that it contains meat. Most likely, it contains offal or meat production waste. This food also refers to what you should not buy.

Super-premium food contains a large percentage of quality raw materials. They already contain natural meat, and a chicken egg, and nutritional supplements that are useful for dog health. Starting from this class of food can be used for feeding small dogs. In this case, it is important to take into account the state of health of the pet and its age. This is an undoubted advantage of this class of food. The disadvantage of super-premium class foods is that they contain many substances that are not able to be absorbed by the dog's body.

The best food for dogs is holistic. They have a perfectly balanced composition, the ingredients for them are used only very high quality. By the way, this dry food, if absolutely necessary, can be eaten even by a person without harm to health. In such canned food on the packaging, the composition is painted in great detail. There is necessarily present meat, cereals, probiotics, useful for the quality digestion of a small pet. Feeding a dog this food can significantly improve health.

What grade of food do you feed your dog?

List of the best food for small breed dogs

Let's get acquainted with the list of the most popular food for small dogs and find out which company's food is better.

7th place - 1st Choice Adult Dog TOY BREEDS

The super-premium class includes 1st Choice Adult Dog TOY BREEDS. We've ranked it #7 in our Food for Small Dogs and Puppy rankings. Among the components of this brand are chicken flour, crushed rice and oats, natural chicken fat, barley, as well as preservatives. Contained in the line and wet food. Judging by the composition, this food contains more plant components.

The meat in it is present only in the form of chicken flour, although it is in the list of ingredients in the first place. It is also worth noting that in terms of protein and fat content, this food lags behind the rest, but the number of carbohydrates is unusually high. This effect was achieved not due to the meat components, but due to the inclusion of flaxseed in the ingredients.

1st Choice Adult Dog TOY BREEDS

The advantages of this food - inexpensive, the presence of flaxseed in the composition, you can buy in almost any specialized store, which is suitable for dog owners in different regions.


Unbalanced composition, in which cereals and vegetables occupy a large part, and meat ingredients are presented only in the form of bone meal.

The average price of a bag of 7 kg of this food is 2000 rubles.

6th place - Eukanuba Breed Specific Yorkshire Terrier

Another quality food suitable for feeding small dogs and puppies is Eukanuba Breed Specific Yorkshire Terrier.We put him on the sixth line of our rating. As the name suggests, this food is recommended primarily for Yorkshire Terriers, but can be used for other small dog breeds as well. Feeding them maintains the shine and radiance of the pet's coat and takes care of good dental health.

Eukanuba Breed Specific Yorkshire Terrier

The advantage of this food is that it contains the nutrients the dog needs. These are, first of all, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as trace elements useful for the animal - copper and zinc. In addition, vitamin E is present in the food, which helps to maintain the dog's immunity at the proper level. It also contains a lot of useful fiber, which serves as a probiotic and ensures the normal digestive process of the dog.

The ingredients of this nutrition include freeze-dried chicken, grains (corn, rice and wheat), ground chicken meal. It also contains natural chicken eggs, brewer's yeast and fish oil. Included in the composition of the food is also flaxseed.

The advantage is a large number of meat components, the presence of flaxseed and probiotics, brewer's yeast and chicken eggs.


Its disadvantage is that it is rarely on sale in specialized pet stores. It is much faster to get this food by ordering it from an online store. In addition, it is intended by and large only for one breed of dog.

The cost of a 2 kg package of this food is about 1460 rubles.

5th place - Almo Nature Holistic Adult Dog Small

Another representative of the super-premium food class is Almo Nature Holistic Adult Dog Small.It is an excellent example of high-quality complete and balanced nutrition for small dogs, as well as for puppies. Reviews say it's great for pets with sensitive digestive systems.

The composition of this food includes exclusively high-quality, natural raw materials. In the list of ingredients in the first place is lamb meat, which is grown without the use of antibiotics and hormonal stimulants. Also in this food are natural antioxidants, an extract produced from green tea, and alfalfa.

Almo Nature Holistic Adult Dog Small

It strengthens the immune system, helps normalize sensitive digestion, saturates the body with minerals and vitamins, affordable.


Disadvantage - rarely available for sale. You can mostly buy it online.

The price of this food for 2 kg is 986 rubles.

4th place - Wellness Simple

The holistic class also includes food, which is on the fourth line of our rating. This is Wellness Simple nutrition, consisting of rounded dry granules. The composition includes natural meat, fruits and vegetables.

Another benefit is that it is high in high-quality protein and fats, which help keep your dog healthy, keep his coat shiny and healthy, and promote muscle building. Dogs, even castrated, eating this food will have excellent health and excellent physical shape.

Holistic Wellness Simple

Balanced composition, the presence of natural meat and fruits. After this nutrition, the appearance of the dog and its health improves.


The disadvantage is the difficulty of acquisition. You can buy mainly in online stores.

The cost of packing 7.5 kg of this food is 2824 rubles.

3rd place - Hill's Ideal Balance

Next on the small dog food list, Hill's Ideal Balance Canine Adult Small Breed was created specifically for puppies and small dogs. In the list of ingredients of this feed, you will not find cereals, corn, soy, flavorings and dyes of chemical origin. It contains only exceptionally high-quality components of natural origin, which will please your four-legged friend.

This food is completely natural, it can be safely used for feeding any small dog, as well as for feeding puppies. This is such a high-quality food with excellent nutritional properties that it is allowed to give it to your pet daily. The absence in this food of any additives and dyes harmful to the health of the pet allows the dogs to stay in excellent shape all the time.

Thanks to this food, the animal's coat will always be shiny and smooth, immunity will be strong, and the eyes will shine with a healthy glow. This wholesome food will protect your pet from a variety of skin diseases and digestive problems, because it consists only of high quality products.

Hill's Ideal Balance

The advantage of the feed is the presence of a large number of meat ingredients and the absence of grain components. Helps to solve digestive problems and improve the skin.


The disadvantage of this food is that it is also rarely available for sale. It can be purchased from some online stores.

The cost of 2 kg of packaging of feed from this manufacturer is quite large - 1192 rubles.

2nd place - Acana small

On the second line of the presented rating is the popular food Acana small. This food belongs to the holistic class. It has a lot of meat ingredients. These include chicken meat that is grown under normal conditions, flounder meat and whole eggs. This food also contains healthy vegetables and fruits and oats. These components allow the dog to receive carbohydrates that do not cause allergies in the animal.

Acana small

The advantage of this food is that it does not cause allergies, contains many meat components. The animal is saturated in one feeding with a small portion.


High feed cost.

The price of 6 kg of packaging of this feed is 2563 rubles.

1st place - ACANA Puppy&Junior

In the first place in our rating is ACANA Puppy & Junior. It is worth noting that ACANA brand food is superior to all other brands of dry food for several reasons. They are made from high quality ingredients, contain natural eggs, as well as fruits and vegetables. In addition, the feed contains extracts of herbs useful for animals, vitamins, probiotics and minerals.


The main advantage of this brand of food is that the first three positions in the list of ingredients are natural meat ingredients, and not cereals, as in many other brands of food. It is worth noting that three-quarters of ACANA's food consists of meat. This just corresponds to the norms of the need for meat in dogs with natural nutrition.

In addition, this brand of food does not contain a large number of carbohydrates, and those that are available are obtained from plant components with a minimum glycemic index. The line of dry food of this brand includes food for animals of different ages.

ACANA Puppy&Junior

Puppy&Junior food contains natural chicken meat, as well as vegetables and fruits. It does not contain preservatives harmful to the dog. This food contains the amount of fats and proteins necessary for small animals, which is ahead of other brands of food. This is especially important for small dog breeds.

According to the owners, the transition to this dry food or canned food has a very positive effect on the appearance of the animals and their health. Their skin diseases go away, the kids look more energetic and cheerful.


The disadvantage of this food is that it is almost impossible to buy it in a regular pet store. The easiest and fastest way to order this food in online stores.

The cost of a bag of 2.27 kg is 1741 rubles.

What kind of food do you feed your dog?

In conclusion, I would like to note that when choosing food for your four-legged pet, you should give preference to food with a high percentage of meat. This is very important for the harmonious and proper development of the pet. Of course, such food cannot be cheap. Another point is the state of health of the pet and its age, which must also be taken into account when choosing food.

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