What cat food do you think is the best, and which one is not worth buying? What name comes to mind first? Of course, those whose ads you see and hear most often. These are the well-known Kitekat, Darling, Whiskas, Friskies. But are they really that good? The answer will be negative. In fact, cheap food only cripple the cat's health, adversely affecting the kidneys and liver. What is the actual rating of the best cat food in terms of composition and quality, and which company's food is best to buy?
All cat food is divided into classes. They are called economy, premium, super-premium and holistic. If you really love your pet, then give preference to food not lower than the premium class. The comparison shows that it is best to choose food classes such as holistic or super-premium, they take into account all the features of cat nutrition. Food of this class will not harm the health of the pet, it is balanced in composition and presented in a variety of options. But the disadvantage of these feeds is that they are very expensive.
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For the production of such budget-class cat food, the lowest quality raw materials are used. You will not find meat in them; only offal, vegetable protein, cereals and cellulose are used as protein. They are absorbed only partially by the cat's body, so they do not bring much benefit. The positive side of economy feeds is their low average price.
Important! The editors of the site "top.htgetrid.com/en/" do not recommend feeding your pet with this class of food on an ongoing basis.
The 7th place is occupied by the product of the French company Darling, it is produced in Hungary.Their most important drawbacks are the presence of cereals in the list of ingredients in the first place, meat components are in second place and there are only 4%. In addition, they contain preservatives and harmful dyes. One of the few advantages is the low cost. For a package of 10 kg you will give 1180 rubles. A package of 2 kg will cost 320 rubles.
The next, 6th line is occupied by the Frieskies brand. This food is divided into food for cats, kittens and sterilized animals. Positive quality - affordable price and ease of purchase. It is in every store. Minus - poor composition. There are very few meat components in the product, there are preservatives and various additives. Available in both dry and canned food. The food is relatively inexpensive - a 10 kg bag costs 1025 kg.
Kitekat foods, which are on the 5th line, suffer from the same shortcomings as the rest of the economy canned food. They have an unbalanced composition, little meat. In addition, it takes a lot to saturate food. The only positive thing is that it costs very little, only 1610 rubles for a 15 kg bag.
The fourth line of the rating is occupied by Lara. As in other feeds of this class, there is very little meat in it, the main part is occupied by grain and vegetable components. Canned food of this brand is produced for cats of different ages and for sterilized animals. The presence of preservatives and flavor enhancers is a big minus. In addition, this food is difficult to find in regular stores, but without problems on the Internet. The average cost for 2 kg is 670 rubles.
3rd place is occupied by the Wiskas brand. Broad advertising does its job, and the food is very popular. The feed line is very wide, it includes different tastes, and the form of feed, and the target group of animals. However, that doesn't make it useful. It contains preservatives, flavor enhancers, a large number of herbal ingredients. Prolonged use of them can cause kidney disease in an animal. For a package of 1.9 kg, you will give 407 rubles.
On the 2nd place in the rating of economy products was the dry food Four-legged gourmet. The food of this brand has been on the market for about ten years. They were developed with the participation of veterinarians. For production, the largest number of names of natural components are used.All components are thoroughly tested. Under the brand name of this brand, both dry and wet foods are produced. At the same time, several types have been developed, depending on the different needs of pets. The price for a package of 2.7 kg is 914 rubles.
Feed brand Mon Ami occupy the 1st line of the rating. They are produced in Denmark and also in Russia. The composition contains meat and other meat components, but their amount is not more than 6%. It contains yeast, oils of vegetable origin, which is suitable for the benefit of the animal. But most of all cereal and vegetable components. A bag of 10 kg of this food costs an average of 915 rubles.
On the 7th line of the rating is the Matisse product. It does not contain hazardous chemicals and GMOs. It does not have a lot of meat and healthy fats, but it has everything you need. In addition, the composition contains fiber, vitamins and taurine that are useful for cats. The downside of this diet is a fairly large proportion of plant components, the use of unhealthy corn, and the use of dehydrated rather than fresh meat. The average cost of a bag of 10 kg of this food is 3506 rubles.
On the 6th place is Perfect Fit food. The main disadvantage is the lack of natural meat. It contains harmful components, corn, flavorings, meat meal and more. In addition, too much vegetable protein. But the low cost is a plus. In addition, the manufacturer focuses on food for animals with various health problems. So there are lines for those pets who experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract, sterilized animals, as well as for "fluffies" of different ages. The cost of a 3 kg bag of this food is 698 rubles.
Ranked 5th, Royal Canin cat food can be a good replacement for natural food for your pet. It contains many natural ingredients, but at the same time it contains flavor enhancers and preservatives. The medical options of this brand are distinguished by a higher quality composition. It can be bought at a specialized store at an affordable price. The price of this feed: 4201 rubles. for 15 kg.
Hills brand products are on the 4th line. These are specialized feeds for sedentary animals suffering from obesity, allergies and diseases of the heart and excretory system. The line also includes an option for cats that have undergone surgery.Food of this brand is sold only in veterinary pharmacies. A bag of 12 kg costs 3810 rubles.
German-made Happy Cat food has a unique composition. The manufacturer includes in its composition only natural components of plant and meat origin. Also included for the health of cats are useful herbs that have a good effect on the stomach and circulatory system. For a 10 kg bag of this food, you will give 3380 rubles.
Guabi Brazilian food contains natural meat ingredients, meat meal, rice and liver. It does not cause allergies in animals. In addition, the composition includes vitamins, gluten and brewer's yeast. There are no harmful substances in them. But since food is not always on sale, we put it on the 2nd line. The cost of packing 1.5 kg of feed is 720 rubles.
On the 1st line are the feeds of the French production Flatazor. In addition to natural meat, they include useful plant components.The food does not contain harmful components of chemical additives and GMOs. A big advantage compared to other brands is the presence of amino acids useful for the animal. They are necessary for immunity, improve animal hair. Packing 8 kg costs 3220 rubles.
If you are thinking about how to choose food, then pay attention to the composition. Owners who truly love their pets and care about their health prefer to feed their cats super premium food. These products are able to provide the cat with a complete and balanced diet. They are made from high quality raw materials and do not contain harmful additives.
On the 7th place in the rating is the feed of the Czech production Brit. With constant use, it significantly improves the health of your pet. The cat's coat and teeth look much better. The composition includes only natural ingredients: chicken and fish oil, meat, rice bran, vitamins and minerals. The line includes several types, which allows you to feed the animal in a variety of ways. A package of dry food 2 kg costs 789 rubles.
The sixth line is occupied by the product of the French brand Purina.This is a very well-known company that produces food for cats of different ages, as well as for sick animals. Food of this brand is produced from very high quality raw materials. The range includes canned food with a variety of flavors. Reviews from veterinarians say that these products have a beneficial effect on the health of cats. Packing 10 kg costs 4713 rubles.
The 5th place in our ranking is occupied by German-made food called Dr.Alders. Harmful substances, GMOs and transgenic products are excluded from the list of components, they do not contain chemical dyes and flavors. To preserve the usefulness, vegetables and meat components are subject to minimal heat treatment. The range includes food for cats of different ages, both dry and liquid. But for the usefulness of this feed, there is not enough meat. For a bag of 12.5 kg, you will have to pay 4197 rubles.
On the 4th line, food is also made in Germany under the name Dr. Clauders. Of the minuses, I would like to note that in the composition of many feeds there is no meat. It has been replaced by the liver, which may contain toxins. Plus, there is chicken fat, which has a good effect on the animal's coat and its skin.This nutrition is fortified with vitamins and is available in both dry and wet states. A bag of 15 kg of dry food costs 1943 rubles.
The Swedish product Bozita is manufactured to very high standards in the country of origin. The advantages of this option are that its composition is completely natural, it is prepared only from meat or fish. In addition, the composition includes natural protein, there is taurine and other useful substances. The product is made without preservatives and dyes. There are varieties for older animals among these feeds. Feed costs 4695 rubles per 10 kg.
In second place among the products of the super-premium line are Eukanuba foods. It is already known in the market and is undoubtedly popular. The range of products of this brand includes food for kittens, adult animals, as well as for cats with various diseases. The ingredients include real meat, high-quality fats and protein, it does not contain preservatives and other harmful additives. For a package of 10 kg you will give 4289 rubles.
The highest quality feeds that occupy the first line of the rating are Innova Evo food from Natura Pet Products.It includes everything that an animal needs. It is quality meat with dietary properties, prebiotics and protein. The food is hypoallergenic, which means that it does not contain artificial additives and components. It does not cause kidney problems. The disadvantage of this food is its high price. The cost of 7 kg of packaging: 6709 rubles.
The nutrition of this class in its properties most closely resembles the usual nutrition of a cat in its natural habitat. It contains exclusively meat or fish components. They very rarely include by-products. And grains, which are often included in lower-class foods, are not found in holistics at all.
Meat components in holistics are at least 70%, but there are some products in which the meat content is up to 95%. At the same time, natural protein undergoes minimal heat treatment. Purebred cats are fed with such canned food, as they do not contain any flavor enhancers and preservatives. The only drawback of holistics is that they are very expensive. But at the same time, they significantly saturate the animal, so in the end the animal needs less food.
On the fifth line of the rating is Orijen Cat food made in Canada. The difference is that it contains 75% natural meat and chicken eggs. In addition, the composition includes special Canadian herbs. This can significantly improve cats' digestion and overall health.This food contains anchovies and salmon as a source of healthy fats. The cost of packaging 6.8 kg is 4789 rubles.
In fourth place in the ranking is the American food Golden Eagle. Its advantage is that it was created under the supervision of nutritionists and veterinarians. The range of food for cats of different ages and for sick animals. In addition to a large proportion of meat, canned food includes vegetables and fruits, minerals and trace elements. The price of a bag of 4 kg: 3320 rubles.
The third line of the rating is occupied by the Canadian product Acana. This feed is of very high quality, as the manufacturer strictly monitors all stages of production. This is a complete, balanced option, with which the cat does not need additional supplements. The price of a bag of 17 kg is 5756 rubles.
In second place is Wellness Core. The ingredients include only quality ingredients and other nutrients required for the good condition of the cat. The canned food contains five varieties of meat, cranberries, tomatoes, potatoes and other ingredients. The cost of packaging 1.8 kg: 1200 rubles.
The first place is occupied by food Go! This is a special grain-free food designed for small kittens and adult animals with digestive problems. The basis of the diet is duck meat, in addition, minerals, probiotics and vitamins are included. With the help of this food, you can prevent the occurrence of many diseases, including urolithiasis. Packing 7.26 kg costs 3424 rubles.
In conclusion, I would like to note that you should not save on the health of your pet. It is better to buy high-quality feed that will saturate the animal for a long time and will not harm its health.
Veterinarian's opinion on cat nutrition: