Recently, the percentage of male and female infertility has increased. Experts consider the main reasons for the deterioration of the environmental situation, the increase in stressful situations. Modern innovative technologies allow to solve this problem. Among them are in vitro fertilization, IVF. The founders of the advanced method are the British biologist R. Edvans and the gynecologist P. Steptoe. In 1978, the first test-tube baby was "born".

In Russia, the use of this method began in 1986. For the treatment of infertility, the choice of a clinic becomes a crucial moment. Carrying a baby, upon the onset of pregnancy, and then competent medical supervision largely depends on the qualifications of the clinic's specialists.The best IVF centers in Voronezh will be discussed in this article.


There are two methods of artificial insemination. Artificial insemination is a technically more difficult process, but it can be used by couples with severe forms of infertility to conceive a child. AI benefits:

  • the process is close to natural;
  • democratic price;
  • minimal trauma;
  • does not affect the hormonal background.

The downside is that there are many indications for this method.

IVF is a method that allows more couples to solve the problem of infertility, overcoming a wide range of problems. Cons of IVF:

  • high price;
  • high risk of getting a complication;
  • there is no 100% guarantee of results.

The choice of method should be based on a competent diagnostic examination. When choosing one of the methods of artificial insemination, the question arises of how healthy the embryo is. To determine the presence of deviations, there is a genetic test. It is recommended to pass it to a man and a woman. Testing is especially important when using donor cells.

After successful fertilization, there are often few embryos left. They can be frozen to use after a few years. Cryopreservation allows you to store eggs for an unlimited amount of time. For example, in Japan, a woman used embryos frozen 13 years ago and gave birth successfully.

How to choose the right medical facility

When choosing a specific clinic, it is necessary to collect the largest amount of information from various sources: the opinion of patients, reviews in the “review book” of the medical institution. Special forums on the Internet can also be a source of information about the clinic and staff. It should be borne in mind that each patient may have a subjective opinion.

The clinic should have its own website, where you can find all the necessary information:

  • availability of necessary licenses and certificates;
  • how many years the clinic has been engaged in reproductive activities;
  • is there a donor base;
  • whether sick leave is issued for the duration of the protocol;
  • whether there is a possibility of observation during pregnancy;
  • work without days off is a positive indicator;
  • detailed information about specialists;
  • a price list indicating services and prices, what additional costs may arise;
  • information about the specific results of the clinic.

Having chosen a medical institution, you need to make an appointment for an initial appointment in order to form your opinion about the clinic. It is necessary to go to the reception together, pay attention to whether the doctor listens to you carefully. Whether he is interested in the history of your planning, the results of the analyzes. In a direct conversation with the doctor, an opinion should be formed about his professionalism.

Particular attention should be paid to the technical equipment of the clinic, as well as the experience and qualifications of specialists. The clinic must have modern diagnostic, embryological equipment and laboratory facilities, the wards must be comfortable and all sanitary and epidemic standards must be observed. Our embryos cannot exist outside the human body, so great demands are placed on the environment, air.

The laboratory should be equipped with powerful filters capable of purifying the air constantly.Such equipment can only be located in a special room. It cannot be installed in any business center.

About staff

Which specialists work in the clinic is of great importance. At a minimum, it must include:

  • obstetrician-gynecologist;
  • urologist-andrologist;
  • embryologist;
  • anesthetist;
  • ultrasound specialist.

Clarify whether there are doctors with academic degrees, whether they take part in special medical conferences.

About statistics

The global IVF success rate is 35-40%. Before visiting a medical facility, you should ask about the percentage of positive results. Of course, this figure may not be true. For example, if clinic specialists take patients with simple cases only, then the statistics will be high.

Do not trust the practice of transferring several embryos in one session. This will positively affect the statistics, but not the real result. It is recommended to use no more than two embryos at a time. An experienced and responsible doctor planted only one. It is more natural and there is no risk for baby and mother.

The price of all procedures cannot be low - modern technologies and equipment are used for IVF, which cannot be cheap. Quota treatment can be used in public and private institutions.

There are several medical centers in Voronezh that help treat infertility.

Clinic of human reproduction "Cradle"

The principle by which specialists work is to achieve the final result: the onset of pregnancy. For this, innovative technologies and modern equipment are used. Doctors of the center try to find an individual approach to each patient.Having made a preliminary examination, it may not be necessary to resort to assisted reproduction. Proper treatment or surgery can help you conceive naturally.

If you still need to choose IVF, the doctor will help you choose the most effective method. The clinic offers IVF and ICSI programs, treatment of male infertility problems. To do this, there are all the conditions and equipment for passing the examination, allowing the urologist-andrologist to prescribe the correct treatment.

The clinic employs specialists with experience in family planning and reproduction. There are doctors with advanced degrees who have printed scientific papers. All specialists constantly improve their professional level, as evidenced by diplomas and certificates.


  • Diagnostics

The clinic diagnoses female and male infertility. Examination of a woman includes: gynecological examination, ultrasound, examination of hormones in the blood, endocrine organs. Also, special tests are carried out to determine the compatibility of spouses. If necessary, the couple is sent for genetic testing.

To determine the final cause of infertility, a woman may undergo laparoscopy. If after carrying out the whole complex of diagnostics it is not possible to establish the cause of infertility, then the doctor recommends using the IVF method.

For the diagnosis of male infertility, the main analysis is the semen analysis. The clinic has a spermatology center that provides various spermatozoa examinations. Previously, this could only be done in the capital's clinic. The Center is equipped with a highly technical laboratory and cooperates closely with the Pasteur Institute (on the basis of the Agreement).

The man rents all biological material in a comfortable room with an armchair and a TV.

  • Donation

The clinic has its own bank of donor materials: eggs and sperm. There is a special program. It provides for the anonymity of future parents and the donor. Participation in the procedure provides for the payment to the donor of a one-time allowance in the amount of 45,000 rubles. Repeated donation is possible after 3-4 months, provided there are no contraindications.

All costs: donor material, the procedure is paid by the couple who wants to use this method.

The clinic has its own donor sperm bank. Patients will be able to choose a donor based on: nationality, age, education, eye color, height, blood type. A whole program is dedicated to sperm donation.

The clinic also offers programs:

  • surrogate motherhood;
  • IVF with donor eggs;
  • consultation with a gynecologist and urologist;
  • pediatric gynecologist.

Address: st. Hilly, 14, tel. +7 (473) 207-05-48 +7 (473) 294-80-42

FemClinic Women's Health Center

The IVF program is carried out with the participation of the ART-IVF reproductive health clinic in Moscow. The whole process consists of six steps:

  1. examination before the appointment of IVF. It is individual for each couple, all tests and examinations can be done in any medical facility. A spermogram must be done in the laboratory of the ART-IVF clinic.
  2. stimulation of superovulation.

After completing these two stages, you need to visit the Moscow clinic. The main procedures of the program, consisting of three stages, will take place in Moscow. When the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity is completed, the woman will be able to return home. Two weeks later, you need to do a blood test for hCG (pregnancy test) and an ultrasound procedure.

All specialists of the clinic constantly take refresher courses, specialized medical seminars, and study.

Address: st. Engels, d. 25B tel. +7 (473) 300-31-90, +7 (473) 250-28-44

Center "Mother and Child"

The clinic belongs to the Mother and Child Group of Companies, which occupies a leading position in the field of obstetrics and gynecology in 2017. Reproductology services include:

  • gynecology conservative and operational;
  • qualified support for the entire period of pregnancy;
  • therapeutic treatment for endocrine changes;
  • highly qualified medical care at all stages of pregnancy.

One of the main directions of the clinic's work is the restoration of fertility (the body's ability to produce viable offspring). For this purpose, the most advanced technologies and equipment are used: hysteroscopy is performed on Karl Storz equipment, ultrasound is performed on expert-class devices. The clinic's specialists apply innovative technologies, improving their skills in the best medical centers.

Before the IVF procedure, both partners are examined for 2-3 months. When an infectious disease is detected, treatment is carried out. At the initial appointment, the doctor determines the appropriateness of the IVF procedure.

The clinic team consists of specialists of a narrow profile: gynecologist, urologist, reproductologist and others. The entire range of examination analyzes is available at the clinic.

The clinic offers the following medical methods to achieve pregnancy:

  • artificial insemination by AI, it is represented by several programs on which the price depends. 25% pregnancy;
  • IVF - the percentage of the effectiveness of the method is 30-60. More likely in younger patients;
  • IVF ICSI is one of the additional stages of IVF. Recommended for men with negative sperm counts.The program will help determine the genetic or chromosomal abnormalities of embryos and leave only viable ones.

Donation and other programs

Donation programs have been successfully implemented in the clinic. To do this, a bank of donor material is created: male donor sperm, female eggs. All donors undergo a thorough examination, they are healthy, they do not have genetic abnormalities and all have their own children. The age of a woman is not more than 30 years, men - not older than 40.

The laboratory of the clinic allows you to do tests and tests to determine the immune form of infertility. Center "Mother and Child" offers programs:

  • on the diagnosis and treatment of infertility in women and men;
  • preservation of fertility;
  • surrogacy.

Citizens of any region of the Russian Federation can undergo IVF treatment at the expense of compulsory medical insurance at the clinic.

Address: st. Sredne-Moskovskaya, 1D

tel. +7 (495) 660 70 01 call from abroad +7 (800) 700 700 1 or *8007

"Diagnostics plus eco"

The medical institution has a network of branches in Voronezh. Since 1997, the center's specialists have been providing medical services, laboratory tests and using the latest technologies to treat patients. The IVF program has been running since 2011. Reception of clients is carried out by experienced fertility doctors, gynecologists-endocrinologists, andrologist.

The latest equipment allows you to perform various actions with cells: ICSI, IMSI. Advanced diagnostic methods allow you to quickly determine the cause of infertility and prescribe treatment in time.


The IVF program takes place in several stages, carried out on an outpatient basis. IVF ICSI is used in case of male infertility. The effectiveness of the result depends on the quality of the sperm selected by the embryologist. The visualization and selection procedure is carried out by the IMSI method.

The specialists of the clinic offer AI artificial insemination. The procedure is completely painless. The doctor prescribes maintenance therapy, and after 10-14 days the woman takes a blood test for hCG.

The vitrification method is used in the laboratory of the center for ultrafast freezing of embryos and eggs. Sperm cryopreservation is carried out as part of IVF ICSI. Clients are also offered a program for the accumulation of eggs (oocytes).

Testicular puncture TESE is used in the absence of spermatozoa in the semen. They are obtained from the testicles or their appendages. For the procedure, a disposable biospy gun is used. After the puncture, the man spends several hours in the recovery room. Upon discharge, he receives recommendations for further monitoring.

The center issues sick leave to its patients throughout the program.

Address: Moskovsky pr., 11 tel. +7 (473) 2-219-191

Office of "Urologist-andrologist"

There is a medical center in Voronezh that provides a range of services for the treatment of infertility. It is led by a member of the Professional Association of Andrologists of Russia, a urologist-andrologist.

Having established the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment. There are two options:

  • Pregnancy naturally. The therapy is carried out in two stages: the first lasts 3 weeks, the second - about six months. Once every three months, a control test procedure is carried out. The effectiveness of treatment is 50%;
  • before referring the couple to ART, pregravid treatment is performed. It is aimed at correcting violations in the structure of sperm DNA, thereby reducing the risk of miscarriage. The treatment process lasts 72 days.

Address: st. Leningradskaya, d. 68 tel. +79202195824

The problem associated with the birth of a child will be helped by experienced specialists-doctors of medical centers in Voronezh. Analyze the collected information, make an introductory visit to the clinic - this will help you make the right choice.

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