
  1. What to look for when choosing a clinic?
  2. The best IVF centers in Samara
  3. Comparison of prices in the described clinics

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Samara in 2022 with positive reviews and results

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Samara in 2022 with positive reviews and results

The problem of infertility has now become quite relevant. Almost every tenth married couple faces difficulty in conceiving a child. The reasons are different: unhealthy diet, unhealthy lifestyle, various diseases, environmental conditions.

In this situation, it is important that the spouses do not postpone the solution of this problem indefinitely. After all, the younger the age of the couple (especially women), the higher the likelihood of a positive outcome of the case. Spouses should understand that the sooner they turn to a reproductive specialist, the sooner they will begin to participate in the IVF program, and the sooner the long-awaited child will be born. How to choose the right clinic and the best IVF centers in Samara in 2022 will be discussed below.

What to look for when choosing a clinic?

The choice of clinic must be approached with all responsibility and care.

  • The legality of the activity

You need to make sure that you have the necessary licenses and certificates that allow certain types of medical activities.

  • Availability of state support for the population

Then it is worth deciding whether you are ready to wait for the opportunity to undergo a course of treatment at the expense of the state. If you qualify for this program, you should clarify how much to expect to receive a quota. If there is no time to wait, you should think about treatment on a paid basis. In advance, you need to familiarize yourself with the price list of each of the clinics (on the official website).

  • Availability of narrow specialists Diversified institution

Before IVF treatment, you need to pass tests, undergo an ultrasound scan, and consult with other narrow specialists. It is more convenient to do all this in one medical institution.

  • The use of the latest techniques by the clinic

If its laboratory uses ICSI, PICSI methods, assisted hatching and cryoprograms, then this clinic can be trusted to solve your problem. All this will contribute to a positive outcome of the case.

  • Presence of a sperm and oocyte donor bank

This becomes important in cases where a couple needs to resort to donor programs.

  • Clinic hours and location

It is desirable that the medical institution be close to the place of residence or work, because. visits will be quite frequent and the journey should not take long (ideally).

  • Mandatory attendance at the initial consultation

It will help make your next choice easier. The official websites present the composition of the clinic's specialists, with detailed information about them.You need to carefully study it and, according to the first impression, make an appointment with the doctor you like. It is advisable to visit at least one reproductologist in each clinic in order to specifically determine the medical institution where you will continue treatment.

  • Attitude of doctor and other medical personnel

If you have previously been treated for your problem, be sure to take all the documents, etc. with you. This will allow the doctor to see the picture that has developed at the moment. It will also help determine the course of treatment, illuminate you in a financial matter.

During the initial consultation, do not hesitate to ask as much as possible: doctors, staff, patients. The more information you have, the easier it will be to make a choice.

You should pay attention to the attitude towards you, as potential patients. If the doctor shows excessive employment, does not want to study the medical history you brought, then it is worth considering whether it makes sense to cooperate further.

  • Payment

A moment that is important to pay attention to before committing it. Each clinic has its own payment terms. Also, each of them offers various financial programs and promotions, which are highlighted on the site. However, the details should be clarified already on the spot.

  • Conclusion of an agreement

When you finally decide on the clinic, pay attention to the contract for the provision of paid medical services. It is desirable to have one copy on hand, carefully study it, if possible with a lawyer.

The best IVF centers in Samara

IVF treatment in Samara is carried out by three medical institutions:

  • Medical company IDK "Mother and Child";
  • IVF Reproductive Health Clinic;
  • Center for Cellular Technologies "Dynasty".

The first two clinics are private. The third is the state.

IDK Mother and Child Center
votes 5

Addressclinic - st. Enthusiastov, d.29; diagnostic office - st. Novo-Sadovaya, 182; hospital - Volzhskoye highway, 70.
Working modeMonday - Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 15:00
contact number+7 800 250-24-24

The center opened in 1992. Under his roof, he brought together the vast experience of specialists in the field of reproductive health. As a result of colossal work, the clinic became the third in Russia where a child was born “from a test tube”. Now IDK is the leader in the field of reproductive medicine using innovative methods among the medical centers of the Volga region. Thanks to the latest equipment, high-precision medical equipment, and qualified doctors, high treatment efficiency has become possible. The pregnancy rate per cycle is 50%, which is 15-20% higher than in the country.

The center provides the following services:

  • diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases;
  • diagnosis of infertility;
  • family planning;
  • donor sperm bank;
  • carrying out assisted reproductive technologies;
  • surgical treatment of infertility;
  • intrauterine insemination;
  • artificial insemination;
  • in vitro fertilization (IVF);
  • ICSI, IMSI, assisted hatching;
  • pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD);
  • cryopreservation and storage of sperm, oocytes, embryos;
  • outpatient pregnancy management;
  • IVF according to CHI;
  • surrogacy;
  • mother's school.

  • an integrated approach to the examination with the involvement of doctors of a narrow focus;
  • first-class specialists;
  • attending physician on call 24 hours a day;
  • assistance in the selection of housing, filling out documents;
  • work schedule of the institution without days off;
  • availability of interest-free installments up to 10 months;
  • the opportunity to undergo IVF for free within the quotas of the Compulsory Medical Insurance program.
  • shortcomings in the level of service of middle and junior medical personnel;
  • cases of late admission.

Reproductive Health Clinic "IVF"
votes 5

AddressKarl Marx Ave., 6
Working modeMonday - Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 14:00
Sunday is a day off
contact number+7 846 247-90-01; +7 800 550-42-99 (toll-free in Russia).

The clinic was opened in 2007. Despite the shorter period of work, in terms of the level of qualification of specialists, it does not lag behind the center "Mother and Child". It is at the forefront of introducing new technologies. It was here that in 2010 the use of the new MSOME-IMSI technology was started. It has increased the pregnancy rate. This technology has proven its effectiveness not only in female infertility. The efficiency indicators of ART here are on average 45-50%.

Clinic services:

  • treatment of diseases leading to infertility;
  • treatment of infertility in various diseases of the uterus;
  • ovulation stimulation with various types of monitoring;
  • insemination with the husband's or donor's sperm in a natural or stimulated cycle;
  • control of ovulation and calculation of the optimal time of conception;
  • IVF - in vitro fertilization and transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity;
  • IVF with donor eggs;
  • IVF in a natural cycle;
  • surrogacy;
  • ICSI - the introduction of sperm into the egg;
  • IMSI - the introduction of a morphologically normal spermatozoon into the egg;
  • maturation of immature eggs in the IVF program;
  • auxiliary hatching;
  • preimplantation genetic diagnosis;
  • surrogacy;
  • TESA;
  • pre-implantation genetic diagnosis by PCR;
  • vitrification of oocytes.
  • cryopreservation of germ cells and embryos;
  • testicular biopsy.

In addition to the direct treatment of infertility, the clinic's specialists conduct gynecological consultations and manage pregnancies. Therapist services are available. If necessary, psychological support of patients is carried out.

  • infertility treatment is a narrow specialization of the clinic;
  • the clinic specializes in working with patients of late reproductive age;
  • a huge choice of donors in the partner cryobank;
  • lack of queues;
  • no restrictions on marital status and age;
  • polite and attentive staff, pleasant and quiet environment;
  • the attending physician is ready to listen around the clock;
  • the only clinic in Russia that has received the Temos certificate and is accredited as a "Clinic for International Patients";
  • not found in the last two years.

State budgetary health care institution "Samara Regional Medical Center Dynasty"
votes 3

AddressTashkent street, 159, building 3
Working modeMonday - Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday is a day off
contact number+7 846 203-98-08

GBUZ "Dynasty" is a structural subdivision of the Clinical Center for Cellular Technologies. It was opened in 2008. This is the first state institution in Samara and the region, whose work is aimed at treating infertility with the help of IVF.

Clinic services:

  • infertility treatment with basic IVF methods;
  • infertility treatment by ICSI, with donor sperm, with donor eggs, embryos;
  • application of PICSI, VX;
  • intrauterine insemination;
  • performance of spermograms + MAP test;
  • cryopreservation of embryos, oocytes and sperm of patients;
  • bank of donor sperm, donor embryos, egg donors;
  • preimplantation genetic screening of embryos;
  • lymphocytoimmunotherapy;
  • compilation of the Reproductive Health Passport.
  • the center works under the state target program to improve the reproductive health of the population of the Samara region;
  • relatively lower cost of services provided;
  • treatment with compensation of 50% of the cost by the state;
  • when falling under the state program - free treatment.

  • insufficient level of service in the registry.

Comparison of prices in the described clinics

An important factor in choosing a clinic is the cost of the services provided. Each clinic, in order to attract clients, conducts periodic promotions to receive a free consultation, introduces installment payments, credit. The table below shows the average prices in three clinics for individual services provided, which will allow you to draw initial conclusions about the cost of an IVF procedure.

Servicesmother and childECODynasty
Reception (examination, consultation) of an obstetrician-gynecologist primary205022701300
Initial appointment (consultation) with an embryologist1200until the end of 2018 - free of charge800
Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with an andrologist1690until the end of 2018 - free of charge900
Reception (examination, consultation) of a gynecologist-reproductologist primary2100until the end of 2018 - free of charge1300
ICSIfrom 36750from 35820from 34500
pixiefrom 14200-from 10200
Embryo transferfrom 25250from 24470from 14 200
laser hatchingfrom 10900from 7750from 7860
Sperm cryopreservationfrom 8500from 8170from 6800
Embryo cryopreservationfrom 26750-from 16200
Stimulation of ovulation-dated 19950from 15960
ECO standardfrom 136000from 96860from 62000
Assisted hatching for IVFfrom 11500from 8150from 9440
Artificial insemination with husband's spermfrom 17800from 13300from 13650
Artificial insemination with donor sperm-from 28300from 17850

The final cost of IVF treatment depends on many factors related to the age and health level of the applied couple. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify it directly at the reception, when the results of all the necessary analyzes and studies are received.


