
  1. Indications for IVF
  2. Criteria for choosing a clinic for IVF
  3. The most popular IVF clinics in Rostov-on-Don

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Rostov-on-Don in 2022

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Rostov-on-Don in 2022

One of the most important points for the treatment of infertility is the right choice of clinic. Today, there are a huge number of organizations on the market that offer in vitro fertilization services. However, not all of them can boast of quality work. In order not to waste money and get the long-awaited result, you need to familiarize yourself with some recommendations, following which will not only save you from unnecessary expenses, but also preserve your strength and health.

IVF refers to the fertilization of an egg and the cultivation of an embryo in a test tube. After a certain time, it is placed in the uterus. In the best clinics, the in vitro fertilization procedure is carried out for absolutely all couples, regardless of the reason for which they cannot have a child on their own. The leading IVF centers in Rostov-on-Don will be discussed in this material.

Indications for IVF

It is recommended to resort to the IVF procedure in the following cases:

  • various malformations of the tubes or uterus;
  • endometriosis;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes and adhesions in the abdominal cavity;
  • tubal infertility;
  • immunological infertility;
  • incurable endocrine infertility;
  • infertility of unknown etiology.

The in vitro fertilization procedure can be used not only by a married couple, but also by a single woman. If there are no contraindications for IVF, you can choose a suitable clinic from the rating of the most reliable and effective.

Criteria for choosing a clinic for IVF

There are a number of indicators by which you should carefully choose an IVF clinic. Each of them is essential for patients.


First of all, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the methods of infertility treatment and only after that choose a suitable institution. All clinics have their own characteristics. You need to understand the difference between IVF and AI, which requires genetic testing, as well as freezing eggs and embryos. Collecting information will help the client to better understand the doctor when prescribing a particular treatment method. Another advantage of an informed patient is that already at the initial stage she will be able to understand the level of professionalism of both the clinic itself and its staff.

For example, if a doctor reports that it is better to transfer a three-day embryo, a potential client will immediately understand that in this institution they cannot grow it until the fifth day and freeze it. In this case, it is better to choose another clinic.

Private or public organizations

Every clinic has its pros and cons. First of all, state-run institutions have extensive experience and certain standards of treatment, which is their undeniable advantage. However, there are also disadvantages here. First of all, this is a huge flow of patients and, accordingly, tired doctors. All this leads to the fact that the doctor does not have the time and energy to explain his manipulations to each client, as well as listen to their fears and concerns.

Private clinics pay more attention to their clients. Here the doctor will explain to the patient all his actions, listen to his fears and reassure him. Large private clinics value their reputation and clients very much, so they provide them with the most comfortable conditions. But that doesn't mean they are all good. It is private clinics that are most often equipped with handicraft laboratories, which leads to a greater expenditure of time in order to come to the long-awaited result. To avoid this, it is necessary to pay attention to the experience of the employees, as well as to the level of work of the IVF clinic.

History of the clinic

It is necessary to pay attention to the opening date of the institution, because the longer it has been on the market, the more information about it is known. An important information is the number of patients that the clinic accepts per year. You can also find out about her reputation. To do this, you need to read specialized forums and patient reviews.
Newly opened clinics also have their own advantages, such as a new building and a modern laboratory. However, in some cases, these are small start-ups in an office building.

List of studies

It is best to choose a clinic that has all the necessary research. In this case, the doctor can send a request to the laboratory and even attend an ultrasound, which already indicates that the approach to treatment here is thorough.

The level of professionalism of doctors

At the stage of choosing an in vitro fertilization clinic, it is necessary to ask about the biography of its employees. An important point is the previous places of work of the attending physicians, the availability of a scientific degree, and also whether they underwent foreign internships, where they studied and in what specialization. If there is no such information on the clinic’s website, it can be found simply on the Internet by typing the name of the specialist of interest.

The forums contain reviews not only about the organization, but also about the work of specific doctors. However, it is important to distinguish between real and custom estimates. If the story is described in small details and even with typos, this indicates that it was written by a real patient. But short and to some extent formulaic statements without errors are often custom-made reviews.


We can hope for a successful outcome of in vitro fertilization only if the clinic has high-quality modern equipment, because the cells of our body are very sensitive. They react to even the slightest changes in the surrounding air. Any microbes and odors can lead to the death of cells and embryos. The best and most efficient clinics have special air filters that are able to renew the air every minute.Therefore, we can say with confidence that a medical institution located in an ordinary office building or business center cannot boast of such equipment. It can only be installed in a building specially designed for this purpose.

Performance statistics

Each clinic has different performance statistics. It can fluctuate in a fairly wide range - from 30 to 60%. However, you should not trust just numbers, as they can be simply invented or this clinic helps to get pregnant only in simple cases of infertility.

Another way to increase the statistics is to transfer several embryos, in the hope that at least one will take root. However, in this case, multiple pregnancy may occur, which is already a certain risk for both the mother and the babies. The most experienced and highly qualified specialists recommend transferring only one embryo and, in extreme cases, two.

The cost of the IVF procedure

The price of in vitro fertilization cannot be low, since all the necessary funds and equipment are very, very expensive. You should not go to a clinic that offers fertility treatment services, the cost of which is much different from the average market prices. It's better not to save here. Therefore, if there is not enough money, you just need to sign up for a district antenatal clinic. Here it is possible to receive free treatment under a quota, that is, at the expense of the state, and not only in a state institution, but also in a private one.

The most popular IVF clinics in Rostov-on-Don

Below is a list of clinics that are most in demand according to customer reviews.

Center for Human Reproduction and IVF
votes 64

Location: Rostov-on-Don, st. Bodraya, 90a.

Clinic specialists have extensive experience and serious professional training. Here it is possible not only to establish an accurate diagnosis, but also to cure such diseases as endometriosis, cervical pathologies and female infertility. The clinic conducts a thorough ultrasound diagnosis of the state of the pelvic organs. If necessary, patients can receive surgical treatment. The most popular are laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, and hysteroresectoscopy. The clinic has modern equipment that allows for a full range of additional reproductive services. Thanks to this, patients can receive help at any stage of various diseases.

Andrologists of the institution provide treatment for:

  • male infertility;
  • sexual dysfunctions in men;
  • urogenital diseases;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • age-related androgen deficiency.

In the reproduction center, you can get not only services for artificial insemination, but also use the surrogate motherhood program. In some cases, with serious disorders in the female reproductive system, this is the only way to have a baby.

Only doctors with the necessary certificates work in a licensed medical center. Here you can use the following programs:

  1. Stimulation with hormonal drugs - from 25 thousand rubles;
  2. Insemination with donor's biological material - 14 thousand rubles;
  3. Insemination with biological material of the spouse - from 9 thousand rubles;
  4. Mini IVF - 94 thousand rubles;
  5. Cryopreservation - from 6 thousand to 24 thousand rubles;
  6. IVF + ICSI - 116 thousand rubles.

Here it is possible to carry out enzyme immunoassay, DNA diagnostics, chromosome analysis, morphological diagnostics, reconstructive plastic surgery and much more. All this contributes to a favorable outcome of pregnancy, as well as the restoration of the human reproductive system.

To date, the clinic employs one professor, as well as two doctors of medical sciences and nine candidates. In the institution, in practice, their own developments of employees are used. Most of them are members of medical associations and improve their professionalism every day.

In recent years, the clinic has been developing at a rapid pace, thanks to the project of a multidisciplinary clinical and laboratory building. It is planned to install unique equipment in this part of the building, thanks to which it will be possible to carry out not only classical treatment, but also complex rehabilitation therapy. Moreover, balneological methods of treatment, blood plasma filtration and many other latest technologies will be used here.

  • the reproduction center has modern equipment for both surgical manipulations and laboratory procedures, which allows spouses to receive high-tech medical care for various forms of female and male infertility;
  • The clinic provides a full range of services for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases using the latest technologies.
  • not detected.

Clinic of reproductive technologies "Genome"
votes 27

Location: Rostov-on-Don, st. Sheboldaeva, 97/2.

The institution is intended for the treatment of infertility, and even the most serious diseases can be helped here.In the clinic "Genome" they successfully solve such problems as the inability to become pregnant after forty years in women, impaired development of male germ cells, as well as unclear causes of infertility.

The clinic has the latest equipment, including a premium ultrasound machine with many additional features. Thanks to this, it is possible to conduct an ultrasound examination of not only the pelvic organs, but also the follicles, mammary glands and even the vessels of the head, neck and legs.

The semen analysis here is carried out in such detail that specialists can detect DNA fragmentation. This allows not only to increase the efficiency of the in vitro fertilization procedure, but also to prevent further transmission of the defect to descendants. The spermogram also includes a test for the compatibility of spouses.

The institution provides the following services:

  1. IVF - 69 thousand rubles;
  2. IVF + ICSI with spouse's biomaterial - 92 thousand rubles;
  3. IVF + ICSI with donor biomaterial - 110 thousand rubles;
  4. Cryotransfer of embryos - 30 thousand rubles;
  5. Folliculometry - one thousand seven hundred rubles;
  6. Additional HATCHING - 9 thousand rubles.
  • the clinic for reproductive technologies employs highly qualified doctors with extensive experience, thanks to which even desperate couples have hope;
  • a full range of services for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases using the latest technologies.
  • not detected.

Medical center "Family"
votes 1

Location: Rostov-on-Don, st. Dachnaya, 8.

Doctors of various specializations are involved in the staff: cardiologists, pediatricians, neurologists, allergists, endocrinologists, dermatologists and many others.

Rates for current programs:

  1. In vitro fertilization - 67 thousand rubles;
  2. Cryopreservation of embryos - 15 thousand rubles;
  3. Cryopreservation of eggs - 15 thousand rubles;
  4. Cryopreservation of spermatozoa - 4 thousand rubles;
  5. ICSI - 20 thousand rubles;
  6. ICSI + PICSI - 25 thousand rubles;
  7. Embryo transfer - 20 thousand rubles;
  8. Laser hatching - 5 thousand rubles.
  • in a multidisciplinary clinic, which opened back in 2008, highly qualified specialists of the city work;
  • The medical center has all the necessary modern equipment, thanks to which, using the latest technologies, specialists conduct examinations, treat patients and even perform surgical operations.
  • not detected.

GBU "Perinatal Center"
votes 12

Location: Rostov-on-Don, st. Bodraya, 90.

The state medical institution began to operate on December 14, 2010. Its area covers 25,000 square meters. The center's in-patient facility can accommodate 130 patients at the same time, and one shift of polyclinic specialists takes about 100 people.

Health workers of the perinatal center help not only pregnant women, but also women in labor, as well as new mothers and babies. The staff of the organization, which is established by the head, fully complies with the standards.

Similar perinatal centers are being created in other regions of the Russian Federation in accordance with the needs of the population. The head of the healthcare institution determines the structure of the center, the staff, as well as the functional interaction of the organization with the departments of the healthcare institution.

The cost of services provided in the perinatal center: on request.

  • the institution is independent and is part of healthcare organizations as a structural unit;
  • modern equipment;
  • new technologies used by specialists to conduct surveys;
  • patient care and surgery.
  • not detected.

Do not despair if you have been diagnosed with infertility, because with the help of highly qualified doctors, modern equipment and the latest technologies, you can conceive a baby even in such cases.


