
  1. How does conception happen with IVF?
  2. How to choose the right clinic
  3. The best IVF clinics in Perm

The best IVF clinics in Perm in 2022

The best IVF clinics in Perm in 2022

For many families, the diagnosis of infertility is perceived as a death sentence. However, in Nowadays, this problem can be solved with the help of in vitro fertilization. For those who do not understand what this operation is, you should decipher its name. The first part of the term "extra", translated from Latin (extra) sounds like "outside, outside". The second part - "corporal" (corpus) - is translated as "body". This means that the fusion of the sperm with the egg occurs directly outside the female body, that is, conception occurs in a test tube. About where you can do the IVF procedure in Perm, we will tell below.

How does conception happen with IVF?

In order for the conception to be successful, a special Petri dish is used in the laboratory, in which all conditions are created for the “meeting” of the spermatozoon and the female egg. Conception takes place outside the female body and is carried out by a laboratory assistant in special conditions, at a certain temperature.

Most often, inconsolable married couples turn to the IVF clinic only after “seven circles” of attempts to have a baby go through. When traditional medicine does not give any result, unsuccessfully turning to traditional healers, drinking herbs and infusions does not work, they come in despair to in vitro fertilization. But in order to get a positive result, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself with such “torture”, but you should immediately apply for IVF.

In the clinic, for a start, an examination of the applied couple is carried out in order to find out the reason why it is not possible to get pregnant naturally.

In some cases, infertility is treated with medication and then no drastic measures need to be taken. But with such diseases as obstruction of the fallopian tubes in women and azoospermia - in men, IVF is indispensable. In this case, conception in the traditional way is tantamount to a miracle. In addition, the indication for IVF is considered to be:

  • Infertility of unknown origin;
  • Ineffective surgical intervention;
  • Ineffective traditional treatment.

If the diagnosis is made, they begin to prepare for conception, it goes through several stages.

Stimulation of ovulation

The first stage of preparation is the stimulation of ovulation. Under the influence of drugs, several follicles with eggs mature at once. The procedure is done over two weeks. The drug is injected using a special injector.A woman can do this on her own. In this case, it is necessary to note at what time the injection was made, as well as the amount of the drug administered.

A woman should come to the clinic for an ultrasound examination. Where the doctor monitors the condition of her ovaries and their reaction to the drug. Thus, the dose of the drug is determined. Once the follicles are the right size, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is injected. In this way, the eggs will reach the final phase of maturation.


Two days later, as hCG is administered, mature eggs are removed from the vagina using a puncture needle. Do it under ultrasound supervision. Since the procedure is painful, it is done under anesthesia. At the same time, the man must donate sperm in a specially designated office.

The material is immediately taken to the laboratory, where fertilization takes place. The couple goes home the same day.

Transfer of finished embryos to the uterus

If the eggs are successfully fertilized, then the highest quality embryos are selected and implanted in the woman's uterus. The remaining embryos can be frozen and used in the future if the first ones do not take root.

Two weeks after the procedure, a pregnancy test is performed. A positive result with such a conception is 35%.

It should be noted that children born during the conception of IVF are no different from their peers who appeared naturally. At the same time, healthy children with high immunity will grow from thawed embryos in the future.

How to choose the right clinic

The choice of a clinic for the treatment of infertility must be approached with all responsibility.Nowadays, there are a large number of medical institutions that offer the IVF procedure, but not all of them work efficiently and can please you with the result. In order not to fall for the bait of scammers, you should listen to the advice on how to choose the right clinic.

First of all, you need to find out information about the clinic, its services offered. In addition, you need to ask the doctors why and in what cases this or that procedure is performed. Care must be taken when suggesting treatment tactics. If the doctor offers to implant a three-day-old embryo into a woman and does not use freezing, then it is better to leave such a clinic immediately. The embryo must be grown up to a minimum of five days and must be able to freeze here.

Many couples do not know which clinic to prefer - private or public. There are a lot of advantages in public institutions:

  • Experienced professionals;
  • Standard approaches to treatment;
  • Predictable result of the operation;
  • High performance indicators.

But these clinics also have their drawbacks, namely:

  • A large number of clients;
  • Tired doctors;
  • There is no individual approach to patients.

When patients pass through the assembly line, doctors have no time to explain why certain manipulations are needed, to listen to patients, to calm them down and cheer them up. And do not think that people here are trying to save money. The cost of services is comparable to private clinics.

Private clinics have more time to communicate with doctors. The main advantages of such an institution are:

  • Silence;
  • Comfort;
  • calm;
  • Attention to patients.

But the main disadvantage may be an artisanal method of treatment. Treatment can cost a lot of time and money.To avoid this, you need to study all the information about the qualifications of doctors, their experience and level of work.

Before contacting the clinic, you need to study the description of the institution, ask about the number of patients accepted within its walls. Read the reviews of patients and thus you can find out what kind of reputation the medical institution has.

It is important to learn all the information about doctors. Where did they study, where did they work? It is necessary to find out their specialization, whether they had an internship abroad, whether they have a degree. All this information is provided both in the clinic itself and on the Internet. The only thing that can raise doubts is the reviews of grateful patients, since there are a large number of customized reviews on the Internet these days, which are written in order to manage the reputation of a particular doctor and even a clinic. You need to be able to find "live" reviews that are written impulsively and even sometimes with typos and errors.

The success of IVF depends entirely on the quality of the equipment. Since the cells of the body, embryos, cannot be outside the human body. Therefore, they can immediately die from exposure to the external environment and laboratory air. To prevent this from happening, there must be filters in the rooms that purify the air currents every second. And it is worth remembering that such equipment is in special buildings. If the clinic is located somewhere in the premises of business centers, then such equipment is out of the question.

Performance varies from clinic to clinic. In some it reaches only 30%, in others the figure rises to 60%. But even these figures cannot prove the effectiveness of the clinic. After all, they can be simply overpriced. There are also cases when doctors are accepted only for those patients whose success of the operation can be predicted in advance.Thus, the statistics will be high.

In addition, most doctors, in order to increase the statistics, plant several embryos at once, hoping that one of them will still take root. It should be noted that this method is not the best. But if the doctor is responsible, then he will implant only one embryo. Thus, it will protect the health of both mother and baby.

And the most painful question is the cost of the procedure. Since all the necessary equipment, nutrient medium, drugs and everything else is very expensive, you need to really look at the situation. If the clinic offers a service at a greatly reduced price, then you should immediately be wary. In the event that it is not possible to pay for the operation, then you can use the free treatment offered by the state. It is issued in the antenatal clinic. At the same time, such a quota is used both in public clinics and in private ones.

The best IVF clinics in Perm

IVF clinics in Perm will be able to bring happiness to couples dreaming of a child. These institutions employ professional doctors with the necessary experience and experience. The clinics provide the following services:

  • Diagnosis of infertility of various forms is carried out;
  • The latest and most effective methods of treatment are used;
  • Experienced doctors work here;
  • The latest equipment is used.

The IVF procedure in Perm clinics is not too expensive, which allows any resident to seek help. Regardless of the fact that the prices are not too high, but nevertheless, the reception of patients is carried out at the highest level, in addition, a pregnant woman is under observation for the entire period of pregnancy.

Clinic "Philosophy of Life"

Clinic address: st.KIM, 64, reception phone - (342) 260-41-27, Call-center - (342) 260-60-60.

Clinic "Philosophy of Life" helps to solve the problem of infertility. Diagnosis is carried out here, IVF, ICSI, AI and other methods of reproductive technologies are used for the treatment of infertility.

The clinic began its activity in 2012 and specializes in the treatment of both female and male infertility. It has the latest equipment, a high-tech laboratory, a wide database of sperm and egg donors.

The clinic provides the following services:

  • Diagnosing patients to determine the cause of infertility;
  • Elimination of female infertility;
  • Elimination of male infertility;
  • ECO;
  • IVF without stimulation;
  • Use of donor materials;
  • Surrogacy;
  • Operative methods of treatment.

The cost of treatment ranges from 14,000 to 96,000 rubles.

  • Professionalism of specialists;
  • High efficiency.
  • The presence of unsuccessful attempts to treat infertility.

Reproductive Health Clinic "Baby Boom"
votes 40

The clinic is located at st. Lunacharskogo, 95, 4th Floor, phone - 8 (342) 233-40-40.

The clinic has been bringing joy to the homes of infertile couples since 2006. Doctors practice in the treatment of male and female infertility. Within the walls of the clinic there is a friendly team of specialists who have extensive experience and experience in the following areas:

  • obstetrics;
  • gynecology;
  • embryology;
  • andrology;
  • genetics;
  • reproductive medicine.

The institution has the latest equipment, the presence of a high-tech laboratory.The doctors working in the clinic approach each patient individually, thanks to which the procedure for treating infertility with the help of reproductive technologies is almost the first time.

Services provided in "Baby Boom":

  • Stimulation of ovulation for IVF;
  • Artificial insemination with donor sperm;
  • Artificial insemination with husband's sperm;
  • ICSI;
  • Testicular biopsy;
  • Donor eggs;
  • Donor sperm;
  • Surrogacy;
  • Hysteroscopy;
  • Laparoscopy.

The cost of infertility treatment at the Baby Boom clinic ranges from 4,500 to 83,900 rubles.

  • New clinic equipment;
  • Modern laboratory;
  • The professionalism of doctors;
  • High performance indicators.
  • Unsuccessful fertilization attempts are possible.

Clinic "Mother and Child"
votes 53

The address where the clinic is located is St. Ekaterininskaya, d. 64, clinic phone number - (342) 2 101 101.

The doors of the clinic "Mother and Child" first opened in early 2006. Today it is a whole complex, which has 4 hospitals, 19 clinics, which are located in 11 cities of Russia. More than 6,000 highly qualified doctors work in the complex.

"Mother and Child" takes first place in the ranking of modern clinics involved in reproduction. The following services are provided here:

  • Treatment of infertility with an operative method;
  • Diagnosis of infertility and identification of causes;
  • Hydrosonography;
  • Stimulation of ovulation;
  • intrauterine insemination;
  • in vitro fertilization;
  • Donor programs;
  • Surrogacy;
  • Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis;
  • Cryopreservation of embryos, eggs, sperm;
  • Preservation of fertility;
  • ICSI;
  • PICSI;
  • Biopsy of the epididymis;
  • spermogram;
  • MAP test.

The price of IVF infertility treatment is from 7,000 to 18,500 rubles.

  • Extensive experience in the field of reproductive infertility treatment;
  • High rates of effective results;
  • Individual approach to the treatment of patients.
  • Unsuccessful attempts at fertilization with IVF are possible.

Those who have not been able to become happy parents for a long time now have a chance to experience all the joy of fatherhood and motherhood. In clinics where assisted procedures for the treatment of infertility are carried out, they will help to solve this problem. We conducted a short review of the best clinics in Perm. It is up to you to choose the one that is more convenient for you.


