
  1. Where is the best place to go. Criterias of choice
  2. Services offered by Medical Centers in 2022
  3. Top 5 IVF Fertility Clinics

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Omsk in 2022 with positive reviews and results

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Omsk in 2022 with positive reviews and results

Own baby is the desire of almost every couple. Infertility is one of the main obstacles to conceiving a child. Those who are faced with this have to choose between adoption and numerous attempts to have their own child.

For people leaning towards the second option, doctors suggest using in vitro fertilization. We will talk about what IVF is and which clinic to contact in this article.

Where is the best place to go. Criterias of choice

The time spent on a thorough analysis and selection of centers will help to avoid mistakes in the choice and get the expected result of treatment.

The location area plays an unimportant role - infrequent visits are coming. What you should pay attention to is the mode of operation. The reception schedule should be seven days a week, preferably around the clock, since ovulation can begin any day.

An important factor is prices. An exhaustive list of services informs about how much each procedure costs. It is worth paying attention to whether all treatment is paid, or there are free services. The average price consists of paid procedures that are mandatory in a particular fertilization program. There are inexpensive and budgetary IVF clinics, some have the opportunity to undergo treatment for free.

Many centers, being participants in state support, offer free reproductive technologies - according to a quota from the state. Quotas are allocated both at the regional and federal levels. They differ in terms of requirements for patients. Under the compulsory medical insurance policy, the state pays for IVF, embryo cultivation, embryo implantation, ICSI (if necessary), medicines, and consumables. When choosing this option, you need to find out in advance which centers are included in the list of clinics that provide treatment at the expense of the CHI policy. And also what services will not be included in the free package.

When choosing a clinic, you should not focus only on price, as the ratio of price and quality does not always match. And negative results lead to repeated procedures, and the treatment becomes more expensive as a result.

It is safest to undergo treatment in clinics that employ highly qualified workers. And a reproductologist who gives professional advice. It is welcome when specialists have extensive experience in conception and the main statistics is a successful pregnancy. Only innovative equipment and the latest technologies are used in the work.

The interior of the center should emphasize the cleanliness and sterility of all rooms. Own laboratory is a huge advantage. This will significantly reduce the time, possible errors and cost. It also indicates the presence of narrowly focused specialists among the staff, which is not unimportant.

An important criterion of the clinic is its specialization. An extensive number of programs allows you to select the best for each case and patient.

Services offered by Medical Centers in 2022

Clinics for reproductive and prenatal medicine offer various programs for the treatment of infertility. Some of them are aimed at achieving pregnancy, while others are aimed at the birth of a healthy child.

Each case is considered by a reproductive specialist individually. To select and prescribe a certain reproductive technology, the patient undergoes medical diagnostic studies and consultations with doctors.

Standard programs

In addition to examinations and consultations, they offer:

  1. Stimulation of superovulation, which helps to get multiple eggs. This is achieved by introducing medicines into the client's body that stimulate the simultaneous maturation of several follicles.
  2. Puncture of the ovaries in order to remove the mature germ cell of a woman.
  3. Fertilization of the egg in the laboratory. In this case, the sperm of the partner, donors are used.
  4. Cultivation and selection of the embryo.Cultivation is insemination with the development of the embryo that takes place in the laboratory. To do this, a high-quality environment is created, similar in composition to the liquid in the fallopian tubes and in itself. Extended culture period allows to grow embryos with high implantability. In the process of development, their viability is determined. Based on this, healthy embryos are selected.
  5. Transfer of the embryo into the uterine cavity. The outcome of the entire protocol depends on this step. Two factors contribute to the successful planting of the embryo: a high-quality blastocyst and the endometrium capable of accepting it. In this case, the embryo must be with a full set of chromosomes. If these conditions are not met, then reproductologists cancel the transfer and freeze the embryo for storage.
  6. Observation and medical maintenance of a woman until pregnancy is confirmed. The IVF procedure ends after the successful transfer of the embryo. Then it must implant and take root. This is confirmed by a positive pregnancy test. Before pregnancy, the female body needs special care, as changes in hormonal levels affect the development of pregnancy. Pregnancy support consists in the use of drugs of different groups, namely: vitamin, hormonal, anticoagulant. In addition, the patient must follow a number of rules:
  • you can not strain physically, emotionally;
  • it is contraindicated to push in the toilet;
  • it is necessary to exclude intimacy;
  • in the supine position is about an hour, only after the transfer;
  • exclude visiting a bath or sauna, taking a hot bath;
  • provide access to fresh air and promote blood circulation by walking in nature;
  • eat right.

Improving the quality of male semen

To increase the likelihood of conception, you can use procedures to improve the quality of sperm. Sometimes you can't do without them.

IMSI is an intraplasmic injection of a morphologically normal spermatozoon into a mature oocyte. It involves the morphological selection of spermatozoa and their introduction immediately into the cytoplasm of the egg.

ICSI (ICSI) - intracytoplasmic sperm injection. In this case, one selected sperm is injected into each selected egg.

In both cases, the selection takes place in accordance with the following requirements:

  • compliance with the correct structure;
  • correct genomic code;
  • good motor function;
  • no deviation from a straight line in motion;
  • the presence of active biological substances.

IMSI is better than ICSI. Because a thousandfold increase allows you to study the material more carefully.

PICSI (PICSI) - helps to select the most mature sperm. In the natural environment, hyaluronic acid is responsible for this. It is also used in laboratory tests.

Focused Fertility Treatment Solutions

The implementation of in vitro fertilization in a natural cycle can reduce the hormonal load on the body. The process of conception proceeds naturally, with the exception of ovarian puncture and embryo replanting. Of all, this protocol causes less harm to a woman, but is the most ineffective.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is prescribed in cases where the passage of spermatozoa from the vagina to the uterus is difficult. This occurs due to: antisperm substances, inappropriate vaginal acidic environment and lubrication, pathology in the structure of organs, non-concentrated and non-abundant semen, erection and ejaculation difficulties.

Insemination involves the introduction of semen not in the usual way, but directly into the uterine passages or into the stomach.

Donor IVF programs help to have a baby when there are no healthy sex male or female cells, and also because of the inability to bear a child. Within the framework of these methods, it is possible to fertilize with the donor's sperm, using donor eggs, with a surrogate mother.

All donor information is anonymous. It is possible to get acquainted only with the appearance and occupation. Relatives are an exception. Use only healthy biological material. Egg donation is considered for young healthy candidates who have healthy children and this is confirmed by documents.

Surrogacy is suitable for those who cannot bear a baby. This may be due both to the pathologies of the structure of the female organs or the absence of the uterus, and to the natural miscarriage of pregnancy. This method can be prescribed if negative IVF results are repeatedly obtained.

This role can be played by a relative or an unfamiliar woman. The selection requirements are the same in both cases. It should be a young healthy woman with a healthy child of her own. She is required to undergo a full medical examination, which is free of charge for her. Particular attention is paid to the mental health of all participants in the process.

A surrogate mother is a woman who becomes pregnant as a result of an embryo transfer, which was born by fertilizing a third-party egg with third-party sperm.

Surrogacy programs differ in:

  • a set of medical and additional services;
  • the biological age of the mother;
  • the number of embryos;
  • types of compensation and types of financing.

The technology of surrogate motherhood allows the use of donor sperm, the participation of several surrogate mothers.

In donor reproductions, frozen biomaterial, which has passed the tests, is used, which is stored in the laboratory of medical centers. Cryopreservation of biological material is used in all cases when it is necessary to preserve healthy germ cells or conceived embryos in order to preserve the possibility of having a child. Freezing is carried out with liquid nitrogen. Low temperature stops biochemical processes, and at the same time preserves cell viability.

Top 5 IVF Fertility Clinics

An overview of popular clinics that specialize in the field of artificial insemination in the city of Omsk. The city has a small number of centers specializing in this area. Some of them carry out preparation for fertilization, and the other provides a complete treatment of all types of infertility. Thus, all IVF technologies and methods are presented in the city, up to in-depth research, as well as the production and preservation of biomaterial.

5th place. “Clinic of Dr. Shatalova. Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproduction»

The clinic carries out a phased examination and support of families who have opted for fertilization using artificial reproductive methods. Scanning is carried out using Japanese equipment. For research use the services of a third-party laboratory. Basically, there are no negative reviews from visitors.

Address: st. Yakovleva, 143
Working mode:Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday - Sunday: 09:00 - 15:00
Contact number: +7–908–102–50–12
+7 (3812) 770–571
+7 (3812) 770–570
  • consultation, examination and tests can be completed and received in one place;
  • modern equipment.
  • low level of service;
  • according to patients, the prices do not correspond to the quality of services.

4th place. Center for Family Planning and Reproduction

It has its own operational blog and specialized laboratory. Provides treatment of male and female infertility, conducts a comprehensive examination of men and prepares women for IVF. They provide sexologist, psychotherapist and psychologist services.

Address: st. Herzen, 69
Working mode:Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 19:00
Saturday - Sunday: day off
Contact number: +7 (3812) 940–191
+7 (3812) 94–00–53
  • equipment that meets modern requirements;
  • qualified specialists;
  • a wide range of services.
  • schedule;
  • long lines;
  • low level of service.

3rd place. Multidisciplinary Center for Modern Medicine "Evromed"

The center provides a full range of medical services. Laboratory studies are carried out on site. There are several branches in the city and one outside, but not all have the opportunity to go through all the procedures. It has its own emergency department. The latest equipment. They offer IVF schemes. Own staff of psychiatrists. They provide medical treatment.

Address: Congress, 29 k3
Working mode:Monday - Saturday: 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 18:00
Contact number: +7 (3812) 331–400
+7 (3812) 330–333
  • schedule;
  • modern equipment;
  • highly qualified specialists;
  • multidisciplinary specialization.
  • queues;
  • bad service.

2nd place. Alfa Embio Medical Center

It is possible to get the whole complex of reproductive medicine procedures in one center. IVF, ICSI, donor methods and surrogacy. Own laboratory, all types of ultrasound. There are such specialists as: mammologist, geneticist, andrologist, endocrinologist. There is cryopreservation and storage of biological material. Modern equipment.

Address: Volochaevskaya, 11/1
Working mode:Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 14:00
Sunday is a day off
Contact number: +7 (3812) 95–55–61
+7 (3812) 95–55–62
+7 (3812) 95–55–63
  • positive results after artificial insemination;
  • highly qualified specialists;
  • advanced equipment;
  • in-depth IVF specialization and a variety of reproductive technologies;
  • all procedures in one place.
  • not detected

1 place. Omsk Center for Reproductive Medicine "Mother and Child"

They are engaged in the treatment of all types of infertility in both men and women of any origin. They offer the following types of IVF: free under the MHI policy, standard, donor, in the natural cycle, IUI, ICSI. Cryopreservation of eggs, sperm, embryos. Transfer of frozen embryos. The center is equipped with advanced technologies. Professional activities are performed by doctors of sciences. Own laboratory. Ultrasound: 3D and 4D, HSG.

Address: Birch, 3 k1
Working mode:Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 15:00
Sunday is a day off
Contact number: +7–913–966–97–87
+7 (3812) 29–77–36
  • positive results after the use of assisted reproductive technologies;
  • free treatment at the expense of the MHI policy;
  • doctors of the first and highest category;
  • innovative equipment;
  • the whole range of in vitro fertilization procedures;
  • treatment in one center;
  • good service and interior.
  • not detected

Omsk IVF clinics are able to provide a full range of services to couples seeking to experience the happiness of parenthood. The choice of a clinic, as well as the decision to carry out the procedure within the framework of a state program or on a commercial basis, the spouses will have to make on their own.

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