Rating of the best IVF clinics in Crimea 2022 with positive reviews and results

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Crimea 2022 with positive reviews and results

A married couple who cannot have a child faces a difficult choice: adoption or IVF? In most cases, parents prefer to keep the genetic relationship with their baby, which means that their choice is IVF. The method of in vitro fertilization is more than 40 years old, during this time, assisted reproductive technologies - ART have undergone major changes. We will talk about ART and the best IVF clinics in Crimea in the material.

What methods of infertility treatment are indicated for low-quality partner sperm?

  • INSI technology

The method consists in selecting one high-quality spermatozoon from the total sample of the man's biomaterial. The spermatozoon is injected into the mother's egg, with positive fertilization, a long-awaited pregnancy occurs.

  • IMSI method

Screening is used to increase the chances of in vitro fertilization using a single sperm cell selected from all. A microscope with 6000-fold magnification examines the quality of the structure and morphology of spermatozoa. In these manipulations lies INSI IVF technology.

  • pixie

The maturity of the spermatozoon cannot be determined even with a magnification of many thousands of microscopes. The chance of egg fertilization increases many times when a mature fetus is selected. The male biomaterial is immersed in hyaluronic acid, interacting with which, a spermatozoon with intact DNA, mature phase and optimal morphology is found.

  • ID control

With successful fertilization of the egg and its successful division, an additional examination is performed before being transferred to the uterus. A sample of the egg is taken, according to which the genetic control of the conceived child is carried out. Couples who are at risk due to their age category or genetic defects have an additional opportunity to exclude the pathology of their baby.The ID pre-check has received mixed reviews in medical circles. The ethical side of the method has led to its prohibition in some countries. But for genetic parents, this is often the only way to have a healthy child.

IVF technologies

At the initial stage, parents undergo genetic diagnostics, which reveals DNA disorders. This may be a gene mutation, a deviation in the number of chromosomes, anomalies in the structure of chromosomes. A test for genetic compatibility - karyotyping is also mandatory.

Donation of gametes is part of the donor program. Healthy oocytes and spermatozoa are provided, according to the written consent, to the recipients. Sperm donors are under medical supervision and undergo genetic diagnosis.

Hysteroscopy is a study of the uterine cavity for violations of the female cycles, aggravated pregnancies, pathologies of unknown origin. The procedure belongs to low-traumatic methods, is carried out with optical devices and gives a conclusion for the subsequent treatment of the uterus.

Intrauterine insemination - IUI

A technology that determines the number of healthy spermatozoa in the ejaculate, their sufficiency for fertilization. In a woman, her ovulation period is detected, and one day before it, an artificial insemination procedure is carried out.


Surrogate motherhood programs are called for help in cases of contraindications to pregnancy or its impossibility. In the birth of a genetic child, the following are involved:

  • a surrogate mother who gives written consent under certain conditions to endure and give birth to a baby. The woman is a recipient, an embryo is implanted in her uterus;
  • genetic mother and father, giving bio-material: sperm and egg.

Indications for surrogate motherhood:

  • absence or pathology of the uterus (deformation of the cavity, neck, adhesions);
  • the risk of abortion, the presence of more than three miscarriages in history;
  • unsuccessful previous IVF attempts.

The pricing of the surrogacy program comes from the cost of medical services, monthly maintenance and the surrogate mother's fee.

There are Internet sites of the Crimea, which contain offers of surrogate motherhood services and applications for the search for candidates.

What is cryopreservation and hatching?

Vitrification of embryos, as well as eggs and spermatozoa, consists of two consecutive parts:

  • healthy and strong embryos with high viability are selected, which are able to endure the procedures of rapid freezing at low temperatures, followed by thawing;
  • treatment with special substances "cryoprotectors", they will subsequently protect against the formation of crystals.

The freezing period in liquid nitrogen can last from several months to decades. Donor data and dates are indicated on special storage containers.

Cryostorage and the use of donor eggs are resorted to if the expectant mother is unable to conceive a child on her own. Donor healthy egg - oocyte receives insemination with the partner's sperm. Moreover, if necessary and indicated, the sperm can also be from a donor bank. Thus, a new life is born - an embryo. But for the embryo itself, there is the possibility of transplantation into the recipient's uterus, both after cryopreservation and in the natural cycle.

Hatching is an artificial thinning of the so-called zona pellucida of the embryo.In the first days of life, the shell protects it from mechanical damage, but on day 6, at the blastocyst stage, the shell is subject to rupture to move freely through the fallopian tube. If the density of the protective layer is so high that it interferes with attachment to the wall of the uterus, a laser beam comes to the rescue. Thinning occurs either tangentially, without touching the embryo, or as a punctate depression, without touching the cells.

The laser hatching procedure is indicated for women:

  • with previous, unsuccessful IVF attempts;
  • in which a violation of the morphology of the shell of the embryo was revealed;
  • with infertility of unknown origin;
  • after 38 years.

What criteria should be used when choosing an IVF clinic?


The choice of the center should be approached seriously in terms of service, its interior and convenient location. The process of artificial insemination provides for an extensive program of diagnostic research. The time that patients have to spend within the walls of the center is calculated in tens of hours. The absence of queues, comfort, friendly staff, the ability to reschedule the appointment time play a big role.

Qualification of medical personnel

Highly qualified staff is the key to successful treatment. An obligatory part of choosing an Eco clinic is a correspondence acquaintance with the medical staff. On the website of a medical institution, personal cards of employees are often presented, a special advantage is the presence of scientific degrees of doctors. Embryologists, wizards of the invisible front, work in IVF laboratories. In the modern world, the share of associate professors, researchers, doctors of sciences in the total number of medical personnel has increased significantly.Additional pluses are completed advanced training courses, as well as participation in scientific forums and symposiums of reproductologists.

IVF under the policy of Compulsory Medical Insurance

Significantly narrows the circle of medical centers the possibility of IVF under CHI.

The 2018 quota for CHI in Crimea is 500 people, 197 applications were submitted, of which 86 couples received a positive decision.

The preliminary stage for obtaining a quota involves several mandatory points:

  • at the place of attachment, an examination is carried out with a referral from a gynecologist in a antenatal clinic;
  • an extract is made from the medical history, with reference to the diagnosis and reproductive parameters of the partner;
  • the originals of the conclusions and diagnoses of both partners, information about previously performed IVF procedures are transferred to the commission in the republican "perinatal center";
  • after the submission of cases for consideration, a personal code is assigned, according to which the stages of consideration and the result are tracked.

If the decision is positive, the couple gets on the waiting list and is registered in the waiting list, a list of medical centers is issued where it is possible to undergo the IVF procedure under compulsory medical insurance. Part of the proposed program may consist of necessary additional procedures that will have to be completed for a fee.

The good news in the current 2018 was the removal of restrictions on the number of IVF attempts. It is no secret that only 40% of couples who have undergone fertility treatment have received a positive result. The innovation will increase the percentage of happy parents. Individual programs of IVF protocols carry restrictions on the age and weight of the expectant mother, in order to avoid the risk of difficult childbirth and congenital fetal abnormalities.

Value for money

Affordable price is not always a guarantee of decent quality. First of all, this refers to the presence of modern equipment in the center, which requires considerable costs and, accordingly, should pay off. State-of-the-art laboratories require knowledgeable employees, and their payment is one of the components of the price for customers. The prices of each IVF center are published on the website. It is useful to compare the cost of procedures in different clinics, to choose the option that is acceptable for the family budget.


It should be remembered that any medical institution, including those providing commercial services, is required to have a license. It is important to check the expiration date and issue date of the license.

Reviews and statistics

Take the time to collect feedback from several forums to get a complete picture of the IVF center of interest.

The result of infertility treatment is the appearance of a healthy baby. The statistics of total in vitro fertilizations and successfully born babies is an important indicator.

The best IVF clinics in Crimea with advantages and disadvantages

Clinic "IVF Center" in Simferopol

The clinic's surrogate mothers gave genetic parents more than 1,000 babies.

The center provides all stages of surrogate motherhood:

  • legal support;
  • selection of a candidate;
  • carrying out the IVF program;
  • complete confidentiality.
  • The guarantee of the quality of the medical services of the clinic is the repeated appeal of the parents;
  • High percentage of completed IVF programs: more than 62.8%.
  • Not found.

Address: Crimea. Simferopol, st. Field, 24/23.

Phone: +7 (3652) 77-72-45

Website: http://www.ivf-centre.ru/

Center for Reproductive Medicine "Vera", clinic of Dr. Adamov

The high qualification of doctors is supported by an annual internship in clinical centers in Western Europe.

For the treatment of infertility, the clinic meets European medical standards.

  • Surrogacy program;
  • Donor Bank.
  • No.

Address: Crimea. Sevastopol, Victory Avenue, 2-A.
Phone +7-978-78-39-030
Crimea. Simferopol: Lenin Boulevard, 9a
(3652) 788 118, +7 978 812 45 00
Site http://eko-clinic.com

OOO "Taurian Clinic of Reproductive Medicine "Ferty-Line"

More than two thousand children were born thanks to the doctors of the center in 20 years. The clinic has modern expensive equipment.

  • Favorable friendly atmosphere;
  • Multidisciplinary service;
  • Frame-by-frame shooting of embryos for morphodiagnostics;
  • Cryopreservation of embryos, oocytes, sperm;
  • IVF according to compulsory medical insurance.
ProcedurePrice, rubles
Ultrasound monitoring in the VMI program2100
Carrying out intrauterine insemination18000
Use of donor sperm (1 dose) for medical services using assisted reproductive technologies9000
Transvaginal follicle puncture30000
Cultivation of gametes and embryos40000
Embryo transfer26000
  • None.

Address: Simferopol, st. Donskaya, 43.

Phone: +7 (978) 1000-315

Website: https://ferti-line.com/

LLC "Company" Etel "

The clinic has its own Hi-Tech laboratory. Here it is possible to implement the IVF program under the MHI policy.

List of IVF procedures for CHI at the IVF Center:

  • stimulation;
  • follicle monitoring;
  • day hospital for transvaginal puncture;
  • fertilization of oocytes;
  • embryo culture;
  • day hospital for embryo transfer;
  • support by a reproductologist until a positive result is obtained.
ProcedurePrice, rubles
IVF first try150000
IVF second attempt140000
  • Current promotions and discounts.

Address: Simferopol, Victory Ave., 144

Phone: +7 (978) 040-49-85; +7 (978) 072-92-81

Website: http://clinic.newber.com.ru/

OOO "Clinic Genesis"

The opening date of the clinic is July 16, 1993. The medical center maintains a high quality of service.

Providing the patient with a sense of comfort and security is the credo of the center.

  • Availability of a laboratory equipped with modern equipment;
  • The use of instrumental and computer diagnostic methods.
ProcedurePrice, rubles
Transfer of embryos into the uterus10500
ultrasound monitoring5050
Diagnostic laparoscopy11000
  • Not detected.

Departments of the clinic:

Address: 295026, Simferopol, st. Semashko, 4A,

Phone: + 7 3652 604 900, +7 (978) 732 5000

Polyclinic "Genesis" №2

Address: 299011, Sevastopol, st. Novorossiyskaya, 50.

Phone: + 7 (8692) 545-003, +7 (978) 732 5566

Pregnancy Observation Center

Address: 295026, Simferopol, st. Semashko, 4A

Phone: + 7 3652 604 904, +7 (978) 732 5599

Women's consultation

Address: 295034, Simferopol, st. Bogdan Khmelnitsky, 16.

Phone: +7 3652 604 907; +7 978 732 5050

Medical clinic "Your Doctor"

The center implements the IVF transport scheme, which allows several times to reduce costs. The initial and final stages take place in the Crimean clinic. The second transitional, embryological moment can be carried out in Moscow and progressive technologies are used on super-new equipment. A council of leading doctors of the capital, in case of a threat, will support the current pregnancy.

The clinic uses NASUM technology - the choice of male bio-material for ICSI, with the study of the microstructures of sperm cells, using a unique optical device.

  • Infertility treatment, all forms;
  • High degree of comfort;
  • Acceptable prices.
  • None.

Address: Crimea, Simferopol, st. Zoya Zhiltsova, 4

Phone: +7-978-711-76-10; +7-978-096-11-80;

Website: http://your-doktor.com/

In 2018, the full cycle of the IVF program, which includes hormonal stimulation, medical consultations, embryo cultivation and transfer, cryopreservation and hatching, in Simferopol is 153,000 rubles.

Parents should be prepared for the fact that the chance of using assisted reproductive technologies on the first try is 20%. State-of-the-art laboratory equipment and professionalism of doctors are at stake to solve the problem of infertility. Patience and trust, hope and a bit of luck will help parents hear the long-awaited “wah-wah”, fill the house with children's laughter.

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