
  1. The main criteria for choosing an IVF center
  2. Rating of the best IVF clinics in Chelyabinsk

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Chelyabinsk in 2022

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Chelyabinsk in 2022

Every woman looking for a suitable IVF clinic has already undergone many different examinations and tests aimed at finding the causes of infertility. Many of them have been repeatedly subjected to unpleasant surgical and medical procedures. There are also couples who have already applied to the in vitro fertilization clinic, but the pregnancy ended unsuccessfully. Nobody wants to repeat all these unpleasant moments many times, therefore, first of all, people with problems in the reproductive system face the question of which IVF clinic is the best. It should be noted that a favorable outcome of pregnancy after artificial insemination depends not only on the experience of specialists and the level of the clinic, but also on the state of health of patients.

When choosing an in vitro fertilization center in Chelyabinsk, it is necessary to pay attention to many criteria. Only in this case it is possible to choose the most effective in vitro fertilization center for yourself.

The main criteria for choosing an IVF center

First of all, you need, of course, to select relevant information for yourself, which will depend on the place of residence. In some areas, there may be only one clinic, while in others - a huge number, from which you need to choose one single one. Internet portals on which patients leave detailed and detailed reviews will become excellent assistants in this. After this stage, there will not be so many IVF centers on the list of favorites.
In choosing a clinic, the most important role is played by the presence of a license, which documents that the institution operates within the law.

In order not to be mistaken with the chosen clinic, it is imperative to clarify whether they have in the state:

  • obstetrician;
  • experienced embryologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • andrologist.

Also, in all medical organizations that provide artificial insemination services, such specialists as an anesthesiologist, nurse, nurse should be present.

It is also important that the institution has modern equipment so that all tests, biomaterial sampling, and embryo transfer are carried out in the same place. The best in vitro fertilization clinics must have the following devices and devices:

  • ultrasound;
  • sperm analyzers;
  • gynecological chair;
  • thermostats;
  • embryo incubators.

Of course, it will not work to determine the condition of the equipment, but their appearance can say a lot. Therefore, already at the first visit to the institution, everything must be carefully considered. Much attention should be paid: the condition of the chairs, the appearance of the staff room and other rooms, as well as the embryological ward.

Minor, but important nuances when choosing an IVF medical center

Even those moments that at first glance seem not very important can say a lot. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake in choosing the best IVF clinic, you need to pay attention to them.

The very first impression the patient receives at the first visit. Already at this stage, a person can understand how comfortable he is in this institution. If when communicating with the staff there is no feeling of discomfort, all his wishes are taken into account, and an atmosphere of friendliness and understanding reigns, then this center approaches the IVF procedure thoroughly. Therefore, here it is already possible to hope that in vitro fertilization will take place without problems.

The location of the institution is also of great importance, because it will need to be visited quite often. Therefore, the clinic must be selected as close to home as possible in order to avoid long and exhausting trips in position.
Another advantage of a good clinic is the implementation of additional tests. And you may need to pass them before the second consultation to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Experienced doctors always follow the drawn up plan to prepare for fertilization. If, for some reason, the doctor begins to deviate from the planned scheme, rushing to carry out the IVF procedure as soon as possible, then the health of patients is not treated in the best way.

In the best IVF clinics, there is always the opportunity to examine both female and male biomaterials. After all, the diagnosis of infertility can be confirmed in any of the partners.

People who choose an in vitro fertilization clinic for themselves always hope to get all the services in one place. And first of all, the client evaluates the attitude of the staff. If an institution is able to provide a full range of necessary examinations, highly qualified assistance, and also draw up an individual plan for preparing for the fertilization procedure, then it will always be in great demand.

Rating of the best IVF clinics in Chelyabinsk

There are a lot of medical centers that treat infertility. However, the best doctors work in the states of highly specialized clinics. Therefore, in order to carry out a successful in vitro fertilization procedure as soon as possible, it is better to contact such institutions.

"DNA Clinic" on Brothers Kashirin

Location: Brothers Kashirin street, 107.

The clinic is equipped with a cozy area with magazines for waiting moments. The institution is a branch of the network. The polyclinic employs such specialists as a mammologist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, pulmonologist and others. As additional services, you can use ultrasound diagnostics and preventive examinations. Only certified doctors with extensive experience work here in the state. Many of the specialists are members of various medical communities, thanks to which their professional growth is constantly growing.

Payment for services at the clinic is made only in cash. Cost of in vitro fertilization: on request.

  • additional services of the clinic: ultrasound diagnostics and preventive examination;
  • appointments are conducted by certified doctors with extensive experience;
  • helpful staff.
  • not detected.

"DNA Clinic" on Vorovskogo

The medical center of an expert level is located in the city of Chelyabinsk at the address: Vorovskogo street, 59.

The institution has been operating since 2003 in a wide range of areas: pediatrics, gynecology, plastic surgery, andrology and others.
The main advantages of the "DNA Clinic" on Vorovskogo:

Almost all doctors of the institution are candidates of medical and biological sciences, who constantly participate in various conferences. Doctors constantly improve in their professional activities at advanced training courses. Moreover, training of employees takes place not only in Russia, but also abroad. The clinic also arranges its own conferences, during which doctors share their experience.

The activities of the organization are mainly focused on obstetrics and infertility treatment. For pregnancy, all services are provided here, from its planning, to the recovery of women in labor and the monitoring of newborns.

The medical center has modern equipment, thanks to which infertility is treated with such high-tech methods as ICSI, in vitro fertilization, and here you can also use the surrogate motherhood program. Having its own bank of female and male biological materials is another huge advantage of the clinic.

The institution is equipped with its own DNA laboratory, so patients do not have to worry about the accuracy of the test results.Another plus of this is the additional comfort for clients who do not need to go to other institutions.

The cost of the services provided:

  • basic in vitro fertilization - 57,200 rubles;
  • IVF programs - 140 thousand rubles;
  • ICSI - 24 thousand rubles;
  • insemination using the spouse's sperm - 21,900 rubles;
  • insemination using donor sperm - 47,500 rubles.
  • modern equipment;
  • high-tech methods of treatment;
  • surrogacy program;
  • own bank of female and male biological materials;
  • attentive approach to each patient.
  • not detected.

"DNA Clinic" on Komarova

Location: Chelyabinsk, st. Komarova, d. 133.

Basically, the work of the clinic is aimed at planning and monitoring pregnancy, treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases, plastic surgery of delicate areas, 3D and 4D ultrasound and much more. Here you can also find out the sex of the expected baby and the Rh factor by blood type, take a test for paternity or biological relationship, and this is done anonymously. The equipment of the clinic is constantly updated, keeping up with the times. The staff employs specialists with extensive experience, which varies between 11-20 years.

Payment for services at the clinic is made only in cash. Cost of in vitro fertilization: on request.

  • many services are done anonymously, which is important for the clients of the clinic;
  • doctors with extensive experience;
  • modern equipment.
  • not detected.

Clinic for Reproductive Medicine

Location: Brothers Kashirin street, 76.

The clinic began functioning in 2006. And since 2013, the institution has become multidisciplinary, thanks to the addition of pediatrics.
The clinic specializes in a special approach to the treatment of infertility, which takes into account the complexity of the human body, where all the ongoing processes are interconnected. Therefore, in order to obtain a lasting therapeutic effect, they try to change the overall state of the body, taking into account all its features.

The main priority of the functioning of the clinic is to take care of all family members using modern equipment and comprehensive treatment. To do this, the staff of the institution includes all the necessary specialists. Children are treated by pediatricians and highly specialized doctors - pediatric neurologists, cardiologists and a specialist in ultrasound diagnostics. Thanks to premium equipment and its own laboratory, treatment at the clinic is carried out at the highest level.

The partners of the institution are the best medical organizations. And in 2008 and 2009 the clinic received the status of the best regional partner of the Samara company "MK IDK". The results were summed up according to the results of the satellite program of in vitro fertilization.

Since 2009, the clinic has been a partner of the Federal State Institution "Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after. Academician V.I. Kulakov" under the program of non-invasive treatment of fibroids, which is carried out using the method of focused ultrasound ablation of fibroids under MRI control.

The cost of the IVF procedure is determined upon request.

  • care for all family members using modern equipment and comprehensive treatment;
  • treatment in the clinic is carried out at the highest level, thanks to the availability of premium class equipment;
  • individual approach to each patient.
  • not detected.

LPU Research Institute of Reproductive Medicine. Yu.S. Verlinsky

Location: Chelyabinsk, st. Molodogvardeytsev, 45a.

The in vitro fertilization clinic opened its doors to patients in 2007. Highly qualified specialists of the institution will help in the treatment of any form of infertility.

The medical organization is a partner of the Institute of Reproductive Genetics in Chicago. The staff employs doctors who have studied with the most famous specialists. The clinic operates according to the most modern technologies.

The staff of the center believes that the institution's clients should not pay for medical errors. Therefore, thanks to cooperation with the International Center for Reproductive Medicine, the period of unsuccessful trial and error is completely excluded. The clinic uses the extensive experience of colleagues from Tyumen, which allows doctors to give clients a long-awaited result - pregnancy.

The pride of the Verlinsky Research Institute of Reproductive Medicine is its high work efficiency. Statistics show that in 40-45% of cases, after the implantation of the embryo into the uterus, a long-awaited pregnancy occurs. To date, this figure is one of the highest.

Residents of Russia are provided with free services under the program of state guarantees. To exercise this right, you need a CHI pole, a referral from a specialist and an indication of the tubal-peritoneal factor of infertility.

The cost of the IVF procedure is determined upon request.

  • the activities of the clinic are based on proven methods of treatment;
  • highly efficient work;
  • provision of services under the state program.
  • not detected.

Medical center "Lotos"

Location: Chelyabinsk, st. Truda, 187B and Lenin Ave, 17.

The priority of the employees of the medical center is the high quality of the services provided, as well as full-fledged patient care.
The private medical center "LOTOS" was founded in 2003 and today is one of the largest medical institutions in the city.

The clinic is multidisciplinary and has licenses to operate in fifty specialties in the field of medicine. With the development of MC "Lotus" increases the list of its services.

The work of the clinic is based on world standards of treatment, thanks to which it can be compared with the best medical institutions abroad. The cost of services here does not exceed the average market, and medical care is provided at the highest level using the most modern technologies, and the level of service corresponds to the European one.

The cost of the services provided:

  • artificial insemination - 10,350 rubles;
  • basic IVF - 53 thousand rubles.
  • proven methods of treatment;
  • high quality of services provided;
  • modern treatment technologies;
  • the level of service corresponds to the European one.
  • not detected.

To make the right choice of the best in vitro fertilization clinic, you need to use all your logic and critical thinking. You can not go on about advertising and customized reviews. Only in this case, couples will be able to avoid mistakes with the choice and get the long-awaited result - a successfully completed pregnancy.

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