One of the important components of a real fishing rod is a reel. It makes it possible to throw the equipment, and also helps its owner to capture the trophy jackpot. This article will help you choose the right coil for ultralight.
To date, fishing reels are divided into three main categories:
To figure out which coils are best for ultralight, you should consider a few of the best examples of each subspecies. The prices of the models considered below are indicated at the end of the article.
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Such an inertialess option receives only positive feedback from those anglers who fish for carp. A distinctive feature here will be the casting distance and a high level of correct winding of the fishing line. The spool in this case consists of titanium, which is covered with a layer of ceramic. This allows for minimal impact from other elements. If we talk about bearings, then there are 5 of them.This allows you to quickly remove the device from the water. The weight is almost 800 g and the reel is presented in the ranking of the best for carp fishing.
Video analysis of the coil:
If we talk about the features of this reel, then here we can distinguish a control system for fishing line and spool oscillation at 2 speeds. This allows for smooth movement and uniform winding. It is included in popular models, thanks to the reverse blocking system. There are three bearings, two of which are ball bearings and one is roller bearings. The weight of the reel is 260 g, which is supported by a stylish design that attracts the attention of many anglers. If we talk about the coil, then it is included in the rating of quality devices for the picker as well.
If you wondered which company is better to buy a coil, then this option will be one of the answers to your question. This strong and durable design has a minimum weight of just over 300g. The mechanism is balanced, allowing the element to compete with other elite rivals. There are 5 bearings in total, 4 of which are ball bearings. The body is completely made of an alloy of metals, and the durability of the spool is achieved by titanium sputtering.The line adapts very well to high loads, and this model is also included in the most inexpensive accessories.
Video review of the coil:
Top manufacturers have made this reel with advanced technology and good new materials. This includes protected bearings, the number of which is 5 pieces, as well as a high-quality spool and rotor. The design is equipped with rear adjustment, which allows the tool to work stably when fishing, as well as increase the overall resource. The weight here is about 200 g, also comes with a cover for protection. This is one of the best devices that has the necessary functionality for a good ultralight.
If you are wondering which coil is right for you, then this option will be the next contender for choice. The features here are simply impeccable for the price. The manufacturer has tried and improved the series with the latest developments, which include three ball and one roller bearings of excellent quality. The spool is universal, in the manufacture of which high-quality material was used. Due to the large diameter of this element, the winding speed of the fishing line and the operation of the friction clutch are improved. The weight is 225 grams, and therefore the reel is included in the ultra-light baits.
Video review of the coil:
It is this coil that opens budget options. It is relatively cheap, but do not think that there is no quality of materials and workmanship. The design is made of a metal body and it has a well-designed spool. The last element is made of aluminum, which allows the mechanism to be used for a long time. The number of bearings is present in the amount of 4 pieces, and there is also an anti-twist line.
The rating continues with a novelty from China, which is already beginning to conquer the whole world. Such a detail is included in the spinless lightweight models, which are great for ultralight fishing. If we compare this device with expensive elements, then the installation has a smooth and easy ride, and the friction mechanism allows you to accurately adjust many functions. Here you can work even with the smallest diameter cords and fishing lines, in which the work will be delicate and with increased accuracy. This number of factors allows you to already place the coil in the best options in its price range. The number of bearings here is 8 pieces, 7 of which are ball bearings. The body material is metal, which is equipped with a stylish design.
About this and other coils of the series - in the video:
The rating is continued by the Japanese company, which is known to many anglers for its quality reels. And this applies not only to expensive models, but also to budget ones. How to choose the right option from this company? It is this model that is a budget representative, which respects high quality at a low price. The line is represented by models from 200 to 350 g, as well as an integrated case made of high-strength elements. The coil is equipped with bearings in the amount of 2 pieces, one of which is roller, and the second is shielded from steel.
The rotor has the ability to independently move in the opposite direction, and there is also a built-in spool, which was patented by the same manufacturing company. A good design allows you to combine technical features that allow you to reduce friction with the line and increase the casting of the bait. The design of the line roller reduces the possibility of the line turning over, thus avoiding the creation of loops.
Your tackle will be fully equipped with this reel, which is designed for both ultralight and trolling. The graphite body is perfectly matched with steel rings and can withstand heavy fishing loads. The composition has 5 bearings, which are equipped with a high-quality brake system. The weight of the model is slightly more than 500 grams.
Video review of the device:
If you do not know how to choose the right option, then this coil will be the solution. It is designed for different types of bait fishing. The case is a frame structure, which is made of aluminum - a durable and lightweight material. The weight is only 310 g, and the mechanism is equipped with high-quality 4 bearings.
The popularity of models today depends on many factors, and before you go shopping, you should determine for yourself several important aspects that will be tailored only for your choice. In this case, you can quickly and efficiently decide on the purchase. Selection criteria should begin to count from the financial value.
For beginner anglers, you can buy high-quality models, but for a reasonable price. Here, in no case should you be embarrassed that you will reject the seller's offer to purchase a more expensive mechanism. After all, when you know what you want to purchase in the end, the seller will not even recommend you something that is not clear.
Next, you should pay attention to the optimal weight and other features of the reel.Every professional knows what parameters are needed for him and for his spinning.
Another determining factor is the fishing method, which very often influences the choice of a good reel with a set of qualities. And if you buy a universal mechanism, then this is best suited for fishing on vacation than for the extraction of any trophy.
Listen to the advice of people who are engaged in fishing at a professional level and ask what is the best reel to buy for this or that occasion. After all the thinking, arm yourself with the necessary knowledge and persistently go to the store to purchase the mechanism.
If you choose a reel by price, then you should consider all its advantages and disadvantages when the question arises of how much such a mechanism costs. After all, many popular models are adapted only for a certain area of application, which can very often become an interfering drawback. The average price of all the above options is located in the table, which will allow you to carefully consider the upcoming purchase.
№ | Coil name | Average price, rub. |
1 | Daiwa Infinity-X 5500BR | 29500 |
2 | Shimano Catana 2500FC | 4100 |
3 | Ryobi ECUSIMA 3000 | 2600 |
4 | Shimano Ultegra-12 1000 | 11500 |
5 | Daiwa REVROS E 1500 A | 5100 |
6 | Daiwa Caprice 1500 | 7100 |
7 | Daiwa 17 AEGIS | 16800 |
8 | Shimano Sienna 1000FE | 3300 |
9 | SALMO DIAMOND TROLL 5 | 4200 |
10 | Abu Garcia Ambassadeur SX-6600 | 9000 |