
  1. History of the Compact Flash format
  2. Distinctive features of memory cards
  3. Benefits of Compact Flash Memory Cards
  4. Card rating
  5. How to choose the right memory card
  6. Recommendations for Removable Drives

Ranking of the best compact flash memory cards in 2022

Ranking of the best compact flash memory cards in 2022

When using modern gadgets, the use of memory cards becomes an integral part. Removable media are installed in phones, cameras, camcorders, computers and more. The rating of the best Compact Flash memory cards allows you to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages and make the choice of the most suitable device.

History of the Compact Flash format

Modern digital technology provides for the use of special additional removable disks for the safety of the information received. Such drives allow you to take photos and videos in high quality for a long time, without image distortion.

Compact Flash drives first appeared in 1994 from SanDisk and are the oldest representatives of storage drives. The drive had a slow transfer rate and had a low memory footprint. A few years later, the company released the second version, which was distinguished by an increased amount of data capacity (320 MB).
At the moment, memory cards have improved and are among the most used in the world. Manufacturers of Compact Flash drives give their customers a guarantee for a period of 5 years, depending on the type of removable drive. Every day, memory card manufacturers improve their products, giving customers the opportunity to freely use additional memory and improve the functions of modern digital gadgets.

Distinctive features of memory cards

Removable drives are used to save data, may have different features, which are classified in the following areas:

  1. Different format, the following types can be distinguished:
    • MicroSD are used for mobile devices;
    • CompactFlas - have a high speed video shooting;
    • Secure Digital HC - has a large size and is used to work on a computer.
  2. Generations of cards vary in capacity from 4 GB to 2 TB.
  3. Transfer rate.

Features of memory cards are selected depending on the type of digital gadget in which the drive will be used, as well as on the user's personal preferences.

Benefits of Compact Flash Memory Cards

To store large amounts of data, removable media in the Compact Flash format are most often used. Memory cards have the following advantages:

  • volume - differ in large volume up to 512 GB;
  • data transfer speed - are the fastest media that can be used for modern gadgets;
  • universal use - a removable drive can be used not only as a carrier, but also instead of a hard drive;
  • great variety and price categories;
  • reliability of technology - the quality of the Compact Flash format has been tested more than once and is considered the most reliable in use.

The disadvantage is the problems with recovering lost data Unlike many other formats, Compact Flash cards cause difficulties in recovering lost documents. However, the latest models have in their components special additional programs for recovering lost data.

Card rating

The ranking of the best Compact Flash memory cards in 2022 is based on the following indicators:

  • user survey;
  • price of products;
  • data transfer rate;
  • memory size;
  • features of the removable disk.

Users, having studied the list of the most frequently used cards, can determine the type of device most suitable for further use.

Silicon Power 400X Professional Compact Flash
votes 0

Maps are designed for fast processing of large amounts of information. Most commonly used in cameras and camcorders.The drive has a mandatory warranty for the user for at least 5 years of operation.


  • reliability of safety of the required amount of information;
  • volume 32 GB;
  • high speed.
  • high price of products;
  • Most digital stores don't stock the card. To purchase it, you need to make a reservation.
Removable disk specification 
Manufacturing firmSilicon power
Formatcompact flash
The lineupSilicon Power 400X Professional
Storage capacity 32GB -128GB
Resource 10,000 connections
Device weight 10 grams
Food 5V
Operating temperatures up to 70 degrees

The memory card has practically no flaws. The average cost of a removable drive is within 4000 rubles.

Silicon Power 400X Professional Compact Flash

SanDisk Extreme Pro CompactFlash (SDCFXPS)
votes 0

The storage disk, which has received the VPG-65 standard certification, allows you to shoot for a long time without interruption. The device is placed in a special silicone case, which allows you not to worry about the safety of the received information.


  • information transfer rate;
  • the ability to record images up to 150 Mb / s;
  • guarantee;
  • device reliability.
  • excessively high cost, which is not affordable for many users.
Device characteristic 
Media type compact flash
Memory Up to 128 GB
Device speed1067x
Recording 150 mb/s
Drive Weight10 grams

The memory card allows you to shoot for a long time, the images do not lose their quality. Most suitable for professional photographers and videographers.
The average cost is from 4000 rubles.

SanDisk Extreme Pro CompactFlash (SDCFXPS)

Transcend CompactFlash (TS*GCF800)

The memory card is used most often for SLR cameras and for professional video shooting. Using the card allows you to shoot for a long time without interruption up to 20 Mb / s. The device has an automatic error recovery program after removing the device.


  • write speed is maintained regardless of the amount of memory used;
  • error correction will allow you to save a large amount of information without failures;
  • high speed of information transfer.
  • price;
  • The warranty for the device is issued only for 5 years.
Technical specifications 
Device typecompact flash
Device volume64 GB
Reading Documents120Mb/s
Video recordingFrom 20 Mb / s
Device weight12grams

The memory card is in a special silicone case that prevents contact with moisture and protects the media from damage.
The average cost of the carrier is 3200 rubles.

Transcend CompactFlash (TS*GCF800)

Transcend CompactFlash 400x 64Gb
votes 0

A removable data transfer device is most often used to work on a PC or laptop. The speed of the device is 30 Mb/s.
Also, a memory card can be used for cameras and camcorders, the capacity of the device is 64 GB, which allows for long-term video shooting and high-quality photo image storage. When purchasing a device, the manufacturer provides the user with a quality guarantee for 5 years from the date of purchase.

  • a wide range of applications;
  • high speed;
  • quality assurance.
  • lack of automatic error correction;
  • high price.
Specifications technical 
Type of compact flash
Volume Up to 64 GB
Device speed 400x
Recording Information60 Mbps
Reading Information90 Mbps

The use of a memory card allows you to ensure the safety of files for a long time.
Users of a removable memory disk note a high level of data transfer speed, as well as the safety of information when the card is forced to be removed.
The cost of the carrier is from 2800 rubles, you can order this type of memory card in any store that sells digital equipment.

Transcend CompactFlash 400x 64Gb

Kingston CompactFlash Ultimate 600x 64Gb
votes 0

The storage device has a high speed, which exceeds the performance marked on the packaging by the manufacturer. For more convenient use of the card, it is recommended to use the card reader that comes with the memory drive. This action allows you to increase the transfer rate of information up to 112 MB / s.

Removable disk is more suitable for use in cameras and tablets. When shooting video, the maximum size of one file reaches 4 GB, after which the disc starts recording a new file.

  • the ability to use the storage device for various equipment;
  • the drive goes into standby mode when there is no recording;
  • quality assurance.
  • The device may not be compatible with some types of digital technology.
Type of compact flash
VolumeUp to 64 GB
Read and write speed90 GB
Additional functionsAutomatically enters standby mode

Before being released for sale, the storage device is tested for quality, the buyer receives a guarantee for 5 years from the date of purchase.The drives are designed in such a way that when recording information, continuous operation occurs without waiting and distorting the received images.
The cost is from 2600 rubles.

Kingston CompactFlash Ultimate 600x 64Gb

SanDisk Extreme Pro 160MB/s CompactFlash 64Gb
votes 0

The device is an indispensable assistant for professional shooting in large volumes. Allows you to record in a short time without interruption of image distortion. Most often used for video shooting in reportage video cameras. The data transfer rate reaches 64 MB / s, the drive can go into standby mode on its own, which allows you to save device battery.
Many users note that the speed characteristics during recording exceed the specified norms from the manufacturer, which is another advantage of the drive. The average write speed is 150 MB/s.
The drive is manufactured by the well-known SanDisk company, which provides its users with an indefinite warranty period. It has a special protection against moisture and excessive vibration, which allows you to shoot in various conditions.

  • high data transfer rate;
  • possibility of use in various temperature conditions;
  • vibration resistance;
  • Suitable for almost all digital gadgets;
  • unlimited warranty.

As a result of a survey of users, there were no shortcomings in this type of information storage technology.

Type of compact flash
Memory Up to 128 GB
Information transfer rate90 GB
Additional propertiesDrive damage protection

The disk for storing information has a large number of positive reviews. The average cost of a removable drive is from 3600 rubles.

SanDisk Extreme Pro 160MB/s CompactFlash 64Gb

Lexar Professional 3400x CompactFlash 64 GB
votes 0

The removable drive for professional devices is also ranked as one of the best in the user survey. The drive processes the received information very quickly and stores it without any distortion. The removable disk has a record write speed of up to 510 Mb/s. However, many users note a slight excess of the specified qualities by the manufacturer.

Shooting is done in 4K, so removable storage is most often used for professional recording.
The uniqueness of the disc is also due to the fact that the set includes a special device that allows you to recover lost information on your own (Image Rescue).

  • high speed;
  • 4K video recording format;
  • the presence of a device for data recovery;
  • warranty for an unlimited period,
  • price;
  • not supporting the map on some digital devices.

Many users note that the price of the disk is fully justified by the qualities and capabilities of Compact Flash

Type of compact flash
Volume 64 MB
Information transfer rate3500x
Information reading speed525Mb/s
Recording speed 445mb/s

Data saving technologies can be purchased at specialized stores or by order from the official Lexar website. The cost is from 6000 rubles.

Lexar Professional 3400x CompactFlash 64 GB

How to choose the right memory card

When choosing, you need to study the list of popular products, decide what the removable disk will be used for in the future. When choosing a removable drive for additional storage, there are a few things to consider:

  1. Volume. First of all, you should determine the type of digital device for which the drive will be used. Some devices (smartphones, cameras) have a limited amount of possible built-in memory.
  2. What will the extra disk be used for? If this is amateur shooting from a phone or camcorder, there is no need to purchase drives with professional qualities. You can choose budget options.
  3. Determine what type of removable disk the digital machine supports. Modern gadgets are designed for a wide variety of products (Compact flash, SD). While some older gadgets only support the MicroSD format.

When purchasing additional technologies, it is important to have a warranty, which allows you to provide the buyer with confidence in the quality and long life of the removable additional memory drive.

Recommendations for Removable Drives

In order for a removable storage drive to serve for a long time, you need to consider some tips:

  • when using smartphones and tablets, it is recommended to use several small cards. This will help in case of failure of one of the removable disks to save some of the information;
  • it is necessary to insert and pull out a removable drive only when the digital device is turned off;
  • if your smartphone or camera has several slots for additional memory, it is recommended to use two discs. One of them will act as a reserve;
  • do not place memory cards near powerful magnetic devices;
  • to prevent contact with moisture, it is necessary to store the removable disk in a special silicone bumper;
  • with frequent travel, it is necessary to purchase cards with a high level of protection against sudden changes in temperature conditions.
    In order for the information to be successfully transferred to a computer, it is necessary to use only high-quality card readers.

The use of Compact flash memory cards can be of various directions, which makes it technologies universal and can be used in modern gadgets. The rating of the best Compact Flash memory cards allows you to make the right choice of the required type of product, depending on the personal preferences of a person. Despite the increased range of memory card formats, Compact Flash is one of the most popular and used in various fields.


