For those people who have pets, one of the issues is always overexposure. Usually problems appear at the moment when the owner needs to urgently leave, and there is nowhere to leave the pet. In this case, there is such a thing as a hotel for animals. Now there are a huge number of them, each of which differs in many ways. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to note three main ones:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each concept? And how to choose the best pet hotel in Perm?
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As a rule, those people whose work is connected with animals are engaged in such a business. It can be veterinarians, dog handlers and many others. But sometimes you can find random people in ads who will spend time with your pets for a small fee. They usually appear during the season and then disappear. Many of these ads are for people who own a particular breed of animal and only want to watch the same breed.
If we talk about the pros of the service, then you leave the animal and you can be calm. If a person knows about all the habits and health status, then nothing will happen to your animal. If we talk about the minuses, then usually the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartments is usually small. Because of this, discomfort is possible both for the person himself and for your pet.
Typically, such clinics arrange a separate room where all animals are kept. This allows not only to overexpose them, but also to monitor their health. This is the main advantage. But among the shortcomings, it can be noted that this option is not long-term, but the one when you just look for a suitable hotel.
Nowadays, finding a pet hotel is easy. They exist in every city and offer a number of any services. That is why you can choose a certain option and not worry about your animal. Most often, such hotels accept dogs and cats.If you have a guinea pig, a parrot or some other pet, then you will have to work hard on finding an overexposure. Finding a hotel will not be so easy, because such animals are very rare among pets today.
If we talk about the advantages of hotels, then it is worth noting that the overexposure of animals is the main area of work. Each hotel has its own veterinarian who will examine the pets constantly. If we talk about the shortcomings, then some hotels will be quite expensive, which is not affordable for every person. In addition, each hotel asks to bring with you the food that the animals are used to and their favorite toys. This will allow you to maintain a certain atmosphere of comfort so that the animals do not experience stress.
If we talk about a hotel for animals in Perm, then there are a sufficient number of them. To date, there are 6 of the most basic, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. To decide on an acceptable option, you need to study all the conditions for keeping animals, as well as the cost of the services provided.
Address: 56, st. Klyucheva, Perm.
If you enter a search engine, then this organization will come up as the first address. And this is quite simply explainable, because it offers a wide range of services. Your pet will always be in the hands of professionals who can provide him with coziness and comfort. In addition, the company provides such a service as a zootaxi, and you will not need to go to the clinic. Specialists will come for your animal. Many years of experience allows us to say that only professionals in their field work here, and they can provide proper comfort for each animal.If we talk about those pets that you can leave, then these are dogs and cats. Leaving a dog will cost you from 250 rubles, and a cat can stay for 150 rubles.
Address: st. Iskorskaya, 10, Perm.
This is another hotel option that can offer you excellent conditions for overexposure of animals. The mode of operation allows you to bring your pets at any time. And if we talk about those pets that you can leave, then absolutely any of your friends can be overexposed here. You can see cats, dogs, rodents. For each of them there are different conditions of detention, which will depend on the cost of living. Today, cats can be left for 200 rubles per day. Dogs - from 300 to 400 rubles, and rodents - from 70 rubles per day. This price includes walking, feeding, cleaning cages, washing all dishes for food, games.
Address: at the place of residence of the dog-sitter
If you are leaving, you can leave your dog at this hotel without any problems.But this is not exactly a hotel option, because the company combines only dog-sitters. That is, before leaving, you choose a suitable professional for yourself, and he takes your dog for overexposure. On the website of the official company, you can easily choose for yourself the right person who will look after the animal. In order to carry out the procedure, you only need to choose a dog sitter according to your personal preferences, book it and conclude an agreement with the company. After that, you need to transfer the animal and not worry about its condition. The dog will feel at home and will not give you any trouble.
If we talk about the cost, then it will be different, depending on the dog-sitter. More information can be found at checkout.
Address: st. Svobody, 4, Visim, Motovilikhinsky district, Perm
This is another variant of a popular hotel that has regular customers and has already won positive reviews from many of them. The hotel provides for overexposure of dogs, cats, as well as rodents. You only need to provide all the information about the animal, as well as its health. You need to have a passport and a veterinary document with you. It is best to bring familiar things with you so that the animal feels comfortable.
If we talk about the conditions, then each pet is provided with an aviary of 5 square meters, where there is heating, a couch, a separate entrance. Walking is done several times a day in a spacious area. If you want to get acquainted with the conditions, it is better to drive up and see the possible premises. For cats, either cellular or room content is provided. If we talk about the cost, then keeping a cat will cost 200 rubles, dogs - 350 rubles, rodents - 70 rubles. An agreement is concluded with each client, in which all conditions are prescribed.
Address: st. Oleg Koshevoy, 29, Perm
Murzikville is a real paradise for cats. The rooms are made of glass and are just over 2m in size.At the same time, each pet can contact with its neighbors, but not go beyond the enclosures. The room has three shelves, cats can move in a vertical direction. Animals boast inner freedom because they are not locked in a cage. In addition, tempered glass ensures hygienic safety. It does not absorb moisture and various odors.
This allows you to clean the enclosure comfortably after the stay of one or another cat. Cleaning is done 2 times a day. When a particular pet is evicted, the cleaning company cleans the premises completely. If we talk about filling the room, then there is a tray, a filler, a couch, a scratching post and much more, plus there is something that you will bring yourself. You also need to bring food with you so as not to harm the condition of the cat's stomach. It is possible to provide a daily report in photo and video format.
If we talk about the cost, then up to 10 days the price is 450 rubles for one day. After that, it is reduced to 400 rubles per day. If you rent two cats at once, then you pay only 250 rubles per day for each. There are discounts for regular customers. If you book in advance, then you need to immediately pay some part.
Address: st. Marshal Tolbukhin, 15, Perm.
At any time of the year you can take your animal to this hotel. And living conditions are houses or apartments. There are no cages here, and your animals can move along any routes. The contract is concluded, and all conditions of stay are prescribed in it.Experienced professionals will work with your animals and can provide them with excellent care. Three or four times a day, depending on weather conditions, walks are carried out in the forest belt. Meals are only what the owner himself says. For each guest there are pleasant bonuses. This is a talisman, a photo report, a souvenir. If the owner wants, you can arrange a photo session or sew clothes. The price for a standard overexposure is 350 rubles.
As you can see, there are a lot of options for overexposure of your animals. This allows you to choose the best option for yourself. Each institution has both positive and negative aspects. You must decide for yourself what is important to you, and what you can simply ignore. And then the choice will become easier and more correct for you. Detailed information and prices can be found on the official websites or contact information. This will help to correctly approach the solution of the problem and clarify all the data before receiving the service.