
  1. Description and varieties
  2. General characteristics
  3. Drill Selection Criteria
  4. Rating of the best ZUBR drills

Rating of the best Zubr drills 2022: description and selection criteria, prices

Rating of the best Zubr drills 2022: description and selection criteria, prices

In construction and repair, there is always a reason to use a drill driver. But how to choose a tool, taking into account the diversity offered by various concerns. The functionality of the drills is almost the same, as is the set of additional devices. Tools vary in price and quality, and low cost does not always signal unsuitability.

Take, for example, the ZUBR drill driver from a Russian manufacturer, which is chosen by most professional builders for its smooth operation and comfortable operation. However, for a simple layman, such a characteristic will seem too generalized. But the rating of high-quality models will help you better understand what a tool is, and also tell you which tool is better to buy.

Description and varieties

The drill "ZUBR" received positive reviews because it copes well with the task even in severe frost and difficult weather conditions. The manufacturer produces models such as:

  • shock;
  • drill driver;
  • unstressed;
  • battery;
  • network;
  • drill mixer.

On sale you can find a mini version of the tool. The popularity of the models is ensured by the fact that with a low weight, the drill will work smoothly for about 5 hours. But you should not get carried away and forget about the rules of operation, since overheating is fraught with sad events.

How is a screwdriver different from a drill? By its purpose. A screwdriver twists and unscrews the bolts, small self-tapping screws. The main task of the drill is to make a hole of the right size in a specific place. But if you purchase a combined model, then it is enough to change the drill bit so that the tool turns from a drill into a screwdriver, and vice versa.

Plug-in models are equipped with a sufficiently long cord. So you can do without extension cords, moving freely over a large area. Since the length of the cord is enough for quiet work at a remote distance from the outlet.

Drill "ZUBR" is percussion and unstressed, based on the mechanism of work. The former weigh up to 3.3 kg, so it is not so easy to manage them, especially for an inexperienced master. They are used for drilling hard materials (metal bases). Impact gears are made of chrome alloy, therefore they are characterized by increased wear resistance.

The weight of hammerless drills is more acceptable - does not exceed 1.3 kg. Models are used for timber and plastic.It is convenient to work with a drill due to the regulator, which is a trigger. If you press it with different force, then the speed of rotation of the drill changes.

A slow-speed drill is used for threading, mixing mixtures and drilling large holes. It is used when the maximum torque of the tool is strictly prohibited. Low-speed model withstands heavy loads for a long time. A resourceful drill, although it is very popular, has one significant drawback - a low-powered engine.

Drill "ZUBR" has a comfortable shape, a handle with a rubberized surface. The reverse is turned on either by the start button, or in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe switch, which is fixed in a certain position. The concern that produces the tool is not without reason included in the list of the best manufacturers.

General characteristics

The principle of operation of a hammerless drill can be guessed from the name of the tool. The drill makes only rotational movements. The device with a power of 420 watts makes up to 3200 revolutions. This type of tool, in addition to rotational, makes forward and backward movements. The number of strokes per minute is determined by the purpose of the drill. The minimum power is 550 watts, and the maximum is 1100 watts. Each model has a different setting. A strong blow is provided by increasing power.

All models are available with a reverse function, so you can not be afraid that the drill will get stuck in the work surface. The maximum drilling diameter depends on the type of material to be drilled. If it is a tree, then the parameter is 35 mm. When drilling concrete and metal, the diameter is from 10 to 16 mm.

Where and how to use the ZUBR drill

The main purpose of the tool is to drill holes in different materials. But the execution of the task is determined by the model. The scope and method of using the drill significantly expands the set of additional options.

Need to make a hole in a not very dense material? Then it is better to use an unstressed type of tool. To drill through thick wood or concrete, you need a drill from the Master series, which is ideal for domestic use. The percussion tool will cope with surfaces that are dense in structure.

The key cartridge is provided in all ZUBR tools. It may be needed when drilling metal or heavy concrete, when it fixes the drill. In hammerless models, this function is performed by a keyless chuck. But the latter provides not so much a reliable fixation.

If an electric drill is selected, the cable is made of soft rubber insulated material. The length of the network cable is from 2 to 5 meters. A useful device that should be included in the package is:

  • additional handle;
  • depth limiter;
  • backlight;
  • dust collector;
  • magnetic holder on the case;
  • use of bits without a cartridge.

The package includes instructions that describe the features of the tool, the nuances of connection and operation, functions. Due to its compact size, the drill will always find a place in the home tool chest.

According to buyers who have tested the ZUBR drill, the tool has exceptional strength. He withstood a fall from 10 meters and continued to function as if nothing had happened. The drill will drill a hole in a 5 mm thick steel sheet in 53 seconds, and in a 4 cm tree in 7 seconds.

When choosing a tool for drilling a bar under the dowels, it is better to look at a powerful model.The drill "Engraver" ZUBR ZG-160EK is suitable for engraving. The search for a drill with two cartridges often stops at the impact model ZDU - 850ERM, the reasonable price of which is the main advantage. The main claims of the craftsmen were caused by weight distribution, but the drill does an excellent job with a small amount of work.

The only thing that causes dissatisfaction among the masters is that it is not so easy to find replacement parts. Especially for models released a few years ago. This is forgiven, because the manufacturer produces really the best drills that will last a long time before they fail.

Drill Selection Criteria

An overview of one of the most effective assistants in the construction and furniture industry will help determine which company is better to buy a drill. "ZUBR" is produced with a pleasant design, and the manufacturer gives a guarantee for 5 years.

The type of battery included in the package is lithium. It is enough for 3 hours of continuous work. The drill is useful for drilling holes, screwing / unscrewing screws, mixing building mixtures. It is important to know not only the purpose of the tool, but also what to look for when choosing a drill.

Experienced craftsmen recommend taking into account such parameters as:

  • type (non-impact or impact model). If you do not have to work with concrete or brick, then the first type is suitable. For drilling hard surfaces, you need an impact tool;
  • power and torque. For minor repairs, 800 W and 20 H * M are enough. A professional would rather need devices with a power of 1000 W and 50 H * M torque;
  • weight and size. The higher the performance, the greater these parameters;
  • cartridge type. For an easy drill change, preference is given to a keyless chuck, and for a reliable one, a key one;
  • Is there a removable battery?Such models are ideal for small jobs around the house.

Many models are equipped with useful options that you need to consider when choosing a drill. It is better to buy a tool that has a safety clutch, the ability to work in a machine stand, and the rotation speed of the chuck is automatically adjusted.

The popular ZUBR models differ in power, but it depends on it what the tool will be capable of. For example, the ZDA-10.8 Li-KN model drills holes and tightens fasteners. There is a reverse and spindle lock. The battery capacity is 1.3 Ah. You should clarify how much the model costs before buying, as purchasing a drill will become an expensive pleasure. However, the costs are justified by a variety of functionality, excellent build quality and an excellent battery. Compactness and ergonomics are also among the advantages of the drill. The battery charging time is only 1 hour, so the work will not be too long. The tool has an engine brake, overload protection, and the power button is blocked if necessary.

Another ZUBR DA-12 2-Li KM1 cordless drill costs about 3 thousand. It has a spotlight lamp, so the tool is suitable for working in poorly lit places.

To avoid mistakes when choosing, you should read the reviews of previous buyers, as well as ask the seller for advice. Finding budget models with good technical characteristics is not at all a problem.

Rating of the best ZUBR drills

Inexpensive models with high performance have become widely popular with professional builders and repairmen.But among the entire range, one can single out the top five ZUBR drills. Non-impact, geared models produce clean holes in medium to light density surfaces.

For concrete and stone, an impact drill is more suitable, because due to the special shape of the gearbox, it contributes to fast drilling.

Small drill with reverse ZUBR "MASTER" ZD-420ERM2

A compact tool that is easy to operate with one hand. The drill is light because its weight is about 1.3 kg. The handle is complemented by rubber pads, shaped to match the contour of the fingers and palm. Therefore, the tool does not slip. The length of the tool is about 258 mm, so finding a place for it is not difficult.

The tool is suitable for working with drywall, metal and wood. Number of speeds - 1. There is a socket for bits and a rubber ring in which the cartridge key is securely held by "petals". There is a safety button on the side of the handle. Holes are made in the body through which the motor is cooled, so you do not have to interrupt while drilling.

Drill with reverse ZUBR "MASTER" ZD-420ERM2
  • dimensions;
  • all-metal cartridge key;
  • if necessary, attached to the belt;
  • light weight.
  • single speed;
  • work in the drill stand is not possible.

Average price: 2100 rubles.

Drill ZUBR DU-550 ER

The model is suitable for home craftsmen who decide to do repairs themselves in the country or in the apartment. If a professional drill just takes up space, then the DU-550 ER will become a faithful assistant. It is powerful enough to drill holes in the wall for curtain rods and shelves.

The number of strokes reaches 48,000 / minute.The upper part of the tool has an ergonomic cutout that completely repeats the shape of the hand. Which improves the usability. It does not matter how you hold the drill - with one or both hands. Fatigue will come soon! Plus, there is a limiter on the main handle that prevents fingers from slipping off. The model is equipped with a depth lock on the body, which simplifies the work. The master does not have to be interrupted to measure parameters. Chuck diameter - 13 mm.

Drill ZUBR DU-550 ER
  • an additional handle can be attached;
  • there is an adjustable speed;
  • long cord.
  • anti-vibration system and overload protection are not provided;
  • it is not convenient to work in semi-darkness, as there is no backlight;
  • hard brick will not give drilling.

Average price: 1950 rubles.

Drill ZUBR ZDU-1100-2 ERMM2

The right tool for complex tasks. The drill does an excellent job of drilling brick and concrete, creating precise holes. The power is 1100 W, and the weight is 3.9 kg. Comfortable work was achieved due to the updated ergonomic design.

The drill will last a long time, as the manufacturer has equipped it with improved motion brushes, and the engine is cooled more efficiently. Speed-adjustable tools designed for professional craftsmen. The two-speed model is designed to solve a variety of tasks. For example, for tightening screws and unscrewing them, as well as drilling finishing holes in wood, plastic.

Drill ZUBR ZDU-1100-2 ERMM2
  • reliable design;
  • smooth change in rotational speed;
  • with screw driver.
  • it takes a lot of time to replace the drill;
  • no storage case
  • no spot light.

Average price: 4 880 rubles.

ZUBR drill with impact mechanism ZDU-780 ERM2

The tool is suitable for the carpentry workshop, as it copes better with small work. The power of the model is 780 watts. The tool is used in two versions - as a drill and a screwdriver. Electronic speed control, a mechanical stop for fixing are provided. Unplanned activation is blocked by a special button.

The features of the model include a different design. The manufacturer released a drill in blue.

ZUBR drill with impact mechanism ZDU-780 ERM2
  • you can make holes in brick, steel, lightweight concrete or wood;
  • brushes with increased resource;
  • reinforced drive;
  • convenient to store in a case.
  • plastic body and second handle;
  • rubber pad is present only on one side;
  • there is no anti-vibration protection.

Average price: 3 240 rubles.

Slow-speed drill-mixer ZUBR ZDM-1200 RMM2

A versatile tool that can be used to make holes in thick concrete or mix mortar. The power of 1200 W is enough to work with mixtures of any consistency. The design of the tool has been improved, so the tool features convenient operation and high performance.

The best torque is 160 H.M. So the holes are very precise, and the mixing takes place without splashing.

Speed ​​drill-mixer ZUBR ZDM-1200 RMM2
  • the presence of reverse and electronic speed control;
  • long wire;
  • convenient location of the start button;
  • metal case.
  • large weight of 4 kg, because of which the hands get tired quickly;
  • maximum number of revolutions 850/min.

Average price: 5,700 rubles.

The choice of a drill should be made based on the amount of work planned to be assigned to the device, and their nature. For some, a small screwdriver is enough, for another, a more powerful version of the drill is suitable.

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