The oral hygiene of a child begins to be taken care of from the moment the first teeth appear. It is important to choose a children's paste that is suitable for age. When choosing it, be sure to pay attention to the composition of the product: the more useful components it contains and the fewer undesirable elements, the more preferable. True, toothpastes with a higher quality composition will cost more, but children's caries, especially at a very young age, is such a problem that it is better to prevent than to treat.
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You need to take care of children's teeth, starting from the moment they appear. It is not necessary to buy paste right away, but brushing your teeth first with a soft silicone brush, and after a year with a small child should be done twice a day. By about two years old, you need to purchase toothpaste.
On the packaging of the product there is a marking that tells what age the child is intended for this paste. Depending on this value, the composition of the drug is developed. The division of hygiene products by age may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. For example, the R.O.C.S Baby brand offers pastes for four age periods, including teenage, from 0 to 18 years old. The well-known brand SPLAT divides children's hygiene products into three age stages, from 0 to 11 years in total, a series of pastes for teenagers (12+) and for children of any age are produced separately.
Paste for children under 4 years of age should be safe if accidentally swallowed, which is usually prescribed on its packaging. This is an important factor, since most children do not immediately succeed in rinsing their mouth thoroughly. Fluorine in the composition of the product is allowed in an amount not exceeding 220 pm, or absent. The index of the degree of abrasiveness of the paste is not more than 20 RDA.
In the period from 4 to 8 years, the child gradually replaces milk teeth with molars. Pasta should fight the appearance of caries. The fluorine content in it is permissible no more than 500 pm, the abrasiveness index does not exceed 50 RDA.
Between the ages of 8 and 14, the molars completely replace the milk teeth. In such products, a fluorine concentration of about 1400 pm is allowed.
It is not so easy to understand the usefulness of the composition without being a specialist, and it is difficult to find completely ideal means. However, there are a number of substances, the presence or absence of which in the composition should be paid attention to.
Abrasives. Commonly used sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate are undesirable in children's toothpaste: they can damage the soft enamel of a child's teeth. It is desirable that titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide be included as abrasives in the composition of the product. It is good if the manufacturer indicates the RDA abrasiveness index on the packaging.
Fluorine. For very young children who are just learning to brush their teeth, it is better to purchase a toothpaste without this element.
Antibacterial components (triclosan, chlorhexidine). Destroy not only harmful microflora, but also useful. You can buy pastes with such substances in the composition for a child with the recommendation of a dentist and in the presence of diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis).
Foaming agents. Children's hygiene products containing sodium lauryl sulfate should be avoided. It can provoke allergies, dry the mouth. Another component, sodium laureth sulfate is considered less aggressive.
Thickeners. It is better that these substances are of natural origin, for example, pectins.
preservatives. Protect products from the reproduction of harmful microflora in them, increase its shelf life. It is important that the baby hygiene product does not contain parabens, PEG, sodium benzoate.
Lactic enzymes: glucose oxide, lysozyme, lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin. They help strengthen the immune system and enhance the protective qualities of the salivary fluid.
Casein is a protein that supports the accumulation of calcium in tooth enamel.
Minerals (calcium, fluorine - aminofluoride or olaflur).
Good toothpaste for children from 1 to 3 years old. Excellent combination of price and quality. It contains herbal ingredients that heal cuts and soothe. Volume 50 and 75 ml.
Useful Ingredients:
Does not contain fluorine and calcium, as well as harmful substances. Therefore, if a child has caries, then you need to alternate this paste with those in which there is calcium. Made in Germany.
Average price: 200 rubles.
For children under the age of 4, the manufacturer offers Lakalut baby paste, which strengthens tooth enamel well. It has mineralizing properties and thus prevents caries even in the initial stages. There is no fluorine and sodium in the pastes of the Baby series. Users are very satisfied with this paste.
Volume 50 ml.
In the first 30 seconds of brushing, the product forms a thin film on the teeth. This is in order to assimilate the beneficial substances of the paste, because children brush their teeth for less than a minute.
Average price: 150 rubles.
PRESIDENT baby toothpaste is made in Italy.The components of the product have a positive effect on the child's teeth. The paste gently whitens, restores and reduces bleeding. Designed for children from 1 to 3 years old. Volume 75 ml.
Does not contain fluorine, sodium sulfate, parabens. Has a raspberry flavor.
Average price: 170 rubles.
Domestic toothpaste. Suitable for different age groups. It contains enzymes and elements that strengthen the enamel. If swallowed, there will be no harm to babies. Sold as foam or standard paste. Volume 75 and 100 ml.
For children under 4 years of age, sodium-free paste is produced.
Average price: 180 rubles.
Available with chamomile or linden extract. Foaming is minimal. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Abrasive elements contain in a small amount, there are no preservatives. When opened, it must be used within one month. Volume 50 ml. For children from 3 years old there is a series of "Kids".
Average price: 350 rubles.
Designed for children from 1 to 6 years old. Made in Germany. Has abrasive elements. Prevents the appearance of tartar, as it contains pyrophosphate. Basically, this paste is used to clean plaque. The paste does not contain dyes and fluoride. It must be alternated with other means of brushing your teeth, because not all useful trace elements are included in the composition. Despite its low cost, it has received many accolades from leading dentists. Volume 75 ml.
Average price: 70 rubles.
Designed for children from 1 to 6 years old. It contains aminofluoride. This paste is suitable for the treatment of caries. Has abrasive components. Colorings and preservatives are absent. Volume 50 ml. Manufacturer - Germany.
Average price: from 220 rubles.
Toothpaste is intended for children from 1 to 6 years old. Made entirely from natural ingredients. A Swiss company is developing pastes. Volume 65 ml. There is a package of 7 tubes with different fruit extracts for about 600 rubles. You can use a different flavor every day. The composition contains:
One of the safest oral care products. Abrasive components effectively remove plaque and whiten enamel. Prevents the spread of bacteria. Volume 75 ml.
Average price: 300 rubles.
This product is suitable for children over 2 years of age. It has a gentle effect on tooth enamel. Contains no sugar, contains sodium fluoride. The formula of the product is distinguished by a high level of penetration of active elements into the tissues of the tooth, which contributes to the effective prevention of caries.
The volume of the product is 76.5 - 130 grams.
Average price: 900 rubles for 130 g.
Any of these funds can be given to a child, depending on his age. If the child is very small and is just learning to brush his teeth, then it is better to trust companies that produce toothpastes with natural ingredients. If the product contains fluorine, abrasives or other elements, then you need to look at their amount.