For some mothers, it is common to take care of the baby's health by wrapping them warmer, while for others it is important that the child gain immunity. Therefore, they take them from the cradle to the pool. Young mothers are wondering at what age a child can be taught to swim. Experts in response to this question argue that you even need to swim from birth, as soon as the umbilical wound heals. But for this you need to make the right choice of an institution where the child will swim, and the rating of the best children's pools in Voronezh in 2022 will help you with this.
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For babies, swimming becomes a sedative. In water, children get rid of stress, adapt to the environment. Instructors are engaged with small swimmers. In this case, the presence of the mother is required. But soon the baby will learn to float independently, dive and swim. Such procedures bring them great pleasure.
In addition, babies are in excellent contact with each other, they even arrange competitions, although this sounds implausible. After communicating with peers, the child receives a lot of positive emotions. Therefore, such communication is necessary, it will also help in rapid development.
Swimming in the pool helps kids harden their bodies, which is why they are not afraid of any diseases. Although experts show some dissatisfaction, since it is swimming children who have runny noses and otitis media. In addition, the constant presence in the water allows the child to get used to weightlessness, which will negatively affect the sharpness of the sense of space and balance.
Coaches warn mothers that if a child is taught to swim in infancy, he will not become a professional swimmer in the future. The difference between infant swimmers and professional swimmers is that infants are trained to swim in an upright position, which is unacceptable for professional competition.
At two years, the formation of correct posture begins. The child constantly receives loads on the spine. And with the help of water procedures, the tension of this organ is removed. Also, the child gets rid of such problems as flat feet and curvature of the ridge. Also, water will help improve appetite and strengthen sleep.
At this age, training should be carried out in such a way that the baby gets a lot of pleasure, and does not experience fear of water. No need to force children to train and demand first places and awards from them. Otherwise, the child will hate swimming and it will not bring him absolutely no benefit.
For children who have hydrophobia, it is best to have group games in the water. Only seeing how his peers frolic, the child decides to repeat their actions. The attitude of the coach or instructor to the child is also important. If the swimming teacher addresses the baby affectionately and smiles, then this causes positive emotions and disposes to himself.
Already at the age of five, children begin to swim at a professional level. They already feel like adults, they understand that they are responsible. He learns to discipline, sees the goal and tries to achieve it. It is at this time that your baby needs the support of parents. It is necessary to arrange rest for him and do not forget about diets in which food must be properly balanced and after visiting the pool there is no feeling of hunger.
At such a time, it is important for parents to find contact with children and be able to listen to all the problems that have arisen. And most importantly, observe how the baby is going to class. Brings the pool to the child joy or disgust. In addition, you need to find out the causes of displeasure and immediately eliminate them.
When visiting the pool, the child receives a number of advantages:
Before registering a child for swimming, you need to choose the right pool where the child will go. There are several factors to consider when choosing.
The pool should be close to the house. Thanks to this, the baby will not tire of the journey, and he will enjoy swimming with great pleasure.
In addition, knowing the nature of your child, you need to decide how he will deal with. Individually with a trainer or better to give it to group classes. Classes in a group are suitable for those mothers who want the child to start learning to swim in a shallow pond and there is no threat of drowning.
Water for babies should be warmed up to 30-31 degrees. It should be taken into account that if the temperature is higher, then the child's body will not be hardened. If it is lower, then in this case the child will freeze. At the same time, the mother, too, will not be able to withstand such a low temperature.
In the pool, the water cannot be kept perfectly clean. Even in an ecologically clean area, it is littered with small organisms for which such an environment is their home. Of course, a large number of bacteria and viruses develop here. Therefore, in the pool, the water should not always be the same, it is constantly cleaned.To do this, use the following methods:
Whether the cleaning method is suitable can only be known if a trial swim is made. If you have any irritations, sore throats and fatigue, there is a plaque on the swimsuit, then it is forbidden to let the child into such water, because his skin is more sensitive and as a result of everything, big problems with his health can arise.
There should be enough lockers and benches in the locker rooms so that the children have the opportunity to change and relax. In addition, it is desirable that there are shower rooms and a sauna. So that after the pool, the kids can wash and dry their ears.
There are two types of pools:
Experts say that even in cool weather, you can be completely calm in such a pool. Since at the temperature of the cart at twenty-eight degrees, a cushion of steam one meter high arises above the surface, which does not allow cold streams to penetrate. But at the same time, not every mother will dare to risk the health of her child in spring or autumn.
The best swimming option for kids.
And now let's look at the rating of the best children's pools in Voronezh for 2022.
Breaststroke, crawl, butterfly - these techniques have been used since ancient times. Fans of splashing in the water are best to visit the pool. This is especially important for children, because in this case the immune system of the baby is strengthened. In addition, adults will also benefit from swimming, even if you do not know how to stay on the water. Coaches and instructors will be happy to help.
Swimming Center "7 Seas" is located at the address: Voronezh, st. Hilly, 14 A.
Phones for communication: +7(473)207-07-06; +7(950)767-71-17.
The 7 Seas Swimming Center has two swimming pools, for children and for adults:
The water temperature is maintained at 31-32 degrees, which is especially comfortable for young swimmers. Water quality is ensured by the use of modern purification systems, pool overflow system. Cleaning is carried out with the help of quartz pitch and UV installations, water exchange is carried out three times per hour.
Babies from 2 months old can learn to swim here. Older children can study in groups or individually with an instructor.Adults can also spend useful time in the 7 Seas Swimming Center. There are water aerobics classes, including for pregnant women. There are also hours for free and family swimming.
A pleasant bonus is the presence of a massage room, where experienced and qualified specialists take.
You can sign up for classes by phone or online.
The pool is located at the address: residential area Yasenki, 1 phone: +8900-299-88-80
This pool has two reservoirs:
Children from two months to seven years old are accepted here. Conduct wellness classes with kids up to three years. Teaching preschool children. There are also group lessons.
The pool is cleaned using ultraviolet light and quartz sand. Thus, it is safe for children to be in such a pool. Cleaning is carried out under the supervision of SanPiN “Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements for the device, operation and water quality. Quality control."
The cost of a visit is from 250 rubles for a trial visit and from 550 rubles for a lesson with an instructor in a group and from 700 rubles for an individual lesson.
There are two pools of this company in Voronezh. One is located at 174 Leninsky Prospekt, MaksiMir shopping center, phone number 8(919)1862199. The second is Moskovsky pr., 129/1, Moskovsky Prospekt shopping center, tel. 8(910)7324434.
To evaluate the benefits of these clubs, there is a trial visit, which can be ordered online and visited for free. The pool is equipped with a five-stage water purification system. People of all ages are welcome here, including children.
Entrance to the pool costs:
Located at: st. Begovaya, 225 B, phone: 8(473) 280-2800
At the moment, there are 3 pools: for children aged 0 to 3 years, from 3 to 5 years and from 5 to 10 years.
Water purification is carried out in two ways:
The cost of visiting will cost 550 rubles for a one-time lesson.
The pool is located at: st. Karl Marx, d.68.
Here you can swim not only in ordinary water, but also splash in the sea, thereby imagining yourself on the shore of an exotic island in the middle of the ocean. Water purification takes place in three stages. Services offered at the pool:
The cost of visiting is indicated after the application on the official website.
Located at: st. Minsk, d.77, phone: +7 (952) 551-14-77, +7 (473) 230-75-81.
In this center, in addition to the pool, children can pass:
In addition, here you can visit a psychologist and a speech therapist.
The pool is small, has the shape of a bowl, the length of which is 4.5 meters, the width is 2 meters. The depth of the bowl is not more than one meter. Water is heated to a temperature of 33 degrees.
The cost of visiting is from 450 rubles.
Address where you can find the pool: st. 60 Army, 29a, phone: 8(473) 235-17-17.
This facility has two pools. In the first, mothers with children who are from 3 to 7 years old are engaged, in the second - children from a month to two. Classes are held exclusively with an instructor.
Four exercise programs and massages are offered.
The cost of visiting is from 700 rubles.
Here are the most popular swimming pools of the city of Voronezh, which differ in the quality of the services provided. Where to take your baby, only parents can choose. For some, the main thing is that the price should not be high. Others choose quality of service.