
  1. What are the differences and advantages
  2. Why sulfates are dangerous for hair and scalp
  3. How to choose a sulfate-free shampoo
  4. Application features
  5. Trusted Sulfate-Free Shampoo Rating
  6. Benefit and disappointment

The best sulfate-free shampoos in 2022

The best sulfate-free shampoos in 2022

Shampoos made from natural ingredients and including products for moisturizing and nourishing hair are called sulfate-free. All organic foundations are free of parabens and preservatives. They do not dry out the scalp, do not disturb the ph balance, do not wash off the protective layer from the hair and strengthen them. In the article you will find a rating of high-quality sulfate-free shampoos, learn about their benefits and disadvantages, and also choose the right product for the price and characteristics.

What are the differences and advantages

Ordinary shampoos foam well, create volume and deeply cleanse the head of dirt (continuous use is undesirable). This effect is provided by the sulfates that make up its composition (for example, sodium sulfate). They are cheap raw materials for the manufacture of cosmetics, so sulfate shampoos are inexpensive. Unfortunately, a serious negative effect is also possible - damage to the hair structure, washing out of the protective layers, and allergies. A positive medical effect has special dermatological shampoos, which include sulfates. They clean the head well and fight against dandruff.

Sulfate-free shampoos do not contain toxic and dangerous substances, such as SLS, ALES, ALS, etc. They foam much less and cleanse oily hair type worse. The liquid unusual structure suggests a quick consumption, although their average price is higher than that of sulfate products. Shelf life is usually not more than 1 year. The selection of components in the composition is determined by the purpose of the shampoo (regenerating shampoo, for brittle hair, against hair loss, etc.). The advantages of natural substances cover all the disadvantages. The best manufacturers try to optimize shampoo formulas so that they:

  • gently acted on the hair (made the hair smooth and created a natural shine, saturated with vitamins and moisture, prevented the split ends);
  • healed the scalp;
  • retained color for a long time after staining.

Why sulfates are dangerous for hair and scalp

Most shampoos have sulfates in their formulations, as this is the easiest way to achieve a thick lather and also remove oil from the hair and scalp.

Please note that the same sulfates are in the first places in the compositions of various household and technical detergents.

However, in hair washes, sulfate is mixed with emollients to make it less harsh. But! We wash our hair quite often, according to statistics, every 1-3 days. And constant exposure to a harmful substance on the skin and hair can be detrimental in the long term.

For a long time, sulfates were considered carcinogens, which, when accumulated in the body, cause the growth of cancerous tumors. However, later this information was refuted by the studies of American toxicologists, as they told in an official report.

However, not all so simple. After all, it is after sulfate shampoos that itching, dryness, allergies and brittle hair can occur.

Scientists have proven that a high concentration of sulfates in shampoo causes irritation on the skin, and if sulfates penetrate the body, they can affect the respiratory system and disrupt brain activity.

The main harm that sulfates cause is that they wash away the protective lipid layer of the scalp.

Hair follicles secrete sebum, which is distributed along the hair shaft, protecting the cuticle (flakes) of the hair. Thanks to this, moisture is retained and the hair looks healthy and shiny.

At the same time, sulfates wash away this lipid layer. It seems to be good: a basal volume appears, the scalp becomes “fresh”. But, this is only the primary visible effect.Without sebum, the follicles begin to produce it more actively, as they need to restore balance.

At the same time, the hair remains without a protective film for a long time, the cuticle opens. This is where the problem arises: the scalp becomes more oily and the hair dry. Therefore, you have to wash your hair more often and additionally moisturize the length.

That is why sulfate-free shampoos are a healthier alternative to hair care.

How to choose a sulfate-free shampoo

Which company is better to choose a shampoo, what features and properties shampoos from different manufacturers have, we will describe below. In the meantime, we will determine the selection criteria that will help not to make a mistake.

  • Read the composition. It may contain non-ionic and amphoteric surfactants. They are needed to cleanse the scalp and remove impurities. If it contains cationic and anionic surfactants, then return the shampoo to the counter.
  • Look for quality marks. Signs that the composition does not contain parabens and the product has not been tested on animals.
  • Smell the shampoo. It should not have a pronounced odor.
  • The packaging is made from recycled materials.
  • When used, there should not be a lot of foam, and the consistency of the shampoo is unusually liquid.
  • The color of the shampoo can be transparent or cloudy white.

Application features

Sulfate-free shampoos have their own application technology. In order for the components to work, you need to spend more time washing your hair. Hot water will help the process. First you need to lather the most polluted places on the head and massage them. Then rinse thoroughly with hot water. Due to the fact that foaming in natural shampoos is weak, the procedure should be repeated.Lather the scalp and distribute the product throughout the length of the hair. Massage your head for 4-5 minutes and then rinse your hair with water.

Trusted Sulfate-Free Shampoo Rating

Sulfate-free care products contain a minimal amount of preservatives, but there are more natural ingredients. There are also completely organic compounds. About which company is better to order shampoo and how much it costs, read below.

Mulsan Cosmetic

The composition of the line of sulfate-free shampoos Mulsan Cosmetic is as close to natural as possible: without sulfates, without parabens and fragrances. There are soft surfactants, the color is cloudy white, the consistency is very liquid. Oils and extracts are added to nourish and moisturize. Apply to weakened, damaged and naughty hair. Regenerating shampoo contains birch bud and almond extract. He is very successful in recovery and healing.

Due to the presence of only natural ingredients in the composition of the products, the products have a shelf life of only 10 months.

Price: 400-500 rubles.

  • fragrance-free;
  • oils and extracts;
  • restores and revitalizes.
  • soft surfactants.

Loreal Professional

Loreal scientific laboratories have been studying the features and structure of hair types for 45 years. The line of products for colored hair contains a small amount of preservatives, the effect of which is compensated by oils and extracts. Silver ions do not allow the dye to wash out, and silk proteins make hair shiny and voluminous. Taurine protects the hair and does not allow water to penetrate into their depths, which also prevents the color from fading. These shampoos are classified as professional hair care products, so this is not a budget option.

Price: 600-1500 rubles.

Loreal Professional Sulfate Free Shampoos
  • silver ions;
  • oils and extracts;
  • taurine moisturizes hair.
  • price.

Matrix Biolang Keratindose Pro

Keratin shampoo is used to care for chemically damaged hair. After perming, highlighting or bleaching, the structure “loosens”. Keratin glues the scales and makes the curls look attractive and neat. The presence of proteins effectively nourishes and moisturizes the hair. Silk extract restores and heals wounds on the scalp. With regular use, the water balance is kept at a sufficient level, the effect of keratin recovery is prolonged. The shampoo lathers better than Natura Siberica and has the consistency and color of liquid sour cream. Belongs to the category of professional care products.

Price: 700-1000 rubles.

sulfate-free shampoos Matrix Biolang Keratindose Pro
  • keratin in the composition;
  • silk extract;
  • foams well.
  • price.

Estel Aqua Otium

Estel Aqua Otium shampoo is considered a professional curl care product. It contains betaine and amino acids. These components cleanse and nourish the scalp without overdrying and moisturizing dry hair well. It is used for brittleness and damage to the hair column, for hair growth. Also, nicotinic acid is added to the composition, which prevents loss. A light fruity-floral aroma makes application pleasant, and after rinsing off the smell does not remain. The consistency is similar to liquid sour cream, has a transparent cloudy color. Produced in bottles of 1l or 250 ml.

Price: 400-450 rubles. for a small bottle.

Estel Aqua Otium sulfate-free shampoos
  • betaine and amino acids in the composition;
  • does not dry out;
  • prevents falling out.
  • price.

Natura Siberica

Natura Siberica produces a series of sulfate-free shampoos for different hair types: for thin, dry, oily curls, for combination hair and those prone to oiliness. The composition includes components from the raw materials of Siberia, oils, nutrients. The consistency is quite liquid, foaming is small, which indicates the absence of aggressive elements. One of the shampoos has a neutral composition based on natural detergents and mild moisturizers - it can be used for all types of hair.

To restore the structure and strengthen the hair, northern cloudberry oil, sea buckthorn, vitamins and fatty acids are added to shampoos. Juniper stimulates hair growth, nourishes hair follicles and restores damaged curls. Additional moisture for dry hair is provided by rose hips, cedar milk, pink rhodiola extract, etc.

All natural shampoos of the manufacturer very gently cleanse the scalp and are harmless to any type. The strands become soft, shiny, easy to comb. When switching to a sulfate-free shampoo after using a regular shampoo for a long time, you need to give your hair time to get used to the changes.

Price: 200-500 rubles.

sulfate-free shampoos Natura Siberica
  • line for all types of hair;
  • contains Siberian herbs;
  • price.
  • you need to choose a shampoo;
  • time to get used to.

Grandma Agafya's Recipes

Grandmother Agafya's recipes are another manufacturer that uses Siberian raw materials in their products: Siberian cedar, dog rose, linseed oil, etc. The washing ability is provided by a soap root, and melt water is the basis.These shampoos are used to repair various damage and care for normal hair types. But you should carefully look at the composition, since lines that include SLS and other harmful substances also exist. Some shampoos contain less dangerous and aggressive surfactants. Many customers note that the lightweight composition is suitable for caring for their hair. These are the most inexpensive shampoos among relatively natural shampoos.

Price: 80-110 rubles.

sulfate-free shampoos Grandmother Agafya's recipes
  • price;
  • raw materials of Siberia.
  • you need to carefully read the composition, as there are lines with SLS.

Kapous Professional

There are no harmful and aggressive substances in Kapous professional shampoos. Base - keratin and moisturizing balm, no fragrance. To restore hair, fruit amino acids and oil extracts are added to them. To preserve the color of dyed hair and care for them, shampoos contain milk proteins, wheat proteins and vitamins. Orange extract, vitamins and microelements are added to the daily care products. Kapous' range of sulfate-free shampoos is great to use after a keratin repair treatment. Strengthening the structure of curls, protecting the scalp from external irritants and restoring damaged hair are guaranteed.

Price - 180-270 rubles.

sulfate-free shampoos Kapous Professional
  • price;
  • keratin;
  • suitable for use after keratin treatment.
  • soft surfactants.

Lakme Teknia Gentle Balance

Lakme Teknia Gentle Balance shampoos are suitable for daily care - brittle and dull hair does not threaten. The basis is red algae and antioxidants.They are non-toxic, do not irritate sensitive skin, but, on the contrary, protect and heal the hair structure, have a rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory effect. Extracts of acai berries and beets restore and smooth the structure, nourish the shaft, improve cellular respiration of the hair. Shampoo protects the color of dyed hair, revitalizes them due to the complex of vegetable amino acids in the composition, suitable for sensitive scalp.

Price: 300-500 rubles.

sulfate-free shampoos Lakme Teknia Gentle Balance
  • daily care;
  • algae and antioxidants;
  • rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • soft surfactants.


The manufacturer Kaaral produces shampoos without silicones, parabens and mineral oils, which makes the composition as natural as possible. Some lines of sulfate-free products use royal jelly. It promotes hair restoration, actively moisturizes them and maintains natural beauty. A complex of plant extracts keeps moisture inside the hair shaft and prevents drying out. Gently cleanses the scalp.

Price: 750-1500 rubles.

Kaaral sulfate-free shampoos
  • without silicones;
  • mother's milk.
  • price.

CHI Ionic Color Protector

For brittle, unruly and colored hair, CHI Ionic Color Protector Shampoo is suitable. It contains silk proteins, which transform the hair and contribute to their intensive restoration. Silver ions protect color, preserve shades, restore and strengthen hair. The American manufacturer promises the Lux quality of its shampoo lines. It is also well suited for use in the period after keratin therapy.

Price: from 1000 rubles.

sulfate-free shampoos CHI Ionic Color Protector
  • silk proteins;
  • silver ions;
  • luxury quality.
  • price.


J.Maki brand products are manufactured in Finland and appeared on the Russian market relatively recently. However, most of those who have already tried this cosmetics were completely delighted.

Let's start with the fact that all shampoos of this brand do not contain sulfates, parabens and alcohol. The manufacturer uses a large amount of oils and vegetable components in the composition. Also, all products contain UV filters and have a healing effect.

In the line of products there are shampoos for different types of scalp and hair.

Price: from 900 rubles.

J.Maki sulfate-free shampoos
  • washes to a creak;
  • easily removes meat masks;
  • despite the fact that it practically does not foam, it remains quite economical;
  • does not cause dandruff;
  • softens hair.
  • slightly washed out the color of dyed hair.

Nano Organic

Already quite a popular Russian brand among those who prefer high-quality organic hair care. Nano Organic sulfate-free shampoos have an ultra-soft washing base: saponified oils 15% (castor and coconut) and decyl glucoside 5% - the mildest and safest surfactant from glucose and coconut oil. And thanks to the large number of plant components in the composition of shampoos, they heal the skin and heads and hair.

In the line of shampoos, you can choose a product for different types of hair.

Price: from 300 rubles.

sulfate-free shampoos Nano Organic
  • well washes the scalp;
  • pleasant fragrance;
  • softens hair;
  • does not dry the length;
  • has a cumulative effect.
  • not economical, as it practically does not produce foam, but this is compensated by the large volume of the bottle;
  • takes time to get used to.

Benefit and disappointment

Often, when switching to sulfate-free shampoos, girls are disappointed in their action. At first, the hair looks heavy, greasy and loses its usual splendor. The benefits that natural ingredients bring to hair are obvious, but you also want to look good. Two factors can precede this development of events:

  1. the shampoo is chosen incorrectly;
  2. hair is not yet accustomed to new components.

Properly selected sulfate-free shampoo effectively cleanses the hair, makes it look healthy and attractive. However, it is also not necessary to use it constantly. It is enough to give your hair a break from regular shampoos at least once every 3 months. And, of course, products without aggressive substances are indispensable after keratin hair straightening and after chemical exposure.

In addition, the aggressive detergent base of conventional shampoos washes away the fatty layer from the scalp, which makes the sebaceous glands work with double strength. Therefore, the head seems dirty faster and there is a need to wash it more often. The components of sulfate-free products act gently and do not wash off the protective layer from the skin. Therefore, with prolonged use of natural cosmetics, it is possible to restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

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