
  1. Criteria for choosing gas cartridges and their types
  2. The best manufacturers of self-protective GB
  3. Ranking of popular budget samples of gas cartridges
  4. Ranking of popular gas cartridges for self-defense of powerful impact at an average and high price

Ranking of the best gas cartridges for self-defense in 2022

Ranking of the best gas cartridges for self-defense in 2022

Gas weapon tools from the very beginning of their existence occupied the flagship position as a fairly effective and affordable weapon used in self-defense. The most popular of a wide segment of such tools is a gas spray for self-defense.

Criteria for choosing gas cartridges and their types

At the moment, a huge range of self-defense gas products is presented on the domestic market. And, quite naturally, a person who wants to purchase such a product may have a dilemma about how to choose the right tool for himself? Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to learn about their existing types, application features and spraying methods.

  1. Spray aerosol. The most common type of self-defense cartridges, which, when sprayed, create a gas cloud that irritates the mucous membranes. It has sufficient effect even when attacked by several aggressors. However, when using this product in an isolated area, the irritating gas can similarly affect the owner of the can. Sprayable up to 2.5 meters.
  2. Irritant jet. Such jet self-defense weapons hit with a long-range strip of caustic substance. These cartridges can be used indoors and outdoors. They are not afraid of even a little rain. They have some function of "mass destruction". However, when using a jet can, its owner must have the skills of a well-aimed shooter, since the jet needs to hit the enemy's eyes, and this requires some skill and accuracy.
  3. Spray jet. These self-defensive cartridges are the best option between aerosol and jet products, which, when sprayed, have a Monge-cone with large gas-steam droplets. Using such a tool in self-defense, it is much easier to hit the attacker, but its damaging effect is much weaker than spray aerosols.
  4. Foam air jet.A relatively new type of gas canister that releases a foamy strip of corrosive substance at the attacker, depriving him of the ability to see and breathe normally. Its use is acceptable in isolated areas, however, such self-defense tools also require some shooter skill when using.
  5. Jet-gel. An innovative generation of self-protective gas cartridges that release an irritant gel jet that sticks to the face and eyes of the aggressor and makes it difficult for him to see and breathe for a rather long period of time. It is applied both in the isolated rooms, and on open space. The spray range of such spray cans reaches 4.5 meters.

The best manufacturers of self-protective GB

Before you understand which one is better to buy a spray can for protection, you need to learn about the top and most worthy manufacturers of these products. And it is desirable to purchase a self-defense device from the company that has a well-deserved reputation with the consumer.

  • Kliver Ballistol. Popular models of self-defense means of this manufacturer have long conquered both the domestic and European markets. Samples of gas cartridges of this German company are distinguished by reliable quality and an ideal proportion in relation to efficiency and price. Design innovations have brought to the protective gas devices the function of the ability to reach up to 6.5 meters.
  • TechKRIM. A diversified domestic manufacturer that develops and produces a modern generation of gas self-defense equipment that compares favorably with their counterparts in versatility and efficiency. The manufacturer equips the cans with special irritant substances.
  • STC Heaton.A rare domestic manufacturer that produces gas self-defense devices, which until recently were prime among all existing Russian gas cartridges, whose defensive capabilities successfully resist attacking drunk people and aggressive dogs.
  • Aerosol plus "Tyumen aerosols". Self-defensive gas cartridges of high quality are produced on innovative universal lines of this Russian manufacturer. Protective devices are developed here, which have no analogues in the whole world. Production has been improving since 1994, having received countless positive reviews from consumers throughout its work.
  • NPP "Ecologist". The segment of this Ukrainian manufacturer includes aerosol and jet cans for self-defense with irritating elements and cartridges for gas and traumatic weapons. The key consumers of the "Ecolog" company are mainly law enforcement agencies and arms stores. The goods of the enterprise quite often acted as exhibits at worthy international exhibitions of gunsmiths.

Ranking of popular budget samples of gas cartridges

In order to figure out which defensive spray will be most suitable, you need to choose the appropriate one by type, as well as take into account the required size. After all, such devices can be miniature and at the same time have the ability to spray a jet only 1-2 times. There are also voluminous cartridges that can be stored at home in case of defensive actions or carried with you in an existing vehicle. The most inexpensive, but quite popular are compact cans.

votes 5

The potent substance in this self-defense device is an extract of hot chili pepper. When a cloud of burning substances hits the attacker's face, the effect of defeat occurs after a couple of seconds. For a more effective result, it is desirable to hit all the mucous membranes from the can. Exclude the use of self-defense means in isolated rooms. Average price: from 200 rubles.

gas spray for self-defense HOT PEPPER, 25 ml
  • range of action;
  • compactness;
  • fast effect.
  • weak effect when used on dogs.

SPACE, 65 ml
votes 4

This spray can is a truly innovative device designed for self-defense. The range of the product jet reaches more than 3 meters and does not depend even on strong gusts of wind. Due to its simplified configuration, the spray can is quite convenient to use, and its active irritating elements, if it gets into the eyes and mucous membranes, instantly neutralize the aggressor. Average price: from 280 rubles.

self-defense gas cartridge SHPAGA, 65 ml
  • ergonomics;
  • compactness;
  • optimal price.
  • insufficient spot of expansion;
  • lack of a protective valve in case of accidental pressing.

SHOCK, 65 ml
votes 5

This self-defense gas device is very popular with users because of its simplicity and ergonomics. The main damaging substance in the can is an extract of hot pepper, which has the ability to burn the enemy. When it is sprayed, the aggressor starts a strong cough, tears flow profusely, and vision is lost.According to users, after using this spray for self-defense in the event of an attack by an aggressor - a person or an animal, the action of hot pepper extract is quite effective. Average price: from 300 rubles.

gas cartridge for self-defense SHOCK, 65 ml
  • high rate of efficiency;
  • compactness;
  • ergonomics;
  • optimal price.
  • frequent sale of fakes;
  • inability to use indoors.

votes 1

This self-defense device is the most effective tool in the attack of hooligans or animals. The jet gas cartridge is quite ergonomic and compact, allowing the owner to feel quite confident holding it in his hands. The spray range of the jet reaches 3-4 meters. When using it, you must adhere to elementary safety rules, trying not to release a tear stream against the wind. The small dimensions of the spray can make it comfortable to carry in pockets. Average price: from 390 rubles.

gas spray for self-defense PEPPER JET STANDARD, 65 ml
  • compactness;
  • increased range of destruction of the jet;
  • efficiency.
  • short shelf life.

votes 4

A lady's aerosol gas spray, whose striking ability to neutralize an attacker lies in the effective cone spray of a tear substance. For some time, when it hits the mucous membranes of the eyes, the enemy loses his sight. The device is very effective against people and animals. In the event of a threat, the tool must be used by applying the effect of surprise. It has a good spray and impact speed.Average price: from 390 rubles.

self-defense gas cartridge LADI BLACK, 25 ml
  • compactness;
  • impact effect;
  • ergonomic design.
  • lack of protection against accidental pressing of the spray button.

C 360, 100 ml
votes 1

A gas canister for self-defense, which has specific functionality, which compares favorably with analog protective devices. Its advantage is the release of a gel stream, which quickly hits the mucous membranes and skin, having a strong irritating effect on them. The gel stream released from this cartridge reaches 4-5 meters, blinding the eyes of the attacker, penetrating the mouth and nasopharynx, burning them very badly. The protective device can be used regardless of gusts of wind and at any angle. It has a very compact size, which makes it ideal to carry the product in your pocket or small purse. Average price: from 380 rubles.

gas cartridge for self-defense C 360, 100 ml
  • compactness;
  • resistance to strong wind;
  • efficiency.
  • lack of a fuse against accidental pressing of the button.

Ranking of popular gas cartridges for self-defense of powerful impact at an average and high price

The effectiveness of self-protective gas devices largely depends on the irridants contained in them, therefore, when choosing the appropriate cartridge, it is necessary to study its composition.

CN - the toxic element chlorocytophenone, which does not have a strong effect on drunkards, drug addicts and aggressive animals.

CS - tear gaseous substance chlorobenzalmalonodinitrile, which, when it gets on the mucous membranes, is similar in the effect of sand getting into them.

OS - pepper compressed gas, which neutralizes both a person and an aggressive animal for 25-35 minutes.
CR - dibenzoxazapine poisonous warfare substance, which, when it enters the zone of influence, guarantees the aggressor about an hour of terrible release of tears, burning and suffocating cough.

For effective and global protection, gas self-defense devices with a mixed formula of these irritant substances are most suitable. However, their cost will be much higher.

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The relatively small dimensions of this gas cartridge make it very convenient to use. The bottle is quite compact in the hand. Due to the content of OC and CS substances in its formula, it has the maximum effect on the aggressor. This manifests itself in the form of: copious discharge of tears, disorientation and pain. The range of the combined jet reaches 2 meters. Average price: from 520 rubles.

self-defense gas cartridge BLACK FORCING, 65 ml
  • active damaging substance;
  • compactness;
  • the simplicity of the device.
  • the absence of a safety valve near the start button.

TORCH 2 flip top, 75 ml
votes 3

A perfect and powerful gas self-protective agent, which is distinguished by the range of a powerful striking jet and an innovative cartridge system. The substance in it is quite concentrated and has the formula CS + OS. The throughput coefficient in the device has increased parameters, due to which the jet ejection speed is increased and the effect of the active damaging substance on the aggressor is improved. This makes the canister a fairly effective device in the event of an attack by both humans and aggressive animals. Average price: from 600 rubles.

self-defense gas cartridge TORCH 2 flip-top, 75 ml
  • innovative design;
  • powerful impact force;
  • jet distance.
  • the 100 ml bottle produced by the manufacturer is not comfortable enough to wear.

ANTI DOG, 65 ml
votes 1

Gas pepper defensive device for protection against aggressive and stray animals. An effective agent based on the OS irritant, which is able to protect both the elderly and the child from the attack of aggressive dogs or cats. The jet hits exactly the intended target, hitting the mucous membranes of animals. After that, it causes the strongest pain reaction in the attacking aggressors. The range of the canister jet reaches two meters, and the width of the pepper gas cloud is 45 cm. Average price: from 600 rubles.

self-defense gas cartridge ANTI DOG, 65 ml
  • impact efficiency;
  • reliability;
  • jet distance.
  • can only be used on animals.

COBRA 1N, 65 ml
votes 1

Gas self-defense cartridges of this series disable the aggressor for 30-45 minutes. It is not in vain that these devices serve faithfully in the special services units. After all, the irritant substances in their formula correspond to the CR parameters. Such elements are particularly effective in relation to the attacker, blinding and causing a choking cough. An aerosol can that releases a three-meter jet that passes at high speed into a gaseous caustic cloud. This action allows you to give a full guarantee that the irritating substance will hit the aggressor. Average price: from 700 rubles.

gas cartridge for self-defense COBRA 1N, 65 ml
  • guaranteed hit in the aggressor;
  • ergonomic shape;
  • increased impact power.
  • use only in the absence of gusts of wind;
  • prohibition of use in isolated rooms.

votes 1

Aerosol self-defense gas canister with built-in flashlight. The formula of the irritating substance of this remedy is based on OS and OC. These elements have painful and suffocating effects when applied to the aggressor. A bright LED built into the self-protective device will help you find your way in the dark. The jet range reaches 2-3 meters, and its power and impact are not affected by any weather conditions. The bottle is small enough to be easily carried with you. Average price: from 800 rubles.

gas cartridge for self-defense SPOGA "TORNADO", 100 ml
  • compactness;
  • power and range of the jet;
  • built-in LED lamp.
  • no protective valve on the start button.

CONTROL - AC (Anti bearish), 225 ml
votes 0

An effective and global remedy for human self-defense against very large aggressive animals. According to its technical characteristics, it occupies a flagship position among analog gas cartridges. The maximum range of its jet reaches over 7.5 meters. Against a person, the use of this tool is prohibited, except in cases that threaten life. Average price: from 950 rubles.

gas cartridge for self-defense CONTROL - AC (Anti bear), 225 ml
  • efficiency;
  • range and power of the jet;
  • low price in comparison with analogues.
  • ban on use against humans.

votes 4

The most powerful self-defense aerosol gas device offered by a German manufacturer to European and domestic consumers. It contains a very large percentage of the concentrated hot pepper composition of the OS.With a striking effect, it acts on both people and animals. When sprayed on an aggressor, it creates a wide irritating cloud, thanks to which it is much easier to hit the attacker. The sprayed pepper mist of this spray works at a distance of up to 5.2 meters. It is acceptable to use in isolated rooms and with a large crowd of people. Average price: from 960 rubles.

self-defense gas cartridge PFEFFER KO FOG, 50 ml
  • ergonomics;
  • powerful impact effect;
  • ease of use.
  • inconvenience from the existing clip.

DRAGON, 650 ml
votes 3

A highly effective jet-foam gas self-defense tool that hits an aggressor at a distance of up to 4.2 meters. It is the flagship device for defensive actions of this volume in the domestic market. It is an aerosol gas cylinder with irritants OC and CS, which, if they come into contact with the skin, respiratory and mucous areas, causes severe coughing and burning. A powerful jet, transforming into red foam, quickly neutralizes the enemy. It is effective in operation at any temperature conditions. It is intended for protection in enclosed spaces, as well as in the event of an attack by several aggressors or a pack of dogs. Average price: from 2800 rubles.

gas spray for self-defense DRAKON, 650 ml
  • powerful foam striking jet;
  • prolonged damaging effect.
  • decrease in efficiency with powerful gusts of wind.

Modern and effective gas means for self-defense are used by everyone who is trying to make life safe for themselves and loved ones.Such devices do not require the use of physical force, making it possible to influence the aggressor and successfully neutralize him.

Which gas canister did you choose?


