
  1. How did yogurt come about?
  2. What are the benefits of yogurt
  3. Types of yogurt
  4. Criterias of choice
  5. healthiest yogurt
  6. The best fortified yogurts
  7. Conclusion

Rating of the healthiest yogurts for 2022

Rating of the healthiest yogurts for 2022

The benefits of dairy products have been known to man for a very long time. But not all products from this category we are ready to use constantly. However, yogurt is an exception. After all, they are not only useful, but also very tasty. And products without any additives can be used as the basis for various sauces or salad dressings.

How did yogurt come about?

This fermented milk product is several thousand years old. For this reason, there are several versions of its origin.According to the first version, yogurt was obtained by the Scythians. This people was nomadic and during their movements they poured milk into waterskins, which were hung on the backs of horses or donkeys. Due to the intense heat, milk quickly turned sour, and since it was transported by animals, bacteria got there through their wool, and besides, constant shaking occurred during movement. So they got a kind of yogurt, which did not spoil for a long time and had useful properties. They also dried it, so it turned out something like cottage cheese.

The next version leads us to the ancient Thracians. These people were engaged in breeding sheep. So one day they noticed that sour milk can last longer. After that, having tried to add sour milk to fresh milk, they got their first yogurt.

But this fermented milk product gained great popularity after curing one of the kings of France. After such an event, the king ordered a flock of sheep to always have fresh milk for making yogurt.

Do not forget about I.I. Mechnikov, who studied dairy products. He also conducted research on centenarians. Thus, he was able to identify the benefits of bacteria that are present in yogurt. Also, with his help, in our country they began to make serum according to the Bulgarian recipe, and you could buy it only in a pharmacy. And when the founder of the Danone company was able to buy a recipe for obtaining lactobacilli, yogurt was already bought in the store.

What are the benefits of yogurt

As we all know, this dairy product contains a large number of beneficial bacteria, which has a beneficial effect on the body. Now let's take a closer look at how this manifests itself.

Firstly, due to the presence of those very nutritious bacteria, yogurt is well absorbed by our body. Also, due to the presence of bacteria, B vitamins and vitamin A appear in yogurt. The former have a positive effect on the nervous system, improve brain activity, and vitamin A increases immunity, improves vision and skin quality. Therefore, by consuming such a dairy product regularly, you will always have a good mood, a beautiful appearance and become less sick.

Do you have stool problems? Then here, too, such a fermented milk product will be an indispensable assistant. With its help, normal microflora is formed in the intestines, unnecessary acidity is eliminated and digestion returns to normal. It also helps to fight various diseases of the stomach, such as gastritis. And even people who have milk protein intolerance can use it, since this element breaks down and is well absorbed.

It is also worth noting that our body, and in particular the intestines, accumulates toxic substances in itself. This is due to the presence of putrefactive microorganisms. By constantly consuming yogurt, the vital activity of such microorganisms in the human intestine stops or is minimized. What helps to cleanse from toxins and poisons, so a person will prolong his life and improve his health.

Types of yogurt

Today we see a wide range of these products on the market. And each product differs not only in the manufacturer and taste option, but also in texture, composition and other qualities. Let's take a closer look at each of the options in order to understand the distinctive qualities and advantages of a particular type.

  • Drinking yogurt is the most popular option among all.How else? It comes in a handy package making it easy to take with you on the go. It has a low calorie content, but at the same time it will be an excellent option for a snack or a light dinner. This option can be either with fruit additives or just vanilla.
  • Children's yogurt differs from the usual one not only in packaging, but also in composition. Such products usually do not contain sugar, and fructose is used to replace it.
  • Turkish yogurt is high in protein and fat and has a thick texture. It has a pleasant creamy taste, thanks to which it can be used as salad dressings and consumed as an independent product.
  • Greek yogurt also contains a large amount of protein and a minimum of carbohydrates. It will be a great help in losing weight. And due to its thick consistency, it is used as a dressing for salads or bases for sauces.
  • The vegan option is based on plant-based milk, not cow's. It is usually made from coconut or almond milk. This contributes to its interesting taste and texture.

In addition, you can classify this product according to the degree of fat content. This indicator will depend on the type of milk that was used as the basis for cooking. The shelf life of such products depends on pasteurization. If the product has been subjected to this process, then it has a long shelf life, but this can deprive it of all the beneficial bacteria that our body needs.

Enriched yogurt can also be classified as a separate category. Unlike the usual one, it contains additives that were not originally in it. As these additives can be vitamins, active substances, beneficial microorganisms.Such additives are necessary if the product has lost them during the preparation process or contains them in small quantities.

Criterias of choice

First of all, you should pay attention to the name of the product. If it contains the word "yogurt", then you will not find beneficial bacteria here, they were lost as a result of heat treatment. Such a product will not cause harm to the body, but one should not expect benefits from it.

Now you should carefully examine the packaging. All packages must indicate the percentage of fat content. Also pay attention to the expiration date. The shorter the storage period is determined, the better. But this period should not exceed 30 days. If it turns out to be more, then it will already contain a large amount of unnecessary additives that will adversely affect beneficial bacteria. Do not lose sight of what storage conditions are indicated by the manufacturer. A natural product should be kept in a temperature range of +2 to +4 degrees. If the conditions are different, then this is no longer yogurt, but a fermented product.

Now let's talk about composition. Since dairy products are a source of calcium, then in such products it should be contained in large quantities. It would be ideal if its percentage varies between 15-35%. As for sugar, it is better to choose options where it is contained in minimal quantities. Such products should not be rich in carbohydrates. If you choose between fruit additives and regular yogurt, then it is better to give preference to the second option. And if you wish, you can add fresh berries or pieces of fruit at home, so the products for the body will be more useful.

healthiest yogurt

Activia natural 3.5%
votes 63

This product is available in a 150 ml plastic cup. It has a thick consistency, thanks to which it can be used as salad dressings, added to baked goods and consumed as a standalone product. The composition includes dry skimmed and normalized milk, as well as bifidobacteria. Due to the absence of sugar, it is perfect for people on a diet. And additional sweetness can be created by adding fresh fruits or berries. The bacteria that make up the product have clinically proven benefits for the digestive system.

One jar of "Activia natural 3.5%" contains 75 kcal. The shelf life of the product should not exceed one month.

The average cost is 45 rubles.

Activia natural 3.5%
  • Has a delicate texture;
  • No fruit additives and sugar;
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Can be used in baking.
  • Some shops are overpriced.

Drinking yogurt Activia cereals 2.2%
votes 17

This fermented milk product consists of skimmed milk, sourdough and beneficial bacteria. And to improve the taste, the manufacturer added sugar, concentrated apple and lemon juices. Do not forget that such a drinking product is a source of fiber. This is provided by rye bran and muesli, which are included in this drinkable yogurt. This feature has even more benefits for digestion.

"Activia cereals 2.2%" is available in 290 and 870 ml. 100 grams of the product contains 75 kcal.

The average cost is 135 rubles.

Drinking yogurt Activia cereals 2.2%
  • The product is rich in fiber;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Produced in two different sizes.
  • Contains sugar.

Teos greek natural
votes 28

This product from the Belarusian company "Savushkin" has a mass fraction of fat of 2%. For its manufacture, normalized milk is used, as well as sourdough. The sourdough consists of lactic streptococci and Bulgarian milk bacillus. The composition does not contain additional thickeners, flavors and flavors. But, despite this, this product has a very thick texture, a light creamy aroma, and the taste gives off a slight sourness. It is also worth noting that, unlike regular yogurt, it contains twice as much milk protein.

It also contains no sugar. "Teos Greek Natural" is produced in a plastic cup, the weight of the product is 140 grams. And the calorie content of 100 grams of yogurt is 67 kcal.

The average cost is 40 rubles.

Teos greek natural
  • Natural composition;
  • Thick consistency;
  • Suitable as a good snack;
  • Contains no sugar.
  • Not found.

Epica natural with pineapple
votes 21

This product from the well-known manufacturer "Erhmann" is produced in a plastic cup, it contains 130 grams of yogurt. In its composition, this product has skimmed milk, cream, pribiotics and a large number of pineapple pieces. Locust bean gum and corn starch are used as a thickener. It is worth noting the light but thick consistency of the product, which resembles cottage cheese. So "Epica pineapple" will be an excellent option for breakfast, a light dinner or a snack.

The average cost is 60 rubles.

Epica natural with pineapple
  • Lots of pineapple pieces;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Compound;
  • Thick consistency.
  • Contains sugar.

Danon natural 3.3%
votes 19

The Danon company appeared in our country in the early 90s and has since become very popular among our population. The range of products is quite wide. But, now let's look at natural yogurt. A feature of this product is that it does not contain artificial additives. It consists only of real skimmed milk and sourdough. Thanks to this, it contains all the necessary beneficial bacteria that will undoubtably benefit the work of our intestines. The taste of this product has a slight sourness. It can easily be used for salads or as a base for sauces. It also makes a great snack or breakfast option. And by adding cereals or berries here, you can conduct gastronomic experiments.

"Danon natural 3.3%" is available in three versions: 110.170 and 350 grams. Any of these product options are available in plastic cups. And 100 grams of the product contains 75 kcal.

The average cost is 60 rubles.

Danon natural yoghurt 3.3%
  • Natural composition;
  • Available in three versions;
  • Delicate texture;
  • Suitable for salad dressings or bases for sauces.
  • Not detected.

The best fortified yogurts

Teddy bear, yoghurt enriched with lactulose
votes 13

This enriched product is suitable for use by children from 8 months, but it is also suitable for adults. The composition of the product contains milk, sourdough, consisting of lactic bacteria, lactulose and sugar. Lactulose will not only improve the functioning of the digestive system, but also have a positive effect on human immunity.Thus, by constantly consuming such a fermented milk product, you will strengthen your body as a whole.

It should be noted that this product can be stored no more than 5-7 days in a temperature regime from +2 to +4 degrees. Produced in a plastic cup, which contains 150 grams of yogurt. The calorie content of the product is 88.6 kcal.

The average cost is 50 rubles.

Teddy bear, yoghurt enriched with lactulose
  • Short shelf life;
  • Improves bowel function;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Pleasant taste.
  • Contains sugar;
  • Hard to find for sale.

Simply ABC enriched with bifidobacteria
votes 7

This product from the company "Prosto Azbuka" has a small percentage of fat content, but at the same time it has a thick consistency. It consists of milk, sourdough and bifidobacteria. This product has a pleasant refreshing taste, which has a slight sourness. This product goes well with cereals, berries, and can also be used as a sauce for various casseroles.

"Prosto Azbuka" is available in plastic packaging. Its weight is 150 grams. 100 grams of yogurt contains 72 kcal. The shelf life is 14 days.

The average cost is 50 rubles.

Simply ABC enriched with bifidobacteria
  • Has a slight sourness;
  • Reduced fat content;
  • Suitable for sauces;
  • Short shelf life.
  • Not found.

Alpro Coconut enriched with calcium and vitamins
votes 5

This product from the Belgian company Alpro is suitable for people who do not eat animal products. After all, it does not contain cow's milk, but the basis is soy and coconut milk. Therefore, such a soy version of the dessert will be an excellent substitute for fermented milk products.It has a light texture resembling a cream, and a rich coconut taste will not leave anyone indifferent.

Alpro Coconut is available in a 500 ml plastic cup. 100 grams of the product contains 55 kcal. You can store in the refrigerator for 46 days before opening the package.

The average cost is 300 rubles.

Yoghurt Alpro Coconut enriched with calcium and vitamins
  • Suitable for vegans and people with lactose intolerance;
  • Low calorie;
  • Rich coconut flavor
  • Enriched with vitamins.
  • High price.


The products presented in the rating will delight you not only with their taste, but also with a good composition. Because of this, they have a large number of positive reviews among buyers. Include them in your daily diet, and you will not only get rid of digestive problems, but also improve immunity and lose weight.


