
  1. How to choose the right hunting dog
  2. Classification of hunting dogs
  3. The best breeds of hunting dogs for keeping in an apartment

Rating of the best breeds of hunting dogs to keep in an apartment for 2022

Rating of the best breeds of hunting dogs to keep in an apartment for 2022

The first animal that was tamed by man in ancient times was the dog. Dogs have become not only friends to man, but also good guards and assistants in hunting. Since then, they began to breed breeds that showed themselves in hunting. Each breed of hunting dog has its own characteristics, they are different in size and have certain abilities, but they all strive to help the owner in catching prey. If hunting is just a hobby, and most of the time the animal will live in the city walls, then it is better to choose a breed of hunting dogs that can be kept in an apartment.

How to choose the right hunting dog

Before choosing a dog breed, one should take into account the time of year when the hunt will take place, and the goal pursued by the hunter.Tips from hunters play no small role in choosing a particular breed. But you don't have to blindly follow them. Study each breed separately, take a closer look at exhibitions, talk with the owners about the character of the dog. The dog and the owner should become one in the future, so consider the temperament, behavior and characteristics of the future pet.

The purchase should be made from trusted breeders or specialized nurseries. Here, experts will give the correct information on the content and nutrition of the pet. Be sure to have a pedigree and vaccination passport. In the absence of documents, the owner will not be able to register the dog and hunt with it in the future. You should also learn about the nature of the parents and the existing pathological shortcomings of the purchased pet. It is highly likely that this can all be passed on to the puppy.

If the question arises about what age to take a dog, a puppy or an already adult dog, it is advisable to give preference to the first option. Having taken a puppy, you will be able to engage in its training and upbringing. An adult dog will be more difficult to adjust to yourself. Perhaps she even received the wrong training and will not be able to become a faithful companion on the hunt.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to their number in the litter. It is better to give preference to the litter, where there were no more than six puppies. Such individuals will be stronger and healthier. Sluggish, skinny, or vice versa overfed puppies are not the best option for buying. A good dog should have a shiny coat and a cold and wet nose.

If the choice still fell on an adult dog, before buying it should be checked in the game and the ability to hunt in the field or in the forest.

Classification of hunting dogs

Dogs of small size were bred to hunt animals living in norms. They are classified as burrowing dogs. The hunting behavior of this species is completely different from its domestic disposition. During the fight, even in a difficult situation, they prevail over the enemy, despite the injuries received. The fight is carried out independently, without resorting to outside help. And at home, they prefer to put themselves above the owner, but do not show aggression. Friendly relationships develop both with children and with strangers.

For bird hunting, preference should be given to cops. They have a keen sense of smell and a sonorous voice. In hunting, they independently find prey and point it out to the owner. After the shot, they find the trophy and bring it to the owner. At home, they show themselves peacefully and become a true friend. In Russia, such breeds have been bred for more than a hundred years.

Hound breeds perfectly follow the trail. Thanks to the sonorous voice, the owner will be able to hear their signal even at a great distance. Almost all day long they are active, very energetic and can develop high speed in hunting prey. In everyday life, they have a mild character, do not show aggression, and lend themselves well to training. They also differ in cleanliness.

Greyhounds are suitable for hunting hares or larger game. They work well in a team with other dogs. They strangle their prey, and after that, next to the trophy, they wait for the owner. Having long legs, they can develop a high running speed and pursue their prey for a long time.

The best breeds of hunting dogs for keeping in an apartment


This is one of the most ancient breeds of burrowing dogs. The modern breed began to form in Germany in the 16th century. And by the end of the 18th century, it acquired the modern features of this breed.

It is small in size, has an elongated torso and meek legs. The shape of the muzzle is slightly elongated. The ears are soft and reach to the level of the nose. They also have a protruding chest and a muscular back. The paws are slightly crooked, which helps them to easily get out of the hole. The nails are quite strong, this allows the dachshund to easily break through the holes. In a minute, she can dig a hole up to 45 cm deep.

As for the character, he is rather soft, there is no aggression, he can easily find contact with the owner. But at the same time, pride prevails in her character, for this reason she is difficult to train and does not want to follow commands. Dachshund constantly requires attention. It is important for her to have contact with the owner and lead an active lifestyle. In the absence of constant games, dachshunds show vindictiveness and even aggression.

In case of danger, they show fearlessness and are able to protect the owner. Although they are small in size, they can scare the offender with a loud bark inherent in large breeds.

Adult dogs get along well with children. And puppies with a bad attitude from the child, can respond with aggression. It is important to show your child how to properly treat a pet.

Dachshund puppy can be taken from two months. At this age, they do not need mother's milk. When choosing a pet, it is better to inspect the entire litter. The coat should be thick and free of dandruff. The eyes and nose of good puppies are clear and free of discharge. The room for keeping should not contain extraneous odors, it is also better to give preference to a bright and spacious room. By their nature, dachshunds love to gnaw on objects, so it is better to hide everything important. The first few days, when the puppy will be adapting, you should avoid unnecessary noise and create favorable conditions.

Feed should be regular food combined with dry food. You need to watch your weight. The health of this breed is excellent, but there may be problems with the spine.

The average cost of a tax is 10,000-30,000 rubles, depending on the pedigree.

  • Bravery;
  • Devotion;
  • Burrows quickly;
  • Small size;
  • Not capricious in content.
  • Poorly trainable;
  • Can take revenge on the offender;
  • Puts himself above the owner.

Fox terrier

This breed was bred at the end of the 18th century in Great Britain. There are two types of fox terriers - smooth-haired and wire-haired. Their main difference is only in the quality of wool and the features of caring for it. Plus, the smooth-haired variety is still used as a hunter, and the wire-haired variety has established itself as a reliable companion.

They reach a height of 40 cm at the withers, and an average weight of about 8 kg. But with such a small size, they have high physical strength and endurance. They are capable of attacking a beast that is larger than them. They are used in hunting hares or foxes.

Fox Terriers love outdoor activities. For such a pet, long walks and active games are important. It is not advisable to take a walk without a leash, having seen something interesting for yourself, it can rush without looking back, not paying attention to the owner's commands.

When training a puppy, rigidity should be exercised. Otherwise, the fox terrier will take over the owner. Without training and alone, they become feral and begin to show aggression. They are easy to educate, all the requirements of the owner are quickly remembered. When training, it is better to use active exercises to meet the needs for physical activity.

The smooth-haired fox terrier requires frequent combing, and the wire-haired fox terrier needs to be hand-plucked 2 times a year. You should also trim your nails in a timely manner. This is necessary for hygiene and safety reasons.

You should be careful about the nutrition of fox terriers. They are lovers of food, capable of overeating, which will lead to obesity. Life expectancy in favorable conditions can reach up to 14 years.

The average cost is 20,000 rubles.

  • Good with children;
  • Has great physical strength and endurance;
  • Has good watchdog qualities
  • Need constant physical activity;
  • Difficult to train;
  • Due to great curiosity, walks without a leash are not recommended.

irish setter

It was bred in Ireland, and by the middle of the 19th century it had formed as an independent breed. This breed belongs to large dogs, has a height of 60-65 cm and a weight of about 30 kg. They have long and strong paws, which help to develop a good speed of movement. They have a long hard coat, the color can be from dark red to light red.

The Irish Setter has a friendly nature, constantly needs communication. Adult males become uncommunicative. With insufficient physical activity, they begin to constantly bark or commit dirty tricks. They are easy to train, love to follow commands and actively play with the owner. They like to spend time playing with children, tolerate any pranks and do not show aggression. Contact with other dogs is good, but communication with smaller pets is better to limit. Setters may perceive them as prey.

Having a long coat, the Irish Setter will require daily inspection for litter. The coat should be brushed at least 2-3 times a week.Suitable for living in an apartment, subject to sufficient physical activity and long runs.

When feeding, you should try to give more protein food, but it is important not to overfeed the dog. In general, diseases are rare in this breed, but many can suffer from volvulus and dermatitis. Life expectancy can reach up to 15 years.

The average price is 30,000 rubles.

  • Takes a good trail;
  • Amenable to training;
  • Get along with children;
  • They don't show aggression.
  • Constant need for physical activity;
  • Not suitable as a guard.

English Cocker Spaniel

This breed was bred artificially and approved in 1902 in England. She was subject to the rigid standards of an ideal hunting dog. This created difficulties for the further increase in the number of the breed. But now the requirements have changed, which has created the spread of the Cocker Spaniel around the world.

The Cocker Spaniel can grow up to 36 cm and weigh up to 10 kg. They have a large, well-shaped head and round, dark eyes. The coat is medium length, soft and silky. Representatives of this variety of spaniels are found in different colors. Thanks to their large, webbed feet, they are excellent swimmers, moving through swamps and reeds. They also have excellent sense of smell and eyesight, which is very important for a hunting dog.

They have a gentle nature and a cheerful disposition. They show devotion to the owner if they receive enough love and affection from him. If they live in a large family, then with one person they will have a special closeness. They are easy to train and love to please their owner. But there are cases of disobedience and stubbornness.They get along well with children and strangers, do not show aggression.

Caring for a Cocker Spaniel will require a lot of time and effort. Since the coat is long, it will have to be constantly combed out, it is necessary to accustom to this process from early childhood. Just once 1-2 months it must be subjected to a haircut. Ears require daily inspection. And once a week, treat with a special solution. Nails should be trimmed once a month.

Cardiovascular and leg problems may occur, but this is not common. In general, this is a fairly healthy dog. Life expectancy can reach up to 15 years.

The average cost is 20,000 rubles.

  • Soft character;
  • Easy to get along with children;
  • Good for training;
  • They are good at tracking prey.
  • Require constant care.


The shorthaired pointer was bred in Germany. Considered a versatile hunting dog. Can hunt both in water and on land. Growth reaches about 60 cm, and weight - up to 32 kg. Puppies are light in color, darkening with age. Kurzhaars are slender with well-developed muscles, have long legs and a straight back. The shape of the head is elongated, with powerful jaws and drooping ears. The length of the wool is not more than 2 cm, it is thick and hard. Basically, with this breed they hunt birds, but it will easily help to catch large game.

In addition to excellent hunting abilities, the shorthaired pointer proves to be a reliable guard and companion. Constantly strives to please its owner. Constantly needs attention and loves to spend time with his family. With a lack of activity, it can become aggressive or shy.The owner must show his dominance, not show weakness, otherwise the kurtshaar may become uncontrollable. Easily trainable. Execution of even the most simple commands brings great satisfaction.

Kurzhaars do not require much maintenance. The coat needs to be brushed about once a week. Bathe only as needed. Frequent bathing can ruin the coat and make it brittle.

Shorthaired Pointers may have a cleft palate or vision problems, as well as epilepsy. Life expectancy is 12-14 years.

The average cost is 30,000 rubles.

  • Universal hunting breed;
  • Do not require special care;
  • Easy to train;
  • Gets along well with people;
  • Strongly developed maternal instinct.
  • Does not tolerate loneliness;
  • Barks a lot.


In their usual form, Labradors were formed in England by the beginning of the 19th century. They are about 60 cm tall and can weigh up to 40 kg. Labradors have a short and soft coat. They have a strong body, with a broad chest. The muzzle is square in shape with drooping ears. They are black, chocolate and fawn.

Received their recognition for their good character. Easily approach strangers if they do not pose a threat. They understand a person not only on an intellectual level, but also on an emotional one. As an assistant when hunting, I have an excellent flair and a soft grip that allows me not to spoil the prey.

In relation to children, they take care, which makes them excellent nannies. They not only play with children, but also protect them from unwanted actions. Constantly strive to please the owner and show obedience.

Developed intelligence requires constant training, which they easily give in to.They can be trained to help people in poor health and act as guides. Labradors are very energetic, they need physical activity and long walks. They love to bark, but they stop when given the right command.

The Labrador's coat requires brushing a couple of times a week. Pay attention to the eyes and ears. Bathing is required at least once a week.

In general, Labradors are in good health. But some representatives may have dysplasia. Positive life can reach up to 15 years.

The average cost is 30,000 rubles.

  • Suitable for quiet and leisurely hunters;
  • Can help people with poor health;
  • Good with children;
  • Learns quickly;
  • Has a soft character.
  • Requires at least an hour of activity per day.

Keeping a dog in an apartment causes more worries and no less responsibility. Most breeds are suitable for living even in a small apartment. Do not forget to satisfy the pet's needs for a walk and outdoor activities, then the appearance of a new family member will bring only joy.

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