
  1. What are
  2. Requirements for toothpastes for sensitive teeth
  3. Ideal composition
  4. Dentist advice
  5. Rating of quality products from 70 to 500 rubles
  6. Rating of products of the middle price segment
  7. Product rating at a price of 600 rubles
  8. Conclusion

The best toothpastes for sensitive teeth in 2022

The best toothpastes for sensitive teeth in 2022

The reason for the sensitivity of the teeth is the violation of the integrity of the enamel and the availability of access to the dentin. This is not a pathology. The problem can occur with a completely healthy oral cavity. Mostly smokers feel discomfort, people who do not eat right, do not adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, which leads to a lack of calcium or abrasion of enamel.

The best manufacturers have filled the market with popular models of pastes: with mint and berry flavors, for children and adults, in various sizes, with herbs and plants, with a whitening effect and without fluorine. Before you get rid of the problem, you need to find the source of the trouble and choose the right product. It should not only minimize the reaction to an external stimulus, but also provide protection, as well as relieve pain.

What are

Products came into use in the 30s of the last century and replaced powders. Everyone liked the convenient packaging in the form of a tube. The main advantages of the product are plasticity, portability, compactness, ideal taste characteristics. Popular models included glycerin, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, chemically precipitated chalk, sodium lauryl sulfate, perfume oil, water, preservative, fragrances. Over time, novelties of both domestic and foreign production began to be produced, including active components, the main purpose of which is therapeutic and therapeutic - preventive action.

All manufactured products are divided into three main types:

Type ofDescription
TherapeuticConsists of active ingredients. Fight pathology. They are prescribed for oral candidiasis, act as antifungal agents.
HygienicUsed to fight deposits. Suitable for deodorizing the mouth.
Treatment and prophylacticThey are used to prevent the risk of periodontitis or other diseases, eliminate their negative factors.

Therapeutic and preventive products are divided into the following subgroups:

  1. Deodorants. The substance contains antiseptics.
  2. Having a positive effect on the mineralization of dental tissues. In the manufacture, calcium and fluorine compounds, macro- and microelements, phosphates are used.
  3. Struggling with the appearance of dental plaque. They consist of enzymes, antiseptics, fluorine compounds and mineral salts.
  4. Treating periodontitis and mucous membranes. Used for bleeding gums. The substance contains anti-inflammatory agents, antiseptics, enzymes, biologically active substances, hemostatic components, mineral salts.
  5. Minimizing the risk of tartar formation. They consist of abrasive substances and crystallization inhibitors.
  6. Whitening. Includes abrasive components, crystallization inhibitors and sodium borate.
  7. For sensitive teeth. In the manufacture, ingredients such as potassium and strontium compounds, formalin are used.

Therapeutic and prophylactic drugs are also divided into:

  1. Combined. They consist of two or more therapeutic and prophylactic substances, the main task of which is to cure and prevent the oral cavity.
  2. Complex. They are made from one or more therapeutic and prophylactic ingredients that fight pathological processes.

Based on the method of application, products can be divided into the following types:

  • for single use;
  • for daily care;
  • for easy rubbing and application after brushing your teeth.

Requirements for toothpastes for sensitive teeth

Criteria for choosing hygiene products are different for everyone. Some choose a citrus flavor, others - with a plant extract, others are interested in an instant effect, for the fourth, the main thing is to reduce sensitivity to hot and cold. Mistakes in the choice should not be made, otherwise a positive effect will never come. What to look for when choosing the right product? According to buyers, the product should have the following functionality:

  1. Quickly and efficiently clean mineralized plaque and remove food debris.
  2. Have a pleasant taste.
  3. Have excellent refreshing and deodorizing qualities.
  4. Have a stable composition.
  5. Do not cause irritation and allergies.
  6. Completely exclude the growth and reproduction of pathogens.
  7. Be neutral.
  8. Consist of cleansing and polishing components.
  9. It's nice to smell.
  10. Have a great look and feel.

Everyone decides for himself which product is better to buy. The main condition is that it satisfies the needs of a person, quickly and efficiently solves the tasks assigned to him, and does not lead to side effects.

Ideal composition

The recommendations of experts boil down to the following: before making a final decision on which company is better to purchase products, you must carefully read its composition. What substances must be present without fail? The main list looks like this:

  1. Pyrophosphates. Prevent the appearance of plaque and stones, slow down the growth of bacteria.
  2. Fluorine. Remineralizes enamel, helps to strengthen its structure. Fights cariogenic bacteria, minimizes the risk of plaque formation. The main purpose is to strengthen the teeth.
  3. Xylitol. Helps fight caries. Belongs to the category of natural components. Eliminates pathogenic bacteria.Remineralizes the coating, makes it durable.
  4. zinc citrate. Prevents minerals from hardening and bacteria from multiplying.
  5. Bromelain, papain. natural component. Ideal for high sensitivity.
  6. Carbamide peroxide. Helps brighten enamel without damaging it. An integral component of whitening products.
  7. Extracts of chamomile, sage, oak bark. Ideal remedy for bleeding gums. Removes inflammation. The main components of organic products.
  8. Chlorhexidine. Strong antiseptic. Disinfects, with a healing effect, will quickly put the oral cavity in order.
  9. Peptides. Components are classified as organic. Regulate the state of the cells. Restore damaged areas.
  10. Nano-hydroxyapatite. Designed to strengthen the enamel, its renewal and remineralization. Fills microcracks. A key element of high-value goods.

Dentist advice

The question of where to buy and how to choose the right pasta is not an idle one. A review of user reviews shows that it is impossible to deal with the problem if the wrong product is purchased. The main recommendations of experts are as follows:

  1. If there is inflammation of the gums and they bleed, you should pay attention to pastes based on chlorhexidine, plant extracts, essential oils and allantoin.
  2. In case of tooth hypersensitivity, it is necessary to use low-abrasive products that contain strontium / potassium chloride, sodium nitrate, hydroxyapatite.
  3. To get a radiant smile, you should pay attention to products with papain, carbamide peroxide, bromelain.
  4. In order to avoid the appearance of caries, it is better to use substances with sodium fluoride, calcium glycerophosphate, xylitol, aminofluoride.
  5. As for children's pastes, only sparing components, such as hydroxyapatite, dicalcium phosphate, silicon dioxide, should be used in their manufacture.
  6. Pregnant women should pay attention to anti-caries and remineralizing pastes.

It must be borne in mind that no matter how much the product costs, it cannot be universal. You need to select the paste individually, to solve your own problems. Dentists recommend not to become attached to one product, but to update the assortment regularly. If you use the same composition for a long time, the useful properties of the component are leveled. It is advisable to use one in the morning (for example, whitening), and in the evening another strengthening paste.

Do not lose sight of the abrasiveness of products. Almost all the goods presented on the shelves of stores are produced with the function of grinding, cleaning from plaque and abrading enamel. The degree of abrasiveness is affected not only by the quality of the abrasive, but also by its quantity. The larger the particles, the deeper the impact. The optimal value for sensitive teeth is 30.

It is advisable to avoid the presence of such components in the composition:

  • triclogard and triclosan (strong antibiotics);
  • SLES / SLS (foaming components that adversely affect the mucous membrane);
  • calcium carbonate (scratches the surface);
  • aluminum compounds (have a negative effect on the human body).

Rating of quality products from 70 to 500 rubles

Splat Sensitive

A special tool used to regenerate enamel and reduce sensitivity. The main component is hydroxyapatite. He qualitatively clogs the tubules with himself, preventing external stimuli from penetrating there. Other components are antibacterial and antiseptic in nature.Stop bleeding gums, perfectly clean plaque. The consistency is thick, pale yellow. Little foam is formed. The taste is neutral, with a slight minty aftertaste. Gently bleaches.

The average price is 122 rubles.

toothpaste Splat Sensitive
  • safety;
  • anti-inflammatory properties;
  • does not create a lot of foam;
  • mild cleansing;
  • balanced composition;
  • removes sensitivity.
  • bleaching is insignificant;
  • freshness does not last long.

Biomed Sensitive

A tool designed for daily use. After application, the freshness and cleanliness of the oral cavity is felt for a long time, the pain is practically not felt. The texture is dense, the shade is pale pink, no inclusions are visible. Slightly sweet, with a barely noticeable aftertaste of grapes. Foaming at a moderate level. The manufacturer guarantees complete safety. The effect is felt after the first use. Can be used from the age of six.

The purchase price is 78 rubles.

Biomed Sensitive toothpaste
  • inexpensive;
  • practical;
  • convenient to use;
  • safe;
  • excellent composition;
  • quickly solves the problem of sensitivity;
  • family option;
  • gentle qualities;
  • everyone likes the taste and aroma;
  • improves the quality of the coating.
  • for extrusion, efforts must be made;
  • there are age restrictions.

Blend-a-med Pro-Expert

According to buyers, there is no better plaque paste. Relatively inexpensive but functional. Produced by a German company. Effectively reduces sensitivity. In addition to reducing pain, it also whitens enamel perfectly. Belongs to the category of soft. Works gently.The main components are potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride. Fluoride is present in trace amounts. Two weeks is enough to feel the improvement.

The average price is 150 rubles.

Blend-a-med Pro-Expert toothpaste
  • reduces sensitivity;
  • strengthens enamel;
  • can be purchased both in a network of pharmacies and ordered online in an online store;
  • positive reviews;
  • functionality;
  • efficiency;
  • action speed.
  • not installed.

Natura Siberica Natura Kamchatka

Cleanser for sensitive teeth. In the manufacture, natural extracts of algae are used, which improve the condition of the enamel. Not only polishes, but also eliminates dirt. The consistency is creamy. Delicately pink. The tube is made of safe and high quality materials. Mild taste, the oral cavity is not irritated. Moderate foam is formed.

You can buy goods at a price of 188 rubles per unit.

toothpaste Natura Siberica Natura Kamchatka
  • positive reviews;
  • high-quality cleaning;
  • strengthening effect;
  • pleasant aftertaste;
  • comfortable texture;
  • moderate foam;
  • value for money;
  • safety;
  • nullifies the sensitivity.
  • not always available for sale.

President Sensitive

Dentists advise using the product at least 2 times a day. Promotes remineralization, prevents caries and strengthens enamel. Goods from the Italian manufacturer. Abrasiveness coefficient - 25. The substance contains plant extracts of linden, chamomile, mint. The consistency is dense. Fluoride at 1350 ppm. Delicate blue. Reviews are only positive. With a pleasant minty aroma.Foam does not form much. Economic consumption. Quickly and efficiently get rid of plaque. The result is from the start of use within four weeks.

The purchase price is 189 rubles.

PresiDent Sensitive toothpaste
  • the composition belongs to the category of combined;
  • light aroma;
  • helps to strengthen the enamel;
  • little foam;
  • helps to reduce sensitivity;
  • long enough.
  • freshness in the mouth disappears quickly.

Colgate_Sensitive Pro-Relief

Goods of Polish origin are very popular among Russians. The patented Pro-Argin formula is used in the production, the essence of which is to seal the dentinal channels and minimize pain. Dentists advise using the substance several times during the day, and rub it in for 1.5 minutes. White substance. Inclusions and fillers are not used. The presence of a dense consistency is noted. An instant effect has not been established, although the effect occurs fairly quickly. It has pleasant minty notes.

The average price is 184 rubles.

Colgate_Sensitive Pro-Relief toothpaste
  • freshens breath;
  • does not foam;
  • regeneration of problem areas;
  • unique formula;
  • economical spending.
  • after use, a slight burning sensation in the mouth is felt.

Blend-a-Med 3D White Whitening Therapy

Product from a German manufacturer. It is very popular with people suffering from excessive sensitivity. It helps not only to eliminate pain, but also to lighten the coating. Gentle on gums. White paste with fine coarse sand. A little watery. Gives a lot of foam. A lot of people don't like the mint flavor that lasts for a long time.It refreshes well, the effect lasts for a long time.

The average cost is 154 rubles.

Blend-a-Med 3D White Whitening Therapy toothpaste
  • excellent freshness;
  • balanced composition;
  • efficiency;
  • practicality;
  • economy;
  • acceptable price.
  • spreads over the brush.

Sensodyne C (with fluoride)

An ideal product for those who have already acquired crowns. Issued in the UK. Users are surprised by the budget cost and respectable efficiency. Deeply penetrates into the layers of dentin. It has a positive effect on internal channels. Nerve fibers become immune to pain. Fluoride and potassium nitrate remove inflammation, strengthen teeth. Best used in the morning with soft bristled brushes. Not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

The purchase price is 187 rubles.

Sensodyne C toothpaste (with fluoride)
  • efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • practicality;
  • functionality;
  • with strengthening features.
  • There are age restrictions.

Rating of products of the middle price segment


Products are manufactured in Germany. Calcium chloride and strontium acetate are responsible for blocking pain. The course of the drug will reduce the sensitivity. The total amount of fluorine ions is 1476 ppm. To consolidate the result, you will need to undergo a course of treatment for several weeks. At the same time, you will need to brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening. At the same time, do small intervals every 20 to 25 days. The product is not suitable for children. White color, no inclusions. There is a pleasant minty aftertaste. The foam is practically non-existent.

The purchase price is 226 rubles.

toothpaste Lacalut_Extra-Sensitive
  • relieves pain;
  • efficiency;
  • economy;
  • freshness is preserved for a long time;
  • prevents the formation of caries.
  • not everyone likes the taste.

Sensjdyne Instant effect

Product from an English company. Instantly reduces pain. Contains 1450 ppm fluoride. After application, no more than 60 seconds will pass and a positive effect on the face. The method of application is classic. The presence of a dense consistency in a white substance is noted. Sweetish product with minty notes. Refreshes very well. Foaming at an average level. User reviews are only positive. The product contains a certain amount of parabens, which confuses some buyers.

The average cost is 209 rubles.

toothpaste Sensjdyne Instant effect
  • pleasant aroma;
  • practicality;
  • safety;
  • pleasant aftertaste;
  • refreshing effect;
  • instant pain relief.
  • the presence of parabens.

Blancx_Denti Sensible Sensitive-Teeth

It is sold not in a tube, but in a round bottle. Reduces pain, promotes the recovery of teeth and gums. Above - a button, by pressing which the valve opens and the product is squeezed out. Taste is minty. The consistency is dense, white with blue patches. There is a little bit of salt. Fakes are not for sale. The Italian manufacturer produces a safe and effective toothpaste for sensitive teeth with low abrasiveness.

The purchase price is 280 rubles.

Blancx_Denti Sensible Sensitive-Teeth toothpaste
  • removes sensitivity;
  • convenience of packing;
  • practicality;
  • comfort of use;
  • value for money;
  • visible result;
  • minimum consumption;
  • pleasant aftertaste;
  • aroma;
  • made from useful ingredients.
  • contains parabens.

Mexidol dent Sensitive

Ideal for those who are tired of constant aching pain and bleeding gums. Potassium nitrate eliminates pain, strengthens enamel. The abrasiveness index is at a minimum level. Feel free to use the paste. Gel-like, pinkish shade. There is a delicate minty aroma, although it does not last long in the mouth. Prevents caries. Gently removes plaque. Protects enamel and gums. The composition contains parabens, and some do not like it.

Sellers ask for 288 rubles for the goods.

Mexidol dent Sensitive toothpaste
  • minimal abrasiveness;
  • value for money;
  • useful ingredients;
  • efficiency;
  • not much foam
  • pleasant aftertaste;
  • long preservation of freshness;
  • eliminates sensitivity and bleeding gums.
  • the presence of parabens.

R.O.C.S. Sensitive Repair & Whitening

Means with a high abrasiveness index - 40. Quickly and efficiently cleans teeth, removes plaque, whitens. Enamel becomes strong and shiny. Covers all small cracks. Minimizes the possibility of the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms, due to which caries appears. The consistency is like a gel. The color is pale blue. There are dark blue dots. The smell is slightly sweet, with citrus notes. Gently acts on the tongue, lips and gums, without freezing them. Abrasive particles are too small, do not injure the enamel. User reviews are extremely positive.There are no fluorides, parabens, aggressive abrasives and other harmful components in the composition, which many people like.

Retail outlets put up goods at a price of 212 rubles.

R.O.C.S toothpaste Sensitive Repair & Whitening
  • with lightening function;
  • optimal composition;
  • economy of spending;
  • mucosa is not irritated.
  • not suitable for plaque removal.

Product rating at a price of 600 rubles

Biorepair Plus, 75 ml

The product is intended for use in order to reduce the hypersensitivity of enamel, whitening, eliminating plaque, minimizing the risk of caries, with gum recession. Fluorine is absent. Performs the main task - protects the gums from the negative effects of external stimuli. Produced in an Italian plant. The presence of extracts of calendula, spirulina and witch hazel can soothe the pain. Can be used by children over six years of age.

The average price is 689 rubles.

Biorepair Plus toothpaste, 75 ml
  • efficiency;
  • safety;
  • balanced composition;
  • value for money;
  • practicality;
  • ease of use.
  • missing.


Ideal for hypersensitive teeth. The paste belongs to the category of two-phase. Restores enamel, helps prevent caries, provides comprehensive protection of the oral cavity. The product has been clinically tested, and has shown its effectiveness and safety. There are no significant contraindications. Available in two versions: blue and orange. Used at the same time.

The average cost is 890 rubles.

toothpaste RemarsGel
  • restoration of weakened enamel;
  • minimizes the risk of caries;
  • decreased sensitivity;
  • normalization of the state of the oral cavity;
  • protection against demineralization.
  • missing.

Apadent Total Care (mineralizing), 60 ml

The product is designed specifically for hypersensitive teeth. Helps to gently remove plaque and restore tooth enamel. Produced at Japanese production facilities under the Apadent brand. Contains hydroxyapatite. Fluorine is not used in the manufacture. Helps to restore the original appearance of damaged enamel, fills in microcracks and scratched areas, restores smoothness and natural shine. Economic consumption. If you brush your teeth once a day, then a 60 ml tube will last for a whole month. To fully cleanse, a paste with a small pea is enough.

There are no serious contraindications. The composition is so gentle and balanced that it can be used by children and pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers. It will not harm those who use briquettes. Silicon dioxide will whiten your teeth and remove plaque from them. The abrasiveness is minimal. Constant use of the paste will make your smile perfect and dazzling.

The purchase price is 1539 rubles.

Apadent Total Care toothpaste (mineralizing), 60 ml
  • ease of use;
  • economy;
  • efficiency;
  • safety;
  • no contraindications;
  • functionality.
  • not identified.

Apadent Perio, 90 g

Japanese made products. Sold in tubes of 90 grams. The main component is hydroxyapatite. Fluorine is absent. It has a positive effect on the condition of the gums, eliminates their bleeding.The composition is completely balanced, dangerous components are not included there. The paste prevents caries, restores the normal flora of the oral cavity, prevents the growth and reproduction of bacteria, relieves inflammation, and strengthens the gums. Quickly and efficiently relieve excessive sensitivity. Can be applied every day. There are no serious contraindications. Dentists recommend the product even to children and pregnant women.

The average cost is 2179 rubles.

toothpaste Apadent Perio, 90 g
  • universal;
  • functional;
  • a lot of positive characteristics;
  • safe;
  • efficient.
  • the price is high.


Many people think with horror how they should brush their teeth every day or eat cold or hot food. It's all because of the excessive sensitivity of the teeth due to the exposure of the dantin. To avoid this problem, you need to listen to the opinion of dentists and choose a special toothpaste to use. It helps to “seal” exposed tubules or strengthen worn enamel to remove external irritants that lead to pain.

Today, specialized retail outlets will offer a choice of a huge range of products, both domestic and foreign, at an affordable price and expensive. The main thing that you should pay special attention to is the composition of the product. It should contain useful components that will not only eliminate the risk of pain, but also have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and healing characteristics. Such pastes will help to tidy up the oral cavity, remove bleeding gums, strengthen enamel, and make your smile radiant.

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