
  1. What are the magazines
  2. Top Publishers
  3. Rating of the best magazines for children
  4. Where could I buy
  5. How to choose

Ranking of the best magazines for children for 2022

Ranking of the best magazines for children for 2022

Those who now bear the proud title of moms and dads probably remember how in childhood they were looking forward to the release of the next issue of Murzilka, Merry Pictures or other magazines and newspapers. Running a race to the mailbox, reading and discussing together, the invariable “Let me read!” from peers to whom parents did not subscribe ...

Despite the fact that the Internet now reigns everywhere, paper magazines have survived. They carry an indescribable charm that the screen of a tablet or smartphone lacks. In addition, do not forget that giving a child the opportunity to surf the net without limits is not the best way of education, which can lead to negative consequences. A colorful magazine is a great tool that can distract a child from the monitor.

After reading, you can start a discussion of articles, solve charades together or play games that are published there. This will allow you to better establish contact with the child, which will benefit both him and the family.

What are the magazines

Most periodicals combine gaming and educational sections. The exceptions are those that are a continuation of popular cartoons. Such publications as "Playing with Barbie", "Luntik", "Tom and Jerry", "Mickey Mouse" are devoid of deep meaning. They abound with colorful illustrations that are interesting to look at, but such magazines are of no practical use. As an exception, Prostokvashino can be called, which not only demonstrates the adventures of your favorite characters in the pictures, but also contains interesting articles and tasks.

Modern publications that can be recommended are divided into two large groups: those issued in the traditional paper format and electronic ones. Many paper publications have their own website, but not all of them are available online.

It is possible to subdivide different publications according to the subject to which they are devoted:

  • for girls (“Playing with Barbie”) and boys (“Young Technician for Children”);
  • for preschoolers ("Svirelka", "Funny Pictures") and younger schoolchildren ("Prostokvashino", "Murzilka");
  • magazines devoted to children's creativity ("Spring", "Children's Newspaper");
  • monothematic, in which each issue is devoted to a separate topic (“Backpack with a surprise”, “Sparrows”) and multi-thematic, combining many headings (“Anthill”, “Why and why”);
  • popular science (“GEOLenok”, “CHIP for Children”) and literary and artistic (“Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind”, “Cucumber”).

Editions are also divided according to the age of the audience for which they are intended.

  1. 0-3 years. Despite the fact that at this age most children still cannot read, they will be interested in magazines primarily due to bright, colorful pictures with objects that are understandable to them. They allow you to get to know the world better, teach you to recognize things and respond to them. Among these publications, one can note "For the very smallest" and "Rattle".
  2. 3-7 years. This is the age of active knowledge of the world. Kids learn to read, write, fill up adults with a million questions on a variety of topics. They are curious and inquisitive, so they will certainly be interested in the magazine, from which they can learn a lot of new and interesting things for themselves. The main focus is the development of speech, writing and thinking. Looking at pictures at this age is also interesting, so the issue should be not only useful, but also colorful. Examples of publications are "Sparrow" and "Karapuz".
  3. 7-14 years old. Magazines for schoolchildren are more practical than those intended for younger audiences. Along with interesting articles, various master classes can be presented in them. Thus, not only labor skills are developed, but also imagination, creativity, creative abilities. Examples include Murzilka and Masterilka.

Top Publishers

Periodical literature for children is published by many publishing houses both in Russia and abroad.Among the best are the following:

  1. Publishing house "Open systems".
  2. Publishing house "Press Courier".
  3. Egmont Publishing.
  4. Publishing house "Uniline".
  5. IP Antipenko Yulia Igorevna.
  6. LLC "Bukvitsa"
  7. LLC "Publishing House" EMA ".
  8. OOO Editorial Board of the Murzilka Magazine.
  9. OOO "Slavia Plus"
  10. LLC Publishing House "Liber-Dom".

Rating of the best magazines for children

The selection includes the best publications in paper and electronic format, which are always popular with children. They are colorful, interesting and able to teach a lot.

Rating of the best printed magazines for children

This rating presents periodicals issued in the traditional paper format. These editions can be kept, passed on to younger children, used for games and crafts.

3/9 Kingdom

Age: from 6 years old

Subscription price - from 49.89 rubles.

In this edition, children will meet the heroes of their favorite fairy tales. Interesting stories are complemented by colorful, high-quality drawings. In addition to stories, there is drawing by dots, mathematical riddles, chainwords, tasks to find differences and much more. The volume of the publication is 32 pages, published monthly. The publisher is Uniline LLC. Subscription index P2103.

  • high-quality printing;
  • interesting content;
  • familiar characters;
  • affordable cost.
  • repetitive tasks of the same type.

Funny pictures

Age: from 0 years old

Subscription price - from 224 rubles.

The magazine beloved by many generations is 66 years old. It is intended for children of all ages, including the little ones, and is a good occasion to get together with the whole family. Its distinguishing feature is popular baby books. In one issue - 36 pages, published once a month. Publishing house IP Antipenko Julia Igorevna.Subscription index П1963. There is a website, where you can subscribe to both paper and electronic versions of "Funny Pictures".

  • published for a long time;
  • interesting for children of all ages;
  • colorful performance;
  • support in the form of a website where you can subscribe and buy the missing numbers;
  • It is published in both paper and electronic format.
  • not found.

Girls are boys. School of crafts

Age: from 10 years old

Subscription price - from 290.32 rubles.

The main objective of this publication is the development of creative skills and creative thinking. It is equally interesting for both girls and boys. A variety of master classes, interesting articles about the history of handicrafts, stories about masters will appeal to many. Publisher - IP Minaev A.V. Subscription index - П2032. A limited version can be found at

  • develops creative skills;
  • accustoms to work and perseverance;
  • interesting ideas;
  • online support.
  • some master classes are difficult for students to complete.


Age: from 0 years old

Subscription price - from 40.10 rubles.

The colorful edition is distinguished not only by bright drawings, but also by fairly dense pages, as it is printed on high-quality paper. In addition to educational material, it contains games, puzzles, crossword puzzles, comics, cutout toys. Publisher - LLC "Press Courier". Subscription index P2240. There are 32 pages in one issue. On the Ezhik.rus website, you can see the announcement of the new issue, as well as subscribe.

  • easy to find on sale (kiosks of Rospechat, Magnit stores, etc.);
  • printing quality;
  • suitable for children of different ages;
  • low cost;
  • support on the ezhik.rus website.
  • not found.

Playing with Barbie

Age: from 0 years old

Subscription price - from 181.27 rubles.

Dedicated to one of the most popular dolls - Barbie. Interesting stories and adventures, new outfits and exciting fun await girls on the pages of this colorful edition. The volume ranges from 24 to 32 pages. Publisher - JSC Publishing House Lev. Subscription index P4229.

  • colorful printing;
  • a character popular with many girls;
  • interesting stories.
  • little educational material;
  • boys are not interested.


Age: 9-13 years old

Subscription price - from 184.86 rubles.

From the issues of "Quantum" children learn a lot about mathematics, physics and other natural sciences. Boring school truths are presented in a fascinating language that can arouse interest in learning even among those who initially did not like these subjects. Along with informative articles, it contains experiments, as well as games. On the site you can not only subscribe to the paper version, but also get acquainted with a part of each issue for free. Publishing house MTSNMO. Subscription index PM068. Volume - 32 pages.

  • cognitive value;
  • stimulates the desire to learn;
  • clear style of presentation;
  • experiments, games and competitions;
  • some of the materials are available for free review.
  • not found.

The world of technology for children

Age: from 12 years old

Subscription price - from 197.76 rubles.

This option will primarily be of interest to boys. From it they will learn a lot about tanks and planes, ships and cars, get acquainted with the history of weapons produced in Russia and abroad. Publisher - IP Bakursky Viktor Alexandrovich. Subscription index - П4452. Published once a month, volume - 40 pages.

  • serious approach to writing articles;
  • historically reliable material;
  • quality printing.
  • girls are of little interest.


Age: 6-12 years old

Subscription price - from 321.04 rubles. per month

A monthly publication that has consistently won the hearts of different generations since 1924. On the pages of this literary and artistic publication you can find fairy tales and stories, comics and poems, games and quizzes. Publisher - limited liability company "Editorial office of the magazine" Murzilka ". One issue has 46 pages. You can subscribe to the Russian Post catalog, subscription index P1247. There is also a website:, where you can also subscribe and buy the missing archive issues.

  • a publication that has proven itself with almost a century of history;
  • a lot of educational materials;
  • support in the form of a website where you can purchase the missing numbers.
  • price.

Toshka and company

Age: from 0 years old

Subscription price - from 86.86 rubles.

This edition will allow you to get to know the world around you better. Stories about different animals can awaken interest in biology, geography and other natural sciences. Suitable for children of any age. Published once a month, 36 pages. Publishing house JSC "Publishing House" Lev ". Subscription index P4534.

  • interesting current topics;
  • great educational value;
  • suitable for children of all ages;
  • quality printing;
  • affordable cost.
  • not found.

Young naturalist

Age: from 12 years old

Subscription price - from 1228.04 rubles.

The legendary scientific journal, published since 1924, is dedicated to wildlife and the surrounding world. It will assist in the study of biology, natural history and ecology, increase interest in nature and issues of its protection.An excellent book to read with family and friends. Publishing house - LLC Editorial office of the magazine "Young Naturalist". Subscription index - П6411. Published once a month, volume - 54 pages.

  • a lot of instructive and informative materials;
  • quizzes and contests with prizes;
  • electronic version with part of the materials;
  • quality illustrations;
  • is trusted and popular with readers.
  • price.

Rating of the best electronic magazines for children

This rating contains publications presented in electronic format. They are guaranteed to get to their subscribers, and they can be read anytime, anywhere and from any electronic device with Internet access.


Age: from 0 years old


The free electronic magazine offers its readers fairy tales and songs, coloring books and computer games. A separate page is devoted to Yuri Kuklachev's cat theater. When preparing materials, editors are guided by feedback from readers who write what age children they would like to see new articles and games for.

  • all materials are free;
  • a large archive has been accumulated;
  • active feedback;
  • suitable for children of different ages;
  • many informative articles.
  • may have difficulty downloading;
  • primitive design;
  • unwanted advertising on the site.


Age: 9-14 years old


The cognitive interactive magazine will not only offer its readers various educational materials, but also invite them to become co-authors. The main headings are “School”, “Museum”, “Library”, “Cinema”, “Archival”, “Laugh room”. Much attention is paid to the patriotic education of children and adolescents. There are sections devoted to geography, sports, animals, etc.

  • cognitive value;
  • patriotic orientation;
  • historical information;
  • the opportunity to become co-authors.
  • illustrated quite simply.


Age: from 7 years old


This edition is informative, developing and applied. It will be equally interesting for both boys and girls. The main headings are "Competitions", "Reader", "Rivets", "Smile", "Cinema Hall", "Game Library". The main characters are the girl Klepa and her pets, the dog Filippych and the bird Kapi-Kapi.

  • a lot of informative information;
  • develops imagination and creativity;
  • many interesting headings;
  • quizzes and contests;
  • free access.
  • not found.

Read on

Age: from 6 years old


An interactive magazine for children of all ages, where you can find fairy tales, stories about the life of writers and scientists, fun games and puzzles. In the "Smart Hands" section, children will learn how to make simple original crafts. The site is updated once a month.

  • free access;
  • a lot of educational material;
  • historical rubric;
  • craft ideas.
  • craft layouts are difficult to print in the desired format.


Age: 6-12 years old


On this site you can find stories, educational materials, a variety of games. Much attention is paid to the patriotic education of children, the headings "My Motherland - Russia" and "Hero of my country" are devoted to this. You can read about sports development in the section "Sport Time", and laugh heartily - in the section "Anecdotes".

  • clear navigation;
  • free access;
  • cognitive value;
  • patriotic orientation.
  • some materials are difficult to understand for younger students.

Where could I buy

There are several options for purchasing children's periodicals.

  1. Subscription to the Russian Post catalog. Gives a guarantee that each number will be delivered to the address. The disadvantages include the fact that not all numbers can be equally interesting, as well as a significant amount of expenses if the subscription is made for a long time. Also, theft of numbers from the mailbox is not ruled out.
  2. In kiosks and periodicals. An indisputable advantage is that you can familiarize yourself with each issue before the moment of purchase and understand how interesting it is. The disadvantages include the fact that popular publications can quickly be dismantled, which is why not all issues can be purchased.
  3. Subscribing online on websites of periodicals. A convenient option that allows you to be guaranteed to receive each issue without the risk of being lost or stolen from your mailbox. The magazine can be viewed on a computer, tablet, smartphone - at any time and in any convenient way. The disadvantages include the fact that this method increases dependence on electronic gadgets, and there is such a problem, it is better to dwell on paper options.
  4. Acquisition in the marketplaces Ozon, Yandex Market and others. These trading platforms also feature copies of periodicals, which can be bought both individually and in series in several issues at once. The advantage is the lower price. The disadvantages are that not all desired releases may be available.

How to choose

When choosing children's literature, it is necessary to focus primarily on the age of the child and his interests.Children who love wildlife are unlikely to be interested in a construction magazine, and vice versa. At the same time, if parents set themselves the goal of developing any inclinations or abilities, they can be guided by their own wishes, unless this meets with sharp rejection on the part of the child.

It is necessary to pay attention to the direction of the publication, which can be entertaining or scientific and educational. The second is much more practical than the first, but up to a certain age, children will be interested in looking at the pictures, and not analyzing the text.

Most paper and online publications are distributed by subscription. Having issued it for a short period of time, for example, for one or three months, you can understand how interesting the magazine is and meets expectations. If the reality coincided with expectations or even exceeded them, the subscription can be safely renewed. If not, this step will avoid unnecessary costs.

You can also purchase a trial copy at the points of sale of periodicals and familiarize yourself with it, and only after that decide on the issue of subscribing.

Properly selected periodicals, taking into account the wishes of the child, are not only an opportunity to push spiritual and physical development, increase creativity and imaginative thinking, and improve reading and writing skills. This is a great way to make his childhood even more joyful and happy.

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