
  1. Drops or capsules, which supplements to choose?
  2. Vitamins for children - drugs or supplements?
  3. Vitamins for women, which ones to choose?
  4. How to choose
  5. The Best Liquid Vitamins
  6. Liquid vitamins for women

Ranking of the best liquid vitamins for 2022

Ranking of the best liquid vitamins for 2022

Everyone needs vitamins. They are responsible for the immunity of the human body, its general condition and health, as well as for many individual changes that occur in it. In this article, we will talk about the best liquid vitamins.

Drops or capsules, which supplements to choose?

The drugs are available in many varieties:

  • hard tablets;
  • soft capsules;
  • spiral capsules;
  • drops;
  • sprays.

With such a variety, the question arises which form of supplement to choose. In most cases, the choice depends on the individual preferences and habits of the person, but most often they choose tablets and drops. It is undeniable that, despite the many advantages, each of them has certain limitations.

Alternative to capsules and tablets

The issue of taking capsules and tablets becomes relevant when it comes to children. Because, it is they who most often have problems with swallowing sometimes large tablets or capsules. Liquid formulations are a great solution for young children.

In addition, additives in this form can be combined with drinks. They can be added to water, juice or drink. It is convenient for both children and adults, absorbing part of the important active ingredients and substances along with the liquid.

Use of drops

The bioavailability argument is also important. So, for example, vitamin C in drops can be quickly absorbed by the human body, and in the case of taking tablets or capsules, the body first perceives the gelatin shell, and only then “reaches” the active ingredients. Absorption in the case of a liquid form starts faster.

Accurate dosage

Important substances, such as drops for children and adults, have a certain dosage. Thanks to a convenient pipette, you can accurately determine the required dose.In addition, the dosage for toddlers is usually less than for adults, so this form makes it much easier to use.

Composition without additives

And, of course, the most important thing in drops is specific substances, whether they are extracts or minerals. In this form, they make it possible to minimize the use of low-value processing aids (eg adhesives), which are often contained in tablets or capsules. When choosing drugs in drops for children or adults, you need to pay attention to extra additives in them, for example, sweeteners.

What is a capsule?

The capsule is a flexible soft shell. In addition to gelatin, it contains plasticizers. Most often, glycerol is used as a plasticizer in an amount of up to 60%. In addition, dyes, preservatives or fragrances are added. Soft capsules are filled with liquid or paste-like masses. However, the filling of the capsule should not be an aqueous solution, as this may cause the shell to dissolve. Glycerin, is one of the organic chemical compounds from the sugar alcohol group, which consists of three hydroxyl groups responsible for its ability to dissolve in water and hygroscopicity (the ability to absorb moisture and water). It has a sweet aftertaste and is widely known. In the food industry, it is commonly used as a humectant, solvent, or even sweetener, and it is in this form that it most commonly enters our digestive tract.

Glycerin is non-toxic, non-irritating and therefore completely safe for the human body.However, it should be borne in mind that, despite the absence of an established acceptable daily dose, the consumption of glycerol in significant quantities (mainly by athletes) may be associated with the occurrence of side effects (nausea, intestinal discomfort and headaches) that are caused by increased intracranial pressure.

Oral glycerin in the form of a pharmaceutical preparation can have a laxative effect and thus affect the body's hydration status. For this reason, it is not recommended to combine glycerin with other drugs that affect the water and electrolyte balance of the body.

Vitamins for children - drugs or supplements?

A young body requires constant replenishment of vitamin deficiency, which may appear during a period of intensive growth.

As mentioned earlier, there are many preparations available on the market today in the form of soluble capsules, tablets or syrups with a special composition suitable for children of any age.

When choosing a product for children, first of all, you should know the division into medicines and supplements in order to adapt the drug to the needs of the child's body.

Medicines are substances used to treat or prevent disease. They are usually given by prescription, and their dosage and intake are under strict medical supervision.

Vitamins can also be medicines if they have to be taken in much higher doses for medical advice. Often this is how severe beriberi is treated with medication prescribed by a doctor.

Supplements are taken for health purposes, but they complement a properly balanced diet.This group includes preparations for children, the composition of which is specially designed to compensate for the shortcomings that may result from the rapid development of a young organism.

They are safe if used according to the manufacturer's recommendations, without exceeding the recommended doses, and in a balanced diet.

Important! When choosing preparations for children, it is worth paying attention to the fact that they contain a complete set of necessary elements, as is the case with multivitamin preparations.

Vitamin deficiency in children - causes, consequences and prevention

Minerals and vitamins are compounds that are necessary for the proper development and functioning of the body. Their deficiency can cause side effects, which often manifest themselves in a decrease in immunity and the development of diseases caused by a lack of vitamins. A complete deficiency in the selected group is called avitaminosis, while only a partial deficiency is considered hypovitaminosis, the most common in children.

Causes of deficiency include an improperly balanced diet and malabsorption in the digestive tract resulting from certain diseases.

The lack of sufficient vitamins during the development of the child, when the body shows a greater need for nutrients, also leads to hypovitaminosis, which is why additional supplements are so important. The consequences of their deficiency in children give specific symptoms characteristic of an insufficient number of selected compounds, namely:

  • A - dry eyes, skin rash, blurred vision;
  • B - problems with concentration, insomnia, decreased immunity, wounds around the face and mouth, inflammation on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • C - scurvy, skin changes, decreased immunity, increased fatigue, bleeding gums;
  • D - constipation, delayed teething, physical development disorders, rickets, bone weakness, joint pain;
  • E - decreased immunity, apathy, problems with concentration;
  • K - problems with blood clotting and wound healing, bleeding.

Important! Prolonged vitamin deficiency can lead to serious consequences and disorders in the development of the child.

If there are any changes in the child's behavior and worrisome symptoms, a doctor should be consulted to rule out other causes that are not related to a lack of sufficient amounts of vitamins.

The only way to prevent deficiency is through a varied diet rich in easily digestible sources of vitamins and additional supplements appropriate for the child's age and needs.

What vitamins does a child need - their role and needs

A young person, like an adult, needs nutrients. The demand for them changes with age, so in case of a significant deficiency, the dose should be determined by the doctor. Each vitamin group performs many important functions in the body, which is why it is so important to ensure their proper intake.

More about vitamins:

A - Found in the form of retinol and beta-carotene. It boosts overall immunity by preventing infections and inflammation in the body. Effective in the treatment of night blindness and eye diseases. In addition, it has a positive effect on the regeneration of mucous membranes. It should be given to children mainly with food, as its overdose can be hazardous to health. The daily requirement can be covered with a portion of tomato juice or boiled carrots.

B - Compounds from this group are responsible for the proper development of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, they have a positive effect on mood and psyche, facilitating the state of reduced concentration. Children of this group of vitamins are necessary for the proper development of the whole organism, as they are necessary for the proper functioning of the most important organs, such as the heart, brain and lungs. They are involved in many processes in the body, so you need to pay special attention to their correct amount. In addition, the cells of the body are not able to synthesize it on their own, and the only way to provide them is with the right diet and supplements. The daily requirement can be covered with a serving of boiled liver with whole grain bread or a plate of steamed broccoli with grits.

D - Its need in the youngest is much greater than in adults, because it is responsible for the proper absorption of phosphorus and calcium. Responsible for the proper growth of bones and the development of the skeletal system. In addition, it stimulates the bone marrow to produce immune cells and improves the functioning of the nervous system. For children, it should be taken at the doses recommended by the doctor so as not to overdo it. It is synthesized under the influence of sunlight, in addition, it must be consumed in food (for example, in a serving of oily fish).

E - Takes an active part in the proper flow of blood cells, preventing the formation of blood clots and regulating the processes of coagulation and wound healing. In addition, it protects against free radicals, protecting cells from damage. For children, it is necessary for the proper development of the nervous and muscular systems, the improvement of motor and psychophysical skills.The daily requirement can be covered with a portion of oily fish, broccoli or blackcurrant juice.

K - It is mainly responsible for the circulatory system, seals the walls of the veins and prevents their fragility. In addition, it is responsible for the processes of blood coagulation, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. For children, it is especially important because of the still developing vascular system, which requires additional support. The daily requirement for it can be met by spinach and green vegetables.

Although essential vitamins can be obtained from food, additional supplements are worth taking care of in the case of children. But before starting treatment, you need to visit a doctor who will assess the real need and diagnose a vitamin deficiency.

What to look for when buying drugs for a child?

The first step to the right choice should be to check the composition. If a product has a long list of weird-sounding ingredients, colorants, flavor enhancers, or preservatives, it won't be good for a child's health.

Due to the fact that baby supplements are often created in the image of sweets, they should be colorful and tasty. However, the only acceptable options are natural additives that color or add fruity flavors. Only then will the drug be truly beneficial to health.

Another important step in choosing the best supplement for a child is choosing the right form. You should think about how your little one is most likely to eat food and choose this type of supplement. The choice on the market, as previously mentioned, is now huge: from chewing sweets to syrups, effervescent powders, sweets and lollipops.

To choose the right supplement, you should also carefully examine the packaging, not only in terms of its composition, but also the age for which the product is intended. Typically, the manufacturer indicates the age group of users. This is important because at each stage of development, a child needs slightly different ingredients to keep growing healthy.

When deciding to add vitamins, you should choose one drug. Overdose is also dangerous to health, especially in young children. If you are in doubt about which supplement will be the best and provide the most needed ingredients (in case your child needs more than one vitamin), check with your doctor.

Of course, you also need to know which vitamins dissolve best. In order for the baby to absorb vitamins B and C well, it is worth serving it in company with water or foods rich in it, because the above ingredients dissolve in it. On the other hand, vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble elements, so they can be consumed, for example, with food or with some edible oil.

Vitamins for women, which ones to choose?

Both women and men should choose the right vitamins based on their age and needs. However, there are ingredients to pay attention to in terms of gender.

The female body differs from the male, not only in its appearance, but also in its functioning and some processes. Hence the supplements dedicated to the female sex. What ingredients should women look for when choosing supplements and how to make the best choice?

Vitamins affect a large number of processes in the human body. They are necessary for a person to be healthy and function well.They are responsible, among other things, for vision, skin, hair, bones, blood, immunity and the condition of internal organs. Their deficiency is harmful to health.

First of all, women should focus on preparations containing vitamins B and E, because they contribute to a beautiful and well-groomed appearance of hair and nails. Also a desirable ingredient is vitamin A. It is responsible for the health of the skin (both for its favorable appearance and for possible healing). Another important ingredient that should be present in a supplement (especially for pregnant women) is folic acid. It supports not only the health of the mother, but also the child developing in her stomach.

Vitamin D is also needed. During periods of overwork and lack of free time, women often get tired and do not have time to rest. Therefore, it is important to provide the body with some energy. In such a situation, it would be good if vitamin D was included in the supplement.

An important issue when adding individual vitamins is whether they dissolve in fats or in water.

The first group includes: A, D, E and K, and the second group includes B and C. This is important because if the supplement contains one or more vitamins, but dissolves in the same way, then you know which foods are best taken with this a drug so that the vitamins are well absorbed.

Of course, substances to avoid when looking for a good vitamin supplement are all kinds of flavors, colors, and flavor enhancers. They only take up space in the product, while a higher percentage of that health-promoting element may appear instead.

The price of vitamin supplements is different, it all depends on what the product is used for and what its composition is.

Vitamins for beautiful skin and their properties

Our skin is exposed to harmful external factors every day. These include but are not limited to air pollution, air conditioning, UV radiation or frequent contact with various types of detergents. Not surprisingly, without proper care, the skin becomes dry and rough, which leads to discomfort. Like the rest of the body, in order for the skin to be beautiful and healthy, it needs internal nutrition. A special role is played by the presence of vitamins A, E and C in the diet.

They are distinguished by their antioxidant properties, that is, they protect the cells of the body from damage by free radicals. Their deficiency in the female body can cause dry skin and even peeling. Retinol, which is its derivative, accelerates the formation of new skin cells while supporting the removal of damaged ones. Due to this, discoloration or traces of acne rashes disappear from the surface of the epidermis. Retinol is also essential for collagen production, which is why it is often used in anti-wrinkle creams.

It is obtained from animal products such as whole milk, butter, liver, fish oil and oily fish. Plant foods such as carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, green beans, and green vegetables are good sources of provitamin A.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that, like A, protects the cells of the female body from damage caused by free radicals. In addition, vitamin E helps maintain the proper permeability of cell membranes, which helps to moisturize the skin, which becomes smoother and more pleasant to the touch. It is mainly found in oils such as grapeseed or sunflower seeds, cereals, almonds and hazelnuts, and oily fish.

Vitamin C is known for its immune-supporting properties. However, it is worth knowing that it is also well suited for skin care. Ascorbic acid is classified as a strong antioxidant, so like vitamins A and E, it protects the skin from free radicals. It has strong anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties, so it is ideal for fighting acne. It works best when in direct contact with the skin, such as a cream or serum applied to the skin.

When will the effect appear?

Skin care is a long and multi-stage process. Vitamins for beautiful skin will significantly improve its condition when taken regularly. Therefore, it is worth including them in your diet, foods that are the main sources of these substances.

The process of restoration and nourishment of the skin can be supported with the help of cosmetics containing the aforementioned vitamins. Such complex care will make the skin much better in a few weeks.

Healthy, well-groomed skin is a very important element of an attractive appearance. A radiant complexion greatly improves your well-being and boosts your self-confidence. An excellent solution can be vitamins for beautiful skin - vitamins A, E, C, which today can always be found on the shelves of pharmacies and specialized stores.

How to choose

The shelves are stocked with vitamins. But, before buying, be sure to pay attention to their composition and manufacturer.

Choose the best remedy, use it wisely and not for more than a few weeks.

Experts warn against the constant use of multivitamins. You can allow supplements to be taken from time to time when really needed.

Before deciding to buy, carefully read the information on the packaging or annotations. From it you can find out for whom the drug is intended and what are the contraindications.

If a person is a diabetic, then he should give up sugar supplements, and in case of hypertension, give up drugs that contain salt. Allergy sufferers should avoid substances that can cause sensitization, such as soy, yeast, starch, shellac (derived from shellfish).

If a person has problems with the digestive tract, then it is also better to choose syrup or effervescent tablets.

Liquid preparations have the advantage that they are absorbed faster than tablets, so they do not burden the stomach.

Make a choice in favor of the drug in a container made of tinted glass. The fact is that they are sensitive to temperature, light and moisture, therefore, if stored in a plastic box for a long time, they may lose their medicinal properties.

Important! Do not take any additional vitamin or mineral supplements while taking a multivitamin. Typically, multivitamin supplements are formulated to provide 100% of the daily requirement for a given nutrient.

If you see an unfamiliar substance in the description, ask the pharmacist to explain what it is. Some manufacturers, in order to increase the appeal of multivitamins, include various cryptic names of well-known ingredients in the description, exposing patients to drug duplication. Take them with or after meals with water.

Remember! Tea and coffee (alcohol) reduce absorption.

Self-administration of vitamin and mineral preparations can be dangerous. This is especially true for pregnant and lactating women, children and the sick. In this situation, before proceeding to any drug, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The Best Liquid Vitamins

For kids

Now Foods Liquid Vitamin D-3
votes 0

This drug in the form of drops helps maintain bone strength, the drug belongs to a dietary supplement. Contains vitamin D of natural origin, which is even faster and easier absorbed by the child's body.

The form is liquid.

Volume - 400 ml.

The country of origin is the USA.

Price - 690 rubles.

Now Foods Liquid Vitamin D-3
  • volume;
  • convenient form;
  • for kids
  • glass, tinted containers;
  • natural composition;
  • effective;
  • is not a drug;
  • meets quality standards;
  • convenient pipette for dosage;
  • can be added to a drink or juice.
  • no.

votes 0

The drug is in the form of drops. Aqueous solution D3.

The form is liquid.

Volume - 10 ml.

The country of origin is Poland.

Price - 195 rubles.

  • affordable price;
  • small expense;
  • for children from 1 month;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • pleasant aroma.
  • contains alcohol and sugar;
  • can cause allergies;
  • is a drug.

votes 0

Syrup for children for the prevention of diseases associated with the musculoskeletal, circulatory or nervous system. Designed to improve the immunity of the child.

The form is syrup.

Volume - 150 ml.

The country of origin is Slovenia.

Price - 438 rubles.

Pikovit syrup
  • pleasant orange taste, aroma;
  • volume;
  • effective drug;
  • in the composition of retinol;
  • suitable for children from 1 year;
  • can be mixed with tea or juice;
  • it is recommended to take with overwork in children of school age, as well as with increased physical and neuropsychic stress;
  • in the composition of flavors;
  • can cause allergies;
  • is a medicinal product;
  • too sweet.

Barne Tran Omega
votes 0

Fish oil in syrup for children with a pleasant fruity taste and aroma. It is a dietary supplement that has a positive effect on the nervous and immune systems, skin and hair. Suitable for children over the age of three.

The form is syrup.

Volume - 250 ml.

Country of origin - Norway.

Price - 990 rubles.

Barne Tran Omega
  • quality drug;
  • good result;
  • positively affects the immune system of the child;
  • has a general strengthening property;
  • significantly improves the condition of hair and nails;
  • suitable for adults and children;
  • has a positive effect on epithelial tissue;
  • good volume.
  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • high price.

votes 0

Drops for oral administration. Intended for children aged 1.5 years and older, it is recommended as a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of vitamin D3.

Form - drops.

Volume - 10 ml.

The country of origin is Finland.

Price -363 rubles.

  • convenient form;
  • is not a medicine;
  • helps to strengthen the bones, immune and skeletal system of the child;
  • replenish vitamin D deficiency;
  • pleasant aroma and taste.
  • high price;
  • may cause allergies.

votes 0

A drug with a slight aftertaste and aroma, suitable for children over the age of three. It is intended to strengthen the child's immune system, a combined remedy containing a complex of vitamins with a pronounced antioxidant activity.

The form is syrup.

Volume - 20 ml.

Country - producer - Russia.

Price - 304 rubles.

  • excellent source of beta-carotene;
  • combination drug;
  • the active components of the combination are an important part of the enzymatic systems involved in the main metabolic processes;
  • the remedy is necessary for the development of the body, the normal function of the nervous and muscular systems;
  • prevention of hypovitaminosis A, C and E: with increased physical and mental stress;
  • an excellent remedy during the recovery period after diseases, incl. infectious;
  • stimulates the body with unbalanced and malnutrition.
  • no.

Kidz Liquid Calcium
votes 0

Oral syrup, replenishing the deficiency of biologically active substances, recommended for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, an excellent preparation for the formation of bones and teeth. Suitable for children over the age of three, is a dietary supplement.

The form is syrup.

Volume - 10 sticks of 10 ml.

Country of manufacture - Russia.

Price - 298 rubles.

Kidz Liquid Calcium
  • thanks to the liquid form, it benefits the child's body faster;
  • contributes to the formation of bones, hair, teeth, nails;
  • has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action;
  • promotes absorption of calcium in the intestine;
  • activate brain activity;
  • convenient packaging in sticks for one dose;
  • It is convenient to take the drug with you on a trip.
  • according to reviews it has an unpleasant aftertaste;
  • may cause allergies.

Liquid vitamins for women

For skin beauty

votes 0

It is a dietary supplement, distinguished by its tonic, antioxidant and rejuvenating properties.

The form is liquid.

Volume - 59 ml.

The country of origin is the USA.

Price - 1010 rubles.

Solgar drops
  • natural composition;
  • has antioxidant properties;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, protects against drying and peeling;
  • excellent remedy for burns;
  • the composition of the drug does not contain flavoring additives, artificial dyes;
  • can be taken by women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • You can take it with food or your favorite drink.
  • high price;
  • may cause allergies.
  • It is recommended to take at the age of 18 years.

Retinol palmitate
votes 0

Recommended for acne, psoriasis, eczema and other skin problems.

The form is liquid.

Volume - 10 ml.

Country - producer - Russia.

Price - 111 rubles.

Retinol palmitate
  • affordable price;
  • small expense;
  • oily consistency;
  • suitable for the treatment of burns;
  • can be added to hair masks, creams;
  • efficiency;
  • moisturizes.
  • no.

Mirrolla AE vitamin
votes 0

Liquid preparation for oral administration, general tonic. It is a dietary supplement, recommended for the prevention of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, skin problems.

The form is liquid.

Volume - 50 ml.

Country - producer - Russia.

Price - 100 rubles.

Mirrolla AE vitamin
  • low price;
  • efficiency;
  • useful supplement;
  • an excellent additional source of vitamins;
  • tonic;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, protects against drying and peeling;
  • small expense;
  • light fragrance.
  • no.

Hair preparations

votes 0

Tears of joy - drops for the resurrection of hair.

Drops for the resurrection of hair will restore their beauty and shine. Breathe into them the energy of active life.

The preparation contains linseed oil, omega-3 fatty acids, ceramides, volatile silicones, betaine, vitamin cocktail bar.

The form is spray.

Volume - 100 ml.

Price - 331 rubles.

  • convenient form;
  • ease of use;
  • promotes hair restoration, thickens them, nourishes, moisturizes;
  • has antistatic properties;
  • no need to rinse;
  • suitable for brittle and thin hair;
  • containing vegetable oils.
  • no.

NEXXT Salon Treatment Care
votes 0

Vitamin two-phase serum for all types of hair and scalp. The product contains a complex of vitamins A and B, keratin.

Volume - 200 ml.

Form - spray.

NEXXT Salon Treatment Care
  • easy to apply;
  • does not require rinsing;
  • suitable for different types of hair;
  • excellent product for brittle and colored hair;
  • contains natural oils and vitamin complexes;
  • nourishes and moisturizes hair;
  • returns curls elasticity, shine, strengthens them, returns shine and beauty;
  • has a protective function;
  • stimulates growth;
  • restores structural disorders of the hair and activates the regeneration of the scalp and hair;
  • helps to eliminate dryness and peeling;
  • restores damaged structure, prevents hair loss;
  • has an active anti-seborrheic effect.
  • accelerates the renewal of skin cells and is a regulator of the hydrobalance of the scalp and hair.
  • no.

The role of vitamins in the body is invaluable. They are responsible for vision, bone development, blood flow, increased immunity, as well as for the psyche and concentration. In order to properly balance the diet and effectively respond to possible disruptions in the work of any of the areas of our body, it is necessary to adhere to a nutritious nutrition system, and, if necessary, to connect vitamin complexes, including in liquid form.


