Modern reality has literally chained our eyes to the screen: in the office it is a computer monitor, at home it is a TV or all kinds of gadgets, without which we can no longer imagine our vacation. In principle, this is just a tribute to progress, which has become not only a habit, but also a part of our life. Everything would be fine, but even the most modern monitors continue to have a negative impact on the level of vision and eye health in general.
To maintain the health of the eyes of people who spend a long time at a computer monitor, special protective glasses were invented for working at a PC.
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Before we figure out how to choose the right glasses, let's figure out why they are still needed.
Manufacturers of monitors and TVs unanimously convince buyers that the screens of their gadgets are absolutely safe for sight. In general, the way it is. However, the decisive factor in affecting the health of the eyes and the level of vision is not the radiation itself emanating from the screen, but the duration of its exposure. People whose work is extremely closely related to the long-term perception of the image on the monitor, almost all note eye fatigue, dryness in them, impaired clarity when looking at distant objects. All this is related to the following:
Prolonged concentration and work with a high contrast image, whether it be text or graphics, over time leads to rapid eye fatigue, which are in constant tension.
This includes no breaks or very short breaks, improper lighting and monitor placement, and reduced blinking. All this causes excessive tension in the muscles of the eyes, and later can cause dry eye syndrome. It manifests itself in a burning sensation, a sensation of having a foreign body in the eye (“sand”), dryness, or, conversely, increased lacrimation. These symptoms, if ignored for a long time, can lead to irreversible changes and require medical treatment.
According to the norms, the monitor should be located at a distance of at least 60 cm. However, in the process of work, almost everyone unconsciously moves closer to it. Due to this, computer vision syndrome can develop. It manifests itself in violation of the mobility of the lens. Its essence lies in the difficulty of focusing when looking at a distant object. Also, its symptoms include temporary clouding, photosensitivity, and the appearance of flies.
As you can see, many vision problems can be avoided by following all the rules, taking timely breaks and doing exercises for the eyes. But this is an idealized version that almost no one can translate into reality. Most, whose work is directly related to sitting at the monitor, do not even follow half the rules. It is for them that PC goggles will be a real salvation.
Special PC glasses do the following:
As you can see, goggles can make your PC and gadget time more comfortable for more hours without ill effects on your eye health. To choose high-quality glasses, you need to know the following about them:
They can be made of glass or polymer. The former are more resistant to mechanical damage, scratches, block UV radiation, and more accurately transmit diopters. However, they are heavier and may break. Polymer durable, lightweight, can be of various shapes.Of the minuses - the inaccuracy of diopter adjustment and incomplete UV protection.
According to the structure, monofocal, bifocal and progressive are distinguished.
Monofocal lenses are designed for people without visual impairments (nearsightedness, farsightedness, etc.).
Bifocals have 2 clearly visible zones: the upper one is for looking at the PC screen, the lower one is for working with text and other objects outside the monitor. Designed for people with presbyopia (impaired vision at close range) and are selected by a specialist.
Progressive - the most complex and expensive. They allow you to work on a PC, and without taking off your glasses you can see well distant objects and nearby objects. Designed for people who have vision problems and are selected only by an ophthalmologist.
Glass lenses can only have an anti-reflective coating. For polymer products, the choice is much larger:
In addition to these types of coatings, some manufacturers offer lenses that increase contrast or improve color reproduction. In addition, there is also a multifunctional coating that combines several of the above characteristics.
It can be made of plastic, metal, or combinations thereof. This characteristic does not affect image quality, but may affect comfort.So, if you have lenses with large diopters, then it is better to put them in a plastic frame, because. it will reduce the overall weight of the product and will hold them more securely.
As for the design, it can be rimmed, semi-rimmed and rimless. The first is the most reliable, suitable for polymer and glass lenses. The second and third can only be used for plastic and, moreover, with or without small diopters.
So, if you are an office worker, IT professional, or gamer, then the following list of the best PC glasses is for you.
Model with a metal rim construction and polymer glasses. The frame is lightweight and simple. nose pads are adjustable. Rectangular lenses with a width of 50 mm and a height of 33 mm give a good view. They are made of durable plastic and equipped with a UV filter and anti-glare coating, which make even a long time spent at the monitor comfortable for the eyes.
Cost: from 990 rubles.
A classic Turok Steinhard headband. Ergonomic frame made of black plastic. The design suits almost everyone.Design features include adjustable nose pads. Monofocal lenses are rectangular in shape and made of polymer. They have a slight yellow tint that neutralizes the blue part of the emission spectrum of various screens, fluorescent lamps. Partially neutralizes ultraviolet radiation.
Cost: from 1390 rubles.
Protective glasses from Xiaomi with a plastic frame and polymer lenses. It has a modular design - the temples and nose pad are removable. the package includes 2 options for the arms - classic (smooth and glossy) and sports (more flexible, rubberized for a snug fit on the head). In addition, the manufacturer has provided 2 sizes of nose pads - more and less. The lenses are made of high quality plastic and have a slight yellow tint.
Cost: from 3490 rubles.
Graceful rim model from GUNNAR. The frame is made of metal and plastic. The special design design makes it almost invisible and suitable for both sexes. Lenses are made of polymer diAMIX. Their special curved shape provides the most natural focus, which, in turn, prevents the appearance of fatigue, dryness, and excessive tension in the eye muscles. The yellow tint of the glasses reduces the harmful effects of radiation from gadget monitors and bright fluorescent lamps. In addition, they are equipped with an anti-reflective and protective layer.
Cost: from 4290 rubles.
The model is executed in a strict style. The semi-rimmed frame is made of metal combined with plastic temple tips. Lenses made of optical polycarbonate yellowish. They have 2 coatings: anti-reflective and UV filter.
Cost: from 1290 rubles.
Stylish and at the same time classic model with semi-rimless design from GUNNAR. The frame is made of aluminum and magnesium alloy, which ensures its strength and lightness at the same time. Adjustable nose pads ensure a good fit, even for Asian faces. Lenses are made of the material patented by the company. Coatings on them not only cut off the harmful blue spectrum, but also completely protect against ultraviolet radiation. In addition, there is an anti-reflective and protective layer.
Cost: from 5720 rubles.
Elegant model in light grey. The rimless frame is made of titanium, which ensures its strength and extraordinary lightness. The rimless design makes the goggles virtually invisible on the face. Great for men and women. Lenses are made of optical polycarbonate. They are equipped with an amber filter that protects the eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and blue spectrum rays. All this reduces the load on vision - the eyes get tired less, the burning sensation and pain disappear, the feeling of sand.
Cost: from 2590 rubles.
Modern, stylish and bright rimless model from Arozzi. The frame is made of stainless steel and plastic. There are several color options. Lenses made of special plastic are equipped with a tinted and UV filter. In total, they block blue spectrum waves (almost 50%) and almost completely ultraviolet radiation. The special glass processing adapts the image quality depending on the degree of illumination of the room.
Cost: from 4790 rubles.
Glasses with durable rim construction. Frame made of reliable and impact-resistant plastic has several color options: black, pink, purple, red. Lenses are made of optical polymer and equipped with a protective and tinted coating, as well as a UV filter. They have a soft yellow tint.
Cost: from 1390 rubles.
Children's glasses for work, or rather games, on PC and other gadgets from Turok Steinhardt. The frame is plastic rim, which ensures its strength and reliability when worn. Light yellow lenses are made of a special polymer that cuts off 50% of the blue spectrum and ultraviolet radiation.
Cost: from 1900 rubles.
As you can see, properly selected safety glasses will make the time spent in front of a computer monitor or other gadget safe for your eyesight. It is important to take the choice of glasses seriously and before buying, consult a specialist at the time of the presence or absence of visual defects.