
  1. Design features
  2. Rating of quality mechanical pole cutters
  3. Rating of the best electric pole cutters
  4. The best petrol pole cutters
  5. Rating of the best cordless pole saws
  6. Conclusion

Rating of the best high cutters for 2022

Rating of the best high cutters for 2022

To date, there are many different garden tools, without which it is difficult to do at their summer cottage. Among them, a special place is occupied by a pruner-brush cutter, which eliminates the need to call expensive specialists at home. It is used not only by amateur gardeners, but also by professional gardeners to maintain plantings in the proper form. The pole cutter is a tool that is used to remove branches and branches from shrubs and trees, thereby making it possible to improve the vegetation and give it the intended shape. In this case, no additional lifting equipment is required.

The pole pruner helps to carry out planned and sanitary pruning of trees and care for ornamental vegetation on the territory of a private house. It is used not only for working with tall trees. What is the best tool to buy, and what should you pay attention to when choosing garden equipment?

Design features

This type of garden tools can be attributed to a special type of saw for special purposes. The design features are such that it looks like a lawn mower and a trimmer. The difference lies in the presence of a telescopic handle and a cutting set. When unfolded, the size of the structure can reach three meters. The efficiency of the tool will depend on the characteristics that the cutting element has. An important aspect is considered to be the power of the engine used, which is equipped with a pole cutter.

Areas of use:

  • To form the crown of trees.
  • To maintain a beautiful view of the garden.
  • For removing dry branches.
  • To form a green hedge.

It should be noted that the cutting element is assembled from a chain and a fixed type bar, which must be made of high-quality and durable material. It is she who will move, allowing you to use the garden tool for its intended purpose.


An indispensable assistant for every self-respecting gardener.However, before you purchase such equipment, you should understand the main types of such tools. There are four types:

  • mechanical;
  • gasoline;
  • rechargeable;
  • electrical.

In order not to make common mistakes when choosing, you should understand their differences and purposes.


Also referred to as loppers. Equipped with a power mechanism that resembles garden shears. A feature is the presence of a very long handle, often made of durable aluminum. The created shoulder will significantly increase the force that a person will apply to cut. This design is considered the simplest and it is preferred by amateur gardeners.


Most models are equipped with gasoline engines. It is this selection criterion that is considered the main one, since it makes such devices the most powerful of the available types. We are talking about a high-performance internal combustion engine, which is equipped with pole cutters. The working resource of products is high. Given the use of the latest engines, which are often equipped with units, there are several categories based on such criteria:

  1. Insignificant fuel consumption.
  2. The compactness of the device.
  3. Dimensions and weight of the product folded and unfolded.
  4. Balancing adjustment.
  5. Noise that the device emits during operation.
  6. Performance.

With the help of such an assistant, you can quickly and effortlessly put in order the appearance of the plantations. It should be noted that no excessive efforts will have to be applied.


Cedi popular models can be found units that are equipped with batteries. They are characterized by excellent mobility, compared with electrical devices.The telescopic handle will allow you to cut branches located at any height, and the presence of a built-in battery will allow you to work at a respectful distance from home. The principle of operation of the main device is similar to batteries (batteries for cars). After a short charging through the socket, the pole saw is ready to work. The main advantage is remoteness, because with such a device you can work for several hours, without access to the network.

It should be noted that for normal operation, the device will have to be connected to the network from time to time, depending on the technical characteristics, since the duration of operation without recharging will depend on the capacity of the built-in battery. However, the more powerful the battery, the more the structure will weigh.


Electric cutters are powerful tools. There are several types, but they are all powered by an electric motor. It copes with the indicated functions completely. The device is powered by a 220 V network. The brainchild of the best manufacturers will cost a large amount, since they cost more than mechanical counterparts. However, the cost is more than justified, since its effectiveness is many times higher. In order for the unit to work, it must be connected to the network using the supplied cable.

The tool does not require additional adjustment and maintenance. However, among the shortcomings, it should be noted the need to locate an outlet nearby, which, in the presence of a garden on a site remote from home, can become a problem. Such a device is not considered mobile. You will need an extension cord to work on the site.

Rating of quality mechanical pole cutters

Fiskars 136525

Budget model for summer residents and gardeners.Lopper to be used in conjunction with a cutting from the same manufacturer. Before choosing such a tool, it should be noted the insignificant weight of the structure, which will be 570 g. The length of the nozzle is 40 cm, in addition, the model is equipped with the PowerReel mechanism, which will increase efforts by 10 times. For the manufacture of the edge, a high-quality alloy is used, which allows you to do without sharpening the tool for a long time.

It should be noted the unique approach of one of the best manufacturing companies. In the online store you can purchase a model equipped with a special cord that allows remote control.

An initial review showed the movement to work flawlessly. No seizures were found. Installation on the handle is fast, however, it is not possible to work in the garden without it. How much does the kit cost? About 3000 rubles.

Fiskars 136525
  • acceptable price;
  • light weight of the hand tool;
  • build quality;
  • efficient mechanism.
  • there is no stem included.

Raco 4218-53/402С

An inexpensive device attracts, first of all, the price. The length is fixed and is 161 cm. Thus, it is possible to work with branches that are located at a height of up to 3.5 m. However, the thickness of the cut elements should not exceed 3.2 cm. The cutting head is adjusted within 230 °. Recommended for use by homeowners and gardeners. It is used in the processing of shrubs, fruit trees and hedges. It should be noted the low weight of the structure, which will be 1260 g. The kit also includes sharp blades and aluminum handles. The ratchet mechanism is powerful enough to cut branches up to 3.5 cm in diameter.If you have to deal with a large amount of work, then the swivel head mount can fail. The upper part of the handle can wedge.

The average price for a set is 3500 rubles.

Raco 4218-53/402С
  • price;
  • high-quality ratchet mechanism;
  • comfortable overlays on the handles;
  • cutting ability.
  • the top handle can wedge;
  • fragility of the swivel head.

Fiskars PowerGear UPX86

One of the best models on the market. The permissible cutting height is 6 m. The cutting head has been improved. The fastening to the bar is reliable. The functionality of the device is amazing. The rotation angle is 230°. The applied power mechanism allows to increase efforts by 12 times due to the PowerGear mechanism. The rod is universal, made of aluminum and allows you to adjust the height of the rod in the range of 2.3-4 m. The curved blades have a protective coating, due to which sharpening of the cutting element will not be required for several years. Based on numerous reviews, the manufacturer took care of the rod blocker. For greater ease of use, the handles are equipped with holders made of non-slip material. The cut quality is excellent. The device is comfortable to use. Sharpeners are very durable.

The price of the model is 8100 rubles. (discount is given to customers who ordered the pole pruner online).

Fiskars PowerGear UPX86
  • sharp cutting elements;
  • handles are covered with non-slip material;
  • high-quality power mechanism;
  • telescopic handles made of aluminium.
  • price.

Gardena 12001

The universal hand-held device is a modern equipment that is filled with many useful functions. Equipped with a power mechanism, which greatly facilitates the cutting of vegetation.Experts advise to purchase this particular model, largely due to the convenience of its use. Equipped with comfortable handles made of aluminum, blade holder and proprietary sharpening. The cutting level is adjustable up to 200°, so multidirectional branches can be cut.

A characteristic feature is the ability to adjust the length of the handle, which allows you to work with knots at a height of 6.5 m. The thickness of the branch should not exceed 3.5 cm. The weight of the device is 1900 g, however, this does not affect functionality.

Price: 7 thousand rubles.

Gardena 12001
  • Ease of use;
  • cutting level is adjustable;
  • telescopic handles made of aluminum;
  • power mechanism.
  • not identified.

Rating of the best electric pole cutters

Black&Decker PS7525

An electrical device from an English manufacturer. It is based on the use of an electric motor that runs on the network. Unit power - 800 watts. Quite productive and fast pole cutter. The rod is made from high strength aluminium. The layout is carried out from 2 to 2.5 m. The head is adjustable at any angle. The fixation is quite solid. The width is convenient - 25 cm. Wrenches are used to tension the chain. The weight of the device is 3800 g. For greater ease of use, there is a shoulder strap. The power button is on the handle. In the same area is a rubber pad.

Price - 9 thousand rubles.

Black&Decker PS7525
  • the chain is lubricated automatically;
  • two-year manufacturer's warranty;
  • comfortable handle with anti-vibration pad;
  • shoulder strap included;
  • the cutting element is adjustable at different angles.
  • price.


The brand specializes in the manufacture of garden equipment, so their electric pole pruner is rightfully in great demand. The telescopic handle allows you to expand the tool up to 2.8 m. The weight of the product is 3.1 kg, and the length of the bar is 30 cm, the angle of inclination of the cutting element is 40 °. A special wrench will be needed to adjust the chain tension. The clamping cover is screwed on with several bolts. The handle is equipped with a rubberized insert, so the tool will not slip out of the palm of your hand during operation.

Price: 11 thousand rubles.

  • motor power 750 W - economical and powerful;
  • minimum consumption of electrical energy;
  • Tire angle 40°;
  • an automatic oil pump is installed, which lubricates the tire in automatic mode;
  • unit weight 3.1 kg;
  • durable and comfortable rod (telescopic), unfolds up to 2.8 m.
  • difficult to find in a regular store (rare model).

Vitals Master EA7125s

High-quality pole cutter from a popular Latvian concern. The main advantage is considered to be a high indicator of reliability and the length of the rod, which, when unfolded, reaches 3200 cm. The weight of the model is 4000 g. Perhaps this is the best model on the domestic market, based on indicators such as quality and height. The upper part of the tire changes the angle of inclination from 0° to 30°. In addition, the manufacturer took care of the possibility of fixing the main element in the three most convenient positions for the user. Consumables of the same brand are used.

This model is in demand among gardeners who are happy owners of large plantations in which trees of different types grow.It comes with a shoulder strap that distributes the weight of the tool evenly. This aspect is extremely important if long-term work in the garden is planned.

Cost: 6900 rubles.

Vitals Master EA7125s
  • low noise and vibration;
  • the bar is made of fiberglass (an innovative development from the same brand);
  • automatic oil lubrication;
  • a set of wrenches is used to tension the chain;
  • the ability to adjust the angle of the cut;
  • long telescopic handle.
  • There are no rubber pads on the handles.

Iron Angel EHS 800

Model from a time-tested Dutch brand. Among the indisputable advantages, it should be noted that the pole cutter can turn into a full-fledged electric saw. Engine power 800 W, so the cut of thick branches will be carried out without visible effort. The permissible length of the rod is 2.5 m, which is not the largest indicator among the models listed in the rating. However, according to the producers, this mark is more than enough to serve the orchard. The combined type model allows you to do more work in less time.

Tire dimensions - 250 mm. The Oregon company is considered the manufacturer, which already indicates the presence of a high-quality cutting element and consumables.

Cost: 8400 rubles.

Iron Angel EHS 800
  • acceptable cost;
  • build quality;
  • use of high quality materials;
  • branded chain from a well-known brand;
  • chain lubrication occurs automatically;
  • telescopic rod up to 2.5 m high;
  • the model belongs to the category of transformers (a full-fledged saw and a pole cutter in one tool).
  • not the longest rod.

The best petrol pole cutters

Husqvarna 327PT5S

The brainchild of one of the famous Swedish brands. The design is based on a 1.2 hp two-stroke engine. Due to this, the emission of hazardous waste into the environment during its operation was significantly reduced. Also, the model is economical. The noise figure is 105 dB, which is lower than similar devices. The volume of the fuel tank is 1.5 liters, which guarantees 1.5-2 hours of continuous operation without the need for refueling. Layout up to 4 meters is allowed, which allows you to work with trees of almost any height.

Tire diameter 25 cm. The element is equipped with a keyless chain tensioner. The saw is made of high strength steel while the shaft is made of aluminium. Very productive, and besides, autonomous garden equipment can be used not only by private traders, but also by public utilities to work in squares and parks.

Cost: 46,000 rubles.

Husqvarna 327PT5
  • quick replacement of candles;
  • no auxiliary devices are required to adjust the chains;
  • fast switching on due to primer pumping;
  • long rod;
  • powerful, practical and reliable motor.
  • in the process of corner trimming, discomfort is felt due to the handle in the form of a bracket.

Maruyama PP2430

The model is equipped with a two-stroke gasoline engine. The assembly is made in Japan, which indicates the high quality of the product. The width of the cutting element is 250 mm. An economical garden helper, which is equipped with a booster pump responsible for fuel injection. Thus, the launch is carried out without delay.The device is equipped with the latest anti-vibration system, which minimizes vibrations that occur during operation. The load on the hands of a person will be minimal. The cutting element is made by the Oregon brand. The telescopic pole is made of durable aluminum and can be extended up to 2.15 m, which is considered average.

Price: 50 thousand rubles.

Maruyama PP2430
  • autonomy of work;
  • lightweight and durable aluminum alloy (rod);
  • a built-in primer is used for quick start;
  • equipment from a well-known brand;
  • economical and at the same time powerful Japanese engine.
  • working height.


Compared to other devices listed in the rating, the cost of the unit is quite high. This is due to the fact that the device belongs to the category of professional petrol high cutters. It has a significant weight and in the process of operation produces a certain amount of exhaust. At the same time, it is suitable for performing work of any complexity and is characterized by excellent autonomy. It is used for work in forest parks and park areas by public utilities and private enterprises. It should be noted the presence of a high motor resource and excellent wear resistance of key structural elements. ECHO is a well-known global brand originally from Japan, which already speaks of the high quality of the product.

The rod has a length of 4 meters, in addition, the model is equipped with a cutting element 30 cm long. The chain and bar are branded, which makes their quality higher compared to other manufacturers. Includes anti-vibration system and shoulder strap. Unit weight - 8 kg. Suitable for long-term work and refining an old garden.

Price: 53 thousand rubles.

  • for more comfortable control of the device, a handle made in the form of a loop is used;
  • the length of the cutting element is comparable to the dimensions of the blades located in chain saws;
  • a large amount of work in a short time;
  • the primer is responsible for fuel injection and quick start;
  • ability to work for 8 hours (full-time work);
  • powerful engine;
  • quality assembly.
  • the weight;
  • price.

Rating of the best cordless pole saws

Stiga SMT500AE

An excellent sample from the eminent Swedish concern. The 45 V battery guarantees high power and performance of the selected model. The manufacturer is confident that the device can work with plantings of any type. The handle is made of aluminum and can reach a mark of 2.95 m. The tire size is 250 mm, which is considered the standard value. However, for battery-type garden equipment, this indicator indicates the possibility of a sufficient cutting height. The people have a second nozzle (brush cutter), which will allow you to take care of not only tall trees, but also bushes.

The cutting angle of the available nozzles can be adjusted. The unit can work without recharging for 40 minutes due to a capacious 48 V battery. As a significant flaw, it should be noted that the manufacturer did not take care of providing a charger and battery, which will need to be purchased separately.

The cost of the frame itself is 12,000 rubles.

Stiga SMT500AE
  • the manufacturer provides a 5-year warranty;
  • weight 6.3 kg;
  • two nozzles included;
  • adjustable telescopic rod;
  • 40 minutes of work without recharging;
  • A powerful 48 V battery that allows you to cope with work of any type and complexity.
  • the kit does not include a battery and charger, which contributes to additional (unexpected) costs.

Yato YT-82836

An excellent choice for those who seek to get a quality device at an affordable price. An autonomous pole saw will make you forget about the difficulties that could arise when working with gasoline counterparts. There is also no need for an extension cord, carriers or ladders. The kit includes an 18V battery and a fast charger. If necessary, you can purchase a spare battery at the same time as the device. The tire has a diameter of 20 cm.

Trying to install a stronger snap should not be, as this is fraught with overload for the engine.

The chain has a rotation speed of 5 m/s. The handle is made of durable aluminum and belongs to the telescopic category. Can be unfolded up to 2.8 m.

Price: 15200 rubles.

Yato YT-82836
  • compactness (folds and unfolds within a few minutes);
  • ease of use (handles are equipped with rubberized inserts);
  • oil is supplied to the chain automatically;
  • chain rotation speed - 5m / s;
  • 2 Ah battery allows you to work at a considerable distance from home.
  • the upper element is fixed, turns and inclinations are not provided.

Einhell GE-LC 18 LI T-Solo (3410810)

A product from a well-known German concern, which is considered one of the best manufacturers of such equipment today. The saw is equipped with a battery that fits any series of this brand.If you have a "universal" battery, you can use it in any device designed for construction and repair. This is fraught with significant savings in the future. The tire has compact dimensions - 20 cm. Thus, the load on the used battery was reduced, which had a positive effect on the performance indicator.

The cutting mechanism can be rotated by 90° and fixed in seven most convenient positions. Telescopic rod extends up to 2.8 m.

Price: 9700 rubles.

Einhell GE-LC 18 LI T-Solo (3410810)
  • the boom is made of durable aluminum and is equipped with two handles and an auxiliary start button;
  • ease of grip;
  • the ability to adjust the angle of inclination of the cutting element (up to 90 °);
  • seven fixed positions;
  • build quality;
  • a line of devices that uses a universal type battery;
  • high autonomy due to the lithium-ion battery.
  • chain rotation speed.


The pole cutter is an indispensable assistant for those people who are the happy owners of a summer cottage or a private house. With it, you can easily remove diseased and dried branches, clean up the garden or form a beautiful crown. In order for the site to look clean, healthy and well-groomed, regular sanitary pruning will be required. A hacksaw will allow you to cope only with low-lying knots, while for branches that are located at the top, you will need a high-quality pole cutter.

An electric saw may also not be suitable when it comes to shaping the crown. For such devices, a person will need a ladder or stepladder, which makes such activities dangerous.It is more convenient to work with dense vegetation if you have a long pole cutter, which will allow you to perform the necessary manipulations quickly and without visible effort. It is much better to stand firmly on the ground and not think about the fact that the stairs can tilt sharply. Garden maintenance requires a durable and high-quality pole pruner.

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