
  1. How to choose a university?
  2. Tips for an applicant
  3. Ranking of the best universities in St. Petersburg in 2022

Ranking of the best universities in St. Petersburg in 2022

Ranking of the best universities in St. Petersburg in 2022

The ranking of universities in St. Petersburg was compiled on such criteria as the number of students enrolled, the age of the university, the average USE score for admission, the place in the main ranking of the Russian Federation, forms of education, specialties. The material and technical bases, the presence of their own hostel, the number of free places and the military department were also evaluated. In addition, to compile the rating, the reviews of students and graduates were studied, with the help of them, the advantages and disadvantages of all educational institutions were determined.

How to choose a university?

Choosing a future profession is a matter of life. Different universities offer students the same specialties, but with a completely different approach. Therefore, it is important to study in advance those institutions where training can take place. Especially if the calculation is for high USE scores and high competitiveness.

The main advantage of modern students is the ability to send USE results to several universities at once. But at the same time, this leads to some confusion and ignorance of what to do. We offer an algorithm by which you can do:

  1. Decide on a list of universities where there is a desired specialty.
  2. Identify evaluation criteria. This may be the location, the number of people per place, the availability of a hostel, the price of a paid form of education, a passing score, etc.
  3. For each criterion, determine the rating scale.
  4. Evaluate each university on its own scale and calculate the final scores.
  5. You need to apply to educational institutions that have collected a large number of points.

Tips for an applicant

  • Remember the deadlines for submitting documents to selected universities. They may not match.
  • Determine the submission form. Today, this can be done in person, electronically, or by registered mail.Please note that not all universities practice accepting documents in electronic form. To do everything in person, you need to clarify the opening hours of the reception work. There is no need to postpone everything until the last day, in some cases this procedure may be delayed.
  • If the chosen university is located in another city, it is worth checking the availability of vacant places in the hostel. If they are not, you need to worry about the place of residence.
  • It is best to choose state universities with a long history. This guarantees the quality of education.
  • Read the student forums to get a feel for the atmosphere among university students. So you can learn about the attitude of teachers and administration to their wards;
  • For young men, the military department is a weighty argument.

Often, prospective students are faced with a choice between a public and a private university. The main disadvantage of private is only paid education. However, there is a trend that the number of free places in state educational institutions is decreasing. The competition for one place is sometimes huge, and not everyone can hope to enter a state university.

Employers are not very fond of diplomas from private universities. Since these institutions are still quite young and have not earned their due reputation in the labor market. Nevertheless, private universities pay special attention to the study of languages ​​and are famous for internships in native countries. Therefore, if the amount of tuition is the same as at a state university, then you can safely choose a private university.

Ranking of the best universities in St. Petersburg in 2022

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU)

A multifunctional university that celebrated its 120th anniversary this year.Since 2010, it has become a national research center, which provides great resources and guarantees for quality teaching, for research in various scientific disciplines. It is a partner of many popular educational institutions of the world. 24,627 students study at SPbPU every year. The average USE score for admission is 230. There is only a full-time form of education.

Rank in the Russian Federation (rating): 14th (548 points).

Specializes in 65 specialties. Hostel: yes. Military department: yes. Budget places: 2679.

  • professional teaching staff;
  • quality education;
  • modern technical equipment of classrooms;
  • strong material base.
  • some hulls require repair;
  • great competition for admission;
  • complex curriculum.

St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (SPbNRU ITMO)

The main focus is information technology and photonics. Among the first to become a Russian research center (in 2009). It includes more than twenty departments, where students are trained in 31 specialties. Number of students receiving a profession: 13890. In 2022, the educational institution turned 119 years old. For admission, you need to score 254 points in the exam. There is a hostel and a military department.

Rank in the Russian Federation (rating): 18th (539 points).

Forms of education: full-time only.

Budget places: 1117.

  • relative cheap cost at a paid branch;
  • institution marketing;
  • interesting subjects in individual faculties.
  • blurred presentation of information;
  • old curricula and methods.

Saint Petersburg State University (SPbGU)

The university, founded by Peter I, is the first higher educational institution in the Russian Federation.This is the most "adult" university, since it has already celebrated its 290th anniversary, or rather 295 years. Outstanding people from various fields of activity studied and worked here. For example, Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Putin, Nicholas Roerich, Alexander Blok, Pyotr Stolypin, Ivan Turgenev, Dmitry Mendeleev, Leonid Kantorovich and others.

21817 students are studying. To enter, you need to get at least 130 points in the exam. You can get a profession in person, in absentia and in the evening form.

Rank in the Russian Federation (rating): 2nd place (616 points). There is a hostel and a military department. Budget places: 1944.

  • Opportunity for career development and study abroad;
  • quality education;
  • providing a hostel;
  • the availability of an online filing service;
  • good teaching staff;
  • upon completion, an international diploma is issued.
  • complex training programs;
  • high price per semester in a paid department;
  • unpromising specializations;
  • no guarantee of employment.

St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" named after V.I. Ulyanova (SPbGETU LETI)

The university began its history at the beginning of the 19th century (133 years). This is the first educational institution in the Russian Federation, which specialized in electrical engineering. More than 7,000 students study here every year. There are all forms of education: full-time, part-time and evening. The average score for admission is 230.

Rank in the Russian Federation (rating): 19th (539 points).

Hostel: available.

Military department: yes.

Budget places: 1636.

  • strong material base;
  • a large number of areas studied;
  • Teaching Staff;
  • technical direction.
  • the quality of education has fallen in recent years;
  • Difficulty finding employment after graduation
  • outdated equipment in many buildings.

St. Petersburg Mining University (SPGU)

One of the strongest educational institutions in mining, which recently turned 246 years old. It is the very first technical university in the country. The university trains students to work in mining and metallurgical and oil and gas complexes, geological surveys, industrial and civil construction. SPGU is actively researching the problems of developing Russia's raw materials base, rational environmental management, and developing progressive energy-saving technologies for the extraction and processing of minerals. The number of students is 12280. You need to get 171 points in the Unified State Examination in order to enter. There is only full-time education.

Rank in the Russian Federation (rating): 28th (524 points).

Hostel: yes.

Military department: yes.

Budget places: no data.

  • mineralogical and paleontological museum;
  • convenient location;
  • high level of material and technological equipment.
  • it is difficult to find a job after receiving a diploma;
  • unclaimed specialties.

St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design (SPbGUPTD)

In April 1930, the USSR authorities issued a decree on the formation of a textile institute in Leningrad. Today it is already a budgetary educational institution of the federal level. The founder is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

SPbGUPTD is an educational institution of a universal profile. In addition to free training, paid training is also provided (under the contract). Education comes in all forms. Number of students: 10914. Age: 190 years. Average USE score for admission: 165. There is a hostel and a military department. There is no publicly available data on the number of budget places. It consists of two schools, eighteen institutes, two colleges, eight small faculties.It trains specialists in design, technical, humanitarian, economic and educational profiles.

Rank in the Russian Federation (rating): 37th (578).

  • classrooms equipped with the latest computer technologies;
  • competent teaching staff;
  • tasty food in the dining room.
  • the buildings of the buildings are in need of repair for a long time;
  • few practical exercises;
  • Lots of bad attitude towards students.

First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlova (PSPbGMU)

It begins its existence in the autumn of 1897 as the Women's Medical Institute (today it is already 122). Then it was the only university on the territory of modern Russia and Europe, where women could receive medical education on an equal basis with men. This is a unique university in the city, as it has a polyclinic in its structure. Number of students studying to be a doctor: 5180. To enter, you need to get a high USE score: 250 or more. They teach only face-to-face. On the correspondence form there is only one specialty: physical culture of the adaptive direction.

Rank in the Russian Federation (rating): 57th (492).

Specialties of the university: dentistry, pediatrics, clinical psychology, nursing, adaptive physical culture, all areas of medical practice.

There is a hostel and a military department.

Number of budget places: no data.

  • prestige of the future profession;
  • practical orientation;
  • professional teaching staff.
  • many subjects are aimed at self-study;
  • difficult to do;
  • large amounts of information.

St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI)

Uses the latest technologies and methods of organizing the educational process. This is a well-known scientific center, the status of which is recognized in Russia and abroad. Here you can get the profession of an engineer, programmer, economist, accountant and other specialties. There are opportunities for retraining and professional development. In 2022, it turned 78 years old. About 12,000 students receive their specialty here. Average score: 205. Absolutely all forms of education are practiced. There are also refresher courses.

The university has a hostel for students, graduate students and undergraduates, and there is also a military department.

Budget places: 1381.

  • convenient location of all buildings and hostels;
  • active trade union committee;
  • training programs that meet international standards;
  • a lot of practice;
  • affordable price at a paid branch;
  • easy learning.
  • there are incompetent and disinterested teachers;
  • frequent change of faculty names;
  • Difficulty finding work in some areas.

St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation (SPbGU GA)

A university that specializes in civil aviation. Consists of five branches, two representations, three institutes, six faculties. It has over 7,000 students. This year the university celebrated its 65th anniversary. To enroll, you need to score at least 166 points in the exam, and preferably more. At St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, you can study full-time or part-time (not all specialties). There is a hostel. Average USE score: 166.

Rank in the Russian Federation (rating): 63rd (486).

The university graduates lawyers, economists, managers, pilots, ground transport mechanics, service specialists, guides and flight attendants, public relations, information and librarianship, technosphere safety and environmental management.

Military department: without exception, all male students of the university are registered with the military.

Budget places: no data.

  • demanded specialties;
  • aviation museum;
  • interesting subjects in the profile of the specialty.
  • big competition;
  • the appearance of the building;
  • the level of teaching has fallen;
  • difficult to reach by public transport.

Petersburg State University of Communications of Emperor Alexander I (PGUPS)

At the beginning of the 19th century, Emperor Alexander I issued a manifesto on the founding of the first higher educational institution specializing in transport. The first rector, Augustine Betancourt, was the most famous mechanic of his day. There are many well-known engineers and mechanics, heads of construction transport and other enterprises among the graduates.

Today the Transport University is already 210 years old. At the same time, more than 11,000 students study there. For admission, you need to score more than 70 points in the exam. There is a hostel and a military department. Education comes in all forms.

Rank in the Russian Federation (rating): 74th (480).

The university teaches in 34 specialties.

  • you can go to work from the third year;
  • all buildings next to each other;
  • professional teaching and administrative staff;
  • students receive financial assistance.
  • the curriculum lags behind modern realities;
  • secondary education;
  • classrooms are cramped for a large number of students;
  • in some specialties there are no state-funded places.

The quality of the education received largely depends on the chosen university and its pluses and minuses. But it is important to remember that a lot depends on the students and their desire to learn. Choose a profession to which the soul lies, and then study will only be a joy.

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